
The page numbers in this index relate to the printed version of this book; they do not match the pages of your ebook. You can use your ebook reader’s search tool to find a specific word or passage.

Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations

Achilles xxi, 20, 29, 49, 64, 100, 147, 198, 226

and Agamemnon 17, 150–2, 179, 188, 191

armour 173

beauty 136–7

Briseis stolen from 149–50, 151, 189

capture of Hecamede 66

formulaic phrases 74, 75

in Hades 125–7

hands 138

and Hector’s death 138, 203–7

and horses 161, 176

isolation 142, 149–50

northern background 48, 117, 144, 148–52, 170

and Patroclus’s death 17–18, 30, 33, 60, 142, 149, 160, 167, 199–202

shield 136, 183

songs 139

Addison, Joseph 17

Aegean Sea 61, 65, 161, 192, 216, 218

Aegisthus 75

Aeneas 161, 172

Aeschylus, Oresteia 214

Aesop 49

Afghanistan 102, 115, 157, 194, 195

Agamemnon 48, 75, 99, 147, 148, 167, 171

and Achilles 17, 150–2, 179, 188, 191

brutality 108–9, 199

death 214

formulaic phrases 74, 106

isolation 142

Schliemann’s son named after 195

steals Briseis from Achilles 149–50, 151

tomb of 231

Agricola, Georgius 132

Ahhiyawa 221–2

Ajax 29, 106, 177, 200, 226

Akkadian language 216–17

Alaksandu 223

Albania 102, 116, 144

Alcinous 173, 176, 217–18, 237

Aleppo 247

Alexander the Great 46, 249

Alexandria 36, 38, 40–4, 45–7, 59, 76

Alexandros 223

alphabet, Phoenician 61

Alps 115

Amazons 99

Amurru 221

Anatolia 99, 104, 149, 168, 175, 187

bronze 114–15

Hittites 216–17, 219–23

importance of Troy 192

languages 55, 76, 210

Proto-Indo-Europeans 157

Trojans 161

writing instruments 103

Andalusia 124, 133

Andromache 205–6

Anglesey 114

Antiopē 239

Aphrodite 67, 198, 243

Apollinaire, Guillaume 70

Apulia 62

Aramaeans 62

Arcadia 52

Arceisius 228

Ares 149, 201, 218

Argolid 48

Argolis, Gulf of xxii

Argos 46

Aristarchus 44

Aristotle 41, 46

On Poets 49

Rhetoric 77

Armenia 157

Arnold, Matthew 6–7

Artemis 243

Arthurian legends 114

Aryans 157

Ashnan 51

Asinē xxii

Assyria 241

Astyanax 127

Atē 183

Athene 97, 198, 229, 237

cloth offering to 197

and the death of Hector 205

encourages violence 182

formulaic phrases 74

and horses 160–1

and Odysseus’s homecoming 241, 242, 246

protects Odysseus 21, 126, 136–7

and Telemachus’s search for Odysseus 32

temple in Emporio 57

Athens 41, 46, 48, 54–5, 59, 76, 106, 118

Athos, Mount 37

Atlantic Ocean 48, 128

Atreus 222

Attarissiya 222, 224

Attica 64

Auk (boat) 1–6, 233

Austria 115

Autolycus 228

Azores 48

Baal 120–3

Babylon 41

Bachelard, Gaston, The Poetics of Space 133

Bactria 157

Badajoz 134

Baghdad 183

Bagot, Rev. Walter 36

Bahrain 99, 156

Bajgorić, Halil 82–5

Balboa, Vasco Núñez de 24

Balkans 80–7, 117, 145

Baltic 47, 115, 157, 168

bards, hereditary 93

Barlow, Joel 249

Barra 95

Bašić, Ibrahim (Ibro) 85, 88–9

baths 214–16

Bavaria 115

beauty, male 136–7

Bellerophon 103–5

Benbecula 95

Bentley, Richard 69

Beowulf 57

Berkeley, University of California 71, 72

Berlin 208

Bernstorf 115

Beslan 246–7

Bible 3, 12, 45, 223–7

Biblioteca Marciana, Venice 37–8

Biblioteca Nazionale, Rome 48, 49

Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris 37

Bijelo Polje 81

birds 234–6, 246

Black Sea 46, 59, 102, 145, 148, 157, 161, 168–70, 192

Blackwood’s Magazine 25

Blake, William 249

Blegen, Carl xix–xx, 28, 84, 100–1, 192, 195–6

Boardman, John 57–8

Bodleian Library, Oxford 37, 39

Bodrum 103, 118

Bogaskale 216

Bohemia 115, 217

Bosnia 82–3

Boston 118

Boston Museum of Fine Arts 194

Briseis 149–50, 151, 189

British Council 93

British Museum, London 208

British School, Athens 57

bronze 102, 114–15

Bronze Age xviii, 115–20

burial mounds 29, 156, 165–8

copper mining 131–2, 133

iron 100

lyres 138–9

population mobility 115–16

ships 115, 127–8

stone stelae 134–43

trade 115, 116

Troy’s importance in 194

Ulu Burun wreck 102–3

warriors 117–20, 135–43

weapons 117–20, 118, 128

Broodbank, Cyprian 175, 177

Buchner, Giorgio 62

Bulgaria 102


Bronze Age 29, 156, 165–8

burial mounds 98–9

early Greek 144

Ischia 65

kurgans 157–8, 160, 165–8

Mycenaean Shaft Graves 106–12, 117, 144, 165, 193

Pithekoussai 62–3

rock-cut tombs 231

Sintashta 159–60

stone stelae 135–43

tumuli 168–70

Butler, Samuel 47

Byblos 62

Byzantium 35–6, 37–8, 40, 41, 192, 194

Calabria 62

Calliope 49–50

Calvert, Frank 195

Calypso 2, 5, 29, 32, 48, 61, 229, 230, 232, 234, 236

Cambridge 37

Cambridgeshire 48

Campania 62

Canaan 102, 215, 224

canoes 175

Caravaggio 227

Caribbean 48

Carlyle, Thomas 251

Carpathians 157

Carthage 62, 63

Caspian Sea 63, 117, 145, 157

Cassiopeia (constellation) 232–3

Castelluccio 194

Caucasus 116, 157, 168, 192

Cebriones 184–5

Celtologists 93–4

Chalcondyles, Demetrius 37

Chania 100

Chapman, George 19–24, 84

chariots 159–60, 161, 172–5

Charybdis 48, 228, 240

China 116, 152–3, 156

Chinflón 131–3

Chios 46, 48, 54–9, 58, 76

Cicones 218

Circe 2, 34, 127–8, 129, 215–16, 238–9, 241

cities 116, 180–1, 190, 191–8, 202–7

Clare, County 156

Clarke, Charles Cowden 15, 16, 19–24, 25, 84

clay tablets 100–1, 216, 217

Cliffsend, Thanet 116

Clutorix 170

Clytemnestra 75, 214, 231

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 19–20

Collins, Lieutenant-Colonel Tim 44–5

Columbus, Christopher 128

composition-in-performance 77–86, 94–5

Congreve, William 17

Constant, Benjamin 9

Constantinople 38, 192, 194

copper 114, 116, 129, 131–3, 165

Cordoba 128, 140

Corinth 63, 103–4

Cornwall 115, 128, 129, 132–3

Cortez, Hernando 24, 25

Courbet, Gustave, Origine du Monde 229

Cowper, William 36, 46

Crete 46, 113, 136, 194, 228

baths 215

clay tablets 100–1

kidnapping of General Kreipe 89–93

Minoan civilisation 106, 175, 214, 242–3

Mycenaeans 221

songs 89–90

Crusaders 194

cummings, e.e. 70

Cyclades 48, 49, 52, 175

Cyclops 27, 218, 219, 228

Cyprus 46, 102, 175, 222, 224, 230

Czech Republic 115

dactyls 73

Daedalus 173

dance 49

Dante 37, 69, 77

Danube, river 145, 157, 169, 192

Dardanelles 192

Dark Ages xxi

David, King of Israel 225–7

De Quincey, Thomas 36

death, Hades 124–8

see also violence

Deïphobus 162, 163

Delos 46, 49

Delphi 48

Demodocus 163–4

Denmark 115, 165, 168

Devon 115

Diodorus Siculus 230

Diomedes 43, 97–8, 103, 188–9, 211, 245

Dolon 188–9, 245

Dörpfeld, Wilhelm 192

Dover 168

Dué, Casey 47

Duntulm 93

Durham, County 132

Düsseldorf 112

Easton, Donald 193

Edinburgh 118

Egypt 48, 92, 103, 106, 113, 129, 192, 241

jewellery 102, 194

in the Odyssey 228

papyrus rolls 38–40

pottery 63

The Tale of Sinuhe 208–14

trade 59, 175

El Pozuelo 131

Elba 62

Eliot, T.S. 70, 77

Elpenor 125

Emporio 57–9, 58, 100

England 115, 116, 168

Enlightenment 20, 249

epic xix–xxi, 72–6, 170–1

Epirus 168

Epomeo, Mount 61

Escorial, Madrid 37, 48, 51

Eteocles 222

Etruria 62

Euboea 62, 66

Euphorbus 200


burial mounds 99

metalwork 114–15

steppe culture 144–75

warrior culture xviii, 117

Euripides 28

Eurycleia 13–14

Eustathius 54

Evans, Sir Arthur 100, 101, 242

Examiner 18

Extremadura 124, 133–5

Fagles, Robert 1–6, 22, 176, 185, 218

Fairhurst, George 1, 3–4

Faroe Islands 48

Fates 182

fatherhood/fatherland 182

Fayum depression 38

Fermor, Patrick Leigh 90–1

Finucane, Ronald 132

fish 27 and n., 184, 185–6

Florence 37, 48

food 27 and n., 153–4

formulaic verse 74–5, 78–9, 82, 86, 95

Fundy, Bay of 48

funerals 160

Galicia 116

Gamarrillas 140

gang culture 179–80, 187–91, 208

Gauguin, Paul 76

Gautier, Théophile 8

Gaza 224

Genesis 215

genetics 116

Geometric pottery 65

Germany 89–93, 115, 117, 132, 157, 165

ghosts 132–3, 239–40

Gibraltar, Straits of 127, 128

Gilgamesh 215, 216

Glaucus 97–8, 103–4, 139, 140

gods 155–6, 181, 239–40, 250

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 12

Gog Magog hills 48

gold 106–8, 111, 194

Goliath 224–7

Goncourt, Jules and Edmond de 8–12, 14

Gorgythion 42

grain, winnowing 145–7, 146

graves see burials


Greek Renaissance xvii

Homeric poems as foundation myth xviii–xix

omission from Iliad 181–2

origins of the Greeks 144–5, 147–60

Greek language 152, 171

Guadalquivir 128

guslari (singers) 80–7, 88–9

Hades 3, 29, 34, 124–30, 133, 145, 238–9

Hadrian, Emperor 48

hair 136–7

hammer-axes 194–5

Harris 29

Harrison, Richard 115, 134, 141–2

Harvard Homer multitext project 47

Hatti 216

Hattusa 216, 217, 222

Hawara papyrus 38–40, 40, 41

Hayasa 219, 221

Heaney, Seamus 119–20

Hebrides 29, 87–8, 93–5

Hecabe 204

Hecamede 66

Hector 33, 100, 127, 149, 152, 167, 226

compared to a horse 161

death 111–12, 128, 138, 186, 203–7

funeral 160

hair 137

hands 138

isolation 142

kills Patroclus 17, 200, 201

returns to Troy 180

speech to Trojans 42–4, 45

Heidelberg 37

Helen 149, 162, 174, 181, 189, 196–7, 205, 250

Hell 125

helmets 100

Hephaestus 136, 173, 183

Hera 74, 170, 197–8, 199

Heracles 170, 239

Herakleion 90, 92

Hermes 2, 231–2, 238

Herodotus 193


beauty 136–7

fame 170–1

formulaic phrases 72, 74–5

isolation 142–3

see also warriors

Herzegovina 85

hexameters 72–6

High Pasture Cave, Skye 139

Hippothoos 200

Hissarlik 195

Hitler, Adolf 92

Hittites 103, 216–17, 219–23


Alexandrian editors 40–4, 45–7

and Athens 54–5

biographies of 48–50, 51–3

blindness 50, 52

dates of 105–6, 107–8

eccentrics and 47–8

epitaph 52, 53

formulaic phrases 74–5

as half human 49

hexameters 72–6

imperfect scanning 105–6

medieval manuscripts 37–8, 41

Milman Parry on 70–8, 86–7

as multiple poets 36–7, 46–7, 69

name 50

and oral tradition 68–9, 77–80, 95–6

papyrus rolls 38–40, 40, 41

unfitted for ordinary world 51–3

as a woman 47

see also Iliad; Odyssey

Homer Hymn to Delian Apollo 55

‘Homeric Question’ 36–7

Homeridae 55

Homerophiles 37

Homerophobes 37

horses 158–63, 159, 165, 166–7, 171–3

Huelva 128–31

Hugo, Victor 11

Hungary 157, 194

Hunt, Leigh 18, 19

Huqqana 219–21

Hutchinson, Sara 19

Iaa 211

Icarus 173

Iceland 143

Ida, Mount (Crete) 91, 92


Alexandrian edition 40–4, 45–7

composition-in-performance 86

date of 105–6, 107

deaths in 183

eccentrics and 47–8

Greece omitted from 181–2

internal contradictions 69

medieval manuscripts 37–8

on memory 97–8

multiple authorship 36–7, 46–7

and Mycenae 107–8

Panathenaia festival 54

papyrus roll 39–40, 40, 41

relationship to the Odyssey 60–1

unusual words 76

Ilios 223

India 152, 159, 170, 217

Indian Ocean 175

Indo-European languages 152–7

Indus valley 116

Ingul, river 169

Ion 28–9

Ionian Sea 65

Ionic language 55

Ios 48, 49, 52

Iphidamas 109

Iphimedeia 239

Iran 170

Iraq 44–5, 50–1, 215

Ireland 1–3, 29, 117, 142–3, 152–3, 156, 170, 233

iron 100, 130, 132–3

Iron Age xvii, 62

Isaiah 52

Ischia 61–7

Isle of Wight 48

Ismarus 218

Israelites 224–7

Italy 37–8, 47, 62

Ithaca 3, 13, 29, 48, 145, 219, 229, 240–8

Jacob 215, 216

Jacobs, Bruce 187, 189, 190

Japan 217

Jesse 225

Jesus Christ 49

jewellery 193–4, 193

Jews 224–7

Johnson, Dr 18, 19

jokes 52, 65–7

Jonah 64

Judea 224

Kadmos 222

Kafkalas, Andreas 90–2

Karagod 165–8

Karians 198

Kaş 102

Kazakhstan 99, 159

Keats, John 15–16, 18–26, 23, 40, 71, 84

Endymion 25–6

‘On first looking into Chapman’s Homer’ 22–5, 23

Kennie (shepherd) 87–8

Kent 116

King James Bible 45

Knockers 132–3

Knossos 92, 100–1, 103, 136, 194, 242

Korfmann, Manfred 193

Kreipe, General Heinrich 90–3

Kreipiad 92–3

Kundera, Milan 240

kurgans 157–8, 160, 165–8

Kuwait 44–5

Laertes 219, 244

Laforgue, Jules 70


Akkadian 216–17

gang culture and 191

Greek 152, 171

hexameters 72–6

Indo-European 152–7

Linear B tablets 101, 105–6

links between chariots and ships 174–5

pre-verbs 105

Proto-Uralic 154

unusual words 76–7

unwritten 68

Latin mass 77

Latium 62

Lattimore, Richard 22, 26, 146, 186

Laurentian Library, Florence 37

Lawrence, T.E. 47

lead mines 132

Lebanon 210, 216, 221

Leipzig 37

Lesbos 48, 50, 150

Leucothea 236

Levant 175, 192

Lewis 93–4

libraries 37–8, 40–4, 45–7

Linear A 101

Linear B 57, 101, 105–6, 115

Lithuania 152–3

Llandissilio 170

Lochaber 95

Logue, Christopher xxi, 185–6

London 37, 118

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 73

Lord, Albert 80, 83–4, 87, 89

Los Angeles 190, 191

Lycaon 202

Lycia 97, 102, 103–4, 210

lyres 138–9

Macdonald, Duncan 93–5

Macdonald, John 95

MacIntyre, Duncan Ban 95

Macleod clan 29

McMillan, Angus 95

MacNed, Roderick 95

MacRury family 93

Madduwatta 222

Madrid 48, 51, 128, 134

Magny restaurant, Paris 8–11, 8

Malta 230

‘The Man of the Habit’ 93–4

manuscripts 37–8, 41

Marathon 165

Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France 9

Mariya 220–1

masks 108, 112, 169

Massalia 46

Medici family 48

Medjédović, Avdo 81

Melanthius 245

Meles, river 50

Melesigenes 50, 51

memory xix, 68–9, 77–87, 93–6, 97–8, 99

Menelaus 162, 163, 167, 177, 200, 201, 222, 226

Meriones 173–4

Mertz, Henriette 48

Mesopotamia 63, 113, 114, 192, 194, 215, 216

metalworking 114–15

Michelangelo 37, 227

Milan 37

Milton, John 15, 69

Paradise Lost 86

minerals 129–33

mining 130–3

Minoans 106, 175, 214, 242

Mnemosyne 49

Mongols 158

Montenegro 81

Montoro 128

Moscow 37, 195

Moss, Billy 90–1

Motion, Andrew 15, 25

Muir, Edwin 166–7

Müller, Max 107

Munich 37

Murray, A.T. 22

Museo Arqueológico Provincial, Cordoba 140

Muses 49–50, 231

music 73, 77, 80–7, 88–93, 138–9

Mycenae 48, 102–3, 115, 192, 215

clay tablets 100–1

and the Hittites 221–3

Linear B 57

masks 108, 112, 169

palaces 105

Philistines 224

pottery 230

Shaft Graves 106–12, 117, 144, 165, 193

and Spain 128

tholos tombs 231

weapons 119

Myrine 99

Myrmidons 199

Nafplion 118

Naples 37, 117

Naples, bay of 61

Nastes 198

nature, images of 167

Nausicaa 29, 48, 237

Nazis 157, 195

Near East xviii, 61, 62, 66, 102, 116

Nebra sky disc 115

Neolithic Age 158

Neoptolemos 126–7

Nestor 66–7, 110–11, 161, 171, 172–3, 181, 214

Newfoundland 48

Nicolson, Ben 3–4

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm 251

Nikshitch, Bégan Lyútsa 80, 81

Nineveh 41

nomads 147, 154, 158, 165

Nona (shepherd) 87–8

Norway 116

Notopoulos, James 89–91, 93

Odessa 168–9


baths 215–16

on Circe’s island 127–8, 238–9

formulaic phrases 74, 75–6

in Hades 145

hands 138

homecoming 29, 145–7, 232–48

and horses 161

imprisoned by Calypso 32, 229, 230, 231–2

isolation 142

in the palace of the Phaeacians 42, 217–18

and Penelope 239–40, 247–8

as a pirate-king 218–19

on Scheria 175–6

on sea shores 29–30

shipwreck 20–2, 236–7

and the Sirens 4–6, 5

slipperiness 150–1, 228–9

songs 139

and The Tale of Sinuhe 214

tested by Palamedes 147–8

tries to reconcile Agamemnon and Achilles 150–2

and the Trojan Horse 162–3

and violence 141, 188–9

visits Hades 124–8

wisdom 177


AN rediscovers 1–7

composition-in-performance 86

eccentrics and 47–8

internal contradictions 69

medieval manuscripts 37

palace culture 100, 107

Panathenaia festival 54

relationship to the Iliad 60–1

unusual words 76

Oedipus 239

Ogygia 229

Old Testament 223–7

Olympia xviii

Olympus 181, 198

oral tradition 68–9, 77–86, 93–6

Orchomenos 151

Orion (constellation) 232–3

Oswald, Alice, Memorial 251

Ovid 233

Oxford 37, 39

Pacific Ocean 24

Paine, Thomas 249

palaces 100, 101, 107, 241–2

Palamedes 147–8

Palestine 224

Palmyra 120–3

Panathenaia festival 54

papyrus rolls 38–40, 40, 41, 208

paradise, images of 167

Paris (son of Priam) 137, 142, 162, 174, 196, 198, 223, 226

Paris, France 8–11, 8, 33, 37, 72, 118

Parry, Milman 69–78, 70, 80–7, 88–9, 93, 95

Parys Mountain 114

pastoralists 147, 154, 157, 158

Patroclus 150

death 17–18, 60, 111–12, 142, 149, 199–202

funeral 30, 33, 160, 167

tomb 159

violence 184–6

Peloponnese 46, 100–1, 229

Penelope 173, 250

in Odysseus’s dream 239–40

and Odysseus’s return 243–4, 247–8

suitors 13, 189, 229, 243

weaving 14, 244

Penisola Magnisi 229–30

Persephone 127, 128, 130, 239

Petrarch 37

Petrie, William Flinders 38–40

Phaeacians 42, 139, 162–4, 175–6, 178, 217–19, 233, 241

Phereclus 173–4

Philistines 224–7

Phoenicians 54, 61, 62, 63, 129

Phthia 199, 206

Pieria 231

Pithekoussai 62–7, 100

Plato 28, 41, 46, 86, 148

Republic 42

Pleiades 233

the Plough (constellation) 232

Plutarch 48, 49


earliest 50–1

and fame of heroes 170–1

formulaic phrases 74–5, 78–9

guslari 80–7, 88–9

hexameters 72–6

as memorialisation 99

oral tradition 68–9, 77–87, 93–6

Poland 157

Polyphemus 218, 219

Pope, Alexander xxi, 24–5, 29, 40, 46, 69, 249

on poetry 74

preface to the Iliad 6, 16–17, 18

translation of Homer 16, 17–18, 21–2, 71

Porter, James L. 76

Porto 134

Portugal 134

Poseidon 20, 29, 146, 147, 160–1, 171–2, 202, 233–6, 239

Poseidon Hippios 162

pottery 63–7, 64, 66, 112, 230

Pound, Ezra 34

Priam 42, 180, 184, 202–3, 217

confrontation with Achilles 138, 206–7, 231

death of 127

and death of Hector 128, 203–4, 206

and Helen 196–7

Pripiat marshes 157

Proto-Indo-Europeans 153–71

Proto-Uralic language 154

Ptolemaic library, Alexandria 40–4, 45–7

Pylos xix–xxi, xix, 13, 29, 100–1, 103, 110, 191, 214, 215, 229, 231, 241

fresco of a poet xix–xx, xix

Pythia 48

Renaissance 37, 40

Renan, Ernest 8, 10, 11, 14, 71–2, 75

Le Repas Magny, Paris 8–11, 8

Retjenu 210–13

revenge 187

Rexroth, Kenneth 14–15

Rhodes 65

Rieu, E.V. 22

Rio Odiel 128, 129–30

Rio Tinto 128, 129–31

rock carvings 136

Rodakino 91

Romania 102

Romans 40, 48

Romantics 16, 20

Rome 38, 48, 49

Rorty, Richard 250–1

Rousseau, Jean Jacques 52

Royal Irish Regiment 44–5

Russia 145, 157, 192, 195

St Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai 38

St Louis, Missouri 187–9, 190, 191

St Petersburg 118

Saint-Victor, Comte de 8–11, 14

Sainte-Beuve, Charles 8, 11, 14

Salisbury Plain 165

Samothrace 218

San Martín de Trevejo 134

Sánchez-Jankowski, Martín 190–1

Sansovino, Jacopo 38

Santa Maria de la Rábida 128

Sardinia 62

Sarpedon 182, 211

Saul 224–5

Saxons 57

Sayce, Rev Archibald 38–9

Scamander, river 161

Scandinavia 194

Scheria 175–6, 233, 236–7

Schliemann, Agamemnon 195

Schliemann, Heinrich 100, 107–8, 111, 151, 192–5, 231

Schliemann, Sophie 193

Schulten, Adolf 124, 127, 128

Scotland 29, 31–3, 68, 93–5, 116

Scylla 48, 228, 240

Scythians 158

sea-as-land metaphor 171–5

sea shores 29–32

Seferis, George xxii

Serbia 84, 88–9

sexuality 181, 189, 191

Sfakia 89, 91, 92

Shaft Graves, Mycenae 106–12, 117, 144, 165, 193

Shakespeare, William 3, 15, 26, 45, 233

sheep 87–8, 150, 153–4, 158

Shelley, Percy Bysshe 19, 39

Sherratt, Andrew and Susan 192

shields 100, 106, 135–6


Bronze Age 115, 127–8

canoes 175

Odysseus’s raft 232–6

on Pithekoussai bowl 64–5, 64

rudders 47 and n.

sailing ships 175–8

sea-as-land metaphor 172–5

Ulu Burun wreck 102–3

Sicily 47, 102, 115, 194, 228, 229–31

Sidon 62

Sierra de Aracena 133

Simpson, Colton 190

Sinai 38

Sinope 46

Sintashta 159–60

Sinuhe 208–14, 215, 216, 221

Sirens 4–6, 5, 228, 240

Sistine Chapel 227

Skye 93, 139

Smyrna (Izmir) 48, 50

Socoh 224

Socrates 27, 28, 42

Sokos 141

songs 71, 77, 80–7, 88–93, 138–9

Sontag, Susan 250

Sophocles 147–8

Sorbonne University, Paris 72, 77

soul 112

South Uist 93

Spain 48, 116, 124, 127, 128–32, 133–41, 152

Sparta 13, 41, 48, 229, 241

speeches, composition-in-performance 77–80

Spenser, Edmund, Faerie Queene 15

spirits 132–3

spondees 73

Srebrenica 246–7

stars, navigating by 232–3

Steele, Sir Richard 17

stelae, stone 134–43

steppe culture 144–75

Stone Age 114, 135

stone stelae 134–43

Stonehenge 115

Stoppard, Tom 124

storms 233–6

Stornoway 93

Stravinsky, Igor 76

Stuttgart 37

Sumer 50–1

Sussex 99

Sweden 99, 115, 116, 136, 152

Swift, Jonathan 17

swords 100, 118, 119

Syracuse 118, 229

Syria 62, 63, 114, 120–3, 183, 210

Taine, Hippolyte 11, 14

The Tale of Sinuhe 208–14, 221

Tambakis, Lefteris 92

Tawagalawas 222

Telemachus 13–14, 32, 147–8, 162, 214, 229, 246

Tenochtitlan 217

Thanet, Kent 116

Thapsos 229–31

Thebes 100, 151, 208, 211–12, 222, 236, 239

Thessalonica 54

Thessaly 48, 76

Thestor 185–6

Thomas, Martin 30–1

Thrace 161

tin 102, 114–15, 128, 132, 194

Tiresias 34, 124, 125, 145–7, 148, 166

Tiryns 100, 106, 215

Titian 227

Toby (shepherd) 87–8

Tocharian B language 153

Tolo xxii

Tolstoy, Leo 165

trade, Bronze Age 115, 116

translations 16–22, 35–7, 35

Transylvania 192, 194

Trapani 47

Trojan Horse 43, 60, 126, 162–3, 242

Troy 180–1

archaeology 107, 192–3, 195–6

burial mounds 165

cloth-making 195–8

and the death of Hector 204–7

in Hittite tablets 223

Iliad and 60

origins of Trojans 161

siege of 187

strategic importance 116, 191–2

treasure 192, 193–5, 193

tumuli 99, 168–70

Turkestan 153

Turkey 46, 48, 102, 194, 195

Tuscany 62

tusks, boars’ 100

Tyre 62

Tyro 239

Ukraine 145, 165–8, 169

Ulu Burun wreck 102–3

Ulysses see Odysseus

Unitarians 69

United States of America 133, 187–91

Ur 51, 194

Urals 157, 159

Uruk 215

Usatovo 168–7

Vatican 38

Venetus A manuscript 38, 40, 41

Venice 35–6, 37–8

Ventris, Michael 57

Vermeule, Emily 105, 111, 112

Vesuvius, Mount 61

Vico, Monte 62

Vienna 37

Vikings 57, 194

Villoison, Jean-Baptiste Gaspard d’Ansse de 35–7, 35, 38

violence 108–9, 182–91, 199–202, 249

Virgil 17, 29, 44, 56, 69, 233

Aeneid 16, 86, 163

Vujnović, Nikola 80, 84–5, 86

Vulci 5

Wales 116, 170

warfare 182–6


beauty 136–7

Bronze Age 117–20

gang culture 187–91

and horses 161–2

Proto-Indo-European 155

Sintashta 159–60

stone stelae 135–43

The Tale of Sinuhe 211–12

wax tablets 103–5

weapons 117–20, 118, 128, 136, 159

weaving 195–8, 205–6, 244

‘The Wedding of Mustajbey’s Son Bećirbey’ 82–3, 84

Weil, Simone 182, 250

‘The Poem of Force’ 164

White Mountains, Crete 89

Wiltshire 115, 117

Wilusa 223

winds 32–4

wine cup, Pithekoussai 65–7, 66, 68

winnowing 145–7, 146

Wolf, Friedrich August 36

women 196–8, 220–1, 239–40, 249, 250

Wordsworth, William 15

World War II 89–91, 101

Wright, Richard 187, 189, 190

writing xviii, 86

Greek 65–6, 66

Hittite 216, 223

Linear A 101

Linear B 100–1, 115

wax tablets 103–5

Xanthos 161

Yeats, W.B. 45, 86

Young, Douglas 95

Yugoslavia 80–7

Zenodotus 43–4

Zeus 49, 155, 161, 184, 199, 231, 239