The earth element is most familiar to all of us, for the earth is our home. We are born on this planet and are the custodians of her beauty, natural resources, health, and well-being. There is an intimate connection between human beings and the balance of the earth’s conditions. The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) feel this connection more than other signs, and their approach to self-care reflects their relationship with this natural element. They are practical and realistic, and they need self-care techniques that match their disposition. More so, earth signs are rooted in the material, physical world. They are, at their best, pragmatic, sensual, patient, and grounded. At their worst they can be greedy, lascivious, and materialistic.
Most humans face the polarity of balancing the need and competition of making a living, with the dreams and desires of their heart. Earth signs accept this as reality instead of fighting against it. Becoming successful in the material world is their natural inclination. Any self-care they do must reflect that ultimate goal as well. Let’s take a look at the mythological importance of the earth and its counterparts, the basic characteristics of the three earth signs, and what they all have in common when it comes to self-care.
There are many creation myths from all over the world. Most of these myths feature a Mother Earth figure. In Greek mythology, which forms the basis for much of astrology, Gaia was the Earth Mother. She represented the circle of life. Gaia came out of chaos and gave birth to Ouranos, the sky god, who also happened to be her husband. (The Greeks liked to keep things in the family.) The relationship between Gaia and Ouranos was so passionate that their children could not emerge from Gaia’s womb. One of these unborn children was Cronos who in Roman astrology was called Saturn. Cronos decided to overthrow Ouranos and in the womb emasculated his father. And the sky separated from the earth. Cronos, the lord of time, ruled the universe for a time but later got his comeuppance as Zeus/Jupiter displaced him and became the chief god and ruler of all. These myths regarding the separation of earth and sky (or heaven and earth) abound in ancient world cultures.
Earth signs strive for measured success, and often seek worldly possessions to solidify their self-worth. This need for stability is indicative of their element. Earth, after all, is the foundation for life. It is tangible, solid, and defined. Many earth signs are so grounded in reality they can lose track of their emotional well-being. Self-care rituals that cater to both mind and soul are key for earth signs. Simplicity and practicality are often paramount.
Earth signs are known for their measured approach to life. They are typically patient, reliable, and disciplined, traits that often lead to prosperity. Because of this, earth signs are often viewed as well balanced and levelheaded, hence the saying down-to-earth. Earth signs are known as the sensible, pragmatic signs, choosing to focus on practical solutions over emotions. They are not light and buoyant like air signs, passionate and fiery like fire signs, nor empathetic and fluid like water signs. Instead, they are committed, strong, and trustworthy. For example, Taurus is loyal and always ready to help friends and family in need. Virgo is hardworking and will never back down from a challenge. And Capricorn is responsible and will help others stick to their responsibilities as well.
The astrological symbols (also called the zodiacal symbols) of the earth signs also give you hints as to how earth signs move through the world. Each symbol ties back to the nature associated with earth signs:
Virgo is the Maiden gathering the harvest
Capricorn is the Goat
All these signs show steadfast and intimate harmony with the cycles of the seasons and a personal connection with the earth: the meadows, green fields, and rocks. Taurus comes from ancient myths about the cults that worshipped the bull as a fertility symbol. She represents coiled power not yet unleashed. Virgo is the only earth sign that has a human symbol. She is a mutable sign and like a junior Mother Earth. Capricorn is of the earth but climbs the mountains of ambition and spiritual ascent. Each earth sign’s personality and subsequent approach to self-care connect to the qualities of these representative symbols.
Each of the elements in astrology also has a sign that corresponds to a different part of each season.
Fixed: Taurus, the first earth sign, comes when spring is in full bloom. Taurus is called a fixed earth sign because she comes when the season is well established. The fixed signs are definite, motivated by principles, and powerfully stubborn.
Mutable: Virgo, the second earth sign, moves us from summer to autumn. These signs are called mutable. In terms of character the mutable signs are changeable and flexible.
Cardinal: Capricorn is the leader of the earth signs because she marks the beginning of winter and the time around the winter solstice.
If you know your element and whether you are a cardinal, fixed, or mutable sign, you know a lot about yourself. This is invaluable for self-care and is reflected in the customized earth sign self-care rituals found in Part 2.
The earth signs’ first motivation in life is to feel comfortable in their physical surroundings. For physical self-care their most important motivation is routine and diligence. Earth signs don’t require a lot of variety. Their motto is, “If something works, keep it.” The downside to this attitude is that earth signs can get stuck in a rut, but the benefits of continuous physical exercise, self-care, and good diet at all ages are the cornerstones of comfort for earth signs.
You may notice that earth signs touch other people more frequently than other elements do. They pat, reach out, hug, and extend themselves physically to others. They also have an intimate and close sense of personal space and will be up-front and personal in encountering new people or old friends. They want and need to sense the whole person.
Earth signs take self-care actions in a very practical way. For example, if an earth sign wants to exercise more, they may think the following: “If I can exercise more, I will lose weight and be healthier, so I will have more years to build my business, enjoy my family, and do what I want.”
Spiritually, earth signs feel little division between body and soul. If they feel comfortable and well physically, then their soul qualities can evolve and blossom. Some people may feel that the high-minded notion of spiritual retreat and meditation defines a spiritual person, and they therefore look down on an earth sign’s practical thoughts, such as “How much will it cost to go on this retreat and how much time will it take?” Earth signs don’t consider this to be materialism at the expense of spirituality. Instead, to them, it is a clear recognition of the practical and sensible way the world works. Ashrams, well-being programs, herbs, and health practices cost money, and it is a reasonable question to ask if the practice is worth it.
The most important “rule” for earth signs is that self-care feed the senses. Whatever the plan is, it should include every sense. The activity must look appealing, smell good, taste good, sound good, and feel good. The more all the senses are involved, the happier the earth signs will be and the more likely they will be to follow the program. If the price is reasonable, so much the better. But too much sensual input can cause earth signs to overindulge and become lethargic. This is a potential pitfall for all the earth signs.
The overall purpose and meaning of the earth signs is to offer practical solutions to maintain personal self-care and the health of the planet. The earth signs have a lot to teach the people around them. Modern life is increasingly jagged. The earth signs demonstrate the value of solid measured progress. Walk don’t run, and take things as they come. This attitude can preserve each of us as well as planet earth.
So now that you know what earth signs need to practice self-care, let’s look at the devoted characteristics of Taurus and how she can maintain her inner balance.