‘Lawn Tennis’ by Henry Sandham, 1887: the early years of the American game

Pas de quatre from the original production of Serge Diaghilev’s 1924 Riviera ballet, Le Train Bleu

Tennis as art: ‘Tennis’ by Vicente do Rego Monteiro, 1928

‘Tennis’ by Percy Shakespeare, 1937: the ‘golden age’ of club tennis

Cigarette smoking, tennis and flirtation were often linked in advertisements in the so-called ‘golden age’ of tennis between the two world wars

Billie Jean King’s entry onto court for ‘the battle of the sexes’

John McEnroe in argument with an umpire

Martina Navratilova resurgent

The Serena Williams serve in 2010

After losing the 2012 Australian Open final to Novak Djokovic, an exhausted Rafael Nadal has to make a speech in front of the suits

Jo Wilfrid’s Tsonga’s trademark victory leap

The Roger Federer backhand