
My sincere and grateful thanks are due to many persons throughout the state who assisted me in the preparation of this book. First, I give my most heartfelt thanks to my greataunt, Mrs. W. T. Decherd of Austin. She it was who showed me the Jenkins reminiscences and who, instead of laughing at the thought of a fifteen-year-old writing a book, encouraged me to do so. Fostering the love of Texas and of history in general which I share with her, she gave much of her time telling what she knew of her grandfather and her mother, who copied by hand the original memoirs.

Next I thank Miss Claire Andrews, Mrs. Harriet L. Willis, and my Grandmother Lila of Beaumont, who helped me make this book a surprise for my mother and father.

In Bastrop, Texas, Tignal Jones allowed me the use of the probate and deed records, and Hartford Jenkins spent much time showing me the exact location of many of the places mentioned in this book. Misses Grace and Nell Fitzwilliam permitted me to use material belonging to the Bastrop Historical Society, as well as their own personal data on Bastrop County.

An important necessity in writing a book is a place to work without interruption and where books and papers may be scattered about without danger of their being “straightened” or put in neat little stacks by some helpful elder. For arranging such bachelor quarters for me, my love and thanks go to my Gran and Grandaddy Chalmers of Bastrop.

Essential material was gathered during two summer vacations at the Archives Collections of the University of Texas Library and the Texas State Library. The Archivists of these two libraries willingly gave me much helpful information. I especially appreciate the trust that they reposed in me and the liberties they granted me in the use of their invaluable source material relating to Texas history.

I also thank Mrs. Carl Swanson of the Austin Public Library for the use of the Frank Brown papers and for trusting me with other valuable Texas books.

I received constant encouragement and valuable advice from Mr. J. Frank Dobie, who very graciously wrote the foreword to this book. Words cannot express the deep appreciation I feel for the time he gave to me.