22 September, 2167. USS Valdez.

Rimes yawned and stretched, then pulled up the bunk’s covers. Even though he was alone in the compartment, his cabin seemed more compressed and confining than normal. Except for the subdued azure glow from his earpiece display, it was dark. Shadows—the pedestal sink, his and Durban’s environment suits hanging from the front of their lockers, the desk—seemed darker, the room cooler.

He shook off the imagined impressions and turned his attention to his earpiece’s display, pausing the playback for a moment. Kleigshoen sat alone in a conference room, bathed in the glow of data displays.

On their own at first, then consciously, his eyes ran over her face, lingering on her perfectly formed, full lips, the soft curls of her golden-brown hair. She had lost weight since their confrontation on the Broussard. Her outfit was tight, showy, expensive. Vanity or just a part of her game, she was a distraction he didn’t need at the moment. The memories and guilt were still tender, three years on. My fault. My weakness.

Three months since we lost the task force. General Durban had a message waiting for me. Dana had a message waiting for me. All these months, all this time and not a word from you, Molly. I have to believe everyone’s doing okay. I couldn’t go on without the three of you, baby.

He closed his eyes and breathed deep to fight off tears. The doubt and darkness disappeared as quickly as they had come.

A flick of his finger, and the star charts Kleigshoen had been discussing in the video filled a section of Rimes’s display. Another flick created a private workspace, a third dragged the star charts into it. He resumed the playback.

“Also, ADMP reports it’s lost all contact with DS Erikson.”

He paused the playback again. DS. Deep Space explorer. Odd for a metacorporation to be spending on deep space exploration in the middle of a genie uprising.

He made a note, then resumed the playback.

“I’ve included the Erikson’s last known location—Rendezvous Seven Bravo Echo—and destination. ADMP claims the Erikson was en route to COROT-7 after taking on crew and supplies at 55 Cancri.”

Rimes paused the playback again. For the third time in as many days, he plotted the Erikson’s supposed course. Rendezvous 7BE—the last known location—was in open space, nearly three light years out from Serenity Colony, where Erikson had almost certainly taken on its supplies and personnel.

He pulled up data on the Serenity colony and the 55 Cancri system. Brilliant colors flowed out from the displays—an indigo gas giant racked with storms of shimmering gold and amber, ice-crusted planetoids, Serenity’s lush, emerald jungles and tranquil, cobalt oceans. Rimes felt himself falling into those dark waters, drifting, sinking.

He shook his head, then released a frustrated sigh. Focus.

He navigated through to the orbital data. Most of the Serenity system space stations orbited the colony world, and the rest were less than an astronomical unit out. Their sensors wouldn’t have picked anything up from the Erikson.

He opened another workspace and dragged the ADMP file into it, teasing out the crew and cargo manifests. He started with the crew manifest, filtering out those who’d launched with the Erikson from the ADMP construction satellite. After a cursory examination, he opened another workspace and dragged the names that had been filtered out into it. He dragged the Bureau’s intelligence dossier on the Erikson into the new workspace and correlated the names with travel documentation and background portfolios.

Aboard any other ship, the crew picked up from Serenity would have simply been passengers: they were scientists—physicists, biologists, astronomers, chemists, not technically crew. On a deep space explorer, though, they likely had key roles in ship operations, at least once they reached their destination.

COROT-7? Was that their real destination?

Rimes randomly selected three crew names and read through their IB portfolios. Multiple degrees and certifications, long-term contracts with ADMP and other metacoporations: they were all relatively young, healthy, and highly sought after.

Is this Jared and Calvin’s future? A lifetime on the move, never really calling any particular place home. Am I already setting the stage for that, sending them out into the stars and living so long away from them before they’ve even begun to know me?

Nothing jumped out from the data. No historical gaps or questionable entries. The crew checked out, just as the IB report said.

He resumed play and was immediately drawn in by Kleigshoen's smooth, confident voice.

“Yours is the closest task force we’ve got to that position. We need you to make top speed. Even if there’s nothing to be found or if the Erikson re-establishes contact, that location is an ideal point with which to connect with Commander Rhee’s Task Force 31. The Charlotte will provide re-supply when you hook up. If you don’t receive a change of orders at that time, proceed to COROT-7. The Special Security Council has an interest in ADMP’s plans for that system.”

Global military forces dispersed throughout known space, and Dana’s calling the shots. Everything’s coming from the Special Security Council now, and that means the Bureau. The assassinations all but made that necessary. What makes COROT-7 so special to everyone?

Rimes brought up the available data on COROT-7 and skimmed through it again. More than five hundred light years out from Earth. Six known planets, two within the habitable zone. More than a decade before, probes had reported nothing beyond mining possibilities and deemed it a low priority system.

A quick search brought up the exploratory probe videos for the system, starting with the system examination, then proceeding to the planetary videos. The fourth planet was vaguely Earth-like, if Earth consisted mostly of sand dunes and mountains. Although the atmosphere was listed as breathable, it wasn’t ideal for long-term exposure—particulate matter, probable bio threats, elevated radiation. Near-Earth gravity. Two moons. The system made an odd destination for a multi-billion-dollar deep space explorer. He still couldn’t see a reason for the council to dedicate limited resources to what might amount to a land grab.

On a hunch, Rimes pulled up the data on the probes themselves. They were from The Dresden Group, a German corporation that had folded in a fairly public manner several years before, when interest in long-range probes had cooled, a classic gold rush case. He looked for more information on Dresden, but came up empty. He logged a query about the company and its officers. It would run against the Valdez’s library, and then it would fire out on the next communications packet to access databases on the Grid elsewhere. He didn’t expect anything from the query, but he was compelled to run down even long odds when things got bad enough.

The cabin hatch opened and Durban stepped in, head sagging from fatigue. His eyes were glassy, the lids heavy. He stretched his arms out, grabbed at something imaginary for balance, then twisted and rolled his shoulders. A moment passed with him frozen in that pose, then he shook violently and closed the hatch behind him. He stripped out of his uniform, looking up as he pulled off his socks. “Still researching? We’re going to be at the rendezvous soon.”

“I don’t want us heading into an ambush.” Rimes rubbed his face and yawned again.

“Meyers’s squad is on duty.” Durban sounded reassured. He hung his uniform from the front of his locker.

Rimes laughed quietly. “He’s a good soldier, warts and all.”

“That’s a lot of warts.”

“You run the duty roster.” Rimes looked Durban in the eye. “Are you trying to tell me it’s a coincidence his squad’s on duty at a critical time like this?”

Durban chuckled; it was an alien sound from him. “You have a problem with someone being practical?”


“It’s just good sense to have your best on duty when things might go bad, don’t you think? Plus, I told him I didn’t like his effort during yesterday’s sparring. He didn’t agree. The late shift ought to get the message through.”

Rimes watched Durban at the pedestal sink for a moment. He seemed relaxed, brushing his teeth, checking his eyes in the mirror. They’d both settled into a comfortable rhythm after so long aboard the Valdez. “You been spending time with Sheila again?” The distraction’s good for you, even if you’re being a tightass about it.

Durban froze for a moment, then spat into the sink and rinsed, his eyes never leaving the mirror. “She’s an interesting woman. Did you realize she can see in the dark? Not like NVGs, mind you. Complete darkness. She’s colorblind as a result, or at least she thinks that’s what causes the colorblindness.”

People had been picking out traits for their kids for decades—likely hair color, tendency toward height or intellect. Of course, nothing in genetics was perfect. Switching a gene on or off for one trait could impact hundreds of other functions, and environment played an influencing role in the final outcome. The genies had seen many variables removed from the equation and had seen a few added in as well.

“She never had parents,” Durban continued, disappearing into the bunk beneath Rimes’s. “Think about that. Most kids—even adopted or in vitro or by proxy—know they have parents. She had so much constructed about her; she’s got nothing. Although I think she’s developed at least a slight maternal bond with Dana.”

Rimes blinked in surprise. “She said that?”

“No.” Durban’s voice was quiet, introspective. “It’s just the way she talks about her. I hear what she says and…well, I understand it. I feel the same way about my mother.”

Rimes considered how he would feel if he heard someone talking about someone else in terms that described his own mother. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

Would it really be so bad to never know your parents, especially when they were like mine? Cleo and Alejandra were…What did Alejandra ever give me? Is that really a mother’s love, or just the biological functioning? I hope others had better. It sounds like Durban did.

Rimes shifted so he could see down into Durban’s bunk. “Are you planning to talk with Meyers about his attitude?”

“Attitude? The sparring incident? No. He knows where I stand on it.”

“Does he understand why?” Rimes tried to be positive, but Durban’s passive-aggressive mood made it hard.

“He’s a sharp guy, isn’t he?” Durban frowned. “He never lets anyone forget that.”

Rimes sighed. He didn’t mean to, but the frustration simply slipped out. “He’s a scientist. You know how it is. They can be awfully obtuse about things like that.”

Durban’s features stiffened. “I’m really trying, Jack. Honestly. He’s a tough one to lead.”

Leadership’s tough, and it’s the problem ones you have to work the hardest on. “Yeah, he’s a tough one. Just…just don’t give up on him.”

Rimes rolled onto his back and shut the cabin lights off through his earpiece. He dimmed its display but continued to flip through more of the IB data, hoping he might find something he’d missed before. He stopped.

I can’t just give up on him. “Tim, what do you think of the team?”

“Overall or as individuals?”


“Well…“ Durban drew the word out. “I think we’re going to lean on Meyers and Kershaw a lot. They’re both a little overconfident, but that’s almost to be expected given the difference in training. I’m worried about Munoz.”

“You don’t think he can last?”

Durban sighed softly. The sound died quickly in the empty darkness of their compartment. “I’m not sure. I think we’re asking a lot of him if it comes down to endurance. He’s so big. If it’s possible, he’ll do whatever he’s tasked to do. That has to count for something.”

“What about Lopresti and Gilbert?” Rimes asked.

“I—” Durban paused for a moment. “I think Gilbert has a lot of potential.”

“He’s still young. You think Lopresti’s trouble?”

Durban coughed uncomfortably. “She has her place. She’s smart enough. Maybe too smart. Like Meyers. But she doesn’t seem to have an off switch, does she? If Gilbert could get some of Meyers’s confidence and some of Lopresti’s assertiveness, he could go a long way.”

Rimes smiled. “Anyone else stand out?”

“A few. Bright spots here and there, good attitudes. I think the rest are all solid.”

“Yeah. Solid, reliable. With the right influence and training, maybe they can take it to the next level.”

“It’s good to see them getting this opportunity.”

That’s all it’s ultimately about, isn’t it? A chance? Like you? Just another opportunity, the right influence and training?

Rimes turned his attention back to the video, pulling up an image of Kleigshoen again and hating himself as he studied her face and wondered what might have been between them. Now who’s blowing their opportunity? Molly forgave me, and here I am dreaming about what-ifs.

“Better get some sleep while we can.”

Rimes jerked awake at the call to general quarters. It was a shard of glass cutting into his sleep-fogged brain, a rising roar that dropped for just a moment before roaring again. Rimes instinctively checked his earpiece. It was 0420, an hour before he normally woke. He shook off his blankets, instantly missing their cocooning comfort, their familiar rough texture. Durban cleared the bottom bunk, then Rimes dropped to the deck, his mind vaguely registering the coolness of the floor.

Durban hastily inserted his earpiece as he pulled on the uniform he’d left hanging the night before. “Meyers, talk to me.” Durban’s voice was surprisingly calm. He flipped the earpiece into speaker mode, then took his environment suit from Rimes.

Rimes wished he didn’t have to get his uniform on. It rasped loudly as he shrugged into it. The noise was nearly enough to drown out Meyers’s voice.

Meyers sounded like he was running. “They’re picking up an emergency beacon, Sir. We’re almost to the hangar deck now.”

“On my way.” Durban closed the channel and pulled on his boots.

Rimes sealed his suit. “A new ambush tactic.”

Durban nodded. “I’ll take Meyers’s squad out. You bringing Lopresti?”

Good. Embrace your leadership role. Prove to me I was right to say you were capable of this. “I think Gilbert could use the experience. Ten-kilometer gap?”

Durban nodded. “At least. Treat it as an ambush until we see otherwise, right?”

“Makes sense.” Rimes kept the satisfaction from his voice, but he smiled inwardly. Durban’s confidence was reassuring.

Durban stopped at the hatch. “Maybe we get lucky and this is that standup fight you wanted?”

“Maybe.” Rimes jogged in Durban’s wake as the earpiece connected with Gilbert. “Sergeant Gilbert, get your squad down to the hangar deck. We’re heading out.”

“Roger, Sir!”

With Gilbert’s squad en route to the hangar deck, Rimes requested a shuttle crew. He was in the hangar bay by the time everything was lined up. He began pulling on his combat gear in the flickering shadow of a shuttle, his eyes floating up to the amber strobe lights flush-mounted on the tall, gray walls. The bay, normally so cramped and small, seemed large now, and he had the sense of being in the belly of a great beast.

A channel opened. Fripp.

“Captain Rimes, we have weak signals, two sources,” Fripp said as introduction. “One hundred kilometers out and two hundred seventy kilometers out.”

“Lifeboats, Sir?”

“It sure as hell isn’t the Erikson.”

Rimes saw Gilbert’s squad entering the hangar deck and waved them over. They assembled next to him and began pulling their combat gear on over their environment suits. “Lieutenant Durban has a squad ready to go at your command, Sir. My squad is prepping now.”

“This is perfect for an ambush.” Fripp sounded uncertain.

“We’re already assuming it is, Sir. I’m bringing Lieutenant Durban into the channel.” Rimes pulled his helmet on and opened the channel to Durban.

“This is Lieutenant Durban.”

“Captain Fripp, Lieutenant. I was just telling Captain Rimes I suspect an ambush.”

“Agreed, Sir.” Durban sounded crisp, confident. “Any chance we can communicate with the beacons?”

Fripp was silent for a moment. “The beacons check legitimate, but we’re running another check.” Someone spoke in the background. “Confirmed. They’re Erikson lifeboats. But that doesn’t change a damned thing.”

“No, it doesn’t, Sir,” Rimes said.

Fripp’s raspy voice played out over the channel—he’d started to say something, then stopped. After a moment, he said, “I’m tempted to simply light those targets up with our railguns.”

Rimes bit his lip. If there were survivors, they would lose potential intelligence on what happened. The genies’ deceitful nature had changed everything, even search and rescue operations.

“Captain Fripp? What about maintenance drones?” Durban sounded excited, as if being engaged had pulled him out of his shell.

“Maintenance drones?”

“We could haul those out with us, hook them to the shuttle hulls.” The excitement increased in Durban’s voice. “We get fifty kilometers out and launch them. The video feed should be good enough quality that we can see if they’ve just rigged these up to blow or if there’s really someone to rescue.”

Rimes smiled with pride. Durban had made a huge turnaround. He was thinking of solutions now rather than simply following the flow and trying to satisfy his superiors.

Fripp’s gravelly hum filled the lower frequencies of the channel for a moment as he considered the suggestion. “That’s a good idea, Lieutenant. All right, we’ll have a drone operator ride along with each shuttle. Maintain your distance and let them see what’s out there. We’ll make the call based off their assessment.”

“Copy that, Sir.” Rimes signaled for Gilbert to get his team aboard the shuttle, then followed. The idea of actually rescuing someone had enormous appeal, if only as a signal that the genies weren’t infallible.

Is that what it’s come down to? I’m more concerned about the genies being imperfect than about saving lives? I can’t let them do this to me. Rimes shivered, then he shrugged the thoughts away. Maybe there’s no time for humanity right now.