Abbott, Robert
Abrams, Jacob
amnesty campaign for
arrest of
bail granted to
deportation of
escape attempt of
at Ferrar Colony
indictment of
in Mexico
trial of
Acheson, Dean
Actors Equity Association
Adams, Edward B.
Addams, Jane
Adriatic (ship)
Adventures in Solitude (Grayson)
Advocate, The (newspaper)
Aero Club of America
on Armistice Day
baseball circuit for
censorship of publications of
government surveillance of
marriages of whites and, see Interracial marriage migration to North of
and Paris Peace Conference
as strikebreakers
in U.S. Army
violence against (see also Lynchings)
African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church
Agamemnon (ship), 163
Agriculture Department, U.S.
Air Mail Service
Aircraft Production Board
Albany Times Union
Alcock, Captain John
Alien Act (1918)
Alien Property Bureau
All-Allied Anti-German League
Allied Drug and Chemical Company
Allied North Russia Expeditionary Force; see also Russia, American military intervention in
All-Story Weekly,
Allied American Corporation of America
American Anarchist Federated Commune Soviets
American Anti-Anarchy Association
American Chronicle (Baker)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU); see also National Civil Liberties Bureau
American Defense Society
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
American Freedom Convention
American Intelligence Bureau
American League
American League to Limit Armaments
American Legion
American Neutral Conference Committee
American Peace Commission
American Protective League (APL)
A. Mitchell Palmer and
Bureau of Investigation support for
female undercover agents of
J. Edgar Hoover and
Military Intelligence Division and
Minute Men Division of
raids carried out by
wartime activities of
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Union Against Militarism
bombings attributed to
deportation of
in Europe
Harry Weinberger and
raids on
Anarchist Soviet Bulletin, The
Anderson Galleries (New York)
Anselm (ship)
Anthony, Susan B.
Anti-Yellow Dog League
Argonne, Battle of the
Arlington National Cemetery
Allied intervention in Russia and
domestic surveillance and
signing of
terms of
violence following
Armour meatpacking firm
Army, U.S.
African-Americans in
intelligence service (see also Military Intelligence Division)
riot control by
in Russia
see also Soldiers, returning
Arnell, Annie
Arrow of Gold, The (Conrad)
Associated Press
Astor, Vincent
Astor, Mrs. Vincent
Atlantic Ocean, first nonstop flight across
Atlantic Fleet
Aurin, Boris
Austrian immigrants
Avenir, L’ (newspaper)
Bailey, William A.
Baker, Newton D.
Baker, Ray Stannard
on African-American struggle for equality
books on Woodrow Wilson by
death of
Harry Weinberger and
in Paris
transatlantic voyages of
writing as David Grayson
Baldwin, Roger
Bali (ship)
Baltimore Herald
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Barnes, Djuna
Barrymore, Ethel
Barrymore, Lionel
see also World Series
Beard, Charles
Beatty, Bessie
German atrocities in
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bell, Johannes
Bellevue Hospital (New York)
Bennett, Gwendolyn
Berg, Mike
Bergensfjord (ship)
Berkman, Alexander
Bielaski, A. B.
Bernstein, Ethel
Bill of Rights
Birmingham, University of
birth control, advocates of
Birth of a Nation, The (film)
Bishop College
Black Death
Black Review (quarterly)
Black Sox Scandal
Black Star Steamship Company
Blake, Eubie
Blake, William
Blast (publication)
Block, S. John
Blossom, Frederick
Blum, Karl
African-Americans and
Albert Einstein accused of
A. Mitchell Palmer’s declaration of war on
bomb plots blamed on
books and movies portraying
fear mongering about
Hiram Johnson on
labor activism attributed to
misinformation in America about
Overman Committee hearings on
Russian People’s House (New York) raided
Soviet Bureau (New York) raided
Woodrow Wilson accused of being “soft” on
see also Lusk Committee; Russia, Soviet; Russian Revolution; Stevenson, Archibald E.
Bolshevism on Trial (film)
Fourth of July fear of
of homes of African-Americans
Bonaparte, Augustus
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Bontemps, Arna
Booth, Edna Perry
Borah, William
Borodin, Michael
Boston American
Boston Evening Globe
Boston police strike
Boston Red Sox baseball team
Boston School of Theology
Boston Traveller
Bowen, Robert A.
Boy Spies of America
Brandeis, Louis
Brannan, Mrs. John Winters
scientific expeditions to
Bread and Freedom (newspaper)
Breedlove, Sarah, see Walker, Madam C. J.
Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of
Briggs, Cyril V.
Brill, A. A.
counterespionage system of
Ireland and
in League of Nations
opposition to Woodrow Wilson in
pacifism in
Paris Peace Conference and
in Russian intervention
scientific expeditions from
Secret Service of
Wilson in
women reformers in
British West Indies
Broad Ax, The (newspaper)
Brooklyn Eagle, The
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky)
Brown, Lieutenant Arthur
Brown, William
Brown University
Brusseau, J. A.
Bryant, Louise
Buford (ship)
Bulkeley, Frank S.
Bullin’ the Bullsheviki (film)
Bureau of Investigation (BI)
American Protective League and
bombings investigated by
Centralia Massacre and
deportation crusade of
General Intelligence Division of
Fourth of July fear mongering by
Lee S. Overman as secret informant for
Lusk Committee and
Mollie Steimer and
Radical Division of
Soviet Bureau targeted by
Burke, Frank
Burleson, Albert
Burns, William J.
Bushee, Frederick A.
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Byrd, William
Byrnes, James Francis
Calder, William
California, University of, at Berkeley
California State Fish Exchange
Calumet Baking Powder
Cambridge, University of
Cameron, Lucille
Cameron, Margaret
Camille (play)
Caminetti, Anthony
Cantor, Eddie
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
Carnegie Hall (New York)
Carnegie Steel Company
Carolina Junk and Hide Company
Caruso, Enrico
Castle, Vernon and Irene
Catholic Church
Catt, Carrie Chapman
Cavanaugh, Detective
Central Labor Council
Centralia Massacre
Chafee, Zechariah, Jr.
Challenge, The (magazine)
Chamberlin, Henry E.
Chaplin, Charlie
Charleston riot
Chattanooga (ship)
Chemical Foundation
Chesapeake, Ohio, & Southwestern Railroad
Chicago American,
Chicago American Giants baseball team
Chicago Daily News,
Chicago Daily Tribune
Chicago Defender
baseball coverage in
black soldiers welcomed home by
circulation in Southern states of
government surveillance of
lynchings reported in
Chicago Federation of Labor
Chicago Giants baseball team
Chicago riot
Chicago, University of
Chicago White Sox baseball team
Chinese immigrants
Chorus Equity
Christian Science
Christian Science Monitor
Churchill, General Marlborough
Cicotte, Eddie
Cincinnati Reds
Civil rights movement
Civil War
African-American soldiers in
Clansman, The (Dixon)
Clark, Roger Sherman
Clarke, John Hessin
Clay, Lloyd
Clayton, Henry De Lamar
Clef Club Orchestra
Clemenceau, Georges
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
Close, Gilbert
Coal strike
Cobb, Irvin S.
Cobb, Ty
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel
Colorado, University of
Colored Benevolent Society
Colored Church of the Holy Temple of Jesus Christ
Columbia University
Comiskey, Charles
Commerce Department, U.S.
Committee of Forty-eight
Committee on Public Information
Communist Labor Party
Communist Party of America
see also Bolshevism
Comrades (Dixon)
Concord Evening Monitor
Confederation of Christian Men and Women of America
Congress, U.S.
Alien Act passed by
and American military intervention in Russia
A. Mitchell Palmer’s budget requests to
on Armistice Day
and anti-lynching legislation
declaration of war on Germany by
and domestic surveillance
miscegenation ban proposed in
and peacetime equivalent of Espionage Act
repeal of Sedition Act by
Republican control of
Selective Service Act passed by
suffrage amendment in
Versailles Treaty presented to
during Washington, D.C., race riots
and Woodrow Wilson’s departure for France
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Congressional Medal of Honor
Congressional Record,
Conrad, Joseph
Constitution, U.S.
First Amendment
Thirteenth Amendment
Eighteenth Amendment
Nineteenth Amendment
see also Bill of Rights
Contact with the Other World (Hyslop)
Coolidge, Calvin
Concord Daily Patriot
Cornell University
Cornhuskers (Sandburg)
Corsario, El (newspaper)
Cosmopolitan magazine
Cost of living, increases in
Cottingham, E. T.
Council of Fellowship of Reconciliation
Council of the Four, see Clemenceau, Georges; Lloyd George, David; Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele; Wilson, Woodrow
Countryman’s Year, The (Grayson)
Court of Appeals, U.S.
Court of Claims, U.S.
Couzens, James
Cox, James M.
Creel, George
Crisis, The (magazine)
anti-lynching campaign promoted by
censorship of
government surveillance of
Justice Department report on
Ku Klux Klan resurgence denounced in
W. E. B. Du Bois’s editorials in
Croix de Guerre
Croly, Herbert
Crommelin, Andrew
Crusader, The (magazine)
Cuban Stars baseball team
Culhane, Walter
Cullen, Countee
Curtis, Charles
Cutler, Major J. E.
Czar (ship)
Czolgosz, Leon
Daley, Richard J.
Damon, Lindsay T.
Darrow, Clarence
Davis, Calvin P.
Davis, D. J.
Davis, Mortimer J.
Day, William Rufus
Daylight Savings Time
Dayton Marcos baseball team
Debs, Eugene V.
campaign for amnesty for
Helen Keller and
pardoned by Warren Harding
presidential campaigns of
Debs, Eugene V. (cont.)
Supreme Court decision on
Espionage Act conviction of
Declaration of Independence
Deliverance (film)
and Boston police strike
during Chicago race riot
Harry Weinberger and
interracial marriage ban supported by
and League of Nations
in 1920 presidential race
on Overman Committee
and passage of Susan B. Anthony Amendment
peacetime version of Espionage Act supported by
Dempsey, Jack
deSitter, Willem
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Detroit Stars
Detroit’s Own Welfare Association
Deutsche Tageszeitung (newspaper)
Distinguished Service Cross
District of Columbia Supreme Court
Dixon, Thomas
Domesday Book
Domestic surveillance
of African-Americans
opponents of
postwar expansion of
techniques of
whistleblowers on
see also Bureau of Intelligence; Military Intelligence Department
Dostoevsky, Feodor
Doubleday Publishing Company
Double Trinity
Douglass, Frederick
Douma, Frank
Drake, Paul Harris
Dressler, Marie
Dreyfus, Captain Alfred
Drummond, Eric
Du Bois, W. E. B.
in anti-lynching campaign
ban on interracial marriage denounced by
Harlem Renaissance and
Madame C. J. Walker and
Military Intelligence Division and
Pan-African Conference held in Paris by
on race riots
Dubrow, Mary
Ducrocq, Maurice
Dunbar, Paul Laurence
Du Pays (newspaper)
Dyer, Leonidas
Dyson, Frank Watson
Eclipse of the sun, scientific expeditions to observe
Eddington, Arthur Stanley
Eddy, Mary Baker
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Colonel Dwight D.
Elgin Watch Company
Emancipation Proclamation
Emergency Committee for the Assistance of Germans, Austrians and Hungarians in Distress
Emerson, Charles Wesley
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emerson College of Oratory
Emmett, Robert
Emory, Julia
Norman conquest of
see also Britain
Era Nuova, L’
Espagne (ship)
Espionage Act (1917)
American Protective League and
amnesty campaign for prisoners convicted under
Carl Sandburg and
censorship authorized by
1918 amended version of, see
Sedition Act passage of
peacetime equivalent of
Russian immigrants charged with violation of
Supreme Court opinions on
Estonia (ship)
Europe, Lieutenant James Reese
Evans, Edward J.
Everest, Wesley
Eyre, Lincoln
Fairbanks, Douglas
Fall, Albert B.
Fall of a Nation, The (Dixon)
Faress, S. M.
Faulhaber, Frank
Favorite, The (magazine)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
see also Bureau of Investigation (BI) Ferrar Colony
Fields, W. C.
Finch, James A.
Finch, Rayme W.
Finnish Information Bureau
Fitzgerald, Eleanor
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fitzpatrick, John
Fleshin, Senya
Flu pandemic
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley
Flynn, William J.
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand
Food Administration, U.S.
Ford, Detective
Ford Motor Company
Foster, Andrew “Rube,”
Foster, William Z.
Four-Minute Men
Fourteen Points
American soldiers in
France (cont.)
Armistice Day in
dedication of American cemetery in
Dreyfus Affair in
in League of Nations
opposition to Woodrow Wilson in
peace talks in, see Paris Peace Conference
in Russian intervention
war brides from
William Monroe Trotter in
Wilson’s arrival in
Frankfurter, Felix
Free speech, restrictions on, see Espionage Act; Sedition Act
French, Charles J.
French Indochina
French Revolution
Freund, Ernst
Freundlich, Erwin Finlay
Frick, Henry C.
Frohwerk, Jacob
Gaieties of 1919 (Broadway show)
Gandhi, Mohandas
Gandy, Helen
Garvan, Frank P.
Garvey, Marcus
Gary, Elbert H.
Gegan, Sergeant
George, Henry
George III, King of England
George V, King of England
George Washington (ship)
George Washington University
Georgia (ship)
German immigrants
confiscation of property of
domestic spying on
registration as enemy aliens of
German-Bolshevik Conspiracy (Committee on Public Information)
Allied troops in
American declaration of war on
Armistice Day in
atrocities committed in Belgium by
Carl Sandburg’s reporting on
charges of links between radicals and
claims of threats to war effort against
colonies of
domestic espionage system of
militarism of
opposition to war against(see also pacifists)
peace terms with
prisoners of war in
propaganda distributed by
racial unrest in America blamed on
Russian treaty with
scientific community in
socialists in
Gettysburg, Battle of
Gibson, Mary
Gitlow, Benjamin
Goethals, General George W.
Goldman, Emma
Gompers, Samuel
Goodyear dirigible, crash of
Gore, Thomas Pryor
Gray, Fred
Grayson, Admiral Cary
Grayson, David, see Baker, Ray Stannard
Great Madness, The (Nearing)
Great War
African-American migration to North during
airplanes in
American entry into
American troops in, see Army, U.S.
Armistice ending, see Armistice
Carl Sandburg’s reporting on
confiscation of German property during
Daylight Savings Time established during
domestic surveillance during
draft during (see also Selective Service Act)
female undercover agents in
free speech restrictions during, see Espionage Act; Sedition Act
German barbarities during
influenza during, see Flu pandemic
imprisonment of opponents of
internment of “enemy aliens” during
labor activism during
lynchings during
opponents of American involvement in (see also Pacifism)
peace terms following, see Paris Peace Conference; Versailles, Treaty of
Russian-German treaty during
scientific community during
Senate bill officially ending American involvement in
suffragists during
Greece, ancient
Green, Martin
Gregory, Thomas W.
Griffith, D. W.
Grim Game, The (film)
Group of Avengers
Gruzenberg, Mikhail Markovich
Guardian, The (newspaper)
Guide, The (newspaper)
Half Century, The (magazine)
Hamburgs gang
Hammer, Julius
Hand, Learned
Hannon, William
Hanson, Ole
Hapsburg empire
Harcourt, Alfred
Harding, Warren G.
Hardwick, Thomas W.
Harlem Hellfighters (369th Infantry)
Harlem Renaissance
Harris, John
Hartfield, John
Harvard Law Review
Harvard University
Law School
Haverford College
Hayden, Jay G.
Hayward, Colonel William
Hazzard, Arthur Garfield
Hazzard, William W.
Hearst, William Randolph
Heavyweight championship
Hecht, Ben
Heifetz, Yasha
Henry Holt publishing house
Henry Street Settlement (New York)
Herman, Louis
Hirsh, Catherine
Hitchcock, Gilbert
Ho Chi Minh
Hodge, Richard Morse
Holland Tunnel
Holmes, Fanny
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Home Defense League
Home Office, British
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
African-American link to Bolshevism asserted by
on Armistice Day
death of
deportation crusade of
Helen Keller and
index kept by
Mollie Steimer and
raids carried out by
Zechariah Chafee and
Houdini, Harry
Hough, Emerson
House, Colonel Edward
House of Representatives, U.S.
anti-lynching bill passed by
Appropriations Committee
Foreign Affairs Committee
Immigration and Naturalization Committee
Judiciary Committee
Houston Post
Howard, Perry
Howard University
Howe, Frederic C.
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hughes, Langston
Hughes, Sam
Hull House (Chicago)
Hungarian immigrants
Hurston, Zora Neale
Hylan, John Francis
Hyslop, James H.
deportation of
government surveillance of
strikes by
see also specific ethnic groups India
Indianapolis ABCs baseball team
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
African-Americans and
Keller in
mob violence against
red flag as symbol for
Seattle general strike and
Influenza, see Flu pandemic
Ingersoll, Robert
International Harvester
International Labor Day
International League of Darker Peoples
Interracial marriage
Intransigeant, L’ (magazine)
first nonstop flight from Newfoundland to
Italian immigrants
Jackson, May Howard
Jackson Daily News
Japanese beetles
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenks, J. W.
Russian Revolution and
Jim Crow laws
Johnson, Edna
Johnson, Henry Lincoln
Johnson, Herman
Johnson, Hiram
Johnson, J. Rosamund
Johnson, Jack
Johnson, James Weldon
in anti-lynching campaign
black soldiers and
on Washington race riot
Johnson, Julian
Jolson, Al
Jones, James W.
Jones, L. O.
Jones, Mary Harris “Mother,”
Jones, Samuel
Jordan, David Starr
Justice Department, U.S.
American Protective League and
bombings investigated by
Bureau of Translations and Radical Publications of
Congressional appropriations for
and deportation of radicals
domestic surveillance by (see also Bureau of Investigation)
Enemy Alien Registration section of
and Fourth of July fear mongering
Overman Committee and
race riots investigated by
raids on radicals carried out by
restructuring of
Supreme Court and
Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Kansas (ship)
Kansas City Monarchs baseball team
Kaplan, Charles
Karesaspa (ship)
Keichline, Anna W.
Keller, Helen
Khayyám, Omar
Kiel, Henry W.
King Lear (Shakespeare)
King, William Henry
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Liberty
Knox, Philander Chase
Kolbe, Theodore
Koningin der Nederlanden (ship)
Kreisler, Fritz
Kropotkin, Piotr Alekseyevich
Krupp, Gustav
Ku Klux Klan
Labor activism
cost of living increases and
lynchings and
riots against
see also Strikes
Labor Department, U.S.
Lachowsky, Hyman
amnesty campaign for
arrest of
bail granted to
deportation of
indictment of
surrender letter of
trial of
LaFollette, Robert M.
Lamar, William H.
Lamb, Charles
Lansing, Robert
Laski, Harold
Lawrence, T. E.
League for Amnesty for Political Prisoners
League of Democracy
League of Nations
African-Americans and
draft of Covenant of
inclusion in peace treaty of
opposition to
violations of Covenant of
William Howard Taft’s support of
Woodrow Wilson’s campaign in support of
Leavenworth Penitentiary (Kansas)
Lee, Algernon
Lenin, V. I.
Letter to American Workingmen from the Socialist Soviet Republic of Russia, A (Lenin)
Leviathan (ship)
Lewis, Cary B.
Lewis, John L.
Lewis, Mrs. Lawrence
Lewis, William H.
Liberator, The (magazine)
Liberty Bonds
Liberty League
Library of Congress
Life magazine
Lightnin’ (Broadway show)
Liljenerants, Baron John
Lincoln, Abraham
Lipkin, Dora
Lipman, Samuel
amnesty campaign for
arrest of
bail granted to
deportation of
escape attempt of
indictment of
trial of
and wife’s deportation
Lippmann, Walter
Little, Major Arthur
Little, William
Livingston, Frank
Lloyd, William
Lloyd George, David
Locke, Alain
Lodge, Henry Cabot
London, University of
London Daily Mail
London Daily News
London Times,
Lorentz, Hendrik
Los Angeles Times
Louis XIV, King of France
Louisville, University of
Loula, August H.
Lovely, Elijah
Loving, Major Walter H.
Lowden, Frank
Lowenthal, Elsa
Loyal American League
Loyalty League
Lusk, Clayton R.
Lusk Committee
campaign for federal legislation against
of discharged soldiers
of IWW organizer
migration to North due to fear of
late nineteenth-century
race riots and
Senate resolution apologizing for
MacDonald, Ramsay
Mack, Daniel
Magnificent Ambersons, The (Tarkington)
Makino, Baron
Mann Act (1910)
Marathon Tire and Rubber
Marconi, Guglielmo
Marconi Radio
Marin, George T.
Marine Corps, U.S.
Mark of Zorro, The (film)
Marriage, interracial
Marshall, Thomas
Marshall Field
Martens, Ludwig C. A. K.
Massachusetts State Guard
Mauretania (ship)
May Day “riots,”
McAdoo, William G.
McCall’s magazine
McClure’s newspaper syndicate
McCormick, Medill
McCulley, Johnston
McDermid, William
McIntosh, F. W.
McKay, Claude
McKee, Charles
McKenna, Joseph
McKinley, William
McReynolds, James Clark
Meader, C. L.
Mechanics Hall (Boston)
Médaille Militaire
Memphis Commercial Appeal,
Merritt, Camp (New Jersey)
Messenger, The (magazine)
Metropolitan Opera (New York)
Mexico (ship)
Michigan, University of
Michigan Senate
Military Intelligence Division (MID)
African-Americans targeted by
American Protective League and
Archibald E. Stevenson and
bombings investigated by
Congressional appropriations for
creation of
gangs investigated by
strikes investigated by
Mill, John Stuart
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miller, John
Milton, John
Miners’ strike, see Coal strike
laws against
see also Interracial marriage Mooney, Thomas
Moore, J. Hampton
Moran, Robert L.
Morgan, J. P.
Morris, H. B.
Morris, Mildred
Morrison, Stanley
Mortimer, Edith
Moses, George
Motion Picture News
Moton, Robert
Moving Picture World (magazine)
Müller, Hermann
Munnecke, Phoebe
Murphy, Jerome
Mussolini, Benito
Nation, The (magazine)
National American Woman Suffrage Association
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
anti-lynching campaign of
Carl Sandburg and
censorship of
government surveillance of
Madame C. J. Walker’s support of
and Washington riot
see also Crisis, The (magazine); DuBois, W. E. B.
National Association for the Promotion of Labor Unionism Among Negroes
National Civil Liberties Bureau; see also American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
National Committee for Organizing Iron and Steel Workers
National Daylight Savings Association
National Equal Rights League (NERL)
National Federation of Colored Organizations and Interests
National Guard
National Lawn Tennis Association
National League for Release of Political Prisoners
National Popular Government League,
National Race Congress
National Security League
National Woman’s Party
Native Americans
Naval Intelligence, Office of
Navy, U.S.
Navy Department, U.S.
NC-4 naval seaplane
Nearning, Scott
Negro Business League (Longview, Texas)
Negro Leagues
Negro World
Nelson, Knute
Newfoundland, first nonstop flight to Ireland from
New Jersey Department of Agriculture
New Moon, The (film)
New Negro
New Orleans States
New Orleans Times-Picayune
New Republic, The (magazine)
Newspaper Enterprise Association (NEA)
New Statesman, The
Newton, Isaac
New York Age
New York Amsterdam News
New York Call
New York Central Railroad
New York City Bomb Squad
New York City Police Department
New York Civic League
New York Evening Mail
New York Globe
New York Independent
New York National Guard
New York Post
New York State Assembly Committee to Investigate Seditious Activities, see Lusk Committee
New York State Bank
New York State Bridge and Tunnel Commission
New York State Guard
New York Sun
New York Times
actors’ strike reported in
A. Mitchell Palmer quoted in
bombing coverage in
Deliverance reviewed in
eclipse observation results reported in
and first nonstop transatlantic flight
Madam C. J. Walker quoted in
publication of Archibald Stevenson’s list in
riot coverage in
suffragist coverage in
William Howard Taft quoted in
Woodrow Wilson quoted by Trotter to
New York Tribune,
New York University
New York World
New York Yankees baseball team
Nieuw Amsterdam (ship)
Niles, Harold H.
No-Conscription League
Nobel Peace Prize
Noose, The (play)
Norfolk Landmark,
North Carolina (ship)
Northcliffe, Lord
O’Brian, John Lord
O’Hare, Kate Richards
Ohio State University
Oklahoma (ship)
Old Reliable Motor Truck
Olivet Baptist Church (Chicago)
Omaha riot
O’Neill, Eugene
Orizaba (ship)
Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele
Ouija Board
Overman, Lee S.
Owen, Chandler
Pacific Telephone Company
of Albert Einstein
of Arthur Stanley Eddington
denounced by Dixon
of Harry Weinberger
of Helen Keller
internment of “enemy aliens” for
Palmer, A. Mitchell
as alien property custodian
American Protective League and
amnesty for political prisoners opposed by
appointed Attorney General
bomb plots against
budget requests of
confirmation of appointment of
crackdown on price-fixers by
death of
and deportations
and Fourth of July fear mongering
Harry Weinberger and
and peacetime equivalent of Espionage Act
presidential aspirations of
raids against radicals authorized
restructuring of Justice Department by
and violence against African-Americans
Pan-African Congress
Paris Peace Conference
African-Americans and
WoodrowWilson at
Parker, Albert
Parrish, Silver K.
Pastores (ship)
Pataki, George
Patriotic American League
Paul, Alice
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on
Pennsylvania (ship)
Pennsylvania, University of
Pennsylvania Railroad
Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Perkins, Maxwell
Perkins Institute for the Blind
Pershing, General John J.
Petit Journal, Le (newspaper)
Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
Philadelphia Public Ledger
Phillips, W. B.
Photoplay magazine
Pickford, Mary
Pierre, Pietro
Pinkerton National Detective Agency
Pitney, Mahlon
Plaindealer, The (newspaper)
Playground and Recreation Association of America
Poindexter, Miles
Poindexter Resolution
Police strike, Boston
Polulech, Joseph
Popolo d’Italia, Il (newspaper)
Postal Laws
Postal Service, U.S.
Pound, Roscoe
Powell, Adam Clayton, Sr.
Powhatan (ship)
Press Bureau
Prince of Wales
Princess Matoika (ship)
Princeton University
Príncipe, Isle of
Prober, Gabriel
Progress and Poverty (George)
Progressive Farmers and Household Union of American
Propaganda League
Protestants, African-American
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Provincetown Players
Puffer, Mabel Emeline
Pulitzer Prize
Purity Distilling Company
Quarles, Josephine
Queen, Hallie Elvira
Race riots
Radcliffe College
bombings blamed on provocateurs by
deportation of
films attacking
Justice Department raids on
Overman Committee hearings on
see also Anarchists; Socialists
Radio Corporation of America (RCA)
Ragan’s Colts gang
Railroad Administration, U.S.
Raleigh News & Observer
Rall, Udo
Rand, Carrie D.
Rand School of Social Science
Randall, William
Randolph, A. Philip
Read, Lieutenant Commander Albert C.
Reader’s Digest (magazine)
Red Cross
Red Scare
Fourth of July celebrations and
of 1950s
see also Bolshevism; Radicals Red Viper (film)
Reed, James
Reed, John
Regina (ship)
Reid, Wallace
Relativity, general theory of
American intervention in Russia opposed by
and Boston police strike
during Chicago race riot
and confirmation of Palmer as
Attorney General
control of Congress by
Harry Weinberger and
in 1920 presidential race
on Overman Committee
and passage of Susan B. Anthony Amendment
and League of Nations
in Paris Peace Conference delegation
peacetime version of Espionage Act supported by
Woodrow Wilson’s participation in Paris Peace Conference opposed by
Revolutionary War
Right to Happiness, The (film)
race, see Race riots
Roberts, Needham
Robeson, Paul
Robins, Raymond
Robinson, J. G.
Robinson, Jack Roosevelt “Jackie,”
Rockefeller, John D.
Roddenbery, Seaborn
Roe, Gilbert E.
Rogers, Mrs. John, Jr.
Rome, ancient
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, James
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rosansky, Hyman
Royal Astronomical Society
Royal Flying Corps
Royal Greenwich Observatory
Royal Naval Air Service
Royal Society
R-34 dirigible
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
Runyon, Damon
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Lillian
allegations of links between Germany and
American military intervention in
Carl Sandburg’s reporting on
corporate interest in markets in
deportation of anarchists to
Paris Peace Conference and
Ray Stannard Baker on
Woodrow Wilson and
Russian immigrants
bombings blamed on
deportation of
domestic spying on
movies portraying
riots against
sedition case against
Russian People’s House
Russian Revolution
American supporters of
Ruth, George Herman “Babe,”
Sacco, Nicola
St. John’s Daily News
St. Louis Giants baseball team
Salsedo, Andrea
Salvation Army
San Francisco Daily Post
Sandburg, Carl
Sandburg, Paula
Saturday Evening Post
Sayre, Francis B.
Scandinavian immigrants
Schenck, Charles T.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr.
Schwartz, Jacob
Science and the Unseen World (Eddington)
Scott, Emmett
Scribner’s magazine
Scripps news service
Scully, C. J.
Scully, Margaret M.
Searchlight (newspaper)
Sears, Roebuck
Seattle general strike
Seattle Minute Men
Secret Service, U.S.
American Protective League and
bombings investigated by
domestic surveillance by
raids on radicals by
Sedition Act (1918)
passage of
repeal of
Sedition Slammers
Selective Service Act (1917)
Sellins, Fannie
Senate, U.S.
anti-lynching legislation in
Education and Labor Committee
fear of Bolshevism legitimized by
Foreign Relations Committee
Judiciary Committee
Military Affairs Committee
opposition to League of Nations in
Overman Committee
Palmer confirmed as Attorney General by
Republican control of
suffrage amendment in
Versailles Treaty rejected by
Seven Purposes, The (Cameron)
Shadow war, see Domestic surveillance
Shakespeare, William
Shannon, Glenn L.
Sharecroppers, black
Shaw, M. A.
Sherman, Lawrence
Shillady, John R.
Shreveport Times
Shubert theaters
Siboney (ship)
Simmons, Colonel Roscoe Conkling
Sinclair, Upton
Sissle, Noble
Sisson, Edgar
Sixth National Foreign Trade Convention (Chicago)
Smart Set, The (magazine)
Smedley, Agnes
Smith, Frederick
Smith, Gordon W.
Smith, Red
Smith, William
Snowden, Philip
Socialist Publications Society
African-Americans and
bombings blamed on provocateurs by
government surveillance of
Harry Weinberger and
imprisonment of
in labor movement
movies about
Rand School founded by
red flag as symbol for
riots against
Russian Revolution supported by
vilified by Thomas Dixon
Society of Friends, see Quakers
Solar eclipse, scientific expeditions to observe
Soldiers, returning
flu pandemic and
from Russia
Soviet Anarchist Bulletin
Soviet Bureau (New York)
Soviets, see Russia
Spanish-American War
Spanish flu, see Flu pandemic
Spanish immigrants
Spingarn, Major Joel E.
Spinoza, Baruch
Spiritism and Religion (Liljenerants)
Springfield Republican
Spying, domestic, see Domestic surveillance
Staats Zeitung (Missouri publication)
Standard Oil Company
Stanford University
Stark, John M.
State Department, U.S.
passport screening by
Steel strike
Steffens, Lincoln
Steimer, Mollie
arrests of
bail granted to
death of
deportation of
government surveillance of
incarceration of
indictment of
in Mexico
sentencing of
trial of
Stetzer, W. Judson
Stevenson, Archibald E.
Stockholm (ship)
Strange Interlude (O’Neill)
African-Americans used as scabs in
see also Coal strike; Seattle General Strike; Steel strike
Strong, Anna Louise
Studebaker car company
Sullivan, Anne
Sunday, Billy
Supreme Court, U.S.
bail granted to Harry Weinberger’s clients by
free speech decisions of
Weinberger’s brief to
Swarthmore College
Swift meatpacking firm
Taft, William Howard
Talmadge, Norma
Tanner, William Fitch and Mary
Tarbell, Ida
Tarkington, Booth
tapping of
Ten Days That Shook the World (Reed)
Texas, University of
Texas Rangers
This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald)
Thompson, W. C.
Thompson, William
Thomson, Joseph J.
Thoreau, Henry David
Tombs jail (New York)
Toomer, Jean
Trading with the Enemy Act (1917)
Treasury Department, U.S.
Trevor, Captain John B.
Trotsky, Leon
Trotter, William Monroe
death of
government surveillance of
League of Nations opposed by
Madame C. J. Walker and
National Race Congress of
Palace Casino “monster affair” of
in Paris
passport denied to
seaman’s permit obtained by
Woodrow Wilson’s meetings with
Tufts University
Tumulty, Joseph P.
Arab revolt against
in Great War
Tuskegee Institute
Twain, Mark
Under My Elm (Grayson)
Union League Club
Union Men and Women
see also Labor activism; Strikes; specific unions
Union of Russian Workers
United Artists
United Mine Workers (UMW)
United Nations
United Service Alliance, 96 United States Brewers’ Association
United States Industrial Alcohol Company
United States Steel Corporation
Universal Negro Improvement Association
University and Public Schools Battalion, British
Upshaw, W. D.
Upton, Camp (New York)
Valdinocci, Carlo
Van Deman, Ralph H.
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Van Devanter, Willis
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo
Veblen, Thorstein
Versailles, Treaty of
Senate’s rejection of
signing of
terms of
see also Paris Peace Conference
Veteran magazine
Vickers Aircraft Company
Villard, Oswald Garrison
Vimy bomber airplane
Virginian-Pilot (newspaper)
Vorse, Mary Heaton
Wald, Lillian
Walker, Madam C. J.
Wall Street Journal, The
Walters, Alexander
Walters, Lemuel
Wanamaker, Rodman
War College, U.S.
War Department, U.S.
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, D.C., riot
Washington, University of
Washington Post
Web, The (Hough)
Weinberger, Harry
amnesty campaign of
bail for clients of
death of
and deportation of Russian anarchists
at Ferrar Colony
influences on
Mollie Steimer’s correspondence with
pacifism of
Ray Stannard Baker’s support of
and Supreme Court decisions
at trial of Steimer and co-defendants
Wellesley College
Wells, H. G.
Wells-Barnett, Ida B.
Westinghouse, George
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company
Weyl, Hermann
What Wilson Did at Paris (Baker)
Wheeler, Seth, Jr.
Whip, The (newspaper)
White, Edward D.
White, Henry
White, William Allen
Whitehead, Alfred North
White Slave Traffic Act (1910)
Whitman, Charles S.
Wiley College
Wilhelm, Kaiser
Willard, Jess
William I, King of England
Williams, Eugene
Williams, L. K.
Williams, Lefty
Williams, Roger
Wilson (film)
Wilson, Edith Bolting Galt
Wilson, George L.
Wilson, William
Wilson, Woodrow
African-Americans and
amnesty for political prisoners refused by
on Armistice Day
assassination plots against
campaign for League of Nations of
Christmas celebration of
clemency granted by
death of
declining health of
dedication of American cemetery in France by
domestic spying endorsed by
European speeches of
homecoming of
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to
in Paris
Ray Stannard Baker’s biography of
and Senate’s rejection of Versailles Treaty
strikes denounced by
Supreme Court appointees of
switch in position on war of
transatlantic voyages of
troops sent to Russia by
vision for peace of (see also Fourteen Points)
women’s suffrage and
Winged Foot Express (dirigible)
Wobblies, see Industrial Workers of the World
Wold, Clara
Woman’s Peace Party
Women’s suffrage, see Suffragists
Wood, General Leonard
Woodrow Wilson and the World Settlement (Baker)
Workers Amnesty League
Workers’ Defense Union
World Series
World War I, see Great War
World War II
Wynn, Ed
Yanta (ship)
Yarmouth (ship)
Younger, Maude
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)
Zanuck, Darryl
Ziegfeld Follies (Broadway show)
Zorro movies