
From inception to publication, this book travelled a long ol’ road and I have many brilliant people to thank. My superdude agent Howard Morhaim, who shone a bright light when I was in a dark place. And Caspian Dennis who introduced me to Howard and takes care of the UK side of things. My cool and calm editor Marcus Gipps for believing in me once again, Gillian Redfearn, who’s always the boss, and the whole of Team Gollancz, who are never short of amazing. Then there’s my copyeditor Lisa Rogers because she never misses a trick and this book shines brighter for having met her.

I need to thank Gavin G Smith, RJ Barker and Tade Thompson for helping me stay sane within the madness of the publishing world; and Nazia Khatun because she somehow manages to put up with our shenanigans. To all my author friends, with you I’m never alone. Special shout out to the most marvellous Alex Lamb for allowing me to pick his brains about very scientific things in a land of magic. My mum and dad, along with the invincible Norman. And, of course, my wife and daughter whose constant love and support helps me through everything.

Last but not least, I give heartfelt thanks to all readers, everywhere. Without you I would not be here.