Appendix II: Memo to Orrin G. Hatch Re: Investigation into Terrorism, December 5, 1995




VIA: $$$/Dibblee/Iverson

DATE: December 5, 1995

RE: Investigation into Terrorism

The purpose of this memorandum is to outline several issues in the area of domestic and international terrorism which we believe should be the subject of an investigative oversight and/or hearings by the full Committee. Specifically, we will investigate the FBI's involvment before, during and after a terrorist threat and/of attack. This area is particularly topical in light of the tragic incidents in Tokyo's subway, at the federal building in Oklahoma City and at the World Trade Center. Moreover, the increased threat of terrorist activities, be it nuclear, biological or chemical, is of special interest considering the upcoming Olympic Games in Atlanta and Salt Lake City.

The investigation would be two-fold: (1) a review of the preventative measures currently in place to anticipate and hopefully prevent such acts; and (2) what mechanisms do we have in place in the event a terrorist attack does occur. Using the World Trade Center as an example, we may also want to take a critical view at what has occurred in the past, what could have been done to prevent it and what measures have been taken since that tragedy.1

With respect to prevention, we have received information from a company in Florida which tracks potential acts of industrial aspionage for private companies. On numerous occasions, while conducting these investigations, the company has uncovered information relative to potential terrorist (nuclear, biological and chemical) threats on the United States. In each instance, the company has contacted the FBI. The company is not in the business of tracking potential terrorist threats in the U.S. nor does it want to be. However, the company has offered to teach the FBI how it collects this information and how the FBI can identify terrorist activities before they happen. The FBI's response is that the technique used by this company “is too difficult to learn” and therefore the FBI is not interested.2 We propose to investigate whether this scenario is in fact true and what types of measures are being taken to identify and prevent terrorist before they happen.

A good case study on the preventive issue is what the FBI is doing in anticipation of the Atlanta Olympics. In addition to the “terrorist” issues surrounding the Olympics, the Committee will also be looking at the use of HRT at the Atlanta Olympics, as part of continuing oversight stemming from the Waco investigation. This would also ensure some long-range planning with respect to the effectiveness of the FBI in anticipation of the Olympics in Salt Lake City. Specifically, if we can investigate how Atlanta is handled, we may be able to ensure that any problems that do occur will be addressed and resolved before Salt Lake City.3

With respect the FBI's involvement after a terrorist event has occurred, the FBI is the lead agency with respect to coordinating rescue efforts and preservation of evidence from a crime scene. The FBI works in conjunction with FEMA, HHS, DOD, American Red Cross and numerous other agencies. The major problem in this arena appears to be the lack of training and equipment in situation that involve nuclear, biological and chemical substances. Specifically, the individuals first on the scene do not have the expertise to handle such complex and multi-faceted attacks. We will want to investigate what the FBI is doing to ensure that the FBI is prepared to handle these situations in case of attack.

Given the increase in terrorist attack in this country coupled with the high visibility associated with hosting the Olympic games, we believe that this issue is timely and will attract positive public as well as press attention. Both NBC and 60 Minutes have scheduled news stories focusing on the increase in terrorist activities in the United States and what the government is doing to protect its citizens. Accordingly, we believe an oversight investigation in this arena is both appropriate and imperative.


Continue with investigation

Plan hearings

Schedule members briefing (may include classified info)

Discontinue investigation
