Bickerdyke, John. The Curiosities of Ale & Beer (Scribner & Welford, 1889).
Byrne, Al. Guinness Times: My Days in the World’s Most Famous Brewery (Town House, 1999).
Davies, Jim. The Book of Guinness Advertising (Guinness Media, 1998).
Dennison, S. R., and Oliver MacDonagh. Guinness 1886-1939: From Incorporation to the Second World War (Cork University Press, 1998).
Gourvish, T. R., and R. G. Wilson, The British Brewing Industry 1830-1980 (Cambridge University Press, 1994).
Griffiths, Mark. Guinness Is Guinness: The Colourful Story of a Black and White Brand (Cyan Communications, 2004).
Griffiths, Mark, and John, Simmons. Believe (Guinness PLC, n.d). Guinness, Edward. The Guinness Book of Guinness (Guinness Books, 1988).
Guinness, Jonathan. Requiem for a Family Business (Macmillan Publishing, 1997).
Guinness, Michele. The Guinness Legend: The Changing Fortunes of a Great Family (Hodder and Stoughton, 1988).
Note: Any study of the history of the Guinness company and its breweries before 1939 is indebted to the thorough scholarly work done by S. R. Dennison, Patrick Lynch, Oliver MacDonagh, and John Vaizey with company documents, including brewer’s calculation books, brewery memorandum books, correspondence with Lord Iveagh, head brewer’s diaries, letter books, managing director’s diaries, and papers relating to the agencies and trade and to various aspects of the running and administration of the brewery and its additional activities. All those of us who have come later stand on their shoulders.
Guinness, Michele. The Guinness Spirit: Brewers, Bankers, Ministers and Missionaries (Hodder and Stoughton, 1999).
Hughes, David. A Bottle of Guinness Please (Phimboy, 2006).
Ipsen, Erik. “$33 Billion Giant Guinness to Unite with Grand Met,” International Herald Tribune, May 13, 1997.
Lutz, H. F. Vitaculture and Brewing in the Ancient Orient (G. E. Stechert, 1922).
Lynch, Patrick, and John Vaizey. Guinness’s Brewery in the Irish Economy: 1759-1876 (Cambridge University Press, 1960).
Machan, Dyan. “A Liquid Lunch,” Forbes, September 20, 1999.
Marchant, W. T. In Praise of Ale (George Redway, 1888).
Mathias, P. The Brewing Industry of England 1700-1830 (Cambridge University Press, 1958).
Mullally, Frederic. The Silver Salver: The Story of the Guinness Family (Granada, 1981).
O’Brien, Brendan. The Stout Book (Anna Livia, 1990).
Pugh, Peter. Is Guinness Good for You: The Bid for Distillers; The Inside Story (Financial Training Publications, 1987).
Ryder, David S., Newsletter of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, vol. 59, no. 4, 1999.
Sibley, Brian. The Book of Guinness Advertising (Guinness Books, 1985).
Vaizey, John. The Brewing Industry, 1886-1952 (Cambridge University Press,1960).
Williams, Owen. Notes on the St. James’s Gate Brewery (St. James’s Gate Brewery (internal publication), 1957).
Wilson, Derek. Dark and Light: The Story of the Guinness Family (Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1998).