“So do you want some snacks for the trip?” Isabel asked, following Rory out the back door. “Or some energy drinks? Coconut water? Greek yogurt?”

“I’ll be fine,” Rory said. The light from the midday sun was starting to turn golden. “I should probably get on the road. You know how bad the traffic can get.” They walked to Rory’s Honda. Mrs. Rule’s Land Rover was gone. Mickey had taken her to the airport. Connor was back at his dad’s house. It already felt as if the summer was over. “You sure you’re going to be all right here by yourself?” Rory asked, shading her eyes from the sun. “I feel kind of bad leaving you like this.”

“I’ll be fine,” Isabel said. “I have to get ready for NYU anyway.”

“You know, your mom may have a lot of flaws, but she really does love you,” Rory said.

“I know,” Isabel said. “I guess I have to accept the fact that she’s never quite going to be the mom I want her to be.”

“Maybe not,” Rory agreed. She zipped up her suitcase and shut the trunk.

“I went to Mike’s today. He wasn’t home, but I left a message. I’ll let you know how it goes. And I hope you let Evan down easy.”

“I did. I have a feeling we might run into each other again.” She threw her arms around Isabel and hugged her. “I’ll miss you. Come to New Jersey before I leave for Cali. The Farm and Horse Show is starting next week.”

“Wow, so tempting,” Isabel said, pretending to roll her eyes. She hugged Rory back. “I’ll text you tonight.”

“ ’Kay,” Rory said. “See ya. And Isabel?”


“Thanks for inviting me this summer. I’m really glad I came.”

“Even with all the drama between you and me?”

“Absolutely,” Rory said. “I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.”

“I would have,” Isabel said. “Just kidding.”

“Hey, you better visit me at school,” Rory said, walking to her car.

“I will. And by the way, don’t ever stop making films. Your stuff is a hundred times better than anything I saw at the East End Fest.”

“You’re only saying that because I’m your friend,” Rory said.

“Get in the car, already,” Isabel said.

She got into her car and shut the door. Isabel watched as she backed up, waved through the window, and drove down the path, eventually disappearing from sight as she made the turn toward the street.

Isabel stood on the gravel with her hands on her hips. It was hard to believe that she had this house to herself. A host of possibilities flashed through her head: throwing an enormous, raging party; going back to the city and catching up with some of her friends there doing internships; packing a bag and going to stay with her dad for a while. Her dad, she thought. Maybe that was where she belonged, at least for a few days. Then she could figure out a plan.

She turned back to the house, but the sound of crunching gravel made her stop. It was a car. Rory had probably forgotten something.

She turned back around and saw a dark red Xterra making its way up the drive. With her feet rooted to the ground and her heart beating wildly, she watched as the car came to a stop a few feet away, and the car door swung open. Mike hopped down onto the gravel. In his hand he held a bunch of wildflowers. The setting sun gave him a golden sheen as he came toward her.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi.” She still couldn’t move.

“So these reminded me of you,” he said, offering her the flowers. “Wild and beautiful.” He touched her cheek.

She laughed and kissed him. “You wanna go surfing?” she asked.

“I’d be honored.”

“Let’s go,” she said, and reached for his hand.

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