Babcock and the 1993–1994 University of Lethbridge Pronghorns, who were national champions. Mike told me that the most important thing is that the player leaves with more respect for the game than he had when he arrived. COURTESY UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE ARCHIVES
Pronghorns players John Curran, Trevor Ellerman, Colin Baustad and Corey Hastman. Ellerman said that when the team first started winning, Babcock was happy, but he wasn’t satisfied. COURTESY TREVOR ELLERMAN
Trevor Keeper, coach of the Red Deer College Kings, March 2014. When he was a young coach and high school teacher, Trevor met Mike Babcock to talk about assisting him with the Pronghorns, but he had no idea what he was getting into. COURTESY TONY HANSEN
Regarding Sochi 2014, Babcock told me he likened going to Russia to sending your kids off to university. In surroundings where it was easy to get derailed, Babcock created an environment within the team of looking out for and protecting one another. This photo was taken at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. STEVE RUSSELL/GETTY IMAGES
Gerry James played for the Leafs and Blue Bombers simultaneously. When he was injured while playing hockey, his football teammates stopped passing him the ball and were surprised when he caught it. HOCKEY HALL OF FAME
When Gerry was invited to try out for the Bombers, he couldn’t believe it. He’d only played high school football. WINNIPEG FREE PRESS
With Lanny McDonald in Fort McMurray, Alberta. It takes Canada’s finest moustache to cover the greatest smile. Lanny makes everyone and every event better. ROGERS MEDIA
Brantt Myhres and sister, Cher. Brantt said that as a ten-year-old boy watching HNIC, he admired Dave Brown, Tony Twist and Bob Probert, but until he landed in the WHL, he never fully understood what their jobs meant. COURTESY BRANTT MYHRES
Brantt Myhres with the Atlanta Knights circa 1993. Brantt made it to the Show but struck out five times, leading to a lifetime ban. Today he’s eight years sober and running Greater Strides Hockey Academy in Edmonton. CUNNINGHAM/HOCKEY HALL OF FAME
With Chicago, Bobby Hull scores his 600th goal—on Gerry Cheevers. Mike Walton is shot blocking. Gerry and Mike “Shaky” Walton were roommates on the road in the early ’70s. ASSOCIATED PRESS
Gerry Cheevers, May 20, 1978. Gerry was known for his mask, but he says he was more attached to his glove. ASSOCIATED PRESS
This game of shinny and a visit to Science North was a highlight. In Sudbury, kids are born wearing skates. RGERS MEDIA
Big Zee and Little Zee circa 1989. Big Zee took his son everywhere—baseball, hockey, roller hockey. Whatever it was, he was by Little Zee’s side. COURTESY THE KONOPKA FAMILY
Big Zee, Arlene, Cynthia and Little Zee at Celeste’s first communion. The family was really proud of their Polish heritage. COURTESY THE KONOPKA FAMILY
Zenon using his childhood boxing lessons on Dale Weise. ASSOCIATED PRESS
Steve Bozek with the Northern Michigan University Wildcats circa 1980. COURTESY CENTRAL UPPER PENINSULA AND NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES
The Castlegar boys were the nucleus of the Northern Michigan University Wildcats in 1979–80: Gordie Pace (top row, third from left), Bruce Martin (top row, fifth from right), David Kanigan (top row, fourth from right), Brian Verigin (centre row, seventh from left), Steve Bozek (centre row, sixth from left) and coach Rick Comely (centre row, first from right). COURTESY CENTRAL UPPER PENINSULA AND NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES
Coach Terry Crisp circa 1980, nine years before his Stanley Cup win. COURTESY TERRY CRISP
The Hound Line. Gary Leeman, Russ Courtnall and Wendel Clark revived the Leafs in the mid-eighties. They were a joy to be around. FRANK LENNON/GETTY IMAGES
This photo of Russ is very fitting. Anyone who saw him play knows he had an extra gear! FRANK LENNON/GETTY IMAGES
Père Athol Murray at Duncan McNeill Arena in Wilcox, Saskatchewan, 1968. COURTESY ATHOL MURRAY COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME