No Smoking
by Stephen Albrow
It was cold and dark, but Carly still went outside. She was the only smoker on the evening shift and there was no way she could survive her tea break without a couple of Marlboro Lights. She wished she’d brought her jacket with her, because her short skirt and blouse did little to protect her from the chill night air. But at least the ciggies would warm her up, if she could only manage to get them lit.
There was a disused doorway at the back of the office car park where the smokers huddled when the weather was bad. There was very little draft there, so Carly snuck inside, put a fag in her mouth and then sparked up her lighter. She felt a pleasing wave of relaxation, as the tobacco caught alight and the first plume of smoke billowed into her face. Working in a call centre could get stressful at times, with all those angry customers shouting down the phone, so she needed these moments of respite and calm.
Carly took a long draw on her cigarette and sent a long jet of smoke spiralling into the air. It caught on the breeze and dispersed in seconds, but not before someone had managed to spot it. And whoever it was, they appeared to be angry.
“Hey, you shouldn’t be smoking there!” yelled a voice, and then a torch light shone in Carly’s face. She froze for a moment, remembering all the times she’d been caught having a crafty fag in her lunch breaks at school, and feeling like a bad girl, she quickly stubbed the cigarette out and then hid her lighter down her cleavage crack.
And then she remembered she was an adult now and wondered why she’d reacted like that.
“But everyone smokes here,” she said, as she saw the stranger getting closer. Only it wasn’t a stranger. It was only Tim, the new security guard who had started last week. The young guard. The handsome guard. The one who looked cute in his uniform.
He stepped into the doorway and switched off his torch. They were close enough now for him not to need it. He sniffed the air and smelled the smoke, then shook his head in what seemed like disgust. But Carly couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not. She was too busy thinking how sexy he looked when he was angry.
“Don’t you read the notice board?” he asked, a hint of aggression in his voice.
“Because the rules have changed. You can’t smoke anywhere within the office grounds now.”
“I’m sorry,” said Carly, looking down at her feet. There was something about the tall, muscular guard that kept making her feel like a naughty schoolgirl. Maybe it was the authority his dark blue uniform gave him, or the fact he was just so incredibly good-looking, or just his masterful way of speaking to her.
“Well, sorry isn’t good enough, I’m afraid,” said Tim, then he told her to turn around and face the wall. “I’m going to have to frisk you.”
“You’re joking, aren’t you?”
“Do I look like I’m joking?”
Carly looked and he didn’t. Unless ... Unless ... She stared into his big blue eyes and was that a twinkle in the corner of each? And that frown on his lips, that James Dean sneer, was there maybe a hint of a smirk about it?
“Face the wall,” he yelled before she could decide, and he spoke with such force that she daren’t disobey him. She turned to the wall and spread her arms and legs, then felt his warm hands upon her hips. He slid them up the sides of her torso, then ran them along her outstretched arms, his touch both firm and reassuring. This must have been what it would feel like to be frisked by a proper policeman. A little bit scary, but also quite exciting – especially the way it made her feel like such a naughty girl.
“What are you looking for?” she asked, as Tim’s warm hands moved back along her arms and then back down to her hips.
“Evidence,” he said, then he dropped to his knees and ran his fingers down the sides of her miniskirt.
“Evidence of what?”
“Evidence that you’re a bad girl,” Tim said, his hands now touching Carly’s stocking-clad thighs. She looked down over her shoulder at him, wondering if he could see her stocking tops. The breeze kept ruffling the hem of her skirt, which only covered them by an inch or so.
“Well, you won’t find nothing down there,” said Carly, as Tim’s hands ran right the way down her legs. She didn’t mind him looking, though, because his touch felt even nicer through her soft, sheer nylons, and as his fingertips reached her shiny stilettos, she felt a tingle of arousal between her thighs. He had touched almost every inch of her body, and still his hands were on the move, sliding back up her thighs and then reaching round her body to search her stomach area and then her breasts. And that was the most thrilling moment of all, because that’s where Carly had stashed her lighter. And it made her feel like such a bad, little girl – one who was about to be caught red-handed.
“Well, what have we here?” Tim asked aloud, as his fingers cupped the bad girl’s breasts. He could feel the lighter through her silky blouse, but seemed far more interested in Carly’s nipples. They were pert and hard, which might have been the cold, but Tim felt certain it was more than that. Carly’s heart was beating fast and her cleavage was trembling, both obvious signs of how aroused she was.
“I’m going to have to confiscate this,” Tim said, unbuttoning Carly’s blouse and reaching inside. He squeezed her breasts through her lacy bra, then plucked the lighter from its hiding place.
“You can’t,” said Carly.
“I can,” said Tim; and Carly still couldn’t tell how serious he was, but if this was just Tim’s way of flirting with her, then she liked his way of flirting a lot. Her body was tingling in all the right places – all the places he had fondled in the full and thorough frisking. And there was something about that uniform, too – it made her feel like she had no choice but to obey Tim’s orders, no matter how ridiculous they might have seemed.
“You can’t take the lighter, it’s mine,” insisted Carly, though she knew he could do whatever he liked.
“I’m taking it,” he shouted, getting firmer with her now.
“But I’m a fully grown woman.”
And that made Tim laugh.
“A fully grown woman?”
“Yes, I’m twenty-six years old,” said Carly.
“Well, then why are you acting like a naughty little girl?”
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. You’ve been caught smoking where you shouldn’t have done. And that makes you a very bad girl – a very bad girl who needs to be punished.”
And before she could put up any more of a fight, Tim hitched up the back of Carly’s skirt. He smiled when he saw her stocking tops and then her black suspenders and her lace-trimmed knickers. They were clinging tight to her small, round buttocks, the fabric wedged between her cheeks. For Tim, it made an irresistible sight – such a perfect arse simply had to be spanked!
“You bad, bad girl,” he muttered, keeping the skirt raised with one hand while lifting his other hand into the air. Carly closed her eyes. She could tell what was coming, but couldn’t quite believe it was really true. She had never been spanked – not even at school – no matter how badly she had misbehaved or how many times she’d been caught with a crafty fag in her hand. No, she’d never been spanked, although she’d often deserved it, and so she couldn’t wait to feel Tim’s hand on her flesh.
She gasped, as his arm flashed through the air and the palm of his hand smacked into her arse. He’d caught her right in the middle of her plump left cheek, and though the thickness of her knickers had softened the blow, the mild twinge of pain was like a statement of intent – it was clear there was still much more to come. The second smack followed just a second later and was delivered with almost twice the force, confirming that the first strike had been nothing more than a warm-up blow. Crisper and harder, the second strike seemed to summon an instant bruise to her cheeks. She could picture her flesh turning all red and sore, as the pain it triggered made her buttocks throb.
“This’ll teach you,” said Tim, as he drew back his hand and then drove it hard into Carly’s behind. Two blows came in quick succession – a smack to the left cheek and a smack to the right – and Carly yelled from the bitter sting now building up with each new thwack. Her cheeks were getting redder and sorer, with tender welts rising all over her arse, and as more blows came, now directed at these sore spots, the level of intensity made her tremble inside. It was such an overwhelming feeling – being made to lean over while her arse was spanked! It was painful and sore, and yet, despite all that, Carly pushed out her buttocks like she wanted more.
“Bad girl,” said Tim. He had noticed her sticking her bottom out, and so he punished her with the hardest spank so far. “You’re not meant to be enjoying this!” But Carly couldn’t help herself. The constant throbbing in her bum cheeks was proving to be even more relaxing than a cigarette, because every spank seemed to wipe away any trace of guilt she had ever felt in the whole of her life. All the naughty things she’d ever done were now being punished. She was making amends for all her bad girl ways.
“Spank me harder,” she said, and Tim rose to the challenge, delivering five quick strikes to Carly’s left cheek. There was genuine aggression in every smack, like he was angry with her for wanting a harder spanking. Without really meaning to, she had put into question his dominant force, and so he now sought to teach her an even harsher lesson. To this end, he pulled her knickers down and began to spank her naked buttocks, determined to make her rue the day she had asked him to spank her with greater force.
Again and again, with increasing venom, the palm of Tim’s hand struck Carly’s cheeks. She was surprised by the difference being knickerless made – it was only a thin layer of silk after all – but without this, the smacks felt ten times harder and caused her to scream out loud with pain. The whole of her buttocks had turned red by now and so each new blow struck tender flesh, the whirlwind of slaps enflaming the welts and bruises already raised by Tim’s firm hand. There was only so much of this a girl could take, and Carly felt close to reaching her limit. But then two things happened that changed her mind. First, her buttocks went numb, and then her cunt started throbbing.
Or had her cunt been throbbing for quite some time? It was difficult to say with her arse cheeks aching. Tim’s hand had made them sting so much, she’d been blinded to all other feelings in her body, but now he’d spanked them completely numb, she was able to feel the other effects of the fierce chastisement. A pleasing warmth was coursing through her body, which she assumed to be an endorphin rush, since it seemed to deaden any last trace of pain, while at the same time triggering a fiery sexual glow inside her. Beads of hot moisture wet the lips of her pussy, and she pushed out her arse cheeks once again. But this time she wasn’t encouraging Tim to spank her even harder. Instead, she rubbed her bum against his crotch.
“Christ, you really are a bad girl,” said Tim, who’d been gearing up for another firm strike. “I’m trying to teach you a lesson here.”
“Well, there are others way of doing that.”
“Like what?”
“Like fucking some sense into me!”
Carly’s buttocks were still pressed tight against Tim’s crotch and she could feel the firm, hard outline of his prick. It was bulging with the pent-up sexual tension that had been building inside him throughout the spanking, so she knew he wouldn’t need much encouragement to start fucking her hot, wet pussy instead.
“Nice idea,” said Tim, unzipping his trousers and then steering his hard-on between Carly’s thighs. She was still standing in the frisk position, leaning up against the wall with her feet apart, which allowed him to enter her at speed from behind, his hands now gripped around her waist. She screamed as his manhood tore through her muscles. He had delivered the first thrust with so much force, Tim still seemed determined to teach her a lesson – it was as if he was still spanking her.
“Bad girl,” he said, as he pulled back his hips and then powered his manhood straight back home. His full length entered Carly’s pussy, sparking a wave of fierce convulsions in her clinging cunt walls. The spasms made her pussy feel twice as tight and forced Tim to increase the force of his thrusts, but the tall, strong, athletic, dominant guard was fully equipped to raise his game. Fuelled by a mixture of testosterone and adrenaline, he rammed his cock in and out of Carly’s gash, loving how his thrusts were making her scream even louder than the firm, meaty spanks he’d given her arse.
“Are you learning your lesson?” he yelled in her ear, as he drove his dick through her slit. But such was the level of friction inside her, and so strong were the continual waves of tension in her cunt, that she could barely even remember what the lesson he wanted to teach her was, except it was something to do with her being bad – being bad and needing punishment. But this certainly didn’t feel like a punishment to her – the non-stop thrusts of Tim’s hard dick were making her insides shudder, her nipples throb and her body feel aglow like never before. He had stoked up a pre-orgasmic fire inside her, which sent jets of warm juice gushing down her thighs, and now her arms and legs began to tremble. She was almost there. She was almost coming.
It probably made no difference that Tim reached for her breasts and gave Carly’s nipples a sudden tweak. The tension inside her had already gone past that point – that point where she could hold it back – and now her cunt muscles churned around his dick and the juices from her pussy ran faster and thicker. She threw back her head and roared with pleasure, then she felt his cock surge through her again, and with her walls now gripping skin-tight to his phallus, she could feel how close Tim was to a climax. His helmet was bulging at split-second intervals, the throbs sparking shivers in Carly’s cunt. And then he pulled right back to the entrance of her pussy, ready to deliver a last, fierce thrust.
Carly let out another wild roar of delight, as Tim’s full length hammered through her climactic walls. She felt his helmet pulsing deep inside her, as it showered her insides with jets of hot spunk. The jism struck her with surprising force. She could feel each bulge of Tim’s helmet quite clearly, and when he thrust again to drain his balls completely dry, she felt the first rush of climax all over again. A new wave of spasms made her cunt muscles ripple and a fresh wave of juice spilled out of her slit. But better still than those two things was the sudden sense of relaxation she felt. Because Tim had done more than just fuck her that night – he had also corrected her bad girl ways. And that’s why her buttocks felt so red and sore!
Tim gave them a slap just after withdrawing, reawakening the welts and bruises on her flesh. She felt a satisfying tingle of pain in her cheeks, which acted as a reminder of the lesson she’d been made to learn. She was not to smoke in the office car park. And the message could not have been hammered home more clearly by the dominant security guard who’d spanked and fucked her so forcefully. She turned to face him and saw him reaching in his pocket. She wanted to thank him for correcting her errant ways, but the words got stuck in the back of her throat.
“What’s up with you?” Tim asked, as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes, took one out and then sparked it up.
“You’re lighting up!”
“Of course, I’m lighting up. I always smoke after having sex.”
“But you said this was a No Smoking area.”
“Yeah, well, that was sort of a little white lie.”
“A lie?” Had she just heard him right?
“Yeah, I sort of made the whole thing up. I suppose it was rather naughty of me, but then I’ve always been a very bad boy.”
“You can say that again,” said a dumbfounded Carly. “You’re a very, very bad young man, indeed.”
“So, does that mean I need a good spanking, Miss?” Tim asked, with a mischievous grin on his lips.
It was a naughty suggestion but Carly rather liked it. It would be fun to turn the tables on him.
“Yes, it does,” she said, immediately getting into character. “So report back here tomorrow night, at nine o’clock sharp, and don’t be late.”
“Yes, Miss,” said Tim.
“Oh, and Tim,” added Carly, “I’m going to have to confiscate your cigarettes.”
“Oh, Miss!”
“Hand them over!”
She was gasping for a fag now, so she snatched the packet and her lighter from him and lit one up. A quiet cigarette was what she’d come outside for in the first place, and as she took the first puff, she felt a need for peace and solitude.
“Dismissed,” snapped Carly, and the naughty schoolboy daren’t argue. He skulked away into the darkness. But he’d be back again tomorrow – she was certain of that! And this time it was
hisarse that was going to get spanked.