
Food Shopping:
Where to Shop  

SUPERMARKETS: Kasha, beans, dried legumes of all kinds, fresh vegetables and fruits. Supermarket “health food” section: brown rice, nuts and seeds, whole wheat flour, unrefined oils, dried fruits, imported dried mushrooms.

DELICATESSEN: Half-sour or sour dill pickles (ingredients: cucumbers, water, salt, some spices), loose Greek olives.

JAPANESE AND ORIENTAL FOOD MARKETS: Tofu, shiitake mushrooms, sea vegetables (nori, wakame, hiziki, kanten, kombu), varieties of miso (ingredients: soybeans, rice or barley, water, salt), umeboshi plums (ingredients: plums, water, salt, beefsteak leaves), aduki beans, bancha tea.

MIDDLE EASTERN STORES: Tahini, couscous, red lentils, green (regular) lentils.

HEALTH FOOD STORES: Whole grains and flours, beans, unrefined oils, sea salt, natural shoyu, misos, sea vegetables, kuzu, unsweetened whole grain breads, rice cakes, tahini and other nut butters, dried fruits, nuts, apple butter, tofu, apple juice, maple syrup, barley malt, yinnie syrup, sesame salt, bancha or kukicha tea, other herb teas, grain coffees, et cetera.