Huge thanks to my super-agent, Caroline Sheldon, and to Clare Argar, Alice Swan, Polly Nolan and all at Scholastic for bringing this book to life. Further back, this idea formed when my friends Kevin and Fliss formed a band (hello Teignmouth!) so thanks for such great times. I’d be lost without my writing group, especially Tania, Vicky, Amanda and Margaret, and my lovely friends Cathy, Jenny, Kath, Riggsy and Wendy V. Big thanks also to former avid-teen readers Hannah Currie and Becky Varley-Winter (who nudged me in the right direction all those years ago) and to Sam, Dex and Erin for tons of ideas. Above all, thanks to Jimmy, for helping this story to form and for putting up with me tapping away late into the night.