Laura L. Smith, PhD: Dr. Smith is a clinical psychologist. She is past-president of the New Mexico Psychological Association. She has considerable experience in school and clinical settings dealing with children and adults who have emotional disorders, frequently accompanied by substance abuse problems, including smoking and vaping. She presents workshops and classes to the University of New Mexico adult continuing education program. Dr. Smith is a widely published author of articles and books to the profession and the public.
Charles H. Elliott, PhD: Dr. Elliott is a clinical psychologist and currently president of the New Mexico Psychological Association. He is also a professor emeritus at Fielding Graduate University and has served on the faculty of two medical schools. He has extensive experience in the treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with emotional disorders, especially disorders that interact with health, such as smoking and vaping. Dr. Elliott has authored many professional articles, book chapters, and books in the area of health psychology and cognitive behavior therapies, including Why Can’t I Get What I Want?: How to Stop Making the Same Old Mistakes and Start Living a Life You Can Love (Davis-Black).
Drs. Smith and Elliott have worked on numerous publications together. They are coauthors of: Anger Management For Dummies (Wiley); Borderline Personality Disorder For Dummies (Wiley); Child Psychology & Development For Dummies (Wiley); Overcoming Anxiety For Dummies, 2nd Edition (Wiley); Obsessive Compulsive Disorder For Dummies (Wiley); Seasonal Affective Disorder For Dummies (Wiley); Anxiety & Depression Workbook For Dummies (Wiley); Depression For Dummies (Wiley); Hollow Kids: Recapturing the Soul of a Generation Lost to the Self-Esteem Myth (Prima Lifestyles); and Why Can’t I Be the Parent I Want to Be? (New Harbinger). Their work has been featured in various media including Family Circle, Parents, Child, and Better Homes & Gardens, as well as popular publications like the New York Post, Washington Times, Daily Telegraph (London), NPR, CNN, Canada AM, and various Sirius Satellite radio shows. They have committed their professional lives to making the science of psychology relevant and accessible to the public. You can contact the authors at
We dedicate this book to all the people who struggle with addiction to smoking or vaping. We also dedicate this book to our grandchildren — Lauren, Cade, Alaina, Carter, and Viktoria — whom we fervently hope never turn to vaping or smoking.
We want to thank our outstanding team at Wiley. As usual, their expertise, support, and guidance was of immeasurable help. From the beginning, our acquisition editor, Tracy Boggier, helped us formulate and execute a plan for developing this book on quitting smoking, as well as the new phenomenon of vaping. Elizabeth Kuball, development and copy editor, ensured that our text stayed on point and error-free. We also thank Alicia Wiprovnick, our technical editor, for her contributions.
We would also like to acknowledge Jackson Gantzer for offering advice and information about the technical aspects of vaping devices. Thanks to Lauren Rodriguez for her help with understanding the teen vaping culture. Others also provided us with invaluable feedback and ideas: Kitty Tynan, Scott Bucholtz, Brian Elliott, Nancy Handmaker, Sarah Pastore, Allison Wolfe, Kate Wolfe, Trevor Wolfe, and Janice Guerin.
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Tracy Boggier
Project Editor: Elizabeth Kuball
Copy Editor: Elizabeth Kuball
Technical Editor: Alicia Wiprovnick
Production Editor: Mohammed Zafar Ali
Cover Photos: © Carpe89/Getty Images