by Moishe Rosen

To be perfectly blunt: I must say the Christians have robbed the Jews! And perhaps what is worse is that this thievery has been encouraged by theologians, pastors, and even Sunday School teachers, where small children are taught to sing the song, “Every promise in the book is mine, every chapter, every verse, every line.”

Every promise in Scripture in some way benefits Christians, but it is not all promised to Christians. Sometimes the thievery has been inadvertent and unintentional. It's like thinking that the raincoat hanging in the office closet is yours for wearing home because of unexpected showers. Hopefully, you will discover the raincoat belongs to a fellow worker and you will restore it. It is not as if Christians do not have the greatest promise of God, which is I John 2:25: “And this is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life.”

Barry Horner is a theologian who furnishes evidence of this identity theft and the false claim that the Church inherited all the promises of Israel. Not only that, he demonstrates how by restoring the election of God or chosenness to the Jewish people, the Church is even more blessed.

He shows that the Jewish people represent current historical evidence of the Bible's complete trustworthiness. Every living Jewish person, no matter what he believes, no matter what he observes, no matter whether or not he cares, is evidence that the God of the Bible is, and that He keeps His Word.

Israel may be blinded in part, yet there is a glorious destiny to be fulfilled. That glorious destiny is a light and a blessing to the Church of today and tomorrow.

Horner's scholarship is impeccable, his reasoning is profound, his revelation of theological anti-Semitism is astounding. His proposal for the solution is based on the integrity of Scripture and the sovereignty of God. I can't imagine a more useful book for those who take theology seriously.