
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

NOTE: Page numbers in italic refer to diagrams.

Aborigines (Australia) 74, 191, 299

Ache Indians (Paraguay) 196, 205–6

ACTH see adrenocorticotropin hormone

Acton, Dr (Victorian doctor) 181

adaptation 25, 28–31, 119

cheat detection 335

and DNA 308–9

religion as 378–9

sperm competition 182–4

Adaptation and Natural Selection (Williams) 226

adrenal glands 38–9

adrenalin 37, 52

adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) 38

adultery 179–82, 186, 191–2

African naked mole rat 210n

aggression and babies 86–7

Ahasuerus (King of Persia) 173, 367

AIDS 128

Alinagar (Uttar Pradesh, India) 213–16

alleles 230

Allen, Woody 245

allyliothiocyanate 71

altruism 207, 226, 310–12, 362–7

altruistic punishment 338–40

in animals 350–3

delayed 319–20

reciprocal 315–16

see also co-operation

Altruistic Personality and Prosocial Behaviour Institute 362

Altschuler, Eric 374

Amaral, David 51

Amazon women 286

ambition 256–7

see also competition

amino acids 306–7

Amsterdam 348

amygdala 44, 48–52, 50, 265

animals 40–2, 294

altruism 350–3

imitation ability 355–7

see also individual species

anorexia nervosa 125

anthropology 23

anti-Semitism 347–50

anti-social personality disorder (ASPD) 274

ants 208–10, 316

anxiety disorder 58–9


compassion towards another species 352–3

psychology 341–2

sexual behaviour 163–5

violence 295–8

aphids 210

Arabian babbler bird 251–2

archaeology 28

Arecibo Radio Telescope 15–16

Aristotle 373, 390

Artificial Life (A-life) programming 317–18

ASPD see anti-social personality disorder

atavisms 260–1

atheism 379

atomic bombs 23

atoms 45–6

Auschwitz concentration camp 349, 387–9

Australopithecus 17, 19, 60

Australopithecus afarensis 63, 116, 177

Australopithecus ramidus 116

Australopithecus robustus 80, 116

autism and empathy 353–5, 359

Axelrod, Robert 330–1, 332

Ba-Huana people (Congo) 286

Babcock, Lucille (Carnegie Medal winner) 365–7

babies see children, babies

baboons 170

Baker, Robin 185

Baldwin, James Mark 108–10

Baron-Cohen, Simon 354

base jumping 254

BaSoga people (Uganda) 277–8

bats see vampire bats

Baudoin, Count 173

beauty in mating preference 123–6

bees 208–12

beetles 210

behaviour 23–8

conditioned reflexes 53–8

criminal and antisocial 282–5

game theory 291–2

genetic linkage 59

manipulation and control 242–4

see also chromosomes; mating

Bellis, Mark 185

Bengston, Karin 87

berserking (Vikings) 288–9

Betzig, Laura 172

Bible (Old Testament) 380, 383

Binmore, Ken 334

Binti Jua (gorilla) 352

bipedal movement 63–4, 83

black pepper 71

Black Widow spider 134–5

Bloch, Felix 46

blood 38–9, 226–9, 320

blowfish (fugu) and risk-taking 254

Bobbit, Loretta 161

body development 22, 45–6, 76–7

and brain 97–100

see also environment in childhood; individual parts

body language and violence 294–5

Bohr, Nils 347

Bondi, Hermann 376–7

bones and diet 70–1

bonobos (type of ape) 352–3

Book of the Covenant (ben Meir) 374

Borgia, Cesare 242

Bouchard, Tom 378

Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni 285

brain 19, 22–3, 76

adaptation 30–1

amygdala 44, 48–52, 50, 265, 338

babies and faces 87–91

baby instincts 83–4

‘Baldwin effect’ 108–10

and body size 99–100

Broca’s Area 97–8, 358

chemistry of infatuation 141–3

cooling properties 103–4

cortex 43–4, 101–2

pre-motor 356

prefrontal 101–2, 265

cranium structure 97–8

damage 88–9, 94

in early hominid children 79–81

expertise and size 105–8

F5 activity 356–7

food for 104–5

growing 97–8

hippocampus 44

hormones 38

hypothalamus 44

limbic 42, 44

mu waves 357–9

neocortical 43–4

pheromone fathers 85–7

phrenology 259–61

play and development 91–2

prefrontal cortex 101–2

and racism 202–3

reptilian 42

roots of learning 92–6

and runaway selection 241–2

size 65, 80, 82–3, 91, 97–8, 99–102, 105, 110–12

group living 321

social intelligence factor 241

socialising 112–14

speech 97–8, 358

stimuli essential 31–2

structure 50, 95–6

study problems 44–6

tool-making skills 64–5

triune 42–4, 43, 102

trust experiment 338

see also fear; fMRI; mind; MRI; nervous system; PET; vasopressin–2 receptor

brainwaves 357–8

breast-feeding 191

breathing rate 38, 39

Brecht, Bertolt 301

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 36

Broca’s Area of brain 98, 358

Brookfield Zoo (Chicago) 352

Brown, Andrew 200

Brussels sprouts 71

Burman, Cecilia 89–90

Burns, George 192

Buss, David 128, 130, 146, 152

Byrne, Richard 243–4

calcium in amygdala 48

calories 75

Calvin, William 66–7, 108–9, 111–12

carbon dioxide 306

Carnegie Medal for heroism 255, 363–5

carnivores see meat-eating

carrying objects 64

caste and murder213–15

Castimandua, Queen of the Brigantinians 285

Catch-22 (Heller) 325

Center for Neural Science (New York) 51

Center for Neuroscience (California) 51

cerebellum 50

cerebrum 50

Chagnon, Napoleon 172, 212

chaos theory 25

charm in competition 234

chastity 126–8, 160

cheat detection mechanism 335–8

Child of Our Time (BBC TV) 87

childbearing 122–3

childbirth 82–3, 191, 230–2


babies 83–4, 87–90

compared with chimpanzees 80–1

genes in fetus 226–9

genetic relationship with mother 226–9

instincts 83–4

sense of smell 85–7

size 229–31

early hominid 79–81

feral 32–5

predisposition to violence 278–82

roots of fear 52–3

toys and gender 278–9

twins 284–5, 306, 378


compared with babies 80–1

sexual behaviour 164–5

as tool users 64–6

violent 295–8, 299–300

cholesterol 74

Chomsky, Noam 93

Christianity 192, 383, 385–6

chromosomes 229, 232n

chromosome 15 (DNA) 59

X chromosome 280–2

Y chromosome 239, 280

Cinderella effect of genetic calculation 204–6, 216

civilization 20

Clark, A. G. 183

Clarke, Arthur C. 16

cleaner-fish 315–16

A Clockwork Orange (film) 55

cloning 117, 232n

clowns and phobias 56

co-operation 302, 322–3, 343–5

free-rider problem 323–6

learning 340–3

see also altruism; game theory; kin selection; legal systems

co-ordination ability 111–12

cognition 35, 94, 99–100

and gender 107

see also expertise

Collins, Francis 21

colonialism and violence 298–9

communication 19–20

compatibility in transplantation 136–7

competition 224–5, 233–8, 257–8

see also ambition; game theory

computer simulation in research 317–18

Conditioned Reflexes (Pavlov) 53–4

conflict in all human processes 229–30

Conniff, Richard 253

consciousness 16

consumerism 245–8

cooling mechanism of brain 103–4

corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) 38

cortisol 39, 154–5

Cosmides, Leda 94, 203, 313, 335–7

cranium structure 97–8

creationism 17, 371–2

CRH see corticotropin-releasing hormone

The Criminal Man (Lombroso) 259–62

criminality 259–61, 282–5

cruelty of humans 212

culture 35, 216, 300

da Vinci, Leonardo 155

dairy products 74

Daly, Martin 161, 204–5, 277

Dani people (New Guinea) 191

Dart, Raymond 68–91, 111

Darwin, Charles 20, 52–3, 99, 102

and criminality theory 260

on instincts 233

and sex 166, 180

‘survival of fittest’ distortion 217–18, 222–3

see also New Darwinists; Social Darwinists

The Darwin Wars (Brown) 200

Darwin’s Cathedral (Wilson) 379

Davie, Grace 377

Dawkins, Richard 305–6, 309, 371–2

disagreement with 375–6, 380

Deacon, Terrence 101

Dennett, Daniel 31

The Descent of Man (Darwin) 99, 234

Diary of a Nobody (Grossmith) 24

Dictator Game 361

Diderot, Denis 305

dieting 75

see also food

Disorders (Acton) 181

Disraeli, Isaac 371

division of labour 107–8

divorce 190, 192

DNA 21–2, 59, 117, 138, 143

beginnings of life 307–9

chimpanzees’ sexual behaviour 165

gene survival 201

dogs and Pavlov’s experiment 53–5

Dolan, Ray 337

dolphins 100, 350–1

dominance and testosterone 154–5

Donne, John 141

double helix see DNA

The Dragons of Eden (Sagan) 82

Drimolen (South Africa) 79

Drosophilia see fruit-fly

Dunbar, Robin 130–1, 288, 321

dust particle movement 24–5

ears and adaptation 30

Eastman Dental Institute (London) 124

Ehrlich, Paul 95–6, 166–7, 369–70

Eichmann, Adolf 385

Einstein, Albert 23, 301

elephant seals 170–1

Ellison, Larry 247–8

emotions and response 49, 51


in animals 350–2

and autism 353–5

in humans 356–8, 360, 367

encephalization quotient (EQ) 99–100

endorphins 142–3

energy and the brain 104–5

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (Herzog film) 32


ancient human 60–1

and biology 266–7

in childhood 31–4

for early ancestors 39–41

EQ (encephalization quotient) 99–100

erotica 130–1

ethics 369–70

eugenics 119–20, 219–20, 222, 261, 262–3

European Values Group 377

eusociality 209–12

evil 391


beginnings of life on Earth 306

competition factor 341–3

and culture 35

evolutionary psychology 118–21

gene-centred 27, 309–10

‘Great Leap Forward’ 358

group selection theory 196–8

mathematics of 200–1, 204, 212–13

and memory 60–1

theory 17, 20

see also adaptation; culture; fear; genes; natural selection; sex; creationism

The Evolution of Co-operation (Axelrod) 330

exercise and food 74–5

exhilaration and chemistry 141–3

expertise 105–8

extra-terrestrial intelligence see SETI

eyesight and adaptation 29, 31, 39

face-blindness see prosopagnosia

faces 123–5

features and criminal tendencies 260–2

infant response 87–91

fairness 367

faith see religion; trust

Falk, Dean 103

family feeling 201–2, 208–12, 311–12

in Babylon 369

see also kin selection; kinship power

fathers and babies 85–7

fats in food 73–4

fear 37–9, 44–8, 49–52

categories 53–4

evolutionary roots 52–3

learned 55–7

see also phobia

Fehr, Ernst 339–40

feminism 166–7, 169

fertility 125, 133–5, 144–5, 158–9

fetus 72, 226–32

fidelity 186–8

fight or flight 37–42, 49, 61–2

see also adrenalin; amygdala; fear

fish stocks problem 325

Fisher, Helen 142, 190

Fisher, Ronald 236–7, 240

Flack, Jessica 353

flies (Diopsidae family) 238–9

Flint, Jonathan 59

flint-knapping 65–6, 111

flocking/herding 317–19

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) 30–1

food 69–76

for brain 104–5

perils of 71–3

and survival 73–6

football and kinship 313–14

footprints of early hominids 62–3

Frankl, Viktor 387–9

free will 391

Freeman, Derek 148–9

From Calvary to Tokyo (Weissinger) 376

fruit see vegetarianism

fruit-fly breeding behaviour 183–4

fugu (blowfish) and risk-taking 254

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 30–1

Gage, Phineas 264–5

Galton, Francis 220–2

game theory 290–3, 324–5, 326–7, 334–5

see also Dictator Game; Prisoner’s Dilemma game; Ultimatum Game

Gates, Bill 247

gathering in groups 113–14

gaze direction 354–5

gazelles and risk-taking 252

Geertz, Clifford 23, 35


cognition 107–8

female preferences in mating 129–32

female violence 280–2

feminism 166–7

male preferences in mating 121–9

male violence 277–9

psychological differences 121

sex ratio 198–200

and toys 278–9

genes 20–3, 30, 35, 95

anti-social behaviour 282–5

Baldwin effect 108–10

chromosomes 229–30

Cinderella effect 204–6

for co-operation 326–7

competitive struggle 229–32

and developing fetus 226–32

in eusocial insects 209–12

evolution and survival 200–4

and fidelity 186–7

‘good genes’ theory 238–40

IGF2 gene 231–2

imprinting 229–32

inbreeding 138–9

inherited 211

MHC 136–7

molecular genetics 117–18

monogamy possibility 186–8

MUC-1 variant 119

mutation 223, 228–9

programming for fear 58–9

‘selfish’ gene 27, 206–12, 305–10

and violent behaviour 262–7

in warfare 299–300

see also natural selection; survival of fittest

genetics 221

genocide 272

Getty, J. Paul 225

gibbons 179

glands see individual names

glucose 39

God 18, 377, 378, 379, 389–91

‘Golden Age’ belief 221–2

Gombe National Park (Tanzania) 295–6

Goodall, Jane 295–7

Goodwin, Frederick 262–3

gorillas 170–1, 175

Gosford Park (film) 174

Gratacòs, Dr 58

Great Leap Forward in evolution 358

Greece and ‘Golden Age’ 221–2

Green, Tom (Mormon) 178

Greenfield, Susan 31

group selection 201, 289, 317

grouse mating ritual 239

guilt 367

Guinness Book of Records 133

guppies and risk-taking 249–51

Hadar (Ethiopia) 63

Hamilton, William 200–2, 208, 210, 226, 305

Hammersmith Hospital (London) 46, 48, 87

Hammond, Peter 124

Hammurabi (Mesopotamian king) 368, 369, 374

handaxe tool 65–8, 111–12

Handicap Principle 249–55, 364

Harding, Luke 215

harems 172–3, 175, 177–9, 193–4, 199, 234

Harlow, John 264

Hartsoeker, Nicolas 373–4

Hawks and Doves see game theory

head size 82–3

heart rate 38, 39

herding/flocking 317–19

Hereditary Genius (Galton) 220

heredity 226–7, 271, 280–2

hermits 303–5

Herodotus 248

heroism see Carnegie Medal for heroism

Herzog, Werner 32

hippocampus 44

Hiroshima 23, 301

HIV infection 128

Hobbes, Thomas 269–70, 290, 331

Holocaust 349–50

homeland memories 60–1

hominids 26–7, 62–3

brain growth 97–8

sparsity of remains 116

Homo erectus 17, 60, 65–6, 71, 101, 116

Homo ergaster 65

Homo habilis 17, 35, 41, 64–5, 98, 116

Homo sapiens 17, 65, 68, 97, 98, 111, 116

survival of fittest 223–5

and violence 300–1

homosexuality 119–20

hormones 37–40, 266

see also individual names

The Human Brain (Greenfield) 31

Human Genome Project 21–3

hunting 68–71, 110–12

as example of Prisoner’s Dilemma game 332–4

in groups 113–14, 161–2

hunter-gatherer groups 191, 298–9, 340

Hutterian Brethren (Huttites) 137–8

Huxley, T. H. 222

hydrogen 306

Hymenoptera 209

hypothalamus 44

Ice Age 19

identity 302

IGF2 gene 231–2

imitation see mirror neurons

immune system 138, 200–2

imprinting of genes 229–32

inbreeding and incest 138–9

Indians, American and Canadian 246–7, 299

infanticide 212–16

infatuation 141–3

infertility 158–9, 184–5, 192

infidelity, female 180–4

insects’ social behaviour 208–12

Insel, Tom 187


babies’ 83–4

control centre 42–4

definition of term 20–1

Institute of Neurology (London) 337–8

intelligence levels 16, 97, 99–102

social intelligence hypothesis 243

International Ciba Symposium on Genetics 282–5

International Year of Peace (1986) 270

Inuit people 71

IQ (intelligence quotient) 100–1

Ivory Coast study 164–5

jealousy 143–7, 148–9, 192

and violence 150–3, 278

Jerison, Harry 99

Jesus Christ 385

The Jewish War (Josephus) 381–2

Jones, Steve 221, 309

Josephus Flavius 381–2

Judaism 382–5

Judas Iscariot 386

Kalahari Desert 74, 112, 162, 181

Kelvin, Lord (William Thompson) 372

Keyser, André 79–80

‘killer ape’ theory (Dart, Goodall) 69, 111, 295–8

kin selection 201–6, 208–9

altruism 310–12

Big Mistake hypothesis 313–15

exceptions 206–8, 216

in the womb 226–9

kinship power 194–6

Kipsigi people (Tanzania) 213

Kubrick, Stanley 16, 55

!Kung people (Africa) 74, 112, 162, 181, 191, 298–9, 340

Kuni (bonobo) 352–3

Kurzban, Robert 202

Laetoli plain (Tanzania) 62, 63

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 106

Lander, Eric 21

language skills 92–4

Las Vegas 248

law see legal systems

Le Pen, Jean-Marie (French fascist leader) 202

Leakey, Mary 62–3

Leakey, Richard 61

learning skills 92–6, 106–7

LeDoux, Joseph 51

legal systems 367–9

Leibnitz, Gottfried 373

lekking ritual in sage grouse 239–40

Lese people 213

Leviathan (Hobbes) 269

lie-detector 267

life, sanctity of human 380

lion families 195, 196

logic puzzle 335–7

Lombroso, Cesare 259–62

London Hospital (Whitechapel) 150

love 136–41, 142

Lucy (fossil skeleton) 63, 177

Lyons, Michael 284–5

McCracken, Dr 238n

McDonald’s food chain 73, 74, 75

Machiavelli, Niccolò 242–3

MacLean, Paul 42–4

MAD see mutually assured destruction

magnetic resonance imaging see MRI

Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon) 390–1

Makapansgat cave (South Africa) 68

‘The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Chattel’ (Wilson and Daly) 160–1

mandrills 170

MAOA see monoamine oxidase

Margulis, Lynn 176

marriage 161, 190–1

The Marriage of Figaro (Mozart) 173

martyrdom and suicide 380–7

Masada (Israel) 382

Masai people (Kenya) 255

Masserman, Jules 351

mathematics of kin selection in womb 228–9

mating 121–32, 135–6, 138–41, 169–74

competition and aggression 233

and fighting 171–2

instinct 169–74

outward appearances 245–6

social insects 209–10

sperm competition 182–6

strategies 121–32, 234–40, 244–7

Mazur, Allan 154–5

Mbuti people (Central Africa) 298

Mead, Margaret 147–9

meat-eating 69–71, 73–4

ben Meir, Rabbi Pinhas Elijah 374

memory 60–1, 86, 93


as resource providers 161–3, 178–9, 181

as risk-takers 255–8

violent 277–9

‘mermer’ in lie-detection 267

metabolism 75–6, 105

methane 306

MHC (major histocompatibility complex) genes 136–7

Middle Pliocene era 62

mind 53–9, 97–8, 120–1

‘mindblindness’ 354

theory of mind 353–5

mirror neurons 355–60

mobile telephones 247

modularity theory 94–6

molecules and replication 306–8


fear experiments 56–7

macaque 356–7

rhesus 341–3, 351

sexual behaviour 163–5

monoamine oxidase (MAOA) 283–4

monogamy 143–5, 177–9, 189–92

birds and foxes 190

mice and prairie voles 187

monopoly on women 159–61

Monroe, Kristen Renwick 365–7

The Moral Animal (Wright) 127, 256

morality 347–50, 367–70, 379–80

see also religion; spirituality

Mormons 178

Moro reflex in babies 86–7

mother and baby genetic relationship 226–9

Moulay Ismail, Emperor 133–4

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 45–7

see also fMRI

MUC-1 gene 119

multiple births 134


and caste 213–15

and genetic calculation 196, 204–6

infanticide 212–16

same-sex 277–8

see also ‘killer ape’ theory

muscles 38–9

mutually assured destruction (MAD) 290

Myrene, Amazonian queen 286

Mystery Dance: On the Evolution of Sexuality (Margulis and Sagan) 176

Nagasaki 23

Nanamiut people (Alaska) 74

National Institutes of Mental Health (USA) 42, 262–3

National Portrait Gallery (London) 21

natural selection 28–31, 199

group selection 200–2, 289

and race 202–4, 222

and Social Darwinists 222–3

survival of fittest 217–26, 233

see also sex, selection

naturalistic fallacy 224 Nature journal 237

nature vs. nurture 363

nepotism 315

nervous system 49

Netsilik people 191, 340

network, social 321–2

neurology 45–6

see also brain

neurotrophin 3 receptor 59

New Darwinists 226

Newton, Isaac 23, 24

nicotinic acetylcholine receptor 59

NIMH see National Institutes of Mental Health (USA)

Njal’s Saga (Icelandic) 288

nucleotides of DNA 308

nurture vs. nature 34, 363

nutmeg 71

Ober, Carole 137–8

obesity 74–5

odours see smell, sense of

oestrogen 144, 189

Ogarev, Nicholas 387

Old Testament 380

Oliner, Samuel 362–3

On the Origin of Species (Darwin) 20

orgasm 159

ovulation 144–5, 156, 159

ovum 132–5, 229, 231–2

oxygen 306

oxytocin 188–9

paedophilia 128

Paglia, Camille 167

pain 48, 82

Pais, Abraham 347–9

palaeontology 79–80

panic disorder 58–60

parenting 194–60

Parker, Geoffrey 182

pathogens 136

pathology and violence 273–7

Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 53–8

PEA see phenylethylamine

peace-loving societies 299–300

peacock’s tail in mating 235–6, 238

pelvis in childbirth 82

penis 175–6, 237–8

PET (positron emission tomography) 47–8

phenylethylamine (PEA) 141–2

pheromones 85–7, 139–40

phobias 55–6, 58–60

phrenology 259–61

pipefish 169–70

Pirandello, Luigi 36

play and child development 91–2

Pleistocene era 112

pointing and recognizing 354–5

poisons see toxins in foods

polygamy 177–9

polygyny 171, 172–4, 193–4, 199

pornography 127–8, 131–2

positron emission tomography see PET

potlaches (social occasions) 246–7

power and co-operation 320

predators and early humans 40–2

prefrontal cortex of brain 101–2

pregnancy and toxic food 71–3

The Prince (Machiavelli) 242–3

Prisoner’s Dilemma game 327–34

cheat detection 335–8

multiple games 330–4

Tit for Tat strategy 331–3

probability 24–5

problem-solving abilities 301

procreation see reproduction

prosopagnosia (face-blindness) 88–9

proteins and DNA 307

psychiatry and violence 273–4


and evolution 118–21

sexual 131–2, 178–9

Pueblo Indians 33

Pugh, Emerson 97

Punch and Judy violence 298

punishment, altruistic 338–40

puppet experiment for theory of mind 353–4

Purcell, Edward 46

Pythagoras 124

Quinn, Marc 21

rabbits and MRI 46–7

race 120–1

racism 202–3, 263–4

Raiders of the Lost Ark (film) 55

Ramachandran, Vilayanur 357–9

randomness in behaviour 26

rape 155–9

reciprocation and altruism 206–8

relationship power see kinship power

relativity 22–3

religion 375–8, 389–92

martyrdom and suicide 380–7

sanctity of human life 380

see also morality

replicators 307–8

reproduction 115–18, 121–2, 133–5, 158–9

sex ratio 198–200

size of organs involved 174–7

in social insects 210–12

and warfare 300

see also replicators

respiration see breathing

retina see eyesight and adaptation

Reynolds, Craig 317–19

risk-taking 247–55

handicap of 248–53

male predisposition 254–7

trust 322–3

see also Carnegie Medal for heroism

Rizzolatti, Giacomo 356

Roberts, Craig 139–40

romance 136

Roof, Wade Clark 377

runaway selection theory 236–8, 240

Sadiman volcano 62

Sagan, Carl 82

Sagan, Dorion 176

Saki (H.H. Munro) 180

Samoa 147–9

Sanger Institute (UK) 21

Santa Cruz 21

sarole 71

satellites, man-made 15–16

savannah life 19–20, 26–7, 40–1, 60–1

and food 75–6

kin selection 312–13

men as providers 161–3

risk-taking 249

survival 61–4

violence 295

scanners see MRI; PET

scavenging hominids 70–1

Schiel, Jean-Vincent 367

science and certainty 372–6

self-interest 323–7, 338–40, 343–5

see also co-operation; Prisoner’s Dilemma game; Ultimatum Game

The Selfish Gene (Dawkins) 305, 316

selfishness, human 309–10

September 11 (2001) 375

Serengeti Plain (Tanzania) 62

SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) 15–16

Seville science conference 270–3

sex 114

apes/chimpanzees/monkeys 163–5

darker side of men 155–9

dimorphism 170

and evolution 115–21

genetics of mating 136–7

and heroism 364–5

hormonal influences 188–9

infidelity 143–7

jealousy 143–7, 149, 150–3, 192, 278

Los Angeles TV experiment 245–6

and Machiavelli 244

Madonna-whore dichotomy 127

and money 129–31

ratio in reproduction 198–200, 234

reproductive process 132–40

selection 233–8, 250, 255–8, 279,364

and slavery 172–3

stereotypes 163

see also gender; mating; MHC complex; orgasm; rape

Shakespeare, William 278, 304

sharks and risk-taking 250

Short, Roger 176, 177

Shostak, Marjorie 181

showing off 246

Simpson, Joe 18

Singh, Reverend J. 32–4


reproductive organs 174–7

species and sexual activity 170–3

see also brain, size

skill see expertise; tool skills

skull structure 97–8

Skuse, David 281

slackers see co-operation; self-interest

slavery and sex 172–4

SM (woman with destroyed amygdala) 48–9

Small, Meredith 163–4

smell, sense of 85–7, 139–41

Smilodon (sabre-toothed cat) 40–1

Smith, Adam 329

Smith, John Maynard 290–5

Social Contract (Hobbes) 269–70

Social Darwinists 222–4, 272

socialization 31–6, 60–1, 304–5

group living 321–2

risk and trust 322–3

sociobiology 57

sounds and baby response 93

Soviet Union and atom bomb 290

spears 68

speech and the brain 98, 358

Spencer, Herbert 217–19, 222

sperm 132–4, 143, 175

competition 182–6

homunculus in 373–4, 373

shapes and sizes 185–6

The Spiritual Marketplace (Roof) 377

spirituality 347–50, 376–9, 387–9

State of Nature (Hobbes) 269–70, 290

step-parents and genetic calculation 204–6

sterility 119

stigmata (facial features) 260

Stone Age 19–20

‘stotting behaviour’ 252

strategy and evolution 290

strength and fear 52

stress hormones 39

sugar 73

suicide and martyrdom 380–7

Sulston, John 21

survival see fear; fight and flight; food; hunting; savannah life, survival; sex; tool skills

survival of the fittest 217–25

Swartkrans (South Africa) 41

tactics see strategy

Talmud (Avodah Zarah) 384

Tanzania study 165

teeth 80

The Tempest (Shakespeare) 304

ben Teradyon, Rabbi Hanina 384–5

termites 210

testicles 174–5

testosterone 153–5, 189, 266

thalamus 44

Theory of the Leisure Class (Veblen) 254

Thompson, William (Lord Kelvin) 372

throwing ability 111–12

Tineke (friend of Abraham Pais) 348

Tooby, John 94, 203, 313, 335–7

tool skills 19, 35, 64–7

toxins in foods 71–3

toxoplasma 72

toys and gender 278–9

tracking skills 112–13

transplantation 136

Travolta, John 239

Trivers, Robert 226, 253

Trobriand Islanders 23

Trung Nhi and Trung Trae (Vietnamese sisters) 285

trust 322–3, 338, 340, 343–5

see also co-operation; self-interest

Turner’s Syndrome 280–1

turtle, leatherback 43, 310–11

twins 284–5, 306, 378

Udayama (Indian emperor) 172–3

Ultimatum Game 306–3

Urbach-Wiethe disease 48–9

vampire bats 319–20

van Creveld, Martin 287

vasopressin-2 receptor 188

Vassilyev, Madame 134

Veblen, Thorstein 253–4

vegetarianism 69–70

Vibia Perpetua (Christian martyr) 386

Vikings 288–9, 293


causes 274–8

Cesare Lombroso 259–62

and evolution 287–9

importance of strategy 289–95

instinct for 267–8

and jealousy 150–3

in males 277–9

and mating 172

in non-humans 267–8

and pathology 273–6

portrayed in media 299n

and Seville scientists’ conference 270–3

testosterone levels 265–6

Violence Initiative 262–4

women at war 285–7

see also game theory

virginity 126–8

Voltaire, François 389

vulnerability of human children 81

Waal, Frans de 341–2, 353, 365

waist-to-hip ratio in women 125

walking 63–4, 83

warfare 269, 270–1

co-operation and planning 301–2

game theory 290–1

human warrior 298–302

women at war 285–7

Wason, Peter (Wason Selection Task) 335–6

wasps 208–12

Wasserman, David 263

weapons 67, 276, 301

weight problems 74–5

Weissinger, Muir 376

Wellcome Trust Centre of Human Genetics (Oxford) 59

Whiten, Andrew 243, 244

wife-selling 161

Williams, George C. 226

Wilson, David Sloan 379

Wilson, E. O. 57, 149n

Wilson, Margot 161, 204–5, 277

Winston, Joel 337

wolf-girls of Midnapore 32–4

Wolfe, Tom 263

women see gender; monopoly on women; sex

Wright, Robert 127, 256

xenophobia 202

Yanomamo people (Amazon forest) 122, 126, 171, 212

Young, Larry 187

Zahavi, Amotz (Zahavi’s Handicap) 250–3, 364