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Abortion, 37-38

Adzes, stone, 3, 127, 169, 173, 175, 185

Aging, early, 221

Alliances, 76

Altars, 172

Ambush raids, 61-62, 110, 152, 189-91, 233-34, 237-38

Ancestors, common, 4

Ap warek, see Spoils

Armlets, 12, 26, 92, 102

Arrows, 9, 11, 17, 24, 25, 45, 63-64, 115-17, 119, 146, 181, 191, 214, 248-49, 255; bleeding, 50, 64; hunting, 40, 64; points, 26, 94, 174, 247; shafts, 64; see also Bows

Axes, 52

Babies, 137, 255; carried in nets, 20, 54, 124, 135

Baler shells (mikak), 12-13, 27, 50, 85, 88, 91, 244

Bamboo, 3, 24, 100, 201

Banana fibers, 228. 231; fronds, 50, 146, 235; stalks, 231; trees, 20, 34, 52, 145

Barbering, 89

Bats, 5, 78, 111, 140

Beehives, 166

Bees, 132, 160, 243, 256

Belts, see Shell belts

Bial wood, 127

Birds, 5, 141, 230; see also Songbirds; names of birds, as Hawks Birds of Paradise, 5, 11-13, 87, 88, 122, 127, 142, 173, 250

Birth, 71-72, 181

Blindness, 96, 187

Boars’ tusks, in hair, 88; as implements, 174-75, 245; inserted through nostrils, 10, 13, 26, 116, 158

Boats, 69

Bodies: dead, anointing of, 209, 220; decoration of, 115-16, 121, 212, 218; dyeing of, 92; greasing of, 15-16, 87, 145, 158, 162, 169, 253

Body hair, removal of, 122

Bones of dead, 170-71, 172, 212

Booty, see Spoils

Bows, 9, 13, 63-64, 113, 181, 191, 224, 245, 248, 256; see also Arrows

Bowstrings, 16, 63

Boys, 24-26, 78-79, 81, 91, 128-30, 132, 138, 151-52, 159, 168-69, 171, 187-88, 216-18, 249, 253; initiation of, 179, 181: see also Warriors, young

Breastplates, 6, 10

Bridges, 69

Bull-roarers, 128

Bush fighters, 14; see also Ambush raids

Cane, 9, 189, 234

Cannibalism, 101

Cassowaries, 5, 11, 87

Ceremonies, 235, 240; consecration, 200; ghost-stoning, 171-72; of holy stones, 144-50, 164-69; kaio, 66; mauwe, 179-82; rat, 94; see also Rituals

Chanting, 205, 238; enemy, 8-9, 11, 14; mourning, 48, 51, 54, 57, 156-57, 159, 210; victory, 84-85; see also Crying; Singing

Characteristics, 4, 130-31; see also Personal appearance

Charcoal sticks, 34; see also Drawings, charcoal

Chestnut trees, 3, 106, 229

Children, 19-20, 33-36, 98-99, 125-26, 135-36, 137-38, 221, 239-40; killing of, 61, 162, 232; punishment of, 166, 170; ritual mutilation of, 54, 59, 99, 166, 169-70, 211-12, 214; see also Babies; Boys; Girls

Cicadas, 70, 111, 254

Clans, 4, 14, 16-17, 74-76. 102-103, 144; heads of, see Kains; marriage groups in, 109

Clay, 45-46, 73, 87, 88, 90, 92, 241; as body decoration, 115, 117, 159, 212, 218

Clothing: of girls, 88-89, 99, 179; of men, 12-13, 145, 182, of women, 20-11, 179

Cooking pits, 51, 145, 147-49, 167, 201, 219

Cooking sheds, 97-98, 200, 224-25; communal, 18

Corsets, men’s, 182

Cowrie belts, 47, 50, 54-55. 72, 94, 136, 159-61, 181, 219-20; see also Shell belts

Cowrie shells, 12

Crayfish, 69, 215-17

Cremation, 56-57; see also Funeral pyres

Cripples, 185

Crowns, see Headdresses

Crying, 93, 144, 180; see also Chanting

Currency, shells as, 12, 50, 128, 159

Cuscus, 5, 12, 127

Dancing, 68; victory, 84-85, 88-90, 92, 119, 123-24, 238-40; war, 10-11, 58-59, 68, 118, 251

Death, 154-56, 181, 201, 218, 235, 240, 254; as reprisal, 196; in war, 11, 45, 208-10; see also Murder

Decoration, body, 115-16, 121, 212, 218; pig tails as, 165; see also Boars tusks; Headdresses

Digging sticks, 21-22, 26, 41, 108

Dogs, 5, 23, 111

Dowries, 180

Dragonflies, 27, 51, 239

Drainage ditches, 22, 28-29, 242

Drawings: charcoal, 34-35, 184-85, 188; sand, 100

Drinking water, 151

Ducks, 126, 207, 252; black, 10, 106; mountain, 106

Ears, mutilation of, 169, 216

Earthquakes, 104-105

Ebeais (women’s huts), 18, 180, 188

Egret feathers, 10-12, 87, 116, 123, 223

Egrets, 82, 106, 255

Elege, see Warriors, young

Etal, see Victory celebration

Etal eken, see Soul

Faces, clay daubing of, in mourning, 45; greasing of, 27, 87; painting of, 13, 87, 92

Fagots, 33, 199

Family ties, 25

Fathers, 72, 138, 255; ceremonial, 25-26; tribal, 200

Feasts, 144-50, 152, 168-69, 171-172, 179-82, 194, 224, 235

Feather bands, 12, 27

Feathers, 116, 127, 244; duck, 28-29; egret, 10-12, 116, 123, 223; hawk, 142; parrot, 65, 66, 163; for whisks, 12

Fences, 19

Ferns, 70, 100, 199, 230; bracken, 8, 33; as food, 149, 168

Fetish objects, 26, 56, 95, 110, 135, 165

Feuds, 76, 229

Fiber strings, wearing of, 150

Fishes, 69

Flowers, 125-26, 256

Flying foxes, 111, 140

Food, 5, 132, 135-36, 139, 141, 149-50, 167-69, 176, 186, 217, 226; ceremonial, 136-37, 166-69, 224; pigs as, 5, 137, 168-69, 180, 194; sweet potatoes as, 19, 136; see also Feasts

Foreheads, decoration of, 12; greasing of, 12, 27

Forests, 3-5; cloud, 142, 144, 184-185, 198-99, 230-31; rain, 70; river, 69-70; riverain, 6; see also Woods

Frogmouths, 104, 217, 254

Funeral pyres, 43, 56-57, 163, 211, 220

Funerals, 43, 46-57, 156-63, 169-172, 210-14, 218-20, 255

Fungi, 4, 70, 230, 239

Furs, 12, 50, 127-28

Games, 128-30, 222, 239; of war, 187; see also Sports

Gardens, 9, 97, 107-108, 112, 126-127, 238, 242-43, 254; cultivation of, 28, 177; protection of, 22; reclaiming of, 107-108; trespassing in, 32

Generosity, 186

Ghosts, 56, 58, 60, 66, 70, 95, 101, 133, 165, 166, 171-72, 198, 208, 215; see also Spirits

Ghost-stoning, 171-72

Gifts, exchange of, 182

Girls, 125-26, 135, 137, 160, 166, 167, 211-12, 216-17, 225, 239; clothing of, 54, 88-89, 99, 179; initiation of, 179-80

Grass bundles, 95, 172

Greetings, 48

Grottoes, 34

Harrier hawks, 15, 88

Hawk feathers, 92, 142

Hawks, 5, 15, 33, 88, 142-43

Head lice, 122-23, 160

Head nets, 114, 173, 218

Headdresses: fur, 12, 50, 128; of men, 92, 121, 123-24; of warriors, 10-13, 87-88; of women, 88-89

Height; female, 22; male, 6, 32

Herons, 106, 133, 252, 255

Hiperi, see Sweet potatoes

Hiperi spears, 22

Holy stones, 144-50, 164-69, 181, 200-202, 210, 244; faith in, 237

Homes: of men, 19; of wives. 18-19; see also Ebeais; Pilai

Honey eaters, 6, 70, 100, 138, 140, 142, 158

Horim gourds, 66

Horims, 12-13, 26-27, 49, 64, 71, 121, 138, 183, 190, 236, 255; funeral, 157; tapping of, 75

Hospitality, 194

Hunting, 23, 222

Hunuk palin, see Men, violent

Husbands, wives and, 41-42, 140, 195, 253

Iki palin, see Mutilation ritual

Illness, 225; treatment of, 222-24, 227

Initiation of boys and girls, 179-80, 181

Insults, exchange of, 251

Intelligence, 72

Kains (clan leaders), 15-17, 26, 39, 44, 47, 50, 52, 54, 73-75, 76-77, 102-104, 110, 116, 144, 161-62, 196, 200, 212, 214, 229, 246-47, 250; power struggle among, 114, 253-54

Kainship, 16; criteria for, 122, 186

Kaio ceremony, 66

Kaios, see Lookout towers

Kangaroos, 5, 12, 50, 127

Karoli, 254

Kepu, see Men without valor

Killing, see Murder

Kites, 78, 158, 254

Knives, 26, 201, 231

Laurel wood, 127

Lianas, 63, 70

Lichens, 4, 8, 33, 74, 173

Life bundle, 4

Lisanika leaves, 74, 98, 126, 197, 199

Lizards, 9, 41, 78, 217

Lookout towers, 9, 20, 27-28, 61-66, 102, 112, 238, 244-45, 255; building of, 63-65

Love life, 140, 227-28

Marriage, 179-82, 221, 225; groups, 109; see also Husbands; Wives

Meals, 19; see also Feasts

Medicine, 227

Medicine men, see Men, wisakun

Men, 99, 109; appearance of, 32, 226; and children, 72, 138; clothing of, 13, 145, 182; effeminate, 167, 216; old, 48, 53, 164-65, 221, see also Men, wisakun; unmarried, 179; without valor (kepu), 15, 25, 44, 97, 196, 227, 236; vanity of, 86; violent (hunuk palin), 76, 232; wisakun, 164-66, 188, 227, 235, 246; see also Boys: Fathers; Husbands; Warriors

Mice, 94, 139, 166

Mikak, see Baler shells

Mokoko herons, 133, 255

Mosses, 4, 8, 141, 174, 193

Mountain pigeons, 40, 141, 142

Mountains, 3, 5, 230, 234, 249, 251

Mourning, 45-48, 49-51, 59, 90, 152-53, 158-61, 209, 210-11, 212, 218-21, 235, 254

Mouth harps, 26, 65, 94, 173

Murder, 42-43, 102-103, 161-62, 221, 240, 250, 256

Mustaches, 89

Mutilation ritual, 54, 59, 99, 166, 169-70, 211, 214, 216; gifts after, 182

Myrtle, 6, 63, 78, 100, 229

Myzomela, 70, 118

Names, changing of, 55, 103-104, 131, 203-204; meaning of, 24, 26, 38, 39, 41, 63, 77, 83, 96, 102, 130-31, 134, 149, 151, 161, 184, 188, 222, 225, 236, 254-55

Namis, 53, 55, 72, 159, 171, 203, 212; relationship of, 25

Nets: ceremonial, 50, 213-14, 223; weaving of, 225; worn by girls and women, 20-21, 54, 124, 135, 137, 181, 197; worn by men, 173; see also Head nets

Nightjars, 111, 140, 254

Nostrils, boars’ tusks worn in, 10, 13, 26, 116, 158; mucus-encrusted, 47, 129

Opossums, 12, 111, 128

Pandanus, 3, 20, 87, 100, 101, 145, 230

Parakeets, 70, 142, 199

Parrot feathers, 65, 66, 163

Personal appearance: of children, 129-30, 135-36, 138, 253; of men, 6, 32, 77, 86, 130, 241, 250; of women, 22-23, 46, 54, 87, 88, 137-38, 154, 170; see also Characteristics; Skin color

Pigeons, 8, 40, 141, 142

Pigs, 3, 228, 231, 234; breeding of, 35; cooking of, 51, 137-39, 148, 223; feasts of, 11, 194; as forfeits, 183; as gifts, 47, 180-82; grease of, 15-16, 87, 150, 158, 162, 164, 169, 176, 202, 220, 253; intestines of, 102; killing of, 50, 137, 146-147, 159, 209, 223; sacramental, 52, 58, 144-50, 224, 235; stealing of, 32, 42, 44, 79-80, 196-97, 221, 228, 231-32, 253-54; stray, 244; tails of, 164-65; tending of, 18-19, 35-36, 71, 197, 221, 253; testicles of, 53; trade in, 127; villages for, 18, 143, 185, 198; as wealth, 102, 131; young, 198

Pilai (men’s huts), 19, 26, 93, 144-146

Plumes, 128; as head decoration, 11-13, 87-89, 123

Pottery, 139

Protocol, 147, 201

Puna lizards, 9, 217

Punishment: of children. 166, 170; community, 120; for stealing, 203; for treachery, 120; of wives, 123, 136

Purification ritual, 66, 163, 182

Rafts, 69

Raiding parties, 67, 81, 101, 152

Raids, 80-86, 113, 152, 190-91, 205-10, 238; see also Ambush raids; War

Rains, 3, 8, 15, 69, 92-93, 189, 191, 202, 206, 228, 237, 245-46

Rape, 42, 44, 103, 183, 227

Rat ceremony, 94

Rats, 94, 139, 166, 168, 198

Red hair, 135, 138

Reprisals, 196, 232

Revenge, 162, 171, 201, 204-205, 215, 237, 240, 250

Ritual breathing, 153

Rituals, 222-24; mutilation, see Mutilation ritual; purification, 66, 163, 182; see also Ceremonies

Robin chats, 73, 107, 243

Salt, 127, 139, 197, 228-31, 234-35

Sand drawings, 100

Savannas, 7, 107, 229, 254

Seasons, changing, 143, 254

Sentries, 112-13, 244

Shell belts, 50, 67, 158, 234; see also Cowrie belts

Shell bibs, 12, 24, 27, 89, 121-22, 136, 190, 199

Shell goods, 180; trading in, 127-28

Shells, 12, 91, 137; as currency, 12, 127-28

Silis (family enclosures), 20, 38, 96, 236, 255; consecration of, 200-201

Singing, 81, 104, 123, 144, 238, 251; see also Chanting; Songs

Sinkholes, 34

Skin color, 6, 32, 41, 77, 100, 256

Skinks, 70, 78

Skirts, 21, 53, 89, 99, 179, 198

Smoking, 140, 207; by women, 124, 137, 219, 231; see also Tobacco Snail shells, 12, 91, 137

Snakes, 78, 126, 217

Soil, 8, 107

Songbirds, 107, 224; hunting of, 222

Songs, 104, 175, 229; see also Singing

Soul, the, 134, 153, 225

Southern Cross, 237

Spear-rubbing, 175-76

Spears, 6, 9-10, 14, 16-17, 26, 32, 39, 63, 82, 103, 173, 189, 191, 232, 245, 246, 249, 255; grass, 81, 168, 217; hiperi, 22; making of, 175-76; value of, 113; wood for, 128, 174

Spirits, 147, 223; see also Ghosts

Spoils, 110, 114, 120

Sport, war as, 11; see also Games

Status, 25

Stealing: pig, 32, 42, 44, 79-80, 196-97, 221, 228, 231-32, 253-254; punishment for, 203; of sweet potatoes, 203; wife, 39, 87, 91, 185

Stick throwing, 222

Stinkbugs, 186

Stoicism, 193

Stomach hoops, 88

Stone ceremony, 144-50, 164-69

Stone culture, 5-6

Stretchers, 30, 86, 193, 209

Sugar cane, 189

Suicide, 126, 188

Sweet potatoes, 5, 7, 46, 146, 169, 212, 219, 223; advent of, 106-107; as basic food, 19, 136; cultivation of, 21-22, 28, 243. see also Gardens; sacramental, 201; stealing of, 203

Swineherds, see Pigs, tending of Symplocos trees, 30, 187

Table utensils, 139

Taro leaves, 121, 135, 225

Teeth, grinding of, 74, 226

Territorial conquest, 11

Thatch bundles, 162-63, 185

Tinder, 174, 234

Toa, 135, 172, 226

Tobacco, 27, 126, 197

Tobacco pipes, 74; see also Smoking

Topsoil, 107

Toys, 129, 178, 211

Trading, 127-28

Treachery, punishment for, 120

Tripes, 52, 137

Trophy bundles, 123

Victory celebration, 59, 70, 84-85, 111-12, 117, 122-25, 208, 238-239, 241

Villages. 6-7, 19-20, 69, 111, 198, 233; abandoned, 96-97; pig, 18, 143, 185, 198; restoration of, 97

Virginity, 181

Volcanoes, 105

Wallabies, 5

Wands, egret feather, 10-11, 58, 250

War, 6, 9-17, 30, 52, 73-77. 81-86, 99, 113-20, 125, 132-34, 189-92, 244-52, spoils of, 110, 114, 120; see also Raids

War parties, 15; see also Raiding parties

Warriors, 9-10, 13-16, 30, 59-60, 111-13, 115-17, 151, 188, 205-206, 238, 244-52, young, 12-13, 59, 74, 117, 132, 133

Wasps, 51

Water calabashes, 57

Weapons, 9; wood for, 128, 174; see also Arrows; Bows; Spears

Weaver finches, 108

Weaving, 225, 235

Whisks, feather, 11

Whistlers, 9, 100, 254

White men, 256

Wigs, 92, 123

Wio wood, 128

Wisa ban, 166

Wisa things, 29, 66, 101, 150, 165

Wisakun, see Men, wisakun

Wives, 18-19, 41, 102; beating of, 123, 136; husbands and, 41-42, 140, 195, 253, killing of, 116; raping of, 44-45, 227; rivalry between, 37, 213; runaway, 123, 151, 195; seduction of, 96, 232; stealing of, 39, 87, 91, 185

Women, 170, 197, 208, 228, 230-231; appearance of, 22-23, 54, 85, 88-89, 138, 154, 170, 225; beating of, 203; clothing of, 21, 179; decoration of, 89; excluded from pilai, 98, 154; food of, 139, 160, 180; in mourning, 45-46; pregnant, 18; and raids, 81; suicide of, 125, 188; and war, 52; wisakun, 223; work done by, 21-22, 67, 81, 102, 108, 242; worthless, 167, 175; see also Girls; Nets; Wives

Wood for weapons, 128, 174

Woodcutters, 183-84, 199

Woods, 4, 7, 9, 29, 230, 246, 254, 256; see also Forests

Wounded, the, 17, 30-31, 39-40, 83, 93-94, 110, 114, 118-19, 121, 133, 134-35, 152-53, 192, 204, 208, 232, 247-48; transportation of, 30, 39-40, 82, 86, 192-94, 252

Wounds, 25, 45, 140, 155, 171, 201, 226, 240, 244, 248; infected, 221; treatment of, 14-15, 94, 121, 135, 152-56, 170, 192-93, 226-27

Woven articles, 128; see also Weaving

Yards, common, 20; fencing of, 19

Ye stones, 159, 164, 180

Yegerek, see Boys

Yoli myrtle, 6, 63