Just Before Christmas

Down the Holloway Road on the top of the bus

On the just-before-Christmas nights we go,

Allie and me and all of us,

And we look at the lit-up shops below.

Orange and yellow the fruit stalls glow,

Store windows are sploshed with sort-of-snow,

And Santa’s a poor old so-and-so,

With his sweating gear and his sack in tow,

And Christ… mas is coming!


At the front of the top of the lit-up bus

Way down the Holloway Road we ride,

Allie and me and all of us,

And the butchers chop and lop with pride,

And the turkeys squat with their stuffing inside

By ropes of sausages soon to be fried,

And every door is open wide

As down the road we growl or glide

And Christ… mas is coming!

All at the front of the top of the bus,

Far down the Holloway Road we roar,

Allie and me and all of us,

And tellies are tinselled in every store,

With fairy lights over every door,

With glitter and crêpe inside, what’s more,

And everyone seeming to say, ‘For sure,

Christmas is coming as never before.’

Yes, Christ… mas is coming!