Becoming God
My brother doesn’t really understand what it is I can do. He has an idea, but he doesn’t really know. I can see the future sometimes. There is no limit to what I can see and no control over when I see it. Sometimes I see billions of years into the future. Sometimes only three or four minutes. There is no period in the future that is any more or less available to me. Time doesn’t work like that.
The future is always only the future, whether it’s thirty seconds away or thirty million years, but I’m able to form an insightful if somewhat incomplete model of what I see. I’m not sure, though, from whose perspective it is that I see these future happenings. I’ve seen the earth once the sun has burned itself out and this planet has become nothing but a cold and barren graveyard, so these can’t be my revelations, but they feel guided, focused in some way, as if this consistent perception of events is coming from somewhere.
But that’s too far and too much to think about. There’s no need to go into it right now, because it is a futile exercise for both of us. We are people in the present, with problems of the present. So what can I tell you? To give you your “idea,” the idea that has been promised, I should mention that over my travels I have seen the outcome of human evolution. I’ve gone to enough points in the future to have quite a clear picture of how we turn out, and it is fascinating. This picture is not only of the end of Man, but of the birth of God.
God, you see, has always been the benchmark. Every endeavour we’ve undertaken has been to acquire the characteristics and abilities of God—or rather, the concept of God that we conveniently created for ourselves like a kind of beautified self-portrait.
Well, there’s no need for further conjecture, no guesswork needed. I have seen how it happens. I have looked into the future and I have seen how it turns out for us. How we become God. If you are interested, I can do my best to explain what I have managed to puzzle together.
I cannot guarantee this is information you should be allowed to know but I think you should know it because of someone you will meet one day soon. Someone who will put you to the test in order to find your son. He may try to deceive you, as he does all people of the indomitable now, and you should be prepared for that meeting, when it comes.
So I’ll tell you.
Based on what I have seen, as we evolve, the first thing to occur will be the merging of our senses. Humans of the future look very different from us, and it took me a while to understand why. After enough trips into the years ahead, meeting a few of these future humans, I ended up formulating a hypothesis of my own.
It goes as follows: for now we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, and so on—and this is sufficient for our most basic needs. Sufficient, but not perfect. Our brains need to build bridges between these separate organs to form a coherent “picture.” Since we hear and see with different organs, there are still limitations to the complexity of the “picture” we can see.
Over time, however, as our processing abilities increase, so will the demands made of our senses. The bridges between our senses will shorten and vanish altogether. One day it will be harder to distinguish between the eye and the ear. We will see and hear with the same organ, and this will make perception more accurate. The same will apply to the rest of our senses.
Our separate organs will evolve into a single sensory organ that sees, hears, tastes, touches and smells at once. Perception will be amplified. The need for the compartmentalisation of the body will be diminished. Eventually, the organs of our body will unify to become a single, shapeless mass of intellect and consciousness, capable of absorbing information, processing and communicating on multiple levels and in all directions.
We will then close the gap between our own individual being and the beings of others. Communication, after all, is a form of connection, and as with the bridges between the eye and ear, the spaces between ourselves must shorten too, before vanishing altogether. Two minds will merge into one body, and then three in one. And then four, and five, and so on, until all of humankind is a meta-entity—an Argos of supreme consciousness. Later, we will evolve out of the prison of matter itself, like the stem from a buried seed, until we become a matter-less, all-powerful, all-knowing consciousness.
After all, life is the will to connect.
And this will is all life has over chaos. If you offer nothing to life you will be trimmed like the fat from a piece of meat. Similarly, if you choose to sit on a throne—to monopolise—you are doomed to stagnation, to collapse back into chaos.
This is obvious, isn’t it?
And yet this remains the simplest and most misunderstood truth of all.