Copyright © 2016 by Boubacar Boris Diop
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Michigan State University Press
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Names: Diop, Boubacar Boris, 1946– author. | Whulfing-Leckie, Vera, translator. | Diop, Moustapha, translator.
Title: Doomi golo—the hidden notebooks / Boubacar Boris Diop ; translated by Vera Wulfing-Leckie and El Hadji Moustapha Diop.
Other titles: Doomi golo. English | African humanities and the arts.
Description: East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, 2016.
| Series: African humanities and the arts | English translation of Les petits de la guenon (2009), “a liberal French adaptation of the Wolof original.”
Identifiers: LCCN 2016027977| ISBN 9781611862140 (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781609175016 (pdf) | ISBN 9781628952742 (epub) | ISBN 9781628962741 (kindle)
Classification: LCC PL8785.9.D56 D6614 2016 | DDC 896/.32143—dc23
LC record available at
Book design by Charlie Sharp, Sharp Des!gns, Lansing, Michigan
Cover design by Shaun Allshouse,
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