Room 131, Russell Senate Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
“Thank you for coming, Robert.”
The senator rarely used the conference room that was adjacent to his office in the old Senate office building. The old stained mahogany panels and the crystal chandelier set the tone of authority. The Russell Building’s cornerstone had been laid only six years prior to the sinking of the Titanic. In fact, it was in the Russell’s hearing room six years later that senators debated how the impossible had occurred. Later, Senator McCarthy had held his infamous hearings in the same location.
Robert Tranthan knew that the senator disliked being called “Dad” by his son-in-law. He had never liked Tranthan, particularly after learning the true story of Robert Tranthan’s humble background. It was a relationship of tolerance. Each tolerated the other, barely.
The older man nodded, but not in a friendly way.
He won’t do anything. He wouldn’t even try.
“I have someone here to talk to us.”
The senator had an unpleasant habit of phrasing matters in terms of “us.”
The senator picked up the telephone and hit the intercom button.
“Send them in.”
Tranthan wasn’t surprised by Pope or Sebeck. It was the third one who caught him unawares.
“I understand you have met Agents Pope and Sebeck. And you also know Nurse Cook.”
It wasn’t a question.
“Mr. Tranthan, you are under arrest for the murder of Margaret O’Donald.” Pope held out a set of handcuffs, signaling Robert Tranthan to turn around. “Also, the conspiracy to murder James Scott and William Parker.”
“You gave the names of both Scott and Parker to a contract killer. You knew what that meant.”
“You will never prove any conspiracy to kill those two.” Tranthan was wildly looking for his cigarettes as he spoke.
“Probably,” said Pope. “But we can prove Margaret O’Donald’s premeditated murder, which should be worth all the years remaining in your life.”
“Think of the embarrassment this will cause you,” Tranthan said, turning to the senator.
“I’ll take it.”
“What about your daughter?”
“She has already started divorce proceedings.” The senator gave him a rare smile. “Oh, you didn’t know?”
Robert Tranthan’s face turned ashen white.
“She was always smarter than you, Robert.” The senator chuckled as the FBI men led Tranthan out of the room. “She learned the lesson long ago. Sometimes you have to cut your losses.”