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Aaron, John
Agena spacecraft
explosion of
Agnew, Spiro
Air Force
Air Force Institute of Technology
Air Force Special Weapons Center
Aldrin, Buzz
American Football League
Anders, Bill
Apollo 8 bumped to moon shot and
awards and honors
background of
Borman’s illness and
chatter on flight and
Christmas in space and
crater named for
distance record and
early orbit and
Earthrise photo by
family and
later career of
launch preparations and
lunar orbit entry and
lunar orbits and
motion sickness and
photographs by
prelaunch and liftoff and
recovery and
reentry and
return flight from moon and
sleep and
SPS and
TEI and
third stage separation maneuver
TLI and
TV from space and
Anders, Eric
Anders, Valerie Hoard
Anders Crater
Apollo 1
design and quality problems of
explosion of
oxygen and
preparations for
Apollo 4
Apollo 5
Apollo 6
Apollo 7
Apollo 8
awards and honors and
blackouts behind moon and
Borman crew bumped up to
Borman’s illness on flight
broadcast chatter
Christmas in space and
circumlunar vs. lunar orbit and
command and service module
computer and
coolant system
crew selection
decision to turn into moon shot
distance traveled by
early Earth orbits after liftoff
equipment bay
families and
fan mail and
first planned as Earth orbit flight
hatch improved
launch party and visits
launch timing
launch window set
life-support systems
Lindbergh and
lunar gravity entered by
lunar mission set
lunar orbit insertion
lunar orbits and
maneuvered inaccurately in orbit
mid-course correction and
Mission Control and
mobility in capsule
motion sickness and
navigation of
orbital mechanics and
parachutes deployed
photographs and
preparations for
reentry and
retrofire and
return flight from moon
Saturn V and
sleep and
Soviet observations of
splashdown and recovery and
SPS and
sunlight and
tapes and
TEI and path to Earth
third stage separation maneuver
TLI and path to moon
toileting in
TV broadcasts from
Van Allen belts and
view from
view of Earth from lunar orbit
view of moon in lunar orbit
windows and
Apollo 9
Borman crew bumped to Apollo 8 from
Collins replaced by Lovell
planned as Apollo 8 rerun
post-Apollo 8 mission
Apollo 10
Apollo 11
Apollo 12
Apollo 13
Apollo 14
Apollo 15
Apollo spacecraft. See also specific missions
astronauts assigned to
Borman moves to
command module simulator
design and quality problems
engine of
impact of Apollo 1 explosion on
layout and feel of
mission assignments and
reentry method
rendezvous and docking and
redesign after explosion
Arlington National Cemetery
Armstrong, Jan
Armstrong, Neil
Anders becomes
basic training of
Borman becomes
first crew (Original Seven)
Lovell becomes
mission assignments for
second crew (Next Nine)
selection process
third crew
White House dinner for
Atlas rocket
Aviation Week
Babbitt, Donald
Bailey, John
Baltimore Colts
Bassett, Charlie
Bell X-1 rocket plane
Berry, Charles
Blaik, Earl
Borman, Crater
Borman, Edwin
Borman, Edwin
Borman, Frank
Air Force career and
Apollo 1 explosion and
Apollo 8 turned into moonshot and
Apollo 9 assignment and
Apollo program and
awards and honors and
becomes astronaut
broadcast chatter and
Christmas in space and
Collins and
crater named for
“custard” shorthand and
distance record and
eardrum rupture and
early life of
early orbit of Apollo 8 and
Eastern Airlines and
education of, at West Point
family and
Gemini 3 and
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
Gemini 7 and
Gemini investigation by
illness on Apollo 8 flight
Korean War and
later career of
Lindbergh and
Lovell and
lunar far side and
lunar orbit and
lunar orbit entry and
marriage to Susan
navigation and
near death of, as test pilot
personality of
photos from space and
prelaunch sequence and liftoff and
preparations for Apollo 8 and
recovery after splashdown and
reentry and
return from moon and
rollover for TV cameras and
Slayton and
sleep and
SPS and
TEI toward Earth and
third stage separation and
TLI toward moon and
TV from space and
views from lunar orbit and
White as understudy
Borman, Frederick
Borman, Marjorie
Borman Susan Bugby
Apollo 1 explosion and
Apollo 8 and
Frank’s near death and
Frank’s selection as astronaut and
later life of
marriage and family life
Bostick, Jerry
Bourgin, Si
Brain Busters
Branch, Ben
Brand, Vance
Brooks Air Force Base
Buckner, Rev. James
Burke, Walter
Bushuyev, Konstantin Davidovich
Canary Islands
Cape Kennedy (formerly Canaveral)
Apollo 1 and
Apollo 4 and
Apollo 8 and
crew quarters on
Gemini 6 and
name changed
Redstone tests and
Titan tests and
capsule communicator (capcom). See also Mission Control
Carpenter, Scott
Carr, Jerry
Cernan, Gene
Chaffee, Crater
Chaffee, Roger
Chance Vought
Charlesworth, Cliff
Chertok, Boris
Chestnut, Ma
Christmas in space
circularizing burn
circumlunar flight
Apollo 8 changed to lunar orbit from
Apollo 8 proposed as
Zond and
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Cold War
Collins, Crater
Collins, Michael “Mike”
Colombo Crater
Colossus software
command and service module (CSM)
Conrad, Pete
Cooper, Gordon
Crater, Crile 228
Cronkite, Walter
Crossfield, Scott
cryogenic tanks
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cunningham, Walter
data storage equipment (DSE, dump tapes)
Debus, Kurt
Deiterich, Chuck
Delporte Crater
Democratic National Convention (Chicago, 1968)
Democratic Party
digital autopilot (DAP)
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Drums Along the Mohawk (Edmonds)
Duke, Charlie
Apollo 8 leaves gravity of
humans adapted to
light-time distance to
position of, and launch window
views of, from space
Earthrise (photograph)
Eastern Air Lines
Eastern Europe
Edmonds, Walter
Edwards Air Force Base
Eisele, Donn
Eisenhower, David
Eisenhower, Dwight
Electronic Data Systems
Elizabeth II, Queen of England
Elkins, Joe
Elkins, Margaret
entry monitoring system (EMS)
environmental control system
Ernal, Bob
F-80 fighter jet
F-86 Sabrejets
Field, John
flight dynamics (FIDO) console
flotation balloons
flotation collar
Fra Mauro Highlands
Franz Crater
Freeman, Ted
free-return trajectory
Gay, Chuck
Gehrig, Lou
Gemini 1
Gemini 3
Gemini 4
Gemini 5
Gemini 6
Agena explosion and scrubbing of
dual mission with Gemini 7
first scheduled
shutdown protocol
Gemini 7
Borman assigned to
dual mission with Gemini 6
launch of
medical tests on
sleeping shifts
splashdown and recovery
two-week orbit
Gemini 8
Gemini 10
Gemini 11
Gemini 12
Gemini spacecraft
design of
food on
human body tested by
mobility in
orbit and reentry
space walking and
Titan rocket and
General Dynamics
Germany, Nazi
on launch
on reentry
Gilbert Crater
Gilruth, Bob
Glenn, John
global tracking web
Goddard, Robert
Godfrey, Arthur
Goldwater, Barry
Gordon, Dick
Grau, Dieter
Griffin, Gerry
Grissom, Crater
Grissom, Gus
Apollo 1 explosion and death of
Apollo mission and
Apollo simulator and
food and
Gemini 3 and
Lovell and
Mercury program and
Grissom, Mrs. Gus
Grumman Aircraft
Gutenberg Crater
Hadley-Apennine region
Hadley Base
Haise, Fred
Hall, Floyd
Hamblin, Dodie
Haney, Paul
Hannigan, Jim
Harless, Dick
heat shield
high-dive reentry
Hodge, John
Holloman Air Force Base
Hong Kong
Houston Chronicle
Houston Oilers
human body, impact of space on
Humphrey, Hubert
hypergolic fuels
International Astronomical Union (IAU)
Jeffs, George
Jodrell Bank Observatory
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jones, Donald
Journal du Dimanche
Kästner, Crater
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of
Kennedy, Robert F.
King, Jack
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Korean War
Korolev, Sergei
Kraft, Betty Anne
Kraft, Christopher Columbus
Apollo 1 explosion and
Apollo 7 and
Apollo 8 and
Apollo quality problems and
background of
Christmas in space and
crater named for
Gemini 5 and
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
Kranz and
Mercury missions and
Saturn V and
Kranz, Gene
Kranz, Marta
Laitin, Christine
Laitin, Joe
Langley Aeronautical Laboratory
launch pad
LeMay, Curtis
LEM (lunar excursion module)
Anders and
Apollo 5 and
Apollo 7 and
Apollo 8 and
Apollo 9 and
Apollo 10 and
Apollo 11 and
crew training for
design of
life-support systems
life vests
Lindbergh, Charles
Lindsay, John
Litvinov, Victor
Lombardi, Vince
London Blitz
loss of signal (LOS)
Lovelace Clinic
Lovell, Barbara
Lovell, Sir Bernard
Lovell, Jeffrey
Lovell, Jim
Apollo 8 as moon shot and
Apollo 9 plan and
Apollo 11 and
awards and honors
background of
becomes astronaut
Borman and
Borman’s illness on Apollo flight and
Christmas in space and
computer and
crater named for
distance record and
early orbit and
family and
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
Gemini 7 and
Gemini 12 and
later career of
Lindbergh and
lunar orbit and
lunar orbit entry and
marriage and
motion sickness and
as navigator
personality of
prelaunch and liftoff and
preparations for launch and
recovery and
reentry and
return from moon and
sleep and
SPS and
TEI and
third stage separation maneuver
TLI and
TV broadcasts from space
views from lunar orbit and
Lovell, Marilyn Gerlach
Lovell, Susan
Lovell Crater
Low, George
lunar gravity
lunar orbit. See also moon
danger of being trapped in
circumlunar flight vs.
TV broadcasts from
lunar orbit insertion (LOI)
lunar sunrise
lunar terminator
Lunney, Glynn
Lyell Crater
Mach velocity
Manned Spacecraft Center
Apollo 1 explosion and
Marshall Space Flight Center
Marsh of Sleep
mascons (lunar mass concentrations)
Mattingly, Ken
McCain, John, III
McCain, John, Jr.
McCormack, John
McDivitt, Jim
McDonnell Aircraft
McGee, Charles
McMorris, USS (ship)
McNamara, Robert
medical tests
Mercury spacecraft
Carpenter’s flight in
design of
Glenn’s flight in
Grissom’s flight in
parachute on landing
Redstone tests with
Schirra’s flight
Shepard’s flight
Messier Crater
Minnesota Vikings
Minuteman missiles
Mission Control
Apollo 1 explosion and
Apollo 8 and
Apollo 8 Christmas in space and
Apollo 9 and
capcom and
early, at Cape Canaveral
flags and
Gemini 6 and
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
Kranz as flight director
MIT Draper Lab
moon. See also circumlunar flights; lunar gravity; lunar orbit; lunar sunrise
Apollo 1 delays missions to
Apollo 8 becomes mission to
Apollo 8 enters orbit
far side of
Apollo 9 and
Apollo program and
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
JFK and
landing on
landing sites
landmarks named
LBJ and
LEM and
Low proposes flight to
phases of, and launch timing
photographs of
Saturn V and
Soviet space program and
Moyers, Bill
Mueller, George
N1 rocket
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)
National Aeronautics and Space Act (1958)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). See also astronauts; Cape Kennedy; Mission Control; and specific missions and individuals
Apollo 1 explosion and
Apollo 7 and
Apollo 8 turned into moon shot by
Apollo families and
Apollo program, post-explosion
Apollo spacecraft design and
celebrations post-moon shot
Christmas TV broadcasts and
creation of
Distinguished Service Medal
early rockets and
families and
flight rules
Gemini 1 and
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
improvisations and
JFK and
Kraft as flight operations head
LBJ and
medical testing and
Mercury overshoot and
moon landing deadline and
PR and
Slayton and oversight of
space race and
White House dinner and
National Aeronautics and Space Council
National Football League
Naval Academy (Annapolis)
Naval Air Station Patuxent River
Navy Department
near-escape velocity
Nellis Air Force Base
New York Jets
New York Times
Nixon, Julie
Nixon, Richard
North American Aviation
North Korea
nuclear missiles
Ocean of Storms
Offenbach, Jacques
orbital parameters
Outer Space Treaty
PADS (preliminary advisory data)
passive thermal control (PTC) mode
Pasteur Crater
Paul VI, Pope
Peanuts (comic strip)
Perot, Ross
Pershing Missile
Petrone, Rocco
Pickering Crater
Pilyugin, Nikolai
plugs-out test
Podgorny, Nikolai
pogo problem
Polaris missiles
Propst, Gary
Pueblo, USS (ship)
Pyrenees Mountains of the Moon
radiation sickness
Raish, Donald
Redstone rocket
Soviet Zond and
protocol, broken by Schirra
rendezvous and docking
Gemini 6 plan
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
Republican Party
retrofire console
Richardson Crater
Rockefeller, Nelson
Roughing It (Twain)
Rudolph, Arthur
Saturn 1B
Saturn V rocket
Apollo 6 and
Apollo 8 and readiness of
Apollo 8 launch and
design of
engine problems
launch window
Mission Control rehearsals and
pogo problem and
third stage for TLI and
third stage separation and
Scaliger Crater
Scheer, Julian
Schefter, James
Schirra, Wally
Apollo 1 explosion and
Apollo 7 and
Apollo assignment and
Gemini 6 launch and
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
humor and
Schweickart, Rusty
Scientific Research Institute (Moscow)
Scott, Dave
Sea of Crises
Sea of Fertility
Sea of Tranquillity
See, Elliot
service module junking
Service Propulsion System (SPS)
central role of, in lunar mission
circularizing burn
fuel and
hypergolic chemical flow and
lunar orbit entry and
TEI burn and
testing, for course correction
Shea, Joe
Shepard, Al
Sherrington Crater
Slayton, Donald Kent “Deke”
Anders and
Apollo 1 explosion and
Apollo 7 and
Apollo 8 and
Apollo 9 and
Apollo 11 and
Gemini flights and
Smyth’s Sea
Snoopy hats
Sousa, John Philip
South Korea
Soviet astronauts, early
Soviet Central Research Institute (USSR)
Soviet MiG plane
Soviet Union (Russia)
Apollo 1 and
Apollo 8 and
Cuban Missile Crisis and
Korean War and
Outer Space Treaty and
Sputnik and
Zond and
space race
Space Task Group
space walk
White and
Collins and
splashdown and recovery
launch windows
Stafford, Tom
Apollo 10
Gemini 6 and
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
Storms, Harrison “Stormy”
Strategic Air Command
subortibal missions
Sunday Times (London)
Super Bowl
sustainer engine cut-off (SECO)
Taurus-Littrow Mountains
television broadcasts from Apollo 8
reentry and
Man of the Year issue
Tindall, Bill
Titan missile
Borman and tests of
design of
Gemini 6–7 dual mission and
man-rating of
toilet needs in space
Apollo 8 urine problems
Gemini 7 and
Tranquillity Base
trans-Earth injection (TEI)
translunar injection (TLI)
translunar route navigation
Triangular Mountain (Mount Marilyn)
Tsiolkovsky Crater
Tuskegee airmen
Twain, Mark
United Kingdom
U.S. Congress
U.S. Senate
U.S. Supreme Court
University of Pennsylvania
University of Wisconsin
unmanned lunar spacecraft
urban riots
Ustinov, Dmitry
U Thant
V-2 rocket
Van Allen belts
Vanguard rocket
Victory, John F.
Vietnam War
Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI)
vision tests
von Braun, Wernher
von Fremd, Charles
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Voyage to the Moon (Offenbach)
War Department
Wasp, USS (aircraft carrier)
Weather Bureau
Webb, James
Wendt, Guenter
West Point
White, Bonnie Lynn
White, Edward Higgins
Apollo 1 explosion and death of
Gemini 4 spacewalk and
Gemini 7 and
White, Edwin (son)
White, Pat
White Crater
Wilson, Harold
Windler, Milt
World War I
World War II
Wright, Orville
Wright, Wilbur
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Yardley, John
Yeager, Chuck
Yorktown, USS (aircraft carrier)
Young, John
zero g
Zond 5
Zond 6
zoom flight