Laurie Moran was doing another round of “up . . . and down . . . and up . . . and down” to the beat of eardrum-piercing techno music in a room lit like a late 1970s disco. The man in front of her let out another enthusiastic “Wooooh!” which Laurie was certain provided no additional health benefits.
To her right, her friend Charlotte—the one who had suggested this morning’s spin class—grinned mischievously as she wiped her brow with a small towel. Her voice couldn’t overcome the music, but Laurie could read her lips: “You love it!” On her other side Linda Webster-Cennerazzo looked as exhausted as she did.
Laurie most certainly did not, in fact, love it. She felt a moment of relief when the music changed to a song she recognized, but then the perfectly tanned and toned instructor ruined it by yelling, “Turn those knobs, people! It’s time for another hill!”
Laurie reached down to the frame of her stationary bike as instructed, but snuck in two quick rotations of the knob to the left instead of the right. The last thing she needed was to increase her resistance, especially if you counted the psychological type.
When the torture finally ended, she filed out with the rest of the winded students and followed Charlotte and Linda to the locker room. It was unlike any gym Laurie had ever frequented, complete with eucalyptus-soaked towels, fluffy robes, and a waterfall next to the saunas.
Laurie’s beauty routine took less than ten minutes, thanks to her wash-and-wear shoulder-length hair and a quick application of tinted moisturizer and one coat of mascara. She rested on a cedar recliner as Charlotte attended to her own finishing touches.
“I can’t believe you put yourself through that agony four times a week,” Laurie said.
“Neither can I,” Linda said.
“And I cross-train the other three, don’t forget,” Charlotte added.
“Now you’re just bragging,” Linda said, an edge in her voice.
“Look, I finally decided I have to exercise like this, because most of the time, I’m sitting in a chair at work or going out to dinner with clients. The two of you run around plenty enough in your regular lives.”
“So we do,” Linda added as she headed for the shower.
Laurie also knew that it was practically in Charlotte’s job description to be in tip-top shape. She was the New York head of her family company, Ladyform, one of the country’s most popular makers of high-end workout attire for women. “If I come back here again, I’m going to sit in the hot tub next to that waterfall and leave the wooooh-ing to you.”
“Laurie, suit yourself. I think you’re perfect just the way you are. But you’re the one who said you wanted to get in better shape before the big wedding.”
“It’s not going to be big,” she protested. “And I don’t know what I was thinking. Those wedding magazines pollute a woman’s brain: designer dresses, thousands of flowers, and so much tulle! It’s too much. I’ve returned to my senses.”
As she thought of her impending marriage to Alex, a surge of joy swept through Laurie. She tried to keep her voice even as she concentrated on what she was saying to Charlotte. “Once Timmy’s done with the school year, we’ll do something small and take a family trip together.”
Charlotte shook her head disapprovingly as she tucked a tube of hair gel into her black leather Prada backpack. “Laurie, trust me. Forget about a family trip. You and Alex are going on your honeymoon. It should be just the two of you. Toasting each other with champagne. And Leo would be happy to take care of Timmy when you’re away.”
Laurie noticed a woman at a locker in the next row eavesdropping and lowered her voice. “Charlotte, I had a big wedding when Greg and I were married. I just want to have a quiet wedding this time. What matters is that Alex and I are finally together. For good.”
Laurie had originally met defense attorney Alex Buckley when she recruited him to serve as the host of her television show, Under Suspicion. He became her closest confidant at work, and then more than that outside of the office. But when he stepped back from the show to return full-time to his legal practice, Laurie hadn’t been entirely sure how Alex fit into her life. She had already found a great love in Greg and, after losing him, had forged ahead by juggling the demands of her career and being a single mother. She thought she was perfectly content, until Alex finally made it clear that he wanted more from Laurie than he believed she was ready to give.
As it turned out, she realized after a three-month hiatus that she was miserably unhappy without Alex. It was she who had called and asked him to dinner. The moment she hung up the phone she knew she had made the right decision. They had been engaged now for two months. She had already become accustomed to the feel of the platinum ring with a solitaire diamond that Alex had chosen.
She honestly couldn’t recall whether she had even once asked Alex what he wanted.
She tried picturing herself walking down a long aisle in an elaborate white gown, but all she could see was Greg waiting for her at the front of the church. When she pictured herself exchanging vows with Alex, she saw them somewhere outside, surrounded by flowers, or even barefoot on a beach. She wanted it to be special. And different from what she’d had before. But, again, that was what she wanted.
She was almost to her office door by the time she realized that her assistant, Grace Garcia, was trying to get her attention. “Earth to Laurie? You in there?”
She blinked and was back in the real world. “Sorry, I think the spin class Charlotte dragged me to made me dizzy.”
Grace was looking at her with wide, dark eyes lined in perfect cat style. Her long, black hair was pulled into a tight I Dream of Jeannie topknot, and she was wearing a flattering wrap dress and knee-high boots—only three-inch heels, practically flats by Grace’s standards.
“Those spin addicts are a cult,” Grace warned dismissively. “All that hooting and hollering. And people wearing crazy outfits like they’re in the Tour de France. Girlfriend, you’re in a gym on Fifth Avenue.”
“It definitely wasn’t for me. You were saying something when I was in la-la land?”
“Right. You had visitors waiting for you in the lobby when I got in this morning. Security told me they arrived before eight and were adamant about waiting until you arrived.”
Laurie was grateful for the success of her show, but could do without some of the ancillary benefits, such as fans who wanted to “pop in” to the studio for selfies and autographs.
“Are you sure they’re not fans of Ryan’s?” As popular as Alex had been with viewers, apparently the current host, Ryan Nichols, was considered “crush-worthy” by the younger generation.
“They’re definitely here to see you. Remember the Martin Bell case?”
“Of course.” A few months earlier, Laurie had thought the case would be perfect for Under Suspicion—a renowned physician shot to death in his driveway while his wife and children were just yards away inside the house.
“His parents are in conference room B. They say the wife is a killer and they want you to prove it.”