
Ryan’s comment about Laurie using “kid gloves” with Kendra must have struck a chord, because she decided to go to Kendra’s house unannounced.

She was about to confront a woman about a highly personal health-related issue. On the other hand, that woman was the most likely suspect in Martin Bell’s murder. A pop-in without cameras seemed like a fair compromise.

From the sidewalk outside of Kendra’s carriage house, through the living room window, Laurie saw Kendra playing with her children. To someone else, their awkward, staccato movements might resemble a bizarre avant-garde dance routine, but Laurie recognized the familiar arm waves and pirouettes of a Wii video-bowling tournament. She had lost more than her fair share of virtual lanes to Timmy.

She suddenly questioned her decision to interrupt what was obviously a family night. Her conversation with Kendra could wait until tomorrow. After five years, it wasn’t as if Kendra was going to flee the jurisdiction.

She turned to head toward Sixth Avenue to hail a cab, but then heard voices behind her. Kendra was now on her front porch, saying good-bye to her children. “I’ll be back to kiss you good night,” she called out. Laurie saw Caroline lingering in the doorway behind a young boy and girl.

Even in the dark, as Kendra took her front steps down to the driveway, Laurie could make out the silhouette of some kind of bag cross-slung against Kendra’s hip. She wondered for a moment if it might be the leather duffel that had been stolen from her on Monday night.

Laurie put her head down, pretending to check her phone like so many other pedestrians. She slowly tilted her gaze toward Kendra, who was walking quickly in the opposite direction, heading toward Fifth Avenue.

Laurie decided to follow.