Manuscript Collections
The largest collection of Constance’s autograph letters is of those between her and Lady Mount-Temple, held as part of the Broadlands Archive in the University of Southampton. Over a hundred letters from Constance to her brother Otho are in the private collection of Merlin Holland. The Library of William Andrews Clark Jr at the University of California in Los Angeles has some letters from Constance, while the British Library, as part of its Eccles collection, holds a significant number, not least those between Constance and the Blackers and from Constance to Vyvyan, all written during her period in exile on the Continent. The Morgan Library and Museum holds the MS of ‘The Selfish Giant’, written by Constance. Important original correspondence relating to Constance’s flight from England and her time in exile is held in the private collection of John Holland.
Published Sources
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——, Oscar Wilde: A Summing Up (Icon Books, London, 1962)
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the Aesthetic Interior (Lund Humphries in association with the Geffrye Museum, London, 2000)
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