appendix iii

The diary of William Goffe

This excerpt was discovered among the Winthrop Papers by Robert C. Winthrop and presented to the Massachusetts Historical Society on 10 December 1863 (Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, vol. 7 (1863–4), 281–3). The full diary, covering 1660 to 1667, was passed to the Russell family in the late seventeenth century, before being added to the Mather library in 1758. Thomas Hutchinson was in possession of the diary in 1765, when his house was attacked at the time of the Stamp Act. It is presumed that the diary was destroyed or dispersed at this time. The following is the only extract that has survived; the spelling and punctuation have been modernized where appropriate.

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12d 3m.—The King was proclaimed at Gravesend; there was much rejoicing among the people, but God’s people lamented over the great profaneness with which that joy was expressed. It was observed that many dogs did that day run mad; and died suddenly in the town.

13d 3m.—We kept Sabbath aboard. To a good minister’s church in the town was stuck up near the pulpit a broom; in token as was by all conceived, that the minister should shortly be swept away from them.

27d 5m.—We came to anchor between Boston, and Charlestown; between 8. & 9. in the morning: All in good health through the good hand of God upon us: oh! That men would praise the Lord for his goodness . . . as psalm 107. 21, &c.

29d 5m.—Lord’s day; we had opportunity of waiting upon God in his public ordinances, which were solemnly performed by Mr. Mitchel. I handed Mr. Mitchel a paper,—which I here insert, to mind myself hereafter of my present purposes to cleave to the Lord, and to love him, and serve him forever, which the Lord by his own grace and spirit enable me to do, now and always.

Having received much mercy from the Lord, at his leaving his native country, and in his passage through the great deeps; as also in this land; wherein he is a stranger; Now before the Lord in the congregation of his people, doth humbly desire that the praises due unto God,—may be rendered on his behalf. And that the Lord may be entreated yet to follow his poor unworthy servant with goodness and mercy; that he may walk as becomes the gospel, and forever cleave to the Lord; and love him, and serve him, in all conditions.

9d 6m.—Went to Boston lecture, heard Mr. Norton on Hebr. 2. 16. Went afterwards to his house, where we were lovingly entertained, with many ministers, and found great respects from them. But were threatened by one that came in the Scotch vessel,—he said, if it had not been for those that walked with us, he would have had us by the hair of our heads: but when I heard of it, I said all the hairs of our heads were numbered by the Lord.—Luc. 12. 6: 7.—At night, Major Gookin showed us a printed paper that was brought in the Scotch ship, wherein the Lords do order 66 members of the High Court of Justice to be secured, with their estates,—it is dated 18d May 1660. But I will meditate on Hebr. 13. 5. 6.

10d 6m.—The Lord was graciously pleased to refresh my soul with his presence, in reading the word, and prayer, in my private morning exercise; and I felt some sensible affections moving towards Christ; and resolutions to cleave to him more for the future.

13d 6m.—I was in some measure quickened in my approach to God in prayer, in the morning.

15d 6m.—Supped at Mr. Chauncey’s; the good old servant of the Lord, still expressing much affection, and telling us, he was persuaded the Lord had brought us to this country for good both to them and ourselves.

18d 6m.—The Lord was pleased to help in some measure in my preparation for the Lord’s supper, and to give me some sense of the greatness of his love in giving Christ, and to show me my great need of him; both in reference to the guilt of sin, and power against sin; and to work in me some sensible affections towards himself, and earnest longings, and thirstings after communion with him in the ordinance unto which I was approaching.

19d.—The Lord was pleased very graciously to appear in his ordinances.

Oh! How gracious is God to his poor servants that gives us in the land of our pilgrimage such blessed entertainment. I am banished from my own house; but feasted in the house of God; oh, that I might dwell therein forever.

23d 6m.—In the evening we visited Elder Frost, who received us with great kindness and love esteeming it a favour that we would come into their mean habitation; assured us of his fervent prayers to the Lord for us:—a glorious saint makes a mean cottage a stately palace; were I to make my choice, I would rather abide with this saint in his poor cottage than with any one of the princes that I know of at this day in the world.

24d 6m.—We visited G. Beale sorely afflicted with the stone. He complained that he could not in the extremity of the pain submit with cheerfulness to the will of God; and told us that God spake many things to him under this exercise. Among other things he said he was now much convinced of evil, that he had not blessed God when he could make water with ease—and so for other common mercies—a useful lesson!

26d 6m.—Mr. Mitchel with divers came to visit us; our discourse tended to provoke to give up ourselves wholly to Jesus Christ and make him the whole delight of our souls.

4d 7m.—My first thoughts when I awaked this morning were on i. Pet. 2. abstain from fleshly lusts. My last thoughts, on my bed, were meditations on ps. 68. He that is our God is the God of salvation. 1. Such as have received Christ may come to know, and be able to say that God is their God—2. the believer’s God is a God of salvation. 3. It’s a consideration that yields much relief to the saints in time of eminent danger, that he that is their God is the God of salvation and that to him belong the issues from death.

5d 7m.—I awaked with that scripture, Math. 5. Blessed are they that hunger, &c. 1. the soul that truly hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be made righteous. 2. to be filled with righteousness and true holiness is true blessedness.

6d 7m.—I awaked with some weak thought of some scripture but my heart being oppressed with much deadness my spirit was confused &c.—the Lord pardon my great deadness, and quicken me for his name’s sake.