Governing Passion is wholly a work of fiction, although it is quite possible that actual historical personages like Robert Baldwin, Francis Hincks and Louis LaFontaine did meet in March of 1841 in Kingston to make plans for their coalition and prepare for the upcoming elections and subsequent meeting of the new, united Parliament. In depicting Baldwin and LaFontaine, I have relied on a number of sources, chief among which were: R.M. and J. Baldwin, The Baldwins and the Great Experiment; J.M.S. Careless, The Union of the Canadas; S.B. Leacock, Baldwin, LaFontaine and Hincks; and George E. Wilson, The Life of Robert Baldwin. Also useful were: Paul G. Cornell, The Alignment of Political Groups in Canada, 1841-1867; Edwin C. Guillet, Toronto: From Trading Post to Great City; and Edwin E. Horsey, Kingston A Century Ago.