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THIS WASN’T THE WAY I wanted to be the damn mayor. I had a fucking plan! Maria pushed her medium length black hair from her face, as her eyes scanned the stuffy office. She needed to get all the freaky photos of Frank down and a window open. With a sharp nod, she reached for the first photo and silently cursed her little legs.
“I hate being so freaking short.” Maria ground her teeth together. She glanced around the room and found a chair to help. After ten minutes, the office felt less creepy with the light January breeze coming in through the now open window.
Maria checked the calendar and saw the alpha of the local pack would be coming soon. She had seen him around the building. Something about him spoke to Maria when she caught a glimpse of his muscular arms. A light tap on the door made her jump. She glanced at the clock, either the alpha was early or it was someone else.
“Come in.” Maria called out and her hopes to see the sexy alpha were dashed when a woman walked into the office with a stack of papers, an officer followed close behind.
“These are for you. I would walk you through it but I’m being taken to jail now.” Frank’s secretary sneered toward the cop. “Our old mayor told the cops I supplied him. Ridiculous.” The woman dropped the papers on the desk, some of them slid off onto the floor.
Before Maria managed to say something, the officer cuffed the woman and steered her out of the building. Maria grabbed the box of pictures and walked out of the office to find her own assistant, Kate, standing next to the old assistant’s desk.
“I need you to take these photos out of here. I don’t care where they go, I just want them gone.” Maria didn’t want to see the old mayor’s face again. Kate took the box with a small smile before walking away. Working as his deputy mayor for the last year had been the most annoying time of her life but she needed the damn experience so next election she had a better platform to run on to be the mayor against Frank. Well that had been the plan until the ass was arrested for doing drugs.
“Thanks, Kate.” Maria smiled and glanced around the office again. She had a month to plan for the re-elections and she wanted on the ticket which meant in two weeks she needed to announce her running. She adjusted her shirt then closed the door.
A little ahead of schedule but I can do this. Her brother’s voice filled her mind saying she’d never be strong enough to be mayor. Maria squared her shoulders and walked back to her desk to organize it before the alpha came. The stack of documents the other woman left intimidated her for a split second before she dug in. Three piles slowly formed, one on the ground for the shredders, another for semi-important and another for important stuff.
A classified folder caught her attention. A tap on the door followed by a ding on her computer from Kate made Maria jump. Derrick is here.
“Come on in.” Maria called out as she placed the file in the top drawer. The sexy alpha, Derrick Holtin, stopped short after he opened the door, he studied the office and then back at her.
“Where is Frank?” His strong voice rumbled out, sending heat through her body. Damn I wish I wasn’t a fucking virgin right now. Images of him taking her on the desk filled her mind before she stopped them.
“He’s in jail. Please have a seat.” Maria motioned toward the chair in front of her desk. “My name is Maria. I know wolves don’t like to touch women so I’ll reframe from shaking your hand.” She studied his expression for a moment.
“What were the charges?” he asked.
“Possession with intent to sell.” Maria shook her head and glanced over at the calendar. “You’re here for two hours? Is it really needed?”
“Frank tended to get off topic or repeat himself.”
“Yes, he did. His schedule is so freaking clunky.” Maria shook her head again then faced him. She folded her hands on the desk and looked directly into Derrick’s eyes. She didn’t want him to think she could be intimidated even if he physically had the upper hand. Those bright blue eyes of his seemed to stare right through her.
“I see. Do you know why I’m here?” Derrick appeared relieved, his shoulders relaxed.
“To talk about your pack and if I have concerns.” She paused and grabbed a pad of paper and a pen. “Well, what do you have for me?”
“Nothing new to report. My second is with his mate a little farther south as she had her baby earlier than planned.” He ground his teeth and she wondered why.
“Ah, congrats. Babies are always nice.” Maria smiled, she had wondered what it might be like to have kids but her desire to run the city pushed guys away. Most men didn’t like a woman with power, it emasculated them. No, she wanted a man who could handle her strong will.
“Yes. Our hunter problem seems to be under control.”
“What problems were we experiencing?” Maria frowned for a moment. Derrick explained the problem with the hunter coming into their territory and trying to make a name for himself.
“So, Olsen’s sister was the one attacked last year in the hospital?”
“Correct.” Derrick nodded, his longer dark brown hair fell forward for a moment before he pushed it back into place.
“Olsen sounds like a more balanced brother than my over-protective brothers.” Maria watched Derrick’s lips, she wondered if they would be soft or rough if he kissed her. The last guy who had kissed her had tried to devour her mouth and not in a good way. I bet Derrick would be a way better kisser.
“You have brothers?” Derrick asked.
“Yes, two of them. Walter and Devin were always trying to scare away any boy who wanted to touch me. Made dating when I was younger very difficult.” She pushed her fingers through her hair. “Sorry, off topic.” They continued to talk about the few problems happening in their town.
“That’s all I have to bring to your attention.” Derrick stood.
“Oh, yes. I bet your mate is waiting for you at home.” Maria smiled. Derrick walked toward the door. “Do you have a mate?” Maria asked when his hand reached the door. He turned to face her, their gazes met.
“I don’t. Still waiting for the imprint to happen.” Derrick scratched the back of his head. Something in his eyes told her he didn’t mean to say that last part.
“Imprint? I hate to admit it but between me and you, I don’t have much knowledge about werewolves. Even though you’re all a part of daily life, all I know is each pack has an alpha, alpha’s have mates and mates have loads of kids.” Maria’s fingers played in her hair before she placed them back in her lap. She knew what imprinting meant but she wanted to keep him here for a moment longer. Something about him intrigued her. She wanted to get to know this man but the logical side of her said messing with him would cause damage to her career. I will be a clean politician, unlike Frank.
“The reason male wolves don’t like to touch females is because they might imprint with someone they don’t know. The idea of being bound to someone without knowing anything about the other person scares a lot of wolves.” Derrick shrugged, a hint of sadness filled his eyes.
“Interesting.” She stood and sauntered toward him. “Are you afraid of that happening?” Maria met his gaze. She liked staring into his bright blue eyes.
“Not one bit.” Derrick smiled flashing his teeth. Even in his human form they seemed dangerous. Her eyes widened a bit but she stood her ground. She extended her hand, stopping just before the tips of her fingers touched his arm.
“May I?” Maria raised an eyebrow.
“Be my guest, but be warned. If I imprint with you, the door will be locked as I take you on your desk.” Derrick’s eyes narrowed like they were challenging her. Her own stupid brain never backed down from a challenge even with her brothers in lose-lose battles. Her breath caught in her throat and her hand faltered for a second when she thought about her career. If she imprinted with him then everything would be flipped upside down for her.
“And if I’m not your mate will you do the same thing?” Maria’s lips pulled up, this man would know how to take her virginity and leave her satisfied. The authoritative aura surrounding him gave Maria a slight buzz of excitement. Before he answered, her soft fingers brushed against his forearm. A light buzz of electricity zinged under her flesh. Shit!
“Looks like you get what you want.” Derrick flipped the lock as she backed up a small step.
“You mean, I’m actually your mate?” Maria swallowed hard, all she had wanted was a quick fuck to help ease some of the stress this job had already caused her.
“The zap was the imprint.” Derrick leaned his six-foot six-inch frame down to her very short body.
“I shouldn’t have done it. I barely know you.” Maria’s voice held a hint of nervous tension making her frustrated. She was the new mayor, which meant she needed to be strong.
“You can get to know me.” He wrapped his hands around her waist and brought her body up. His lips met hers and her resistance ended in a flash. Her body melted into his, she felt his hard-on press against her. A low groan rumbled against her lips. Her back arched toward him, her breasts brushed against his chest.
A hard knock on the door made Maria pull away from Derrick. Fuck, come on Maria, focus.
“Who is it?” Maria closed her eyes.
“The police chief is here.” Kate called through the door.
“I will be done in a moment.” Maria stepped further away from Derrick. “I need to get back to work.” Maria pushed back her hair.
“I told you what would happen if you imprinted with me.” He took a step toward her making her legs go weak.
“I need to think, Derrick. Can you come back this afternoon?” Maria glanced up at him meeting his gaze. His jaw locked up and he nodded then stormed out of her office leaving Maria feeling empty.
What the hell am I going to do?