



A close up of a logo

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“MARIA!” DERRICK YELLED for his mate while she used magic to play with water in the upstairs bathroom. Derrick was thankful that she was learning to control her magic but sometimes she made a huge mess trying new spells.

“Be right down.” Maria cursed a few times then appeared at the top of the steps. Her swollen stomach lifted the tight shirt up, allowing some of the skin to show at the bottom. Alia walked behind Derrick and sighed.

“You reached your last month of pregnancy and you’re smaller than I was.” Alia huffed at his side.

“This is small?” Maria turned to the side showing off a nice round belly where her son kicked away at her insides.

“Yep.” Alia popped her lips together and walked over to the table where Olsen and Aiden were sorting chips for poker night. Every other week they all hung out socially, with no talk about pack problems. Maria had been the one to suggest it to help Derrick relax more. Aura rested on the couch with the TV playing some kid show Derrick had never heard of.

“Can you carry me down? I don’t trust my balance right now.” Maria leaned against the wall. Derrick ascended the stairs and lifted her with ease.

Memories of changing into her wolf for the first time were both horrifying and amazing in the span of a few minutes. After a month of practice, she could finally shift out of her wolf form with ease and not pass out after the fact. A part of him had feared the worst after a full minute passed without her changing, but the second minute, hair covered her body. Once she shifted completely the wave of relief hit him quickly. Any time she shifted into her soft brown wolf, she created a little piece of priceless art for Derrick. She was his and completely beautiful.

“Are you ok?” Derrick asked as he walked back down the stairs.

“Yes, those damn pre-labor contractions are making my back tight.” Maria wiggled in his arms like she couldn’t get comfortable.

“Would you like a back massage?” Derrick offered. When his little mate started to pop out, she complained about her back often enough for Derrick to get the hint. After two tries he found the right amount of pressure to relieve some of the pain.

“Oh, yes please. But we can wait until after the game.” Maria smiled. He set her down and she waddled toward the dinner table.

“All right who’s ready to get their ass kicked?” Maria rubbed her hands together. Olsen laughed.

“You really need to work on your poker face Maria, then you can start kicking ass.” Aiden chuckled.

“Oh whatever.” Maria sat in an office chair while the rest sat on regular wooden seats. The banter continued while Alia grabbed the pizzas out of the oven and set them on the table. Olsen hissed into Alia’s ear before she perked up and turned toward Aiden.

“Hey Aiden, I have a bet for you.” Alia leaned forward to catch Aiden’s attention.

“What’s that?” Aiden raised an eyebrow. His clean-shaven head caught the light and bounced it across the room. How the hell does he keep it so freaking shiny?

“Grow out your hair until you find your mate. Then and only then can you go back to being the lone bald werewolf.” Alia grabbed more food for her plate and kept her gaze on Aiden. Derrick wondered where this bet came from, but part of him wondered what his buddy would look like with some hair on the top of his head.

“What happens if I agree, but shave before I imprint?” Aiden rubbed the top of his head and then scratched his trimmed beard.

“Oh, I like this idea.” Maria pitched in. “You look good bald, but some hair might help attract the right girl.” Maria bit into her food. Derrick eyed his friend, Aiden’s mouth gaped open for a second before he snapped it shut.

“If you shave it before you imprint, you’ll have to buy all these weekly dinners for a month.”

“Sounds steep.” He paused and scratched under his chin. “What do I get?”

“What do you want?”

“I want free dinners then.” Aiden folded his arms in front of his chest.

“Free? Well I think it’s fair.” Alia rose and eyebrow and met Maria’s gaze who nodded quickly.

“Fine. Deal.” Aiden shook Alia’s hand and Olsen gripped the table for a second before relaxing.

“Wonderful.” Alia clapped her hands together and rubbed Olsen’s arm. Derrick wondered if Aiden would last more than a month with how fast wolves grow hair. From a young age, Aiden had been the only bald kid and werewolf he knew. This should be interesting.

“All right, I realize we aren’t allowed to be talking about pack stuff, but Alia you mentioned someone will be coming next month. Who is it again?” Maria took a bite of her pizza.

“Not sure yet, but it’s like an ambassador. They will come to make sure we are participating during the Summer Solstice ritual and let us copy one of their spell books so we have some background.”

“Remind me of it again? My damn pregnancy brain is getting the best of me.” Only yesterday Maria had said she was searching for her phone and it happened to be in her back pocket the whole time.

“It’s all good.” Alia laughed. “Summer Solstice is a night where our magic is strongest. Years and years ago, witches made a pact to keep magical beings hidden if they protected us from the slaughter. Dragons made a pact with witches for protection. We chant for a few hours during the night and they are able to fly around without anyone noticing, unless you have powers yourself. I’ve heard rumors of dragons not shifting on this night and they ended up destroying their houses. The dragons are too strong to be kept inside a human for too long.”

“Is it a draining event?” Maria grabbed another slice of pizza.

“No. But I do remember seeing a dragon fly over Chicago during the chant. Aunt Jina needed to get a few things and we were caught in the storm that hit. We did our chant and not even an hour later a huge dragon flew over the city.”

“Damn. It would be cool to meet a dragon.” Maria smiled. Derrick growled at the idea of a dragon being close to his mate.

“What’s wrong, Derrick?” Maria asked with one of her eyebrows raised.

“We will not be meeting any dragons. They can be very temperamental.”

“Like werewolves don’t have a temper at all.” Maria smirked.

“Derrick, you’re in the clear unless you go to Canada. Most of them are going extinct in this half of the world. I don’t know about the other side though.” Alia turned to her mate and rubbed his leg.

“Who’s ready for a game?” Aiden asked.

“I need more water.” Maria slid out of her chair and into the kitchen. Her breathing turned into pants after a second making him worry.

“Maria?” Derrick marched up behind her. His mate leaned against the fridge with her face against her arms.

“Can you rub my back?” she asked through gritted teeth. His fingers glided over her lower back hitting her favorite spots. Her breathing stabilized for a second then she cried in pain. Derrick’s hands stopped moving on her back. Fuck did I push too hard.

An odd scent hit his nose and he scanned the floor to see a small puddle. Derrick looked at his mate again wondering if the fridge had sprung a leak, then another scream left her lips.

“Fuck, that hurts!” Maria screamed.

“Your water broke honey.” Alia ran to her side. Water broke? The words clicked as Derrick realized his little mate was in labor.




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OH, THAT ONE FUCKING hurt! Maria ground her teeth as Derrick picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. She had been planning for this kid for months. Everything came down to her shifting in time in the bath tub. Alia ran behind Derrick timing the contractions. Olsen and Aiden thankfully stayed downstairs to calm Aura who woke up when Maria started screaming.

Another wave of pain filled Maria’s abdomen, her muscles tightened and she gasped for breath. She was so glad Derrick had changed her into a werewolf because she didn’t want to die during child birth.

“Breathe babe. You can do this.” Derrick kissed her head. There was a sound of running water and Derrick set Maria down on the bed before he helped her get undressed.

“Before you shift, I need to check to make sure you aren't too far along.” Alia moved between Maria’s legs with determination. Derrick focused on Maria, he whispered sweet words to her. Their son kicked at her side making her wince.

“You’re good but you need to do it now because I can touch his head.” Alia ran to the bathroom and washed her hands again.

“Call my mother,” Maria said between contractions. Derrick nodded and grabbed his phone. Maria rolled to her side and focused on letting her werewolf out.

“Aiden is going to get her right now.” Derrick rubbed her back. Maria inhaled deeply and fur covered her body. Another contraction hit before she fully shifted and she went back into her human form. Maria screamed in pain.

“They are getting closer together,” Alia slid to Derrick’s side and kneeled next to her. “Maria, if you don’t shift before the next contraction you won’t be able to.” Alia pushed Maria’s hair back.

“Ok.” Maria couldn’t afford to deliver her son in her human form. Alia’s story about delivering scared the hell out of Maria. She gritted her teeth and focused on her wolf again.

“A minute and a half.” Alia warned. Maria closed her eyes and thought about her happy place where she held her son and the pain in her body wasn’t there. A wave of heat covered her flesh followed by the fur. Her bones moved in place. Maria opened her eyes, her wolf howled in pain. I did it.

With a sigh of relief Derrick kissed her snout. Waves of pain filled her abdomen and back as another contraction hit. Each one stronger and longer than the one before. She wondered if her body could really deliver the little one.

“Do you want the tub still?” Derrick asked. Maria whimpered as the contraction eased. She shook her head. Her whole body ached and nothing brought her peace to help ease the tension. Wave after wave of contractions had her panting.

“Where is she?” Maria heard her mother ask. A few seconds later the door opened and closed. Elene ran to Maria’s side and pulled her into a short hug. A few weeks ago, when Maria shifted in front of her mother, she had been speechless but now her mother seemed at peace.

“I’m here sweetie.” Elene kissed her and turned to Alia. “How far apart?”

“A minute, give or take. Once she shifted they slowed, but they are picking up again.” Alia grabbed a few more towels from the bathroom.

“It’s almost over.” Elene smiled. “Derrick, do you have scissors for the cord? Or a knife?”

“I will go grab a pair.” Derrick left the room and quickly returned. Maria closed her eyes as everyone stirred around the room.

Pain. All Maria thought about was the pain and she wished it would all end.

“It’s time to push honey.” Elene rubbed Maria’s side and she listened to her mother. Derrick grabbed her paw.

“You can do this. I love you so much,” Derrick said. Maria licked his face and started to push.

She didn’t think the ache could have been worse and yet the pain grew stronger. A howl sounded in the room. Maria didn’t realize she made the sound for a moment. Two things happened in quick succession; Maria wasn’t sure which happened first. A small cry sounded and agony ended.

Elene handed Derrick a bundle of towels wrapped around their little boy. Her mother’s voice whispered to her son and the urge to hold her little one consumed her thoughts.

“Maria, I know you want to hold your little guy but I need you to wait to shift.” Alia’s stern voice met Maria’s ears making her whimper in displeasure.

“Is something wrong?” Elene asked.

“We were lucky, the baby didn’t shift so there is less for her to heal. Her wolf side can handle the damage but if she shifts to her human form before she’s ready, she might rip open the wounds more.” Alia placed a hand on Maria’s hip. A small whimper left Maria’s lips.

“Here is our little man.” Derrick kneeled next to Maria. He pulled back the towel, blue eyes looked right at her. Her son stretched his hands out, his short black hair bunched a bit and cried out. I need to hold him. I need to comfort him. Her eyes moved down to Alia still cleaning up.

“Almost honey. The bleeding has slowed a lot. Just give it another minute,” Alia pleaded with her. Every fiber wanted to shift and grab her baby. She closed her eyes and started counting to sixty. Her son’s cries grew louder.

“It’s ok, mommy is just healing up then she is all yours little man.” Derrick kissed his son.

“Honey, you are doing well.” Elene kissed Maria’s head. Sixty. Maria opened her eyes and hoped she could finally hold her little boy.

“Elene, would you like to hold your grandson?”

“With pleasure.” Elene took him.

“You can shift, but take it easy. Derrick will move you to the other side while I clean up here,” Alia said. Maria focused on shifting. Her hair receded and the heat left her body. She still rested on her side, completely naked and uncomfortable. Her body ached like a truck had hit her. Derrick lifted her with ease. 

“I have you.” The heat from Derrick slowed Maria’s shivers. Alia whispered a few things and a new blanket covered the bed. Derrick gently placed her on the bed and kissed her. Elene placed the little boy in Maria’s arms. Everything settled into place with her little one in her arms.

“Welcome to the world, Baven.” Maria whispered as she kissed the top of Baven’s head.

“Beautiful name.” Elene smiled. Maria scanned the room. She had everything she needed. A strong mate beside her, a mother who cared for her, a friend to talk to and an adorable baby in her arms.

“I love you.” Maria looked up at her mate.

“I love you both.”

Her world had changed so much and she had a new adventure every day with her mate. Life was perfect with Derrick and Baven near. All of the witchy stuff would be resolved and whatever came after, she and Derrick would figure it out.

Extras from Summer Solstice