I Was Fast-Tracked to Reach My Full Potential from an Early Age

There was this girl I liked at school. Her name was Maggie. She lived in my neighbourhood. We caught the same bus. We had a routine. She would get on the bus and wave at me, and I would stare out the window while listening to Linkin Park. In Year Eight, we got to choose electives. There was an elective called Office Aid. Office Aid was good because you learned how to put things in mail rooms and how to pour tea. Office Aid was also good because Maggie did Office Aid. Maggie told me she thought she didn’t like Will anymore but then maybe she did, and she ruffled my hair and said I was a good listener.

When I think about Office Aid, I remember doing a lot of filing and being told that there is a system for almost everything. I got an A for Office Aid. I still include it on my résumé even though no office has ever hired me.