
Primary Sources—Australian Army

Interviews with Australian veterans, 2002–2004

John Akhurst, 39th Battalion

Stan Bissett, 2/14th Battalion

Harvey Blundell, 55/53rd Battalion

Charlie Butler, 2/14th Battalion

Basil Catterns, 2/1st Battalion (twice)

George Cops, 39th Battalion

Jim Coy, 2/14th Battalion

Paul Cullen, 2/1st Battalion (twice)

Don Daniels, 39th Battalion

Warwick Davis, 55/53rd Battalion

Bill Guest, 39th Battalion

Trevor Harper, 55/53rd Battalion

Laurie Howson, 39th Battalion

Bob Iskov, 2/14th Battalion

Bill Jenkins, 2/2nd Battalion

Keith Norrish, 2/16th Battalion

George Palmer, 39th Battalion

Matt Power, 2/14th Battalion

Phil Rhoden, 2/14th Battalion

Merv Roberts, 2/33rd Battalion

Jack Stevens, 55/53rd Battalion

Frank Sublet, 2/16th Battalion (brief phone conversation)

John Trevan, 39th Battalion

George Woodward, 2/14th Battalion

Roy Wootten, 55/53rd Battalion

Peter Wright, 55/53rd Battalion

Other interviews and discussions

Dr Steven Bullard, director of the Australia–Japan Research Project, Australian War Memorial

Angela Catterns, daughter of Basil Catterns, 2/1st Battalion

Dr Chris Coulthard-Clark, historian, Australian War Memorial

George Friend, director of Rising Sun Films

Brian Honner, son of Ralph Honner

Philippa Honner, granddaughter of Ralph Honner

Richard Honner, son of Ralph Honner

Professor David Horner, Australian National University

Bill James, Kokoda trekker and writer

Tom Keneally, novelist

Edward Lewis, grandson of Essington Lewis

Charlie Lynn, NSW Senator, Kokoda tour guide

Lex McAulay, military historian

Dr Hank Nelson, Australian National University

Rusty Priest, chairman of Kokoda Memorial Foundation, former RSL president

John Rennie, organiser of Isurava Memorial

Peter Stanley, Australian War Memorial

Geoff Steward, son of Major ‘Blue’ Steward

Frank Taylor, director of Kokoda Treks & Tours

Garry Tongs, son of Bede Tongs, 3rd Battalion

Private papers

Access was kindly granted to the private papers of:

Les Bastock, 55/53rd Battalion

Stan Bissett, 2/14th Battalion

Harvey Blundell, 55/53rd Battalion

Basil Catterns, 2/1st Battalion

Paul Cullen, 2/1st Battalion

Ralph Honner, 39th Battalion

Laurie Howson, 39th Battalion

Bill Jenkins, 2/2nd Battalion

Frank McLean, 2/27th Battalion

D.J. O’Dell, 55/53rd Battalion

Merv Roberts, 2/33rd Battalion

Lew Scott, 55/53rd Battalion

Peter Wright, 55/53rd Battalion The private papers of Kokoda veterans held in the AWM were also used (see following)

Primary document sources

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

AWM 49 89/9, Letter, Rowell to Hetherington

AWM 54 171/2/48, AWM 54 225/2/5, AWM 54 420/2/2, AWM 54 541/1/4, AWM 54 577/3/1, AWM 54 577/6/1, AWM 54 577/6/4, AWM 54 577/6/8, AWM 54 577/7/29, AWM 54 917/3/13 [general papers relating to the Papuan campaign]

AWM 54, Report on Operations of the Milne Forces

AWM 54, Australian Imperial Forces Battle Casualties, Owen Stanley Campaign, Kokoda to Imita, 22 July to 25 September 1942

AWM 54 33/1/4, Official Army File dealing with the action by the Commander-in-Chief (General Blamey) in relieving Lieutenant General S.F. Rowell of the Command of New Guinea Force, 1942

AWM 54 422/7/8, Notes on Ops Isurava area, 25–31 August 1942

AWM 54 481/12/20, Diary of Sir Rupert Magarey

AWM 54 571/1/2, General Routine Orders by General Sir Thomas Blamey, circa 1939–circa 1945

AWM 54 577/6/8, Report on Kokoda L. of C., Native Carriers during Campaign, Owen Stanley Range, Kokoda—Buna, Feb 1943, ANGAU N.G.F.

AWM 54 581/7/19, Notes on and lessons from recent operations in Gona and Sanananda areas by Lt Col R. Honner—Comd 39th Aust Inf Bn

AWM 113 MH 1/160 PARTS 1–10, Weekly Progress Reports of the Chiefs of Staff to the Prime Minister [War Cabinet Agenda] 1942

AWM 419 14/2, OPS Report by Captain S.H. Buckler, 12 Oct 1942

AWM 419 47/24, John Hetherington, Papers

AWM 419/72/9 PR 85/275, Memoir of Service of Major A.E. Moore of 2/14th & 2/16th Bns

AWM 422/3/94 MSS 701, A.D. Robertson, Problems of Supply Encountered by the Australian and Japanese forces on the Kokoda Trail and the Questions of Morale, MA thesis

AWM 422/3/138 MSS 0739, Horner, D., Generals in Battle, Problems of Command in the South-West Pacific Area, 1942–1943, MA thesis

AWM 3DRL No. 999 AWM file 419/14/2, OPS Report by Captain S.H. Buckler, A Coy 2/14, AIF

AWM 3DRL No. 2381 AWM file 419, Papers of Sir Arthur Allen

AWM 3DRL No. 6643, Papers of General Sir Thomas Blamey

AWM PR00527 Box 10, Papers of Major-General Selwyn Porter

AWM EF 940.54S6 L253, Allied Air Forces, South West Pacific Area, Directorate of Intelligence, Land–Air Offensive in New Guinea, Kokoda to Gona-Buna, Nov 2nd 1942–Jan 23rd 1943 [photos and maps depicting aerial bombing campaign]

AWM 42/401/142, Combat Efficiency of Army Units, Training and Preparation for Operations, in Operations Report for Australian Army, 19 July 1942

Mitchell Library, Sydney

ML DOC 2091, WW2 Imperial Rescript—Declaration of War

ML MSS. 614, Gill, E., Correspondence 192446

ML MSS. 1097, Papers of Damien Parer

ML MSS. 1825, Papers of Alan Watson

ML MSS. 3326, Papers of John Murray

National Archives, Canberra

CRS A373, Disturbances between Australian and American Troops, 1942–1943

CRS A816, Churchill’s Speech on Singapore, 23rd April 1942

CRS A816, Organisations of the RAAF—File No. 1, 30/9/44 (RAAF Command Allied Air Force), 1942–1944

CRS A816/1, Cablegrams from Curtin to London concerning return of AIF

CRS A816, Strategical Situation in Far East and Pacific following the Fall of Singapore

CRS A816, Communications Facilities in the SWPA Committee formed by General MacArthur

CRS A816, Review of Production of War Material. General MacArthur’s Statement of Priorities

CRS A1608, War Section. Visit of Sir Thomas Blamey to Australia, 1941

CRS A2670, War Cabinet Agenda, 1939–1943

CRS A2671, War Cabinet Minutes, 1939–1943

CRS A2671, Co-ordinated plans for the defence of Australia

CRS A2671 Department of Aircraft Production Progress Reports, 1942

CRS A2676, War Cabinet Minutes without Agenda Files, 1939–43

CRS A2676, Aircraft production policy and administrative machinery for the direction of the aircraft industry

CRS A2676, Tank production

CRS A2676, Brownout policy

CRS A3052, Running List of War Cabinet and Advisory War Council Agenda

CRS A3300/7 101, Far East Policy, SWPA

CRS A5954, Future Employment of AIF—all files

CRS A5954, miscellaneous files on Army control of New Guinea, troops’ pay, New Guinea resources, goldfields, etc

CRS A5954, Sir Frederick Shedden Papers (boxes 532, 537, 573, 587)

CRS A5954 256/3, Inquiries into Looting at Darwin and Port Moresby

CRS A5954 266/1, Dept of Defence—Higher Army Directions of Operations in New Guinea

CRS A5954 473/4, Incidence of Malaria in Forces in New Guinea

CRS A5954 532/5, Operations in New Guinea—Reports by Ministers for Army and Air on their Visits to New Guinea, October ’42

CRS A5954 563/4, Policy and Strategy for Conduct of the War in the Pacific

CRS A5954 569/2, Strategical Policy in South West Pacific Area—with special reference to Australia as a base

CRS A5954 573/1–2, Future Employment of AIF—Transfer from Middle East to Far East, 1941–1942

CRS A5954 581/17, Exchange of cablegrams between Mr Churchill and Mr Curtin after the outbreak of war with Japan, 1941–1943; Defence of Australia—appreciation of immediate danger of invasion in force, 7/12/41–30/10/42

CRS A5954 610/1, Australia’s overseas defence forces—war correspondents, war records and broadcasters. Press photography in combat areas

CRS A5954 653/7, Dept of Defence Co-ordination—Defence of Port Moresby, Paper by Secretary, Department of Defence, 30 September 1942

CRS A5954 654/26, Department of Defence Co-Ordination: United States Forces In New Guinea Campaign—Assessment by Commander-in-Chief, Australian Military Forces, 4 December 1942

CRS A5954 1300/1, Strategical Plans for Defence of Australia following arrival of General MacArthur, March 1942

CRS A5954 1943/1, AIF & Militia Question of Merging Employment of Militia Outside Australia

CRS A5954, Defence of Australia 1942—complete files

CRS A5954,AIF and Militia. Question of Merging. Employment of Militia Outside Australia. Amendment of Defence Act

CRS A5954, War in the Pacific, December 1941

CRS A5954, Australia’s Overseas Defence Forces, 28/12/39—23/2/45

CRS A5954, Mr Curtin’s speeches, 1941

CRS A5954, Defence of Port Moresby, 30th September 1942

CRS A5954, Defence of Port Moresby. Master sheets

CRS A5954, Higher Army Direction of Operations in New Guinea

CRS A5954, Criticisms of Australia’s War Effort by Hanson Baldwin, New York Times

CRS A5954, Commander Allied Land Forces. Report on New Guinea operations, 23/9/42–23/1/43

CRS A5954, Land Forces in Southwest Pacific Area

CRS A5954, Summary of positions in New Guinea and Solomon Islands, 30th October 1942

CRS A5954, Military Call-up in Papua and New Guinea

CRS A5954, United States Forces in New Guinea Campaign, 4 December 1942

CRS A5954, Procedure in Connection with Correspondence with Commander-in-Chief, South West Pacific Area

CRS A5954, Army administration and policy

CRS A5954, Operations in New Guinea, 23 November 1942

CRS A5954, New Guinea operations. Papuan campaign

CRS A5954, Report on operations—New Guinea Forces, 11 August 1942– 28 September 1942

CRS A5954, Alleged misconduct of troops at Port Moresby

CRS A5954, 1. Pacific Action—Midway Battle. 2. New Guinea Position, 1942

CRS A5954, Operations in New Guinea, October 1942

CRS A5954, Rates of pay and conditions of service, 1945

CRS A5954, Evacuation of essential industry and civil population from coastal areas of New South Wales

CRS A5954/1 230/13, Provision of Aircraft for Air Ambulances in New Guinea, 31/12/42–7/4/43

CRS A12728 Master Sheets of Top Secret Inward and Outward Cables, with WINCH [Winston Churchill], JOHCU [John Curtin], ARDEN [Arthur Fadden] or GORDON [Robert Menzies] prefixes

CRS M100, Personal Papers of Prime Minister Bruce, January–December 1942

CRS M1415–M1416, Personal Papers of Prime Minister Curtin, 11 November 1941–5 May 1942

CRS MP76/3 G254, General Blamey—correspondence [with Army Inventions Directorate] 1942

CRS MP729/7 64/421/38, Pay and Allowances of General Sir Thomas A. Blamey, 1941–1942

CRS MP956/2 103, Reports of the Director-General of Munitions to the Prime Minister for the information of War Cabinet

CRS SP109/1 78/12/51, Film, Mr Curtin Talks for the Talkies

CRS SP112/1, Curtin’s broadcast talks over the national network

National Library, Canberra

Map room

Primary Sources—Japanese Army

Interviews with veterans of the Nankai Shitai, at Kochi City, Shikoku, October 2003

Imanishi Sadaharu, 144th Infantry Regiment

Shimada Yuki, 144th Infantry Regiment

Yamasaki Yukiharu, 144th Infantry Regiment

Met and talked with several veterans and family members who have not been named, and who attended the reunion of the 144th Regiment, in Kochi, October 2003

Other interviews and discussions

Dr Steven Bullard, director of the Australia–Japan Research Project, Australian War Memorial

Marutani Hajime, student of Japanese military history, interpreter, in Sydney and Kochi

Professor Tanaka Hiromi, Japanese military historian, in Tokyo, October 2003

Nobohiko Sugimoto, son of Nankai Shitai veteran—several meetings in Sydney, 2002

Dr Keiko Tamura, Australia–Japan Research Project, Australian War Memorial

Japanese soldiers’ diaries and notebooks held under Allied Translator & Interpreter Section (ATIS), Australian War Memorial (some may be aliases; full names of individuals and units not always available)

Fujitani Hiroyuki

Hirano, Tsukamoto Daitai

Hisaeda Akiyoshi

Kure 3rd Special Naval Landing Party, notes for unit commanders

Moritomo Yoshiuki

Nada Kozo, Signal Tai


Okajima, 34th Butai

Okamoto Shigeo

Sakamoto, 55th Mountain Artillery

Sato Toshio, Ikeda Tai

Shin Shunji, Tsukioka Daitai (Korean)

Uchiyama Seiichi, Kenmotsu Butai


Wada Kiyoshi, 144th Regiment signal unit

Watanabe Toshio, Tsukamoto Daitai

Yamada, Umemura Tai

Various diaries and notebooks of unknown soldiers

Interrogation Reports of Japanese POWs held under ATIS, Australian War Memorial (some may be aliases; full names of individuals and units not always available)

Fusai Iwataro, Setsuetai (Pioneer unit)

Ikeda Tomoichi, Tanaka Butai

Katsukara Kanemidzu, Yokosuka No. 5 Special Naval Landing Party (a very unusual name; the sound can mean ‘give me your money and water, then we will win’—so it is probably an alias)

Kondo Yuzo

Kunisawa Yuki, Kusunose Butai

Matsuoka Kazuo

Miyaji Chikara

Naka Masao (alias Yamashita Hideo), 41st (Yazawa) Regiment

Okino Jiro

Sakaki Minoru, Kure No. 5 Special Naval Landing Party

Sato Tetsuro

Tsuno Keishin, Kusunose Butai

Yabuguchi, Watanabe Butai

Yamada Kazuo, Kusunose Butai

Yamaguchi Masahiro

Yamamoto Kiyoshi, Yamanaka Butai

Yoshimoto Yoshihiro, Yokoyama Butai

Watanabe Fukuichi, Yazawa Regiment

Primary document sources

Australian War Memorial

AWM 55 ATIS Bulletins 1/1 Nos 1–99 [containing Japanese intelligence assessments, battle orders, unit diaries and notebooks]

AWM 55 ATIS Bulletins 1/2 Nos 100–199

AWM 55 ATIS Bulletins 1/3 Nos 200–279

AWM 55 ATIS Bulletins 1/9 Nos 526–565

AWM 55 ATIS Bulletins 1/10 Nos 566–605

AWM 55 ATIS Bulletins 1/33 Nos 1476–1510

AWM 55 ATIS Current Translations 3/2 [containing Japanese diaries and unit documents]

AWM 55 ATIS Current Translations 3/3 Nos 26–35

AWM 55 ATIS Current Translations 3/5 Nos 51–64

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/1 Nos 1–13 [containing assorted Japanese military documents found on Japanese corpses or in prisoners’ possession]

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/2 Nos 14–26

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/2 No. 27, Field Log of Sakigawa Tai

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/2 No. 29, File of Miscellaneous orders and Bulletins 9 November–8 December 1942 compiled by Giruwa L of C Field Hospital

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/2 No. 33, File of Nankai Shitai Orders, 16 August–15 October 1942

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/2 No. 38, File of Nankai Shitai Orders, 13 May–10 July 1942

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/2 No. 39, File of Nankai Shitai Orders, 2 October–7 November 1942

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/3 No. 28, Intelligence Reports Issued by Yazawa Butai HQ

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/4 Nos 44–48 (‘True Examples of War Living’ in Japan—Contest Winners)

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/6 No. 76

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/8 No. 93

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/22 No. 255, Procedure in Interrogating and Handling Prisoners of War

AWM 55 ATIS Enemy Publications 5/25 Nos 285–302

AWM 55 ATIS Interrogation Reports 6/1 Nos 9, 10, 28, 34, 36, 37, 39, 44, 48, 71 [containing summaries of interrogations of Japanese POWs]

AWM 55 ATIS Interrogation Reports 6/2 Nos 51–80

AWM 55 ATIS Interrogation Reports 6/3 Nos 81–145

AWM 55 ATIS Interrogation Reports 6/4 Nos 146–195

AWM 55 ATIS Information Request Reports 12/1–12/23 [containing specific information sought from Japanese sources and POWs]

AWM 55 ATIS Information Request Reports 12/24–12/36

AWM 55 ATIS Interrogation Spot Reports 7/1 Nos 12, 14, 18, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 65, 70

AWM 55 ATIS ‘M’ Reports 9/1–9/11 [containing reports of Allied covert monitoring of Japanese POWs’ conversations and behaviour]

AWM 55 ATIS Research Reports 12/53 [containing detailed analyses of the character of Japanese army, based on information from Japanese POWs commissioned by General MacArthur]:

—Part I: Self-Immolation as a Factor in Japanese Military Psychology, 4 April 1944

—Part II: The Emperor Cult as a Present Factor in Japanese Military Psychology, 21 June 1944

—Part III: The Warrior Tradition as a Present Factor in Japanese Military Psychology, 30 October 1944

—Part IV: Prominent Factors in Japanese Military Psychology, 7 February 1945

—Part V: Superstitions as a Present Factor in Japanese Military Psychology, 24 February 1945

—Part VI: Defects Arising from the Doctrine of ‘Spiritual Superiority’ as Factors in Japanese Military Psychology

AWM 55 ATIS Research Reports 12/50 Parts 1, 2 & 3, Japanese Violations of the Laws of War, 29 April 1944

AWM 55 ATIS Research Reports 12/89, Infringement of the Laws of War and Ethics by the Japanese Medical Corps, 26 January ’45

AWM 55 ATIS Research Reports 12/94, Antagonism between Officers and Men in the Japanese Armed Forces, 19 April ’45

AWM 55 ATIS Nankai Shitai Operational Orders for the Invasion of Port Moresby, August 1942

AWM 55 ATIS Spot Reports 2/1 Nos 1–120 [containing translations of brief instructions to troops, notebooks, diaries and interrogations]

The Diary of a Japanese Soldier at Wewak, translated and with an introductory essay by Dr Keiko Tamura, Australia–Japan Research Project

AWM F940.541352 MON 1521, Yoshihara T., Southern Cross: Account Of The Eastern New Guinea Campaign (translated by Doris Heath)

AWM 55 492/7/22 MSS 732, Okada, S., Lost Troops (translated by Dr Keiko Tamura)

National Library, Canberra

Japanese Monographs [a history of the Pacific War written by Japanese commanders, commissioned by General MacArthur, on microfiche], Reels 24, 33, 34, 37, 45, 96, 127, 143, 146, 150, 152

Library of the National Institute of Defence Studies, Tokyo

South East Area Army Operations, Lessons learned from battles at Buna and Giruwa and intelligence on future army operations (extracts translated by Dr Steve Bullard, Australian War Memorial)

Municipal Library, Kochi City

Yukon Kochi-ken Kyodo Senshi, 1 November 1974, Kochi Prefecture

Signals Coy, 144th Regiment (editing committee), Hohei Dai 144 Rentai Tsushin Chutai Shi (History of Signals Company, 144th Infantry Regiment), 1986

For a full list of Japanese Army unit histories, see the bibliography by Dr Iwamoto Hiromitsu,

Australia–Japan Research Project, Australian War Memorial web site

General Sources

Essays, articles

Allen, B., and Tamura, K., ‘Attitudes of Japanese Troops towards villagers and the supply of food in the inland Aitape-Wewak Campaign, Papua New Guinea, 1942–45’, presented at The 5th Symposium:The Pacific War in Papua New Guinea, Perceptions and Realities, Australian National University, 7–8 August 2003

Bleechmore, S.J., ‘Road Construction in Papua New Guinea in Support of Operations on the Kokoda Track and at Buna-Gona, August 1942 to February 1943’, AWM 54

Bullard, S., ‘Japanese Medical Corps in the Papuan Campaign 1942–1943’, presented at The 5th Symposium, as above

Coulthard-Clark, C., ‘Blamey: A Commander-in-Chief for the Times’, The Blamey Oration to the Royal United Service Institution of NSW, in United Service, Vol. 53, No. 2, 2001

Friday, K., ‘Bushido or Bull? A Medieval Historian’s Perspective on the Imperial Army and the Japanese Warrior Tradition’, The History Teacher, Volume 27, Issue 3, Pages 339–49, 1994

Grebert, R., Australian VC Recipients, 1990

Hiromitsu, I., ‘Memories and Realities of Japanese Occupation of New Guinea’, presented at The 5th Symposium, as above

Honner, R., ‘The 39th at Isurava’, Australian Army Journal, July 1967

Honner, R., ‘This is the 39th’, The Bulletin, 3 August 1995

Jones, E., ‘Far Eastern Liaison Office; Propaganda in the South West Pacific Area in the Second World War’, AWM Reference Library presentation

Lindsay, P., ‘The Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Honner Leadership Oration’, at the Kokoda Track Foundation dinner, 20 August 2003

Marutani, H., ‘An Examination of How Race Affected the Far Eastern War’, essay, Masters degree, Australian National University

Nelson, H., a brief profile of the life of Dr Geoffrey Vernon (sent to the author)

Nelson, H., ‘Kokoda: The Track from History to Politics’, presented at the State Society and Governance in Melanesia Project seminar, Australian National University, 19 September 2002

Nelson, H., ‘Zentsuji and Totsuka: Australians from Rabaul as Prisoners of War in Japan’, presented at The 5th Symposium, as above

Phillips, W.H.J., ‘The Homefront, 19421945, Phillips Publications, Coffs Harbour

Sakaiya, T., ‘Hirohito & The Imperial Tradition’, PHP Intersect Magazine, 1984

Wada, K., ‘Painting over my shame’, from The Signals Company Records: 144th Infantry Regiment (Kochi), Kobayashi Eijuro (ed.), 144th Infantry Regiment Signals Company Editing Committee, Kochi, 1986

Wyatt, P., ‘The Quality of Mercy’, The Spectator, 1 February 2003

Newspapers, magazines, manuals

Various issues between 1939–1945 (unless otherwise stated)

Guinea Gold

Jungle Warfare 6 Australian Division, Training Instruction No. 11, First Australian Army Press, 1943

Moresby Army News Sheet

The Age

Daily Telegraph (Sydney)

Melbourne Herald

Melbourne Argus

Smith’s Weekly

Sydney Morning Herald

Recent press

Sydney Morning Herald, 3–4 August 2002, p. 29

Sydney Morning Herald, 19 January 2004, p. 38

Wartime, official magazine of the Australian War Memorial, issues 19, 20, 21

Weekend Australian, 15–16 June 2002, p. 24

Weekend Australian, 15–16 February 2003, p. 25

Films, videos, CDs, tapes

Hirohito: The Chrysanthemum Throne

Kokoda Front Line, by Damien Parer, 1942

Kokoda…the Bloody Track, by Patrick Lindsay and George Friend, for the Australian Army Training Command, 1992

Kokoda…the Last Parade, by Patrick Lindsay, Billybob Productions, 1999

MacArthur (Parts 1 and 2), by Austin and Sarah Holt

The Men Who Saved Australia, ‘Four Corners’, reported by Chris Masters, produced by Jacquelyn Hole, 27 April 1998

Northern Attack: War on Australia, 19 February 1942, produced by Darwin City Council

Australian War Memorial videos, tapes, CDs

AWM F01807, Blamey’s Farewell to Troops

AWM F01809, Advance on Kokoda

AWM F01914, General Blamey

AWM F01935, Blamey Inspects 2/33rd Battalion

AWM F10250, The Battle of Buna

Murdoch Sound Archives [containing transcripts of interviews with troops from various battalions]

Keith Richmond, extensive research on Japanese logistics, on CD

Web sources

Australian War Memorial:, with links to Australia–Japan Research Project (see The Human Face of War series on the Japanese army, translated by Steve Bullard and Keiko Tamura)

Unit War Diaries, links on the Australian War Memorial web site

National Archives of Australia:

43rd Bomb Group, 5th Air Force (USA):

Various historical web sites concerning the lives of John Curtin, Douglas MacArthur, Thomas Blamey, the Emperor Hirohito and Premier Tojo

Unit reunions attended by the author

Australian infantry

2/14th Battalion, Brisbane, 2002

21st Brigade, Sydney, 2003

55/53rd Battalion, Anzac Day, 2003

Japanese infantry

144th Regiment, Kochi City, October 2003

Secondary sources (Australian and Japanese)

Allchin, F., Purple and Blue:The History of the 2/10th Battalion AIF, 2/10th Ex-Servicemen’s Association, Adelaide, 1960

Austin, V., To Kokoda and Beyond:The Story of the 39th Battalion 194143, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1988

Baker, C., and Knight, G., Milne Bay 1942, Baker-Knight Publications, Sydney, 1991

Ballard, G., On Ultra Active Service, Spectrum, Richmond (Victoria), 1991

Barrett, J., We Were There: Australian Soldiers of World War II Tell Their Stories, Viking, Sydney, 1987

Barter, M., Far Above Battle:The Experience and Memory of Australian Soldiers in War, 19391945, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1994

Beevor, A., Stalingrad, Penguin, London, 1999

Benedict, R., The Crysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture, Houghton-Mifflin, New York, 1989

Bergerud, E., Touched with Fire: the Land War in the South Pacific, Viking, New York, 1996

Blamey, T. (ed.), The Jap was Thrashed: An Official History of the Australian Soldier, First Victor of the ‘INVINCIBLE’ JAP, New Guinea 19421943, Director General of [Army] Public Relations under the authority of General Sir Thomas Blamey

Bleakley, J., The Eavesdroppers, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1992

Brune, P., A Bastard of a Place: The Australians in Papua, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2004

Brune, P., Gona’s Gone! The Battle for the Beach-head 1942, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1994

Brune, P., The Spell Broken: Exploding the Myth of Japanese Invincibility, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1997

Brune, P., Those Ragged Bloody Heroes: From the Kokoda Trail to Gona Beach 1942, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1991

Brune, P., We Band of Brothers: A Biography of Ralph Honner, Soldier and Statesman, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2000

Budden, F., That Mob:The Story of the 55/53rd Australian Infantry Battalion AIF, Sydney, 1973

Burns, J., The Brown and Blue Diamond at War, 2/27th Ex-Servicemen’s Association, Adelaide, 1960

Buruma, I., Inventing Japan, From Empire to Economic Miracle 18531964, Modern Library, New York, 2003

Carlyon, N.D., I Remember Blamey, Macmillan, Melbourne, 1980

Carlyon, L., Gallipoli, Pan Macmillan, Sydney, 2001

Charlton, P., The Thirty-Niners, Macmillan, Sydney, 1981

Charlton, P., War Against Japan 19421945, Time-Life Books, Sydney, 1989

Clarrie, J., Angau: One Man Law

Clowes, C., The Clowes Report on the Battle of Milne Bay, 1942, Australian Military History Publications, Loftus, 1995

Connell, D., The War at Home: Australia 19391945, ABC Enterprises, Crows Nest, 1988

Clift, K., The Saga of a Sig:The Wartime Memories of Six Years Service in the Second AIF, KCD Publications, Randwick, Sydney, 1972

Clift, K., War Dance: The Story of the 2/3rd Aust. Inf. Battalion AIF, P.M. Fowler & 2/3rd Battalion Association, Kingsgrove NSW, 1980

Conway, R., The Great Australian Stupor, Sun Books, Sydney 1971

Cook, H.T. and T.F., Japan at War: An Oral History, New Press, New York 1992.

Coulthard-Clark, C., The Encyclopaedia of Australia’s Battles, Allen & Unwin, NSW, 1998

Cranston, F., Always Faithful: The History of the 49th Battalion, Boolarong, Brisbane, 1983

Crooks, W., The Footsoldiers:The Story of the 2/33rd Australian Infantry Battalion AIF in the War of 193945, Printcraft, Sydney, 1971

Crump, T., Death of an Emperor: Japan at the Crossroad, Constable, London, 1989

Day, D., Curtin, HarperCollins, Sydney, 2000

Day, D., Reluctant Nation: Australia and the Allied Defeat of Japan 194245, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1992

Day, D., The Great Betrayal: Britain, Australia and the Onset of the Pacific War 193942, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1988

Day, D., The Politics of War, HarperCollins, Sydney, 2003

Deane-Butcher, W., Fighter Squadron Doctor: 75 Squadron RAAF New Guinea 1942, self-published, Sydney, 1989

Dexter. D., Australia in the War of 1939–1945 (series I, volume VI):The New Guinea Offensives, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1961

Dixon, N., On the Psychology of Military Incompetence, Pimlico, London, 1994

Dornan, P., The Silent Men: Syria to Kokoda and on to Gona, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1999

Draydon, A.W., Men of Courage: A History of 2/25 Australian Infantry Battalion 1940–1945, 2/25 Australian Infantry Battalion Association, Cheltenham, Victoria, 2000

Drea, E.J., MacArthur’s Ultra: Codebreaking and the War against Japan, 1942–1945, University Press of Kansas, Kansas, 1992

Edgar, B., Warrior of Kokoda: A Biography of Brigadier Arnold Potts, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1999

Eichelberger, R.L., Jungle Road to Toykyo, Odhams, London, 1951

Fearnside, G.H., and Clift, K., Dougherty: A Great Man Among Men, Alpha, Sydney, 1979

Feldt, E., The Coast Watchers, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1946

Franke, C.S., Mad Mick’s Mob: A History of the 15th Australian Field Company (AIF), 15th Australian Field Company Engineers Association, Mentone, Victoria, 1995

Gailey, H., MacArthur Strikes Back, Presido Press, Novato, California, 2000

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