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Abuari, 162, 164–166, 168–169, 172, 173, 179, 200

Adachi Hatazo, General, 108, 419, 475, 476, 481, 497

Advanced Land Headquarters (Landops, Brisbane) see Allied High Command

Advisory War Council, 96, 249, 258–259, 270, 271, 277

age of fighting troops, 27, 128, 210, 260, 320

Ahioma, 185


airdrops, 41, 55–56, 337–340, 366–367 see also Myola drop zone

Allied, 9, 54, 145, 231–232, 301, 306–307, 444, 478

American, 334, 389

Dakotas, 385

evacuation of wounded, 207–208, 257–258

at Gona–Buna, 414

for home defence, 72, 84

Hudson, 10, 371

Kittyhawks, 183, 185, 190, 191

Moth aerial ambulance, 371, 373

P-400 Airacobra, 9

RAAF see Royal Australian Air Force

Spitfires, 9, 72

transport planes, 125, 138–139, 152–154

for troop carrying, 43

Zeros (Mitsubishi 97s), 10, 22, 26, 32–34, 82, 85, 138, 184, 443–444, 464

Akhurst, John, 531

Akiyama, First Lieutenant, 302

Albanese, Corporal Ralph, 402, 404

Allan, Lance-Corporal, 353

Allchin, Lieutenant-Colonel Frank, 188, 481, 499

Allen, Major-General Arthur (‘Tubby’)

Blamey, 250, 339–342, 354, 523

commands 7th Division, 152, 320, 325

Japanese atrocities, 331

MacArthur, 355–356, 366–367

military record and character, 325–326

Potts, 228–230, 243, 257–258, 280

Rowell, 256, 276, 354, 443

sacked, 366–367

supply lines and supplies, 336–340, 354–356, 366

Vasey, 366–367, 383

Allied High Command

Advanced Land Headquarters (Landops, Brisbane), 123

air evacuations, 371–373, 385

Allied Naval Forces, 444–445

annihilation campaign, 411

Commander-in-Chief, Allied Land Forces see Blamey, General Sir Thomas

ignorance of terrain, 34–35, 40, 132, 163, 252, 337, 341–342, 356, 522

ineptitude and illogic of, 522–523

intelligence see intelligence

supreme commander, Allied Forces see MacArthur, General Douglas

Alola, 164, 179, 199, 200, 211, 213, 219, 251, 256, 361, 379

ALP see Australian Labor Party

Ambasi, 43

Amboga River, 432

ANGAU (Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit), 39, 56, 124, 130, 149, 205, 213, 338, 384

anopheles mosquito, 6, 23, 153, 195, 306, 332, 435–440 see also disease: malaria

Anshun (Allied supply ship), 191

anthropophagy see cannibalism

Aotsu Kikutaro, Major-General, 348

Aquitania (troopship), 22, 30, 31, 33

arms see weapons

Armstrong, Sergeant Bob, 362

Arnold, Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur, 499–500

Asahi Shimbun, 44

Atebrin (malarial suppressant), 436

atrocities, 184, 192–193, 331, 447, 509, 527, 529–530 see also POWs: bayoneting of

Auchinleck, General, 98

Austin, Sergeant Victor, 528

Australia–Japan Research Project, 120, 439

Australian Associated Press, 264

Australian defences

air defences, 34

austerity drive, 290–294

Australian Militia see also Australian Militia (‘chocos’)

Australian militia, 23–25

British assurances of support, 69–70, 74–78

brownouts, 292–293

civilians, 287–299

Curtin’s policies see Curtin

Darwin see Darwin

defence spending, 72–73

evacuations, 289

Menzies’ policies, 74

National Security (Emergency) Control Regulations Act, 212–213

propaganda campaign, 295–296

proposed parachute regiment, 223–224

relations with USA, 80, 82–83

relationship with US, 12–13, 18, 103, 107, 269–270

strategic importance of Papua, 519–520

subservience to Britain, 69–72, 75

Sydney shelled, 289

threat of Australian invasion, 10, 12–13, 20, 73–74, 85–86, 111, 122, 249, 287–288, 519

two-army system, 23, 24, 95–96, 168

Australian Imperial Force see Second

Australian Imperial Force (AIF)

Australian Labor Party, 30, 80, 83, 99, 269–270

Australian Militia (‘chocos’)

3rd Battalion, 251, 329, 388

14th Brigade, 38, 126

30th Brigade, 26, 38, 452

39th Battalion see 39th Battalion

49th Battalion, 26, 31–32

53rd Battalion, 26, 29–30, 152, 250, 426, 486 see also Isurava

55th Battalion, 250

AIF and, 23–24, 188, 426

‘chocos’, 24–25, 71–72

conscription, 23, 27, 29–30

home defence strength, 86, 259

at Isurava see Isurava

loot Port Moresby, 32–33

at Milne Bay, 184, 188

Porter commands, 35–39

at Sanananda, 485–487

volunteers, 28

Australian Red Cross, 512

Australian War Cabinet, 103, 249, 266, 431, 439

Australian War Memorial, 169, 282

Avery, Private Alan, 176

Awala, 44

AWOL, 36, 93, 127

Ayatozan Maru (transport ship), 9, 14


Bakunbari, 506

Barclay, Captain Peter, 362

Barnes, Don, 205

Basabua Point, 5, 7, 9, 14, 431, 454, 508

Basilisk Bay (Port Moresby), 22

Bataan (Philippines), 106, 353, 450 see also Philippines

Battle of Midway, 113, 270

Battle of the Bismarck Sea, 530–531

Battle of the Coral Sea, 12, 17, 37, 113, 185

Bear, Corporal Lindsay (‘Teddy’), 175, 202

Bennett, Cam, 528

Bennett, General Gordon, 527

Benson, Father James, 3–7, 10, 64, 220, 267, 412, 414, 515, 529

Berryman, Lieutenant-General Sir Frank, 489, 495

Biagi people, 221, 327–328, 332

Bidstrup, Captain, 56, 428

Binandere people, 3

Binga, 397

Bisiatabu, 326

Bissett, Lieutenant Harold (‘Butch’), 140, 150, 175, 177, 178

Bissett, Stan, 139–140, 150, 177

Black, Lieutenant Albert, 383

Blamey, General Sir Thomas

Advisory War Council, 258–259

Allen, 250, 339–342, 354, 523

attitude to American troops, 421–422, 449, 451–452, 456, 462

attitude to Japanese, 527

attitude to militia, 25, 452, 516

Brigade Hill, 239

Buna, 464, 479

career and character, 97–98, 100–102, 339–342, 367, 431–432, 487–488, 523–524

Christmas Day (1942), 474

Commander-in-Chief, Allied Land Forces, 36–37, 96, 101, 354, 530

Commander-in-Chief, Australian Military Forces, 98, 101

commands New Guinea Force, 269–270, 276

commands Second AIF, 95–96, 98

Curtin, 98, 101, 106, 249, 270, 271, 276–277, 451–452, 523–524

field library, 385

Forde, 266

Gona, 424

Gona–Buna, 412, 414, 417, 514

Herring, 456, 474

Honner, 250

The Jap Was Thrashed, 263

judgment, 54, 130, 132, 250, 283, 522–523

Koitaki speech, 281–283, 486

MacArthur, 101, 269–270, 338–339, 353–355, 366–367, 382, 422, 450, 484, 488, 530

malaria, 435, 437, 439

Milne Bay, 184, 188

Morris, 123–124

in New Guinea, 249–250, 319, 354

Potts, 100, 278–280, 282

promoted to field marshal, 531–532

Rowell, 99, 102, 124–125, 139, 152, 180, 228–229, 249, 258–259, 270–277, 342, 523

Sanananda, 482–483, 487, 488, 494

threat of Australian invasion, 288

uniforms, 153, 250, 278

US navy, 444–445

Vasey, 124, 132, 383, 395, 532

as Victorian police commissioner, 97, 101

Blythe, Private John, 202

Bomana Cemetary (Port Moresby), 157, 191, 519

Bonney, E.G., 319

Boreo, 465

Borneo, 491

Boston Maru (ship), 397

Bottcher, Herman J., 460–461

Bougainville, 305, 532

Boughton, Corporal Charles, 495

Bowen, Private ‘Yippee’, 392

Breakey, Private Jack, 425

Brett, Major-General George, 103

Brewer, Lieutenant Peter, 52

Bridges, Philippa, 131

Brigade Hill (Butcher’s Hill), 149, 234–239, 329–330, 378, 520

Brinkley, Captain, 392

Brisbane (‘Battle of Brisbane’), 294

Brisbane Line, 86, 126

Bruce, Stanley, 85, 92

Buckler, Captain Ben, 220–221, 222–224, 424

Bulletin, 103, 295


airfield, 40, 450–451, 467

Allied air raids, 380

American field hospital, 464

Americans at, 442, 484

attack on Buna village, 452–453

battle for, 446–455, 483

Bottcher, 460–461

Buna Government Station, 43, 446, 468, 476, 477

Gona–Buna see Gona–Buna

Government Gardens, 446, 472, 475

Japanese at, 453–454

Japanese field hospital, 465

Koiwai Battalion, 364–365

location of, 6

MacArthur, 106

Nankai Shitai, 14, 18, 117, 146, 300, 312

Rowell, 354

Triangle, 446, 471–473, 475

Warren Force, 415

Burke, Lieutenant Ken, 362

Burke, Private, 248

Burma, 78, 88–94, 521

Burns, Corporal John, 130, 247–248

Burr, Sergeant Elmer, 473

Burston, Major-Genral Sir Samuel, 436–437

Burt, Padre Fred, 134, 282

Bury, Arthur, 27

Bushido (‘way of the warrior’), 117–118, 119, 477–478, 505–509

Butcher’s Hill see Brigade Hill

Buttrose, Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred, 316

Byers, Brigadier-General Clovis, 457


Cairns, 289

Cameron, Lieutenant-Colonel Alan, 54, 56, 57, 61, 253

Campbell, Corporal Terry, 350


Japanese, 344–348, 353, 501, 515–516

Papuan, 3–6, 11, 156, 344–345, 531

Cape Endaiadere, 411, 446, 448, 468

Cape Huon, 12, 17

Cape Killerton, 497–498

Carlyon, Lieutenant-Colonel Norman, 97, 272, 281–283, 417

Caro, Lieutenant-Colonel Albert, 226, 237, 239, 425

Carpender, Vice-Admiral Arthur, 444–445

Casey, Major-General Pat, 132, 257

Casey, Richard, 85


abandoned, 251, 396, 398

ADSO, 202

air evacuation, 371–374, 385, 519

Allen’s, 355–356

American, 518

Australian, 27, 53, 60, 157–158, 179, 226, 302, 326–327

BIA, 433

biscuit bombs, 337

at Brigade Hill, 237, 238, 246–248, 311, 329–330

at Buna, 448, 478–479, 518–519

as combatants, 484, 492–493

crawling case, 220–221

from disease see disease

Duropa Plantation, 468

at Efogi, 246–247

at Eora Creek, 357–358, 362–363, 369–370

in field hospitals see field hospitals

at Gona, 415–416, 422, 425–428, 430, 433–434, 518–519

at Gona Creek, 419–420

at Goodenough Island, 185

at Guadalcanal, 432

at Ioribaiwa, 253, 310

at Isurava, 167, 171, 172, 175, 177, 178, 181, 311

Japanese, 53, 57, 60, 204–205, 226, 314, 326–327, 330, 380–381, 385–386, 517

Japanese medical care, 305–306

Koitaki factor, 424–426, 486

at Milne Bay, 187, 189, 191–192, 194–195

mortar bombs, 352

at Oivi–Gorari, 389, 393

psychological damage, 206, 342–343, 406–408, 533–534

at Sanananda, 486, 494–495, 499, 516, 518–519

on Sanananda Track, 403–405

stretcher cases, 199–205, 215, 241, 245, 315

suicide see suicide (self-immolation)

‘Templeton’s Crossing’, 351–352

walk back to Port Moresby, 372–373

walking wounded, 136, 150, 158, 201–202, 207–208, 241, 244–245, 417

wounded shot, 305, 315

wounds, 205–206

Catterns, Captain Basil, 363, 365, 369, 402–405, 534–535

Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 93, 320

Chaforce, 11, 419–420

Challen, Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh, 423–424

Chamberlain, Neville, 70

Chifley, Ben, 293

Chilton, Colonel Fred, 183

China, 74, 88–90, 112, 119, 414, 510 see also Nanking; Shanghai

Chinese labourers, 479

‘chocos’ see Australian militia (‘chocos’)

Christian soldiers, 100

Christmas Day (1942), 473

Churchill, Winston

AIF, 78, 87–92

assurances to Menzies, 9, 77

Australian press, 80

character, 325

Curtin, 81, 83–85, 89–94, 518–519

defence of Singapore, 75, 77, 91–92

Pearl Harbour, 82

Roosevelt, 89–90

siege of Tobruk, 76

cigarettes, 206, 290, 337, 442


Australian, 287–295

Japanese, 297–299

Clampett, Sergeant (‘Shaggy’), 129

Clark, Corporal, 227

Clift, Lieutenant Ken, 347

Clinton, Bill, 101

Clowes, Captain Tim, 350–351

Clowes, Major-General Cyril, 182–183, 185, 187–189, 195, 272, 276, 437

Clunies-Ross, Professor, 288

coastwatchers, 18, 43, 419

Cobb, Captain Henry, 485–486

code-breaking units, 16–17

colonialism, 73, 117

conditions see also terrain

at Buna, 14–15, 448, 458

at Cape Killerton, 497–498

at Eora Creek, 363

at Isurava, 170, 178

Kokoda Track, 326–327

Owen Stanley Ranges, 25, 139–140, 148–149

point-blank fighting, 181

at Port Moresby, 22–23

at Sanananda, 498–501, 516

Connell, Corporal Ed, 486

Connor, Private, 353


Australian, 23, 27, 29–30

Japanese, 114

native carriers, 213, 338

Cooper, Colonel Geoff, 229, 235, 242, 246–247, 424

Cops, George, 27–28, 30, 171

Cotton, Major Thomas, 337

Cowan, Pilot Officer Warren, 10

Cowey, Sergeant-Major Jim, 57

Cowra (NSW), 533

Cox, Captain Geoffrey, 321, 362, 370

Coy, Jim, 168

Crawford, Lieutenant Hercules, 60

Crisis of Command (Horner), 263

Crombie, Lieutenant William, 346

Crooks, Bill, 206, 251, 337, 342, 352, 438

Cullen, Major-General Paul, 321–322, 359, 361, 362, 365–367, 370, 378, 380, 484, 508, 519

Catterns, 401, 405

Japanese POWs, 529–530

Oivi–Gorari, 389, 392

Cuming, Captain Joe, 424

Cummings, Lieutenant-Colonel Clem, 465

Cunningham, Padre Charles, 364

Curtin, John

austerity drive, 289–290, 292–294

Blamey, 98, 101, 106, 249, 270, 271, 276–277, 451–452, 523–524

brings home AIF 7th Division, 24, 78, 90–94, 125, 159, 521

Britain, 76

Churchill, 81, 83–85, 89–94, 518–519

defence, 72, 86, 87, 96

Drakeford, 373

Gona, 431

health, 93

Hughes, 10–11

MacArthur, 80, 103, 106, 107, 259, 270

origins, 79–80

Pearl Harbour, 82

press censorship, 264–266

propaganda campaign, 295, 526

relations with USA, 80, 82–83

Roosevelt, 91, 107

Rowell, 275–277

unions, 294

White Australia Policy, 526


Daily Telegraph, 24, 262, 264, 295

Dalby, Lieutenant Hugh, 430

Daly, C.W., 134

Daniels, Lance-Corporal Cyril, 392

Daniels, Don, 27–30

Dark, Eleanor, 292

Daru, 256


evacuation, 5, 22

Japanese attack, 18, 73, 87, 96, 289

looting, 33, 289

Dash, Hugh, 262

Davis, Arthur, 171

Dedman, John (and Dedmanism), 270, 291

Deniki, 47, 49, 50, 52, 55, 57, 61, 205

Dickenson, Private, 425

disease see also casualties; health (fighting condition)

among Australians, 23, 31, 35, 36, 163, 184, 204–205, 342, 388, 433

among Japanese, 304–305, 332

blindness from starvation, 514–516

dengue fever, 438, 518

dysentery, 206–207, 209, 342, 388, 437, 518

malaria, 6, 23, 128, 184, 195, 305, 332, 342, 364–365, 388, 408, 412, 435–440, 484, 518

scrub typhus, 412, 438, 484, 518

Dobodura air base, 414, 442, 455–456, 489, 519

Doe, Colonel Jens, 488, 498, 500

Donnan, Captain, 344

Dorobisolo, 222–223

Dougherty, Brigadier Ivan, 280, 283, 421–423, 425–426, 429

Douglas, Irvine, 264

Drakeford, Arthur (Minister for Air), 373

Dunstan, William, 271

Duropa Plantation, 446, 465, 467–468

Dutch East Indies see Indonesia

Dyer, Private John, 403

dysentery see disease: dysentery


East Timor, 74

Eather, Brigadier Ken, 252–253, 257–259, 340, 350, 352, 379, 425–426

Gona, 415

Kokoda Government Station, 380

Efogi, 51, 131, 136, 150, 228–229, 231–232, 234, 238, 246–247, 326, 337, 422

Efogi North, 340

Eichelberger, General Robert, 442–443, 447, 456–458, 461–464, 471–472, 474–476, 479, 488, 489, 494–495, 522

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 104, 107

Elliott, Sergeant Jack, 351

Elliott-Smith, Major Sydney, 56

Ellis, Sergeant Stan, 430

Elms, Colonel George, 498

Embogi (Papuan collaborator), 64

Endo Torahei, Regimental Commander, 521

Entrance Creek, 446, 471–472, 475

Eora Creek

Fiawani Creek, 49

Japanese at, 225–227, 340, 357–373, 521

location of, 136, 162

native carriers to, 211

‘Templeton’s Crossing’, 46, 52, 156, 202, 211, 227, 340

village, 203

equipment see uniforms and kit

Evatt, Dr H.V., 78, 85, 192, 194, 290

Ewoki (village chief), 221


Fabian, Lieutenant Rudi, 16–17

Fairbairn, Corporal Russ, 202

Fairfax Snr, Warwick, 265

Fairley, Colonel N. Hamilton, 437

Far Eastern Liaison Office (FELO), 429

Faria (village chief), 221

Fayle, Lieutenant Dalrymple, 319–320, 372

Feldt, Eric, 18

Fergusson, Brigadier Maurice, 460

Fergusson, Lieutenant Terence, 460

Fiawani Creek, 49

Field, Brigadier John, 528

field hospitals

American, 464

attacked, 464–465, 474

Australian Red Cross, 512

at Buna, 465

casualties at, 201, 204–206, 208–209

at Eora Creek, 156–157, 179, 200, 201, 356

Giruwa Line of Communication Hospital, 358, 386, 398, 406–408, 411, 473–474, 478, 500, 506, 514–515

at Gona, 358

at Kokoda, 178, 204–205, 380, 385, 439–440

leaflets, 465

Myola, 371–374, 385

Rouna Falls, 208–209

at Sanananda, 483

Yokoyama, 416–417

Fisher, Tom, 444

Flanagan, Jack, 163

Fleay, Lieutenant-Colonel Norman, 530

Fletcher, Lance-Corporal John, 404–405

Fletcher, Private Thomas, 221, 223, 389

flora and fauna, 140, 150–151, 326, 328, 385

Forde, Frank (Minister for the Army), 102, 249, 259, 265–266, 319–320

Formosan troops, 13, 218, 300–301, 348

French, John, 191

FRUMEL (Fleet Radio Unit Melbourne), 16–17, 184

Fujita Motoshige, First Lieutenant, 144

Fukuoka Shigeji, Private, 398–399, 506–507, 510

Fusei Iawataro, 493

fuzzy wuzzy angels (Papuan stretcher bearers), 39–40, 51–52, 199, 200, 208, 210–218, 366, 384, 533 see also native carriers


Gallipoli, 70, 76, 97, 260, 473

Gama River, 188, 189

Gamble, Private Allan, 403, 404

gangs, 22, 28, 129

The Gap, 132, 150, 163

Garing, Group Captain William Henry, 32, 190–191, 530

Gates, Private George, 392

Gellibrand, Major, 97

Germany, 74, 77, 325, 417, 473, 519

GHQ Brisbane see Allied High Command

Gili Gili, 185

Gill, Private, 237

Giropa Point, 461, 476

Giruwa, 491, 496, 501, 506

Giruwa Line of Communication Hospital, 358, 386, 398, 406–408, 411, 473–474, 478, 500, 506, 514–515

Golden Stairs (Imita Ridge), 137, 256, 314

Goldsmith, Captain Douglas, 237

Gona, 282, 415–416, 421–434, 451, 483, 496

Gona Anglican Mission, 3–10, 45, 412, 414, 424, 434

Gona Creek, 414–415, 419–420, 425, 431

Gona–Buna, 411–419

Gorari see Oivi–Gorari

Gorari Creek, 45

Grahamslaw, Tom, 131

Great Depression, 27–28

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 10, 64, 74, 108, 115, 116, 299

Greece (AIF withdrawal from), 271, 275, 322, 341–342, 374–375, 377, 423

Greene, Lieutenant Edward, 472

Grose, Colonel John, 462

Grout, Private Ronald, 361

Gruennert, Sergeant Kenneth, 473

Guadalcanal, 9, 108, 145, 170, 252, 272, 279, 300–302, 311, 348, 380, 412, 496, 518–520

American marines, 432, 442, 443

Guam, 111, 144

Guest, Bill, 33

Gyokusai (glorious sacrifice for the Emperor), 490


Haddy, Lieutenant Alan, 419–420

Haddy’s village, 419–420, 432

Hagino Mitsuo, 502–503

The Hague Convention, 192–193

Halbert, Jessie Mary, 376, 532

Halsey, Admiral William, 527

Hamada, Corporal, 59

Hanai, Captain, 406–408

hara-kiri (death as ritual), 118–120, 241, 492, 508 see also suicide (self-immolation)

Harcourt, Major, 450–451

Harding, Major-General Edwin, 442–444, 448–450, 455–456, 458–459

Harding, Vera, 294

Harper, Sergeant Barry, 43

Harris, Hamlyn, 215

Hartley, Chaplain Francis, 482

Hasluck, Sir Paul, 23, 70

Hatanaka Seizo, First Lieutenant, 165, 173

Havala Laula, 210–211, 214, 216, 533

Hayashi Hiroyuki, Lieutenant, 253, 310, 380–381, 397–398

Hayman, May, 5–7, 64–65

Hazelton, Jack, 403

health (fighting condition) see also casualties;


American, 458–459, 485

Australian, 230, 243–244, 254, 260, 484–487

Japanese, 432–433

at Sanananda, 485–487

Heap, Lieutenant D.A., 495

Hedlich, Rev. Vivian, 65

Henderson, Captain Horace, 485

Herring, Lieutenant-General Ned, 101, 276, 278, 282, 338–340, 354, 395, 430–431, 434, 445, 456, 458, 459, 462, 464, 472–474, 485, 488, 489

Hetherington, John, 124, 375

Hicks, Lieutenant George, 424

High Command (Horner), 263

Hinchcliffe, Keith, 187

Hirano, Second Lieutenant, 58–59, 164–165, 173

Hirohito, Emperor, 108–109, 115–117, 165, 267, 312–313, 464

Hiromitsu Iwamoto, 217

Hirose, First Class Private, 59

Hisaeda Akiyoshi, Private, 112–113

Hitler, Adolf, 325

Hogan, Captain Allan, 205

Holland, Rev. Henry, 65

Hollingworth, Lieutenant Lance, 365

Hong Kong, 82

Hongo Hiroshi, 478

Honner, Brian, 136

Honner, Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph, 422

B Company, 167

Blamey, 250, 282

career and character, 428

commands 2/14th Battalion, 530

commands 39th Battalion, 29, 61, 99, 163, 426

Gona, 429, 434

Isurava, 169–171

medical claims of 39th, 534

no-prisoner policy, 529

Porter, 167

terrain, 140

views on losses, 136, 200, 202

Horibe, Lieutenant, 145

Horiguchi Tsugio, First Lieutenant, 121

Horii Tomitaro, Major-General

Brigade Hill, 235, 240

carriers, 217–218

commands Nankai Shitai, 12–13, 111

criticism of, 333

death of, 399

Efogi, 232

Eora Creek, 364–365, 369

grave, 533

horse, 331

Hyakutake, 108, 113

invasion of Moresby, 252, 302–303, 306, 310–311

Ioribaiwa, 255–256, 300–302

Isurava, 165–167, 172–173

judgment, 180–181

Kokoda Government Station, 154

Kumusi River, 396–400, 417

Milne Bay, 195

Oivi–Gorari, 380–382, 387

Papuans, 63

reputation, 107–108

‘South Seas Marching Song’, 118

strategy, 144–145

supply line see supply lines and supplies

withdrawal, 256, 311–314, 316–317

Hoshino Kazuo, 517

Hosier, Sergeant Jim, 189

Howard, Lieutenant-Colonel, 232

Howson, Laurie (‘Smoky’), 21–23, 25, 28, 53, 60, 129, 163, 181, 203, 209, 533–534

Hozumi, Lieutenant-Colonel, 509

Huggins’ roadblock, 482, 485

Hughes, William Morris (‘Billy’), 5, 10–11, 259

Humphries, Richard, 131

Hunt, Lance-Corporal John, 362

Hunter, Private, 221

Huon Gulf, 12, 17

Hutchison, Major Ian, 367

Hyakutake Harukichi, Lieutenant-General, 12, 108–109, 113


Iawarere, 247

Ilimo, 381

Ilolo, 39–40, 51, 135, 208

Ilomo, 222

Imamura Hitoshi, General, 312, 412

Imanishi Sadaharu, 8–9, 13, 15, 42, 45, 46, 49, 110, 112, 156, 510, 517

Kochi New Guinea Association, 120, 232, 398, 532–533

Imita Ridge, 137, 254, 256–259, 314

Imperial Defence College (Britain), 124

Imperial Japanese Army

Seventeenth Army, 108, 113

Eighteenth Army, 108, 348, 419, 507

26th Division, 507

in China, 8–9 see also Nanking; Shanghai

criticism of officers, 333, 490–491, 493–494

desertions, 492

evacuation order, 497, 500, 505–507

Gona–Buna, 411–419

Handling of Natives, 216–217 see also Papua: Japanese in

HQ in Tokyo, 109, 111, 113, 143, 312–313

Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors, 66, 115

letters home, 512–513

military training, 119

Nankai Shitai see Nankai Shitai (South Seas Detachment)

national colours, 498

officers in, 146–147

propaganda campaign, 295

quinine supply, 436, 439 see also disease: malaria

South East Area Armies, 412

strategy in New Guinea, 12–15

surrender, 511–512

Yokoyama Advance Force see Yokoyama Advance Force

Inagaki Riichi, Lieutenant, 303, 510, 515

India, 75, 90, 376

Indonesia (Dutch East Indies), 74, 87–88, 436

Ingraham (ship’s steward), 33

Innisfail, 289

Ino, First Lieutenant, 333

intelligence, 16–20, 130–131, 147, 184, 189, 273, 276–277, 369, 382, 413, 447, 489 see also Ultra (Allied code-breaking system)

Ioribaiwa, 131, 136, 139, 240, 244, 252–256, 300–302, 310, 316, 381

Isaachsen, Lieutenant Alan, 166, 168

Iskov, Bob, 206


2/14th Battalion, 168, 176–178

2/16th Battalion, 173, 179

39th Battalion, 54, 61, 93, 126, 130, 135, 150, 151, 154, 160–161, 163, 168, 520

53rd Battalion, 161, 164–166, 168–169, 179, 258

Australian evacuation from, 199–200

Battle of, 45, 158, 161, 166–181

Isurava Memorial, 131, 176

Isuravan people, 214

Key, 219

‘Kingsbury’s Rock’, 176

new location, 136, 162

Italy, 74

Itiki, 248

Iwasa Koji, Superior Private, 216


Jackson, Lieutenant George, 495

James, Captain John, 482

James Fenimore Cooper (troop ship), 126–127

James Wilson (troop ship), 126–127

The Jap Was Thrashed (pamphlet), 263


ashes of the dead, 517–518

civilians, 297–299

Constitution, 117

family attitudes, 120

mutual cooperation pact with Germany, 74

schools, 118

women, 493

Japanese Army see Imperial Japanese Army

Japanese Government, 10, 66, 194, 294–299

Japanese Navy, 111, 113, 185, 193–194

Jaure, 222

Jaure Track, 441–442

Jenat, 5

Jenkins, Sergeant Bill, 484

Jesser, Lieutenant Harold, 131

Johns, Sergeant Robert, 529

Johnston, George, 333, 344

Johnston, Mark, 347

Johnston, Lieutenant Stewart, 179

Johnston, Brigadier William Wallace, 372

Jones, Scott, 321

Juki machine-gun see weapons


Kagi Gap, 55

Kagi village, 210–211

Kaile, 166, 168

kamikazes (suicide missions), 115, 507 see also suicide squads (‘human bullets’)

Kanga Force, 11, 530

Kawano Susumu, 515

KB Mission, 185, 187–190

Keiko Tamura, 217

Keishin Tsuno, 219

Keneally, Tom, 24–25, 526

Kenmotsu, Major, 509

Kenney, General George, 259, 306–307, 414, 444, 451, 457, 525, 530

Key, Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur, 219–220, 226

Kienzle, Bert, 39–43, 55–56, 151–153, 199, 200, 217, 326, 331, 337, 383–384, 399, 533

Kila Kila, 302

Killerton Junction, 495, 497

Killerton village, 498

King, Admiral, 107

King, Captain Cuthbert, 168–169

Kingsbury, Private Bruce, 176–177, 191, 354

‘Kingsbury’s Rock’ (Isurava), 176

Knights, Sergeant, 221

Kochi City (Japan), 8, 110–111, 120, 510

Kochi New Guinea Association, 120, 232, 399, 532–533

Koiari people, 131, 149, 212

Koitaki, 260, 281–283

Kokoda airfield, 19, 40, 380, 383–385, 414, 442

Kokoda Day, 215

Kokoda field hospital see field hospitals: Kokoda

Kokoda Frontline (film), 371

Kokoda Government Station, 13, 19, 45–50, 56–60, 113, 130, 131, 153–154, 379–380, 382–383, 519

Kokoda Track, 25, 34, 40–41, 49, 50, 127, 130–132, 135–138, 318, 326–327, 522 see also Owen Stanley Ranges

Korean labourers, 218, 301, 307–308

Korean women, 493

Kumusi River, 12, 45, 303, 388–389, 391, 396–400, 417, 419, 497, 500, 506 see also Oivi–Gorari

Kunisawa Yuki, Private, 120

Kuroko Toshiro, Lieutenant, 492

Kuru, 222

Kusunose Butai, 120, 146, 165, 303, 333, 507

Kusunose Masao, Colonel, 107, 144, 232, 477, 509, 517

Kuwada Battalion, 172, 315, 380–381, 393


Lae, 5, 11, 113, 234, 413, 530–531

Langridge, Captain Bret, 238, 330

Larr Report, 450, 455

Lavarack, Lieutenant-General John, 93, 99, 124

League of National Security, 97

Leaney’s Corner, 389, 391

Lewis, Essington, 72, 84

Leyte, 13, 507

Liberal Party, 75, 83

‘Lightning Ridge’ Dysentery Hospital, 209

Lindbergh, Charles, 347, 529

Lloyd, Major-General C.E.M., 283

Lloyd, Jack, 49

Lloyd, Brigadier John Edward, 324–325, 340, 342–343, 352, 359, 361, 362, 365–366, 370, 383, 401

Lloyd, Lieutenant Paul, 495

loads see also uniforms and kit

Australian, 39, 42, 133

Japanese, 9, 15, 44, 146

native carriers see native carriers

Longman, Dr Herbert, 385

looting, 32–33, 289

Lost Troops (Okada Seizo), 266–267, 406

Lott, Lloyd, 531

Lubini Helia, 211, 213, 216

Lyon, Major Geoffrey, 126, 140, 175, 242, 243


MacArthur, General Douglas

Allen, 355–356, 366–367

American cowardice, 451–452, 455–456

attitude to Australian troops, 25, 126, 259–260, 373, 451

Bataan Gang, 106, 457

Battle of the Coral Sea, 37

Blamey, 101, 269–270, 338–339, 353–355, 366–367, 382, 422, 450, 484, 488, 530

Brisbane Line, 86

Buna, 443–445, 450, 463, 464, 479

character, 103–106, 524–525

Curtin, 80, 103, 106, 107, 259, 270

Doug’s Communiqués, 105, 262–266, 338, 468, 494–495

Dugout Doug, 106

Eichelberger, 456–458

Gona, 424

Gona–Buna, 414, 417

intelligence reports, 16–19

judgment, 18–19, 34, 130, 232–233, 522–523

Milne Bay, 183, 184, 188, 189

in New Guinea, 269, 318–320, 325, 449–450, 457

Philippines, 106, 353, 450, 483

Potts, 279

Roosevelt, 104, 188

Rowell, 275, 277

Sanananda, 483

supreme commander, Allied Forces, 102

McAulay, Lex, 289

McCallum, Corporal Charlie, 177

McClean, Lieutenant Doug, 44, 428

McCreary, Colonel M.C., 459, 472

McDonald, Lieutenant-Colonel Warren, 400

MacDonald, Private (2/14th Battalion), 221

McDonald, Private (appendicitis operation on), 322

McDonald’s Corner, 136

MacDougal, Lieutenant Bruce, 367, 369

McGee, 172

MacGraw, Private, 164

MacGregor, Sergeant Ken, 495

Mackay, Lieutenant-General Sir Iven, 86, 95

Maclaren King (mission boat), 4–5

McLean, Corporal Frank, 128, 235, 246, 532

McLean, Frank, 434

Madigan, Sergeant Edwin (‘Meggsie’), 365

Magarey, Captain Rupert, 201, 203–204, 206, 208, 214, 215, 371

Maguli Range, 148, 244

malaria see disease: malaria

Malone, Corporal Brian (‘Bluey’), 244

Mambare River, 47, 49, 419, 432, 497

Manchuria, 414

Manchurian Incident, 73–74

Manol, Sergeant John, 168

Manunda (Allied hospital ship), 191

Manusa, Private Guy, 363

maps, 19, 55, 130, 163, 251–253, 337, 338, 350

Maroubra Force (combined militia and AIF)

Blamey addresses, 281–283

Eather commands, 252

Porter commands, 158, 243–244, 252

Potts commands, 130, 152, 158

Marshall, General George C., 107, 233

Martin, Colonel Clarence, 459

Martin, Private Stanley, 451

Masanobu Tsuji, Lieutenant-Colonel, 109

Maskiel, Private Clarrie, 243

Mason, Lieutenant, 175

Masters, Olga, 294

Matsuoka Kazuo, Superior Private, 120–121

Matsuyama, Rear Admiral, 185

Matthews, Dr Tony, 64

Mayberry, Lieutenant Leo, 425

Mayne, Private, 221

Menari, 131, 149, 239–242, 327, 337, 533

Menzies, Robert, 69–74, 77, 84, 87–88, 249, 296–297, 526

Merritt, Captain Bill, 33, 169–171

Metson, Corporal John, 220–221, 223, 389

military honours, 352, 369, 425, 473, 494 see also Victoria Cross (VC)

Miller, Captain Larry, 304

Miller, Colonel Jim, 401, 448

Milne Bay, 166, 179, 183–192, 234, 273, 274, 307, 311, 394, 437, 439, 519, 520, 527–528

Missima, 166–169

Mission Ridge, 149, 234

Monash, General Sir John, 97

Moore, Major Chaplain Albert, 127, 244–245, 314

Morimoto, Major, 348

Morison, Rear-Admiral Samuel, 531

Morita Masura, Sergeant, 232, 533

Morris, Major-General Basil, 19–20, 26, 31, 33, 36, 40, 43, 95, 123–124, 344–345

mosquito see anopheles mosquito

Moteo, 193

Mott, Colonel John, 452, 456, 459

Mount Victoria, 149

Murdoch, Sir Keith, 72, 88, 258, 265, 271

Murdoch, Lieutenant-Colonel Ken, 279

Murie, Sister, 209

Murray, Governor, 4

Murray, Lieutenant Don 346, 403

Murrell, Len, 531

Musita Island, 446, 472

Myola drop zone, 56, 125, 133–134, 138–139, 152–154, 207, 211–213, 227–229, 233, 257, 327–328, 337, 340


Nada Ozo, 491

Nagano, Lieutenant, 317, 333

Naka Masao, 510–511

Nakahashi, Captain, 255, 313, 396–397, 398

Nakajima, Private, 453

Nakashima, Captain, 315

Nankai Shitai (South Seas Detachment)

15th Independent Engineers Regiment, 13, 110, 303

41st Infantry Regiment, 110, 173, 348, 517

44th Infantry Regiment, 8–9

55 Mountain Artillery, 146

144th Infantry Regiment, 110–112, 118, 120, 144, 146, 232, 477, 517 see also Tsukamoto Battalion

casualty rate, 517 see also casualties

desertions, 333

fate of, 509–510

Horii commands see Horii Tomitaro, Major-General

horses, 399

Hyakutake, 113

at Isurava, 164–181

Koiwai Battalion, 146, 364–365, 380–381, 398

launch overland invasion, 109, 142, 146

Moto Butai, 453

Nankai Transport Corps, 308–309

Naval Pioneers, 386

non-combatants, 382, 416–417

Oda commands, 432

Rabaul garrison, 113

Sakigawa Transport Unit, 14

soldiers, 44, 113–119

suicides see suicides (self-immolation)

Tomita Battalion, 303

Yokoyama Advance Force see Yokoyama Advance Force

Nanking, 9, 73, 114, 194, 510, 527

Naro Ridge, 49, 162, 164–167

native carriers

for Australians, 39–41, 43, 51, 125, 135, 148, 152, 153, 157, 179, 211–212, 221, 248, 326, 331, 337–338, 347, 383–384

collaboration, 213–214

conscription, 213, 338

contracts, 213

desertions, 18, 19, 153, 200, 203, 212, 214, 246, 307, 338, 340

Formosan troops as, 303

fuzzy wuzzy angels see fuzzy wuzzy angels (Papuan stretcher bearers)

for Japanese, 216–217, 358–359

loads, 211–212, 214

numbers, 142–143, 146, 211–212

Rabaul carriers, 13, 18, 62, 146, 216, 301, 307–308, 331, 353, 399

reward, 257, 384

troops as stretcher bearers, 481–482

native police, 32, 47

Nauro, 131, 136, 149, 229, 243, 244, 315, 320, 326, 337

Nelson, Hank, 131, 136, 354

New Britain, 193, 491 see also Rabaul (New Britain)

New Guinea, 5, 212 see also Papua

New Guinea Force

Herring commands, 269–270, 276, 338, 354

Morris commands, 19–20, 26

Porter commands, 35–39

Rowell commands, 124–125, 233–234

New Guinea Veterans’Association (Japan), 120, 232, 399

New Guinea Volunteer Rifles, 530

New Strip runway (Cape Endaiadere), 446

New Zealand, 70

Nishimura Kokichi, 143, 507, 509, 533

Nishio Shiro, 513

Noda Hidetaka, Lieutenant, 53, 145, 172, 238

Norris, Colonel Kingsley, 137–138, 208, 371–372, 379, 400, 534

Norrish, Keith, 227

numbers (fighting strength)

Allied, 301, 320

American, 451–452

Australians overseas, 23, 70

at Brigade Hill, 241–242

at Buna, 447

comparative, 258–259, 356

Duropa Plantation, 467–468

at Gona, 430, 432–433, 434

at Gona–Buna, 413–414, 419

at Isurava, 45, 143, 163

Japanese, 517

at Milne Bay, 183, 187

at Myola, 230

Nankai Shitai, 14, 146, 228, 255, 260, 380–381

Nankai Shitai survivors, 510

in Port Moresby, 252

at Sanananda, 484, 485–489

Nye, Captain Claude, 171, 237, 330


Oda Kensaku, Major-General, 108, 432, 496–497, 501, 503, 505–507

Odell, Lieutenant Robert, 452

Ogawa, Sergeant, 469

Ohara Kizuchi, 506

Oidobi Rest House, 222

Oivi, 46, 47

Oivi–Gorari, 45, 380, 382–383, 387–395, 414, 521

Okabe, Major-General, 117

Okada Seizo, 44, 255, 266–267, 300, 302, 312–315, 334, 406–408

Okamato Shigeo, 116

Okinawa, 112 see also Formosan troops

Okino Jiro, 333–334

Okubo Fukunobo, First Lieutenant 305, 386

Old Strip runway (Cape Endaiadere), 446, 470

Oldham, Captain John, 206

Onishi Ko, Private, 465

Ono Nobuyuki, Private, 510

Onogawa, Lieutenant, 60

Oro Bay, 465

Orokaivan people, 3–6, 12, 62, 332

Otomo no Yakamochi (poet), 115–116

Owen, Lieutenant-Colonel William, 44, 46, 47, 49–50, 52, 53

Owen Stanley Ranges, 13, 17, 18, 25, 34, 139–140, 148–149, 207 see also Kokoda Track

Owers’ Corner, 40, 127, 136, 158, 208, 211–212, 318, 325


Pacific War Council, 88

Page, Sir Earle, 85, 88

Papaki, 398


Australia and, 11–12, 212, 215, 345, 533

carriers see native carriers

head-hunters, 3–6, 11, 156, 344–345, 531

Japanese in, 11–12, 62–64, 189, 192–193, 195, 216–217, 327–328, 515

population, 5

rubber crop, 432

Papuan Infantry Battalion (PIB), 7, 19, 51, 131, 201, 210

Parer, Damien, 207, 262, 264, 371

Parker, Major David, 448

Parkinson, Mavis, 5–7, 64–65

Parr, ‘Snowy’, 52, 53

Parry-Okeden, Major William, 499

Paull, Raymond, 515

Pearl Harbour, 73, 82

Perambata, 65

Percival, General Arthur, 87

Petersen, Val, 531

Pett, Corporal Lester (‘Tarzan’), 369

Philippines, 17, 19, 82, 87–88, 104, 259, 305, 461, 491

Pirivi, 57, 60

Pollitt, Lieutenant Bill, 362

Pongani, 441–442

Popondetta, 7, 414, 422, 441, 442, 458, 474

Port Moresby

air raids on, 32–34

Allied High Command, 16–17

Australian General Hospital, 282

Bomana Cemetary, 157, 191, 519

looting of, 32–33

Seven-Mile drome, 26, 34, 125, 127, 138–139, 233–234, 255

threat of Japanese invasion, 12–14, 87, 256

troops in, 31–32, 35–37

Porter, Captain Robert, 281

Porter, Brigadier Selwyn

commands 53rd Battalion, 161

commands Maroubra Force, 243–244

commands New Guinea Force, 35–39

critiques, 336, 415

Gona, 425–426

Honner, 167

Imita Ridge, 254

Ioribaiwa, 253

jungle training, 126

at Sanananda, 485, 486–487

Potts, Brigadier Arnold

Allen, 228–230, 243, 280

Blamey, 100, 278–280, 282

Brigade Hill, 237–239, 327, 329

Caro, 226

commands Maroubra Force, 130, 152, 158

53rd Battalion, 168–169

Honner, 428

at Isurava, 163–166, 178–179

MacArthur, 279

at Menari, 242

military record and character, 158–161, 325

Myola drop zone, 133–134, 138–139, 148, 152–154

no-prisoner policy, 529

relieved of command, 243, 257–258

Rowell, 152, 160–161, 180

withdrawal from Eora, 226–230, 244, 280

withdrawal from Myola, 228–229, 520, 522–523

Power, Lieutenant Kevin, 351


Allied, 119, 171, 220, 453, 529–530

American airmen, 7, 64

bayoneting of, 65, 111–112, 121–122, 155, 189–190, 193, 199, 223, 327–329, 347 see also atrocities

Buna, 479

Japanese, 119–122, 331, 333–334, 347–348, 394, 493, 508, 510, 515–516, 527–530

Milne Bay, 189, 192–195

Sanananda, 494, 501

surrender, 511–512

Toriko (captive), 346


American, 261–262

Australian, 262

Blamey, 98, 282

British subservience, 24, 88

censorship laws, 72, 262–266, 278, 282

Curtin, 80, 96

editors, 264, 291

foreign correspondents, 264

Japanese, 266–268

letters pages, 288–289

MacArthur, 103, 457–458

Press Advisory Committee, 265

propaganda campaign, 295–296

rural, 293

war correspondents, 19, 263–265, 318–319, 444 see also Okada Seizo; White, Osmar

press gangs, 13, 29–30, 62, 216, 217, 331

Prince of Wales (warship), 84

Pulfer, ‘Bunny’, 53


quinine, 436

Quinn, Colonel Lawrence, 223–224


Rabaul (New Britain), 12, 13, 32, 70, 85, 108, 111, 113, 144, 193, 300, 306 see also native carriers: Rabaul carriers; Tol Plantation massacre

brothels, 493

Japanese survivors, 478

malaria, 439

Rabi, 185

racial hatred, 295–297, 525–527

Rangoon (Burma) see Burma

rape, 112, 332


American, 458–459

Australian, 148, 152–154, 224, 247

Gona, 416

Japanese, 146, 155, 185, 225–226, 241, 256, 301

Japanese starvation, 305–306, 332–333, 386, 491–492, 497, 501–504, 514–515

native carriers see native carriers

theft and sabotage, 229, 301, 307–308

Redding, Donald, 342

Reed, Frank (‘Runt’), 129

Rennie, John, 131

Repulse (warship), 84

Retreat from Kokoda (Paull), 262

Reynold, Quentin, 200

Rhoden, Captain Phil, 149, 150, 168, 175, 177, 181, 226

Rinzo Kanemoto, Second Lieutenant 438, 491

Roach, Sergeant Reg, 425

Roberts, Lieutenant Merv, 330

Robertson, Lieutenant-Colonel William, 455–456

Rogers, Brigadier John, 260

Roosevelt, President, 81, 82, 84–85, 88–91, 104, 106, 107, 188

Rowell, Lieutenant-General Sydney

AIF, 135

Allen, 256, 276, 354, 443

Blamey, 99, 102, 124–125, 139, 152, 180, 228–229, 249, 258–259, 270–277, 342, 523

Clowes, 183

commands New Guinea Force, 124–125, 233–234

Curtin, 275–277

The Gap, 132

judgment, 130, 239

MacArthur, 275, 277

Myola drop zone, 133

Potts, 152, 160–161, 180, 243, 257–258

relieved of command, 275

Retreat from Kokoda (Paull), 262

transport planes, 138–139

Vasey, 188, 233, 239

Royal Air Force, 71

Royal Australian Air Force, 9, 10, 34, 71 see also aircraft

32 Squadron, 10

75 Squadron, 34, 183, 307

76 Squadron, 183, 307

Wirraways, 444

Royal Australian Navy, 71

Royal Military College, Duntroon, 375

Russell, Major Bill, 133, 433–434

Ryoyo Maru (transport ship), 14, 145


Saburo Sakai, 10

Sadahiro, Warrant Officer, 145, 165, 167

St George–Ryder, Corporal Harrowby, 393

Saipan, 491

Sakaki Minoru, First Class Seaman, 185, 195

Sakamoto Eizo, 119

Sakomoto, Lieutenant, 168–169, 229, 235, 237, 239, 252, 253, 301, 306, 313, 314, 316–317, 332, 333, 335

anthropophagy, 345–346

dies fighting, 391

Salamaua, 5, 11, 113, 234, 413, 530

Salmon, Lieutenant Alf, 158, 206, 531

Salvaris, Lance-Corporal Alex, 200

Salvation Army, 127, 244–245

samurai (warrior class), 114, 119–120

Sanananda, 6, 43, 375, 386, 411, 432, 452, 456, 465, 478, 514

Sanananda Track, 401–405

Sanananda village, 501

Sanananda–Giruwa, 480–489, 491, 494–495, 498–500

Sanderson, Captain, 361, 394

Sangai, 221, 223

Sangara, 65

Sasebo 5 Special Naval Landing Party, 13, 65–66, 111, 146, 193–194, 447

Sato (journalist), 315

Sato Tetsuro, 465

Sato Toshio, 65

Saunders, Harry, 129

Sawatari Zengoro, Dr, 517–518

Schroeder, Major Edmund, 475

Scott, Sergeant Lew, 509

Sebring, Lewis, 223

Second Australian Imperial Force (AIF)

2/1st Battalion, 294, 320, 359, 363, 519, 534

2/2nd Battalion, 320, 352–353, 405

2/3rd Battalion, 316, 320, 346, 367, 369, 405

2/6th Armoured Regiment, 465

2/6th Cavalry Regiment, 489

2/6th Field Ambulance, 201, 372

2/6th Field Company, 364

2/7th Cavalry Regiment, 482, 485

2/9th Australian General Field Hospital, 208–209

2/10th Battalion, 481

2/12th Battalion, 499

2/28th Battalion, 324

2/33rd Battalion, 304, 337, 388, 391

6th Division, 93, 320, 321–322, 366–367

7th Division, 90–94, 125–130, 518–519

9th Division, 93–94, 452

16th Brigade, 254, 259, 319–323, 325, 331, 340, 343, 347, 352, 359, 380, 388, 401–405, 484

18th Brigade, 184–185, 189–190, 462, 465, 469–470, 474, 479, 488–489, 495, 501

21st Brigade, 125–130, 260, 281–283, 421, 423, 425, 430, 431, 451, 484, 530 see also 2/14th Battalion (AIF); 2/16th Battalion (AIF); 2/27th Battalion (AIF)

25th Brigade, 250–252, 259, 301, 316, 320, 323, 324, 329–330, 340, 342, 383, 388–389, 414–415, 426

Blamey commands see Blamey, General Sir Thomas

cavalry battalion, 460

Churchill, 87–92

field library, 385

Great War, 76

Milne Bay, 187–188

overseas, 23–24, 70

runners, 363–364, 392

training, 34

volunteer army, 27

Seekamp, Lieutenant Arthur, 44, 45

Seibu 34 Butai, 454

Sengai, 389

Senninbari Haramaki (1000-stitch belt), 147

Sepik region, 11–12

Seventh-Day Adventists, 5, 131, 211

Shanghai, 9, 13, 73, 111, 510

Shedden, Sir Frederick, 74–75, 81, 179, 431

Shera, Captain John, 52

Sherlock, Canon Charles, 65

Shibata Yukio, Lieutenant, 63

Shigeru Sugiyama, 531

Shikoku (Japan), 13

Shimada Yuki, Warrant Officer, 120, 142, 144, 156, 178, 510, 517, 528, 532–533

Shin Shunji, 65

Shintoism, 117, 314, 430, 464, 469

Siai region, 7

Silk, Captain Thomas, 401

Silk, George, 262, 264

Simemi Creek, 446, 448, 469–470

Simmonds, Ralph, 264

Simpson, Captain, 361

Singapore, 69, 73–75, 77–78, 86–87, 259

Sinopa, Lance-Corporal, 47

Skipper, Captain Justin, 424

Slessor, Kenneth, 101

Sly, Lieutenant-Colonel Stan, 487, 501

Small Creek, 424

Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert A., 448–449

Smith, Major Herbert M., 448–449

Smythe, Private Vic, 60

Snelgar, Private, 221

Solomon Islands, 9, 142, 252, 272, 311, 325, 380, 519–520

Somare, Michael, 63

Soputa, 14, 401, 411, 441, 481, 488

South West Pacific Area, 86, 102

South-West Pacific Area—First Year (McCarthy), 262–263

Special Naval Landing Parties, 185, 193–194, 334, 386, 477 see also Sasebo 5 Special Naval Landing Party

peight, Colonel, 195

Spencer, Bill, 467

sport (Australia attitude to), 287–288, 291

Spry, Colonel Charles, 355–356

Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 93, 320

Stalin, Josef, 100

Stantke, Major-General Victor, 385

Steel, Captain Henry, 263

Stevenson, Lieutenant-Colonel John, 359

Steward, Major Henry (‘Blue’), 200–203, 206, 238, 241, 243, 254, 281, 534

Strang, Captain Roderick, 484

strength see numbers (fighting strength)

stretcher bearers see fuzzy wuzzy angels (Papuan stretcher bearers)

Sturdee, Lieutenant-General Vernon, 32

Subitana, 248

Sublet, Major Frank, 151, 172, 206, 237, 281, 423, 484

Suganuma, First Lieutenant, 453–454

suicide see also hara-kiri (death as ritual)

suicide missions (kamikazes), 115

suicide (self-immolation), 45, 107, 195, 232, 305, 433, 507–511

suicide squads (‘human bullets’), 45, 115, 164, 172, 244, 424, 495, 507

Sumatra, 447

supply lines and supplies

abandoned, 214, 242

Allen’s, 336–340, 354–356, 366

Australian, 22–23, 43, 125, 326

Churchill supplies, 143, 225, 334

destroyed, 225, 227

Horii’s, 142–143, 217–218, 225–226, 240, 260, 272, 300–301, 303, 309, 334–335, 439

Japanese, 109, 154–155, 164, 181, 183

Myola drop zone see Myola drop zone

native carriers see native carriers

native gardens and plantations, 213, 217, 247, 303–304, 315, 332, 334–335

Susuki (interpreter), 10

Sutherland, Jack, 531

Sutherland, Lieutenant-General Richard, 443, 456

Suweri, 222

Sword, Lieutenant, 171, 179

Sydney Morning Herald, 24, 96

Sydney (shelling of eastern suburbs), 289

Symington, Captain, 56–59


tactics (Japanese)

bodies as sandbags, 434

bunkers and foxholes, 369, 389, 412–414, 419, 444, 446

encirclement, 378

machine-gun pits, 349–356

night attacks, 42, 45, 49–50, 144–145

singing, 13, 187

taunts, 170, 200, 224

Takaki Yoshijo, First Lieutenant, 396–397

Takasago see Formosan troops

Takenaka Company, 496

Takita Kenji 204–205, 313, 515

Takushiro, Colonel, 109

Tanaka, Corporal, 507

Tanaka Kengoro, Lieutenant-Colonel, 143, 155, 311–313, 398–399, 491

Tanaka Yuki, 501

Tarakena, 495

Taylor, Frank, 227, 412

Tedder, Air Marshal Arthur, 98

Templeton, Captain Sam, 42–46, 53, 155

‘Templeton’s Crossing’ (Eora Creek), 46, 156, 202, 211, 227, 340, 345, 349–356

terrain, 141, 144–145, 148, 162–163, 191, 337, 341–342, 356, 357–358, 378, 388–389, 481 see also conditions

Thailand, 82

39th Battalion (Australian Militia)

age of troops, 27

AIF and, 203

B Company, 42–44, 46–47, 167

Blamey, 249–250

camaraderie in, 28–29

at Deniki, 55, 520

disbanded, 531

formation, 21–22

at Gona, 209, 426, 428–431, 433

Honner commands see Honner, Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph

at Ilolo, 208

at Isurava see Isurava

at Kokoda Government Station, 40, 49–53, 58–60, 520

medical claims, 534

in Port Moresby, 22–23, 25–26, 32, 33, 36, 37

at Sanananda, 485, 497

Seekamp’s platoon, 44–46

survivors, 519

Thompson, Private George, 424

Thompson submachine-gun (‘Tommy guns’) see weapons

Those Ragged Bloody Heroes (Brune), 263

Tobruk, Siege of, 26, 76, 98, 191, 324, 365, 423, 465

Tojo Hideki, Premier, 12, 82, 85, 289, 412, 531

Tokyo Rose, 26

Tol Plantation massacre, 111–112, 193, 393, 527

Tomita Yoshinobu, Lieutenant-Colonel, 506–507

Tongs, Sergeant Bede, 316, 329, 351–352

Tonkin, Private Kevin, 238

Tori Me (night blindness), 516

Torres Strait, 17

Townsville, 289

trade unions, 80–81, 290–291, 293–294


American, 442

Australian, 486

beach landings, 110

combat efficiency, 39, 43

Empire Air Training Scheme, 71

Japanese, 44, 112, 155, 324, 480

jungle, 33, 38, 126, 144, 185, 226–227, 320–321, 323, 393

manuals, 126, 155–156, 377

Traise, Cecil, 389

Treacy, Captain Maurice, 175, 220–221, 424

Trobriand Islands, 344, 521

Trothe, Private, 60

Truscott, ‘Bluey’, 190

Truscott, Corporal James, 430

Tsukamoto Battalion (1st Battalion, 144th Regiment), 7, 13–15, 44, 49–50, 58–61, 108, 172, 346, 439

Tsukamoto Hatsuo, Lieutenant-Colonel, 14, 57, 396, 492, 495–496

Tsukioka Torashigo, 66

Tsuno Keishin, 121, 394

Tsutomu (Adachi’s chief of staff), 476

Tufi, 221

Tulagi, 311

Turnbull, Squadron Leader Peter, 190

2/14th Battalion (AIF)

Blamey, 282

at Brigade Hill, 241–242

formation, 129–134

at Gona, 423–424, 433

Isurava, 164

Key commands, 219–220

on Kokoda Track, 201, 202, 213, 254, 260, 302

Rhoden commands, 149, 226

2/16th Battalion (AIF)

Blamey, 282

at Brigade Hill, 237, 241–242

formation, 93, 129, 132–134

at Gona, 423, 424, 425–426, 430

at Isurava, 169

on Kokoda Track, 156, 201, 260

at Myola, 227

at Sanananda, 484–485

2/27th Battalion (AIF)

at Brigade Hill, 234–235, 242, 330

formation, 128, 129, 134

at Gona, 415, 422, 424, 425–426, 434

at Isurava, 166, 180

lost, 246–248

at Myola, 226, 229–230

at Sanananda, 484–485


Uberi, 40, 136, 243–245, 318

Uchiyama Seiichi, Private, 468–469

Ueda Masami, 305

Uehara Tetsunosuke, Private, 255

Ultra (Allied code-breaking system), 16–17, 36, 189, 233 see also intelligence

uniforms and kit see also loads

Australian, 128, 153, 250, 278, 322–323

Blamey, 153, 250, 278

equipment, 33, 39, 132–133

Japanese, 147, 384

unions, 80–81, 290–291, 293–294

United States of America

32nd Division, 439, 442, 451–452, 456, 479

41st Division, 451

43rd Bombardment Group, 307

126th Regiment, 222–224, 462

127th Regiment, 456, 489

128th Regiment, 448, 460

163rd Regiment, 488, 489

American cowardice, 451–452, 455–456, 462, 516, 520

arrive in New Guinea, 441–445

Australian relationship, 12–13, 18, 103, 107, 269–270

Australian women and American servicemen, 294–295

black troops, 75–76

cases of malaria, 439

Christmas hampers, 474

evacuation plan, 443

exports to Japan, 74

‘Germany First’ policy, 84–85, 107

at Gona–Buna, 414

Guadalcanal, 520

Milne Bay, 183

troops, 106, 259–260, 263, 278

Urbana Force, 447, 448–449, 459

US navy, 443–445

Warren Force, 415, 447, 459

‘Unwrapped Chocolate Soldier’ (ballad), 25


Valli, Private Maurice, 424

Van Der Graff, General, 432

Varnum, Private Arnold, 404

Vasey, Major-General George

Allen, 341, 366–367, 383

Allied High Command, 233

Australian Militia, 39

Blamey, 124, 132, 383, 395, 532

‘Butcher George’, 485

character and career, 374–378, 488, 532

commands 6th Division, 366–367, 378

flying foxes, 400

Gona, 421, 423, 425

Gona–Buna, 412

Japanese ‘tiger’, 323–324

Kokoda Government Station, 379–380, 382–383

Kumusi River, 400

native carriers, 384

no-prisoner policy, 529

Oivi–Gorari, 387–389, 394–395

Owen Stanley Ranges, 132

Rowell, 188, 233, 239

at Sanananda, 449, 482, 485, 488–489, 495–497, 501, 518

Vernon, Captain Geoffrey, 40, 49–52, 136, 157, 161, 199, 207, 213, 241, 257, 327–328, 384, 533

Victoria Cross (VC), 76, 176–177, 191, 251, 402 see also military honours

Viner-Smith, Captain Keith, 246–247


Wada Kiyoshi, Private, 492, 501–504

Waga Waga, 193

Wairopi Bridge, 45, 150, 307, 399

Wakefield, Private, 175

Waldron, Major-General Albert, 444, 462

Wallman, Captain, 201

Wamai, 302

Wanadela, 193

Wanigela, 273, 442

war crimes, 184, 192–193, 331, 509, 529–530 see also POWs: bayoneting of

Ward, Private Bert, 237

Ward, Eddie, 71, 86

Ward, Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth H., 166, 168–169

Watanabe Fukuichi, Second-Lieutenant, 119, 146–147, 398, 492, 512

Watanabe Toshio, Private, 15, 58, 310

Watson, Ray, 231

Watson, Major W.T., 52

Wau, 274, 413, 529, 530

Waugh, Evelyn, 321

Wavell, General, 88

Weakley, Ron, 531


abandoned, 179, 313

aerial snipers, 413

anti-tank, 495

artillery, 444–445, 448, 470

Australian, 132–133, 153, 313–314

booby traps, 164, 301, 304, 327, 347

corpses as decoys, 164

explosive bullets, 361

flamethrowers, 412

food as bait, 253

fused bombs, 429

grenades, 45, 235, 301, 327

Japanese, 45, 146–147, 417 see also suicide squads (‘human bullets’)

Juki machine-gun, 45, 146–147, 167, 235, 237–238, 349, 358, 401–402, 405, 415–416, 423–424

leaflets, 429, 454, 483, 492, 532

mortar bombs, 352, 363, 365–366

mountain artillery, 45, 205–206, 391

phosphorus grenades, 467

‘sticky bombs’, 187–188

tanks, 183, 187, 444, 465–470, 477, 489, 495–496

Thompson submachine-gun (‘Tommy guns’), 33, 55, 133

troop carriers, 460

Vickers machine-guns, 73, 133, 231, 257, 337, 467

Webb Royal Commission Report, 184, 192–193

Wewak, 63, 535

Whelan, Private Kevin (‘Spud’), 209

White Army, 97

White Australia Policy, 75–76, 526

White, Lieutenant Charles, 424

White, Osmar, 11, 22, 125, 127–128, 202, 207–208, 262

Whitehead, Brigadier-General Ennis, 138

Wilkinson, Colonel G.H., 104

Wilkinson, Warrant Officer Jack, 43, 50, 54, 60–61

Wilkinson, Private John, 202

Williams, Corporal, 247–248

Willoughby, Brigadier-General Charles, 18–19, 130, 522

Wilmot, Chester, 16, 19, 102, 153, 200, 213, 214, 240, 262, 278–279

Wingate, Orde, 11, 223

Winkle, Lieutenant Fred, 380

women, 288–289, 292, 294–295, 493

Wootten, Brigadier George, 172, 183, 189, 452, 462, 465, 467, 476, 479, 488–489, 495, 497–499

Wootten, Roy, 30

World War I, 76, 104, 251, 375–376, 423, 473

World War II, 98, 100, 124

Wynd, Private Gavin, 361


Yamada Kuzuo, 146

Yamagata Tsuyuo, Major-General, 419, 453, 477, 496–497, 500–501, 505, 507

Yamamoto Battalion, 414, 447, 470

Yamamoto Kiyoshi, Private, 394

Yamamoto Shigeaki, Colonel, 414, 447, 470, 477–478, 509

Yamasaki (survivor of 144th Regiment), 120, 142, 156, 178, 517, 528, 532–533

Yanagizawa Eiichi, 348

Yasuda Naval Landing Force, 477

Yasuda Yoshitatsu, Colonel, 476–478

Yasuoka Fumitoshi, 346

Yazawa Butai, 53, 119, 146, 173, 391, 416–417, 512

Yazawa, Colonel, 364, 396–397, 477, 492, 500

Yeo, Private, 221

Yodda goldfield, 131, 384

Yokoyama Advance Force

15th Independent Engineers Regiment see Nankai Shitai (South Seas Detachment)

Formosan troops see Formosan troops

Kokoda Track, 44, 62, 109, 110, 113, 146, 152

lands at Gona, 4–7, 13–15, 32, 38, 43, 134, 496

Rabaul natives see native carriers: Rabaul natives

Sasebo 5 see Sasebo 5 Special Naval Landing Party

Yokoyama Battalion, 53

Yokoyama Hospital, 416–417

Yokoyama Yosuke, Colonel, 8, 9, 13–14, 432, 464, 492, 496

Yoshihara Tsutomu, 507

Yoshikawa, Sergeant, 507

Yoshimoto Yoshihiro, First Class Private, 493


Zanker, Private Alf, 247–248

Zuikaku (ship), 13