Why do some men and women, despite all the odds against them, decide to continue to resist, to endure and to take punishment? How is it that while some break and run, others provide inspirational courage, rally the discouraged and ultimately triumph? What are the attributes that enable some to endure and succeed where others fail? The resilience of the human spirit, the anatomy of courage and the setting of the highest example through leadership and personal sacrifice are among the most admirable virtues of the human race. Nowhere are these characteristics more thoroughly tested than in the crucible of war.

The purpose of this book is to illustrate, using twenty vivid case studies, some of the most epic actions of modern military history – situations where the odds were stacked against apparently weaker forces that found themselves either outnumbered, outgunned, in an impossible tactical situation or simply cut off from supplies. Yet, through determination, leadership, cunning, skill or sheer guts, many of these forces managed to achieve victory or earn the respect of their enemies. Some survived, others went down fighting.

In this book there are examples of sieges endured, stubborn defences mounted, attacks launched despite minimal strength, epic retreats and heroic last stands. Each story is told, analysed and accompanied by an illustration and map or battle plan that shows the main dispositions and the scale of the task facing the underdog. These examples cannot but inspire us, although the purpose of this book is not to create any romantic illusions of the business of war, simply collect together famous last stands or reiterate the well-known accounts of the Western canon. Rather it is to offer a critical history that has a resonance beyond the period in question, presenting a balance of interpretations and actions from across the globe that show less well-known actions have much to tell us about how the ability to succeed has affected the history of war.

We must not, however, forget that all these battles were fought by ordinary men, and sometimes women, who performed extraordinary feats under very specific and distinct circumstances. Their direct experiences may not be replicated. The lessons they hold for us lie in their evident ability to transmit their character and spirit under the greatest pressures. If, in the extreme crisis of war, human beings are capable of such resilience and prowess, we may reflect on how much we ourselves might achieve – or encourage others to achieve – when faced by danger and disaster.

Rob Johnson