
Adolphe (Constant), 118

The Age of Capital (Hobsbawm), 32, 187n9

Alberti, Leon Battista, 104

Americanization, 8890, 134, 16869, 17273, 175

American Nervousness (Beard), 9091

Amherst College, 181n1

Amish, 6, 7

The Ancien Régime and the Revolution (Tocqueville), 13637, 210n26

ancients and moderns

on liberty, 116, 12526

quarrel over nature, 1045

quarrel over variety, 1045, 201n27

Anderson, Benedict, 5556

And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (Seuss), 92

anti-Semitism, 16465

Arab language, 54

Ariès, M. Philippe, 6162, 63, 65, 192n2

Arz, Frederick B., 208n9

Asian American actors, 6, 7

Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger, 43

Autobiography (Mill), 149

Babel, Tower of, 41, 42, 189n38

Barére, Bertrand, 112

Beard, George Miller, 9091

Beaumont, Gustave de, 13435

Beckert, Sven, 31, 32

Beckett, Samuel, 27, 186n51

Bell, Daniel, 22

Benjamin, Walter, 65, 91, 193n11

“Berlin Childhood around 1900,” 71

on boredom and storytelling, 67, 72

on childhood, 71

on decline of storytelling, 12, 6670

industry of, 71, 194n24

McMurtry and, 6872, 194n24

scholarship on works of, 70, 71

“The Storyteller” (Benjamin), 12, 6770, 72

Berlin, Isaiah, 113, 203n58, 204n61

“Berlin Childhood around 1900” (Benjamin), 71

Binswanger, Ludwig, 90

biodiversity, 123, 151. See also variety

cultural diversity and, 44, 45

Darwin on, 10, 9394

language diversity and, 44, 45, 48, 50 biodiversity loss

biological homogenization and, 4548

human diversity and, 10

language diversity decline and, 44, 45, 48, 50

species extinction and, 9, 45, 48

biological homogenization, 4548, 59

blue jeans, 2930, 38

Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon Bonaparte


childhood and, 91

curiosity and, 9192

experience and, 6768, 72

history of, 7273

modern society and, 73

old and new types, 88

play and, 7374, 87, 88

storytelling and, 6768, 72

US and European, 88

Bourne, Randolph, 16869, 171, 172

Brave New World (Huxley), 80

British Quarterly Review, 14748

Brown, Stuart, 79

Browning pistol, 121, 206n87

Bruegel, Pieter, 62, 193n3

Burckhardt, Jacob, 15559, 214n91

Burke, Edmund, 122, 123

Butler, Judith, 184n37

Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 24

capitalism, 27, 30, 5657

Americanization and, 8990

clothing and, 30, 186n2

conservatives and, 177

liberal, 22

Carlyle, Jane, 15253, 213n73

Carlyle, Thomas, 3031, 152, 177

celebration of diversity. See diversity supporters

Centuries of Childhood (Ariès), 61

The Century of the Child (Key), 64, 193n8

Chekhov, Anton, 73

childhood. See also play and activities

Benjamin and, 71

boredom and, 91

of common people, 6364

emergence of, 63, 64

experience and, 1214, 65, 71

experiential diversity and, 1214, 71, 74

experiential openness in, 92

fetishization of, 64

historical transformation of, 6265

medieval society and, 61, 62, 65

middle class, 6566

modern society and, 6162, 6566, 71

nervousness in, 91

threats to, 1314

travel to school, 8485, 197n76

of wealthy, 63

childhood, diversity and, 11, 62

closing of experiential diversity and eclipse of, 1214

modern society and, 71

play and, 74, 76, 79, 82

transformation of, 63

childhood, eclipse of, 65. See also play, decline of unsupervised and unstructured

closing of experiential diversity and, 1214

modern society and, 1314

Children’s Games, 62, 193n3

Chinese homogeneity, 145, 155

Chomsky, Noam, 40

Chrysippus, 94

Chudacoff, Howard P., 76

Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (Burckhardt), 155, 15657


middle, 6566

uniformity of dress and, 37, 3839

working, 2526, 3739


capitalism and, 30, 186n2

class and, 37, 3839

cotton, 3132, 3638

history, 3039, 186n3, 187n20

for men, 3334

poverty and, 3839

ready-to-wear, 3334

West and, 3239, 187n20

for women, 33

clothing, diversity and, 11, 29. See also uniformity of dress

history, 3339, 187n20

commercial society, 135, 136, 14142, 159

Common Language Guide (Amherst College), 181n1

common people, childhood of, 6364

Connell, Bruce, 43


capitalism and, 177

on diversity and uniformity, 12225

Mannheim on, 123

modern society and, 122

on uniformity, 12225

universities, diversity and, 3, 176

Constant, Benjamin, 126, 205n68, 207n98, 209n15

Adolphe, 118

“On the Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns,” 116

The Spirit of Conquest and Usurpation and Their Relation to European Civilization, 11617

Tocqueville and, 132, 209n13

on uniformity, 11518, 12425, 127, 175

Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds, (Fontenelle), 95, 199n9

Copernicus, 95

corporations, diversity and, 5, 8, 176


clothing, 3132, 3638

Empire of Cotton, 31, 32

khadi, 3637

counter-Enlightenment, 12122, 125

Cowen, Tyler, 16263

Crystal, David, 43, 49

cult of diversity, 1, 46, 120

cultural diversity, 49

biodiversity and, 44, 45

economic inequality and, 5051

language diversity and, 59

loss of, 5051

cultural homogenization, 47, 59

cultural pluralism, 17173, 217n138


language and, 51

liberal rights and, 12021

loss of, 50

mass, 178, 179

play and, 74

ugly and suppressive, 50

universities, diversity and, 3

Curtis, Henry, 82

Dalby, Liza, 34

Dargan, Amanda, 79

Darwin, Charles, 10, 9394, 9899

decline of diversity. See eclipse of diversity

decline of storytelling. See storytelling, decline of

Defoe, Daniel, 38, 64

Degas, Edgar, 32, 187n9


dictatorship and, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132

diversity and, 131, 13536

education for, 183n27

fall of, 12829, 130, 179

fragility of, 18, 19, 128

individuality and, 17, 19, 128, 131, 132, 13536

masses and, 20, 128, 157

Nazism and, 12829

play and, 15, 87

Tocqueville on, 133, 13536, 14042, 210n25

uniformity and, 128, 13536, 179

Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 133, 135, 136, 13841, 210n25, 211n29

Dewey, John, 183n27


democracy and, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132

of Napoleon, Louis, 130, 131, 132

The Disappearance of Childhood (Postman), 14, 65

discrimination, diversity and, 8

diversitarianism, 120

diversity. See also variety; specific topics

complexity of roadmap of, 3

encyclopedias and handbooks on, 2

increase as self-evident, 5

as negative, 121

as objective, 11, 29

religion of, 4

vastness of enterprise of, 2

diversity, as subjective, 11, 29, 62. See also childhood, diversity and

diversity crisis, 4445

diversity criticism, 1, 45, 8, 17778

diversity supporters and, 9, 45, 4950

of 19th-century thinkers, 16, 18, 179

diversity ideology

criticism of, 177

distortions of, 11

fraternity and, 9

diversity jargon, 4, 8, 2021

diversity studies, in universities

books, 2, 182n7

NADOHE, 181n1

projects, programs and officers, 1, 181n1

diversity supporters

biological homogenization and, 4748

diversity criticism and, 9, 45, 4950

Enlightenment philosophers as, 106, 11315

in modern society, 97, 100, 101, 1034, 11315, 175

19th-century thinkers as, 99100, 106, 119, 121

diversity talk

jargon, 4, 8, 2021

without praise, 182n16

The Division of Labor in Society (Durkheim), 158, 16061, 163, 215n108

Dreyfus Affair, 164, 165, 166

Duhamel, Georges, 8889

Durkheim, Émile, 158, 16065


Mill on, 14748

Stephen, James, on, 148

eclipse of childhood. See childhood, eclipse of

eclipse of diversity

biological homogenization and, 46, 47

cultural homogenization and, 47

dangers of, 45

diversity jargon and, 20

evidence of, 9

as fact, 9

identity and, 4

populism and, 19

religion of diversity and, 4

rise of masses and, 130, 157, 167

social foundations, 46

Tocqueville on, 1617, 19, 127, 130, 13233, 13538

travel and, 8788, 89

eclipse of individual diversity. See individual diversity, eclipse of

Eco, Umberto, 41, 42

ecolinguistics, 48

economic inequality

cultural diversity and, 5051

diversity and, 2324

Piketty on, 24

value of, 24, 185n45

working class and, 2526

education. See also universities

children’s nervousness and, 91

decline of US foreign language, 5758

for democracy, 183n27

play and progressive, 183n27


masses and, 178

populism and, 178

Emile (Rousseau), 64, 105

Empire of Cotton (Beckert), 31, 32

Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2

England, 56, 57, 135, 141, 152

English language

French and, 5254

predominance of, 5257, 59

Enlightenment, 207n92

counter-Enlightenment, 121, 122, 125

Herder on, 122

Enlightenment philosophers, 98

as diversity supporters, 106, 11318

on uniformity, 99100, 106, 11218

Epicurus, 95

equality. See also economic inequality

diversity as, 7

Tocqueville on eclipse of individual diversity and, 13536, 13738

uniformity and, 13536, 13738

West, markets and, 5657

Erasmus, 9697

Erector Sets, 77, 78


Americanization of, 8889, 90

boredom in, 88

diversity of, 13334, 14546, 150

uniformity of, 16162

Evans, Richard J., 208n5


boredom and, 6768, 72

childhood and, 1214, 65, 71

play and, 92

storytelling and, 12, 6768

experiential diversity

atrophy of, 12

childhood and, 1214, 71, 74

eclipse of childhood and closing of, 1214

experiential openness and, 1415, 92

experiential openness

in childhood, 92

contraction across time of, 1415

diversity as relying on, 1113

experiential diversity and, 1415, 92

travel and, 11

“The Family of Man” exhibition (1955), 9, 183n18

fascism. See also Nazism

counter-Enlightenment and, 122

Lovejoy on, 120

masses and, 131, 167

Mayer on, 1920, 131

Napoleon, Louis, and, 131, 208n9, 208n11

Tocqueville and, 20, 129

Feldman, Deborah, 67

Ferguson, Niall, 2930, 38

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 23, 185n42

Fitzgerald, William, 94

Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de, 95, 98, 1045, 199n9

foreign languages. See also specific languages

decline of proficiency and study of, 5759

France, 156

anti-Semitism in, 16465

Dreyfus Affair, 164, 165, 166

Jews in, 111

under Napoleon, Louis, 13031, 15152, 208n9, 219n11

under Napoleon Bonaparte, 115, 116, 117

Nazi occupation, 180, 219n12

revolution of 1848, 130, 15152

Tocqueville on, 137

uniformity and, 137, 162

Frankfurt, Harry G., 185n45

Frantz, Constantin, 132, 208n11

Frederick the Great, 52, 113

free speech

First Amendment, 2122

leftists and, 2122, 184n37, 185n39

universities and, 2122, 184n37, 185n39

French language, 5254, 11112, 203n57

French liberalism, 115

French Revolution, 1012, 115, 122, 130

language uniformity and, 11112, 203n57

measurement, decimalization and, 10910

uniformity and, 11112, 116, 117, 203n57

Freud, Sigmund, 5859, 90

Frost, Joe L., 13

Fukuyama, Francis, 22, 24

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 122

Gaelic, 5556

Galileo, 98, 99, 180

Galston, William A., 203n58

games. See also play and activities

adult designed, 1314, 7475, 76, 80

Children’s Games, 62, 193n3

costs of contemporary, 80

markets and, 7980

urban street, 7880, 81

Gandhi, 36

German language, 52, 5859, 113

Germany, 123, 158. See also fascism; Nazism

revolution of 1928, 121

World War I, 167, 168

Ginsburgh, Victor, 5152, 191n73


diversity and, 1, 59, 16263

individuality and, 1, 4, 16263

uniformity and, 16263

global world

Americanization of, 88

uniformity of dress in, 2930

Gossman, Lionel, 15657

Gray, Peter, 86

The Great Chain of Being (Lovejoy), 100, 120, 121

Greek Stoics, 94

Greenberg, Joseph H., 42

Grégoire, Abbé, 11112, 124, 202n53

group diversity, 56, 8, 176

cultural pluralism and, 173

individual diversity and, 7, 173


diversity and, 176

individuals and, 5

outside mainstream, 67

prosperity as shared goal of, 56

underrepresentation of, 6

Hammond, Darell, 83

Hansen, Marcus Lee, 4

Harrington, Michael, 38

Harvard College, 23

Hasidic Jews, 67

Hegel, G. W. F., 25

hegemony, 186n50

Hemingway, Ernest, 23, 185n42

Herder, Johann Gottfried, 203n58, 204n61, 205n68, 205n69

on Enlightenment, 122

on uniformity, 11215

Herzen, Alexander, 15153

Hessler, Peter, 54

Hett, Benjamin C., 129

Higham, John, 172

historicism, 203n58


of boredom, 7273

of clothing, 3039, 186n3, 187n20

of diversity and clothing, 3339, 187n20

Empire of Cotton, 31, 32

Hegel on, 25

of language diversity, 4041

of play and activities, 7481

poverty and agents of, 2425

of transformation of childhood, 6265

of uniformity of dress, 3339, 187n20

viewing past through present lens, 12728

Hitler, Adolph, 20, 12829, 208n5

Hobsbawm, Eric, 32, 37, 38, 187n9

Holland, 155

homogeneity, Chinese, 145, 155

homogenization. See also uniformity

biological, 4548, 59

cultural, 47, 59

Homo Ludens (Huizinga), 7475

Horkheimer, Max, 5051

Horwitz, Steven, 15, 183n27

How Many Languages Do We Need? The Economics of Linguistic Diversity (Ginsburgh and Weber), 5152

Huizinga, Johan, 7475, 87, 195n38

human diversity. See also diversity; specific topics

biodiversity loss and, 10

language and, 40, 42

plurality of behavior, 97

Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 39, 40, 48

on individual development, 16, 102, 103, 146

on individual diversity, 1024

The Limits of State Action, 1012, 105, 201n31

Mill and, 16, 102, 143, 145, 146, 212n47

on uniformity, 104, 105

Huxley, Aldous, 80


eclipse of diversity and, 4

immigrants’ ethnic, 4

identity politics, diversity and, 7

Imagined Communities (Anderson), 55


ethnic identity of immigrants, 4

US, 168, 171, 173

Indian dress, 3637

individual development

Humboldt on, 16, 102, 103, 146

Mill on, 16, 146

de Staël on, 119

individual diversity

cultural pluralism and, 173

group diversity and, 7, 173

Humboldt on, 1024

Mill on, 1617, 102, 127, 13233, 140, 14250, 15354

social uniformity as danger to, 1617, 19, 29, 13334, 176

Tocqueville on, 16, 17, 127, 130, 13233, 13537

uniformity of dress and, 29

individual diversity, eclipse of, 87

equality and, 13536, 13738

Mill on, 1617, 127, 13233, 140, 142, 143, 14547, 14950, 15354

modern society and, 8990, 1037, 127, 157, 164, 175

19th-century thinkers on, 13233, 147, 154, 175

Tocqueville on, 1617, 127, 13233, 13537

in US, 89, 136


as extolled, 1718

19th-century thinkers on individuality and, 18, 210n26

Soviet communism on, 17

Tocqueville on individuality and, 18, 210n26


Burckhardt on, 156, 157

democracy and, 17, 19, 128, 131, 132, 13536

division of labor and, 163, 165

endangerment by masses, 11516, 157

endangerment by uniformity, 11516, 13334, 157, 179

globalization and, 1, 4, 16263

groups and individuals, 5

individualism and, 18, 210n26

liberty and, 11518

mass individual, 130

mass marketing and, 1

Mill on, 1617, 102, 127, 13233, 140, 14248

Mill on threats to, 1617, 127, 132, 140, 142, 143, 14547

19th-century thinkers on, 18, 99, 102, 11519, 128, 156, 157

specialization and, 162, 163

threats to, 1618, 20, 89, 127, 130, 132, 13536, 140

Tocqueville on, 16, 17, 18, 20, 127, 130, 13233, 13537, 210n26

uniformity as increasing, 162

uniformity of dress and, 179

uniformity transition to, 160

intellectualism, fragmented, 9

Islamic fundamentalism, 23

Italians, 155, 156

Jahren, Hope, 94

James, William, 16971, 217n138

Japanese dress, 3435

Japanese language, 5253, 54, 57

Jefferson, Thomas, 108


anti-Semitism, 16465

in France, 111

Hasidic, 67

Kallen and, 173, 218n153

Johnson, Samuel, 57

Kallen, Horace, 16973, 217n138, 218n15253

Key, Ellen, 64, 193n8

khadi (hand-spun cotton), 3637

Kierkegaard, Soren, 73

Kloocke, Kurt, 205n68

Kraus, Karl, 178

Kroto, Harry, 77

Ku Klux Klan, 171, 172

labor, division of

diversity and, 162, 165

The Division of Labor in Society, 158, 16061, 163, 215n108

individuality and, 163, 165

suicide and, 164

language. See also specific languages

Common Language Guide, 181n1

culture and, 51

How Many Languages Do We Need? The Economics of Linguistic Diversity, 5152

multilingualism, 55

nationalism and, 55

structure, 3940, 41

language death, 4345, 49

Language Death and Language Maintenance (Janse and Tol), 43

language diversity, 11

biodiversity and, 44, 45, 48, 50

critics of, 5152

cultural diversity and, 59

decline of, 41, 4245, 48, 5159

diversity and, 40, 42, 57, 59

history, 4041

human diversity and, 40, 42, 59

language uniformity and, 41, 42

as negative, 41, 5152

scholars on, 3941

socioeconomics and, 42

supporters of, 113

language uniformity

critics of, 5758, 113

in developed world, 52

English predominance and, 5257, 59

French Revolution and, 11112, 203n57

growth of, 42

language diversity and, 41, 42

nationalism and, 55, 11012

as negative, 42, 5259

search for perfect, 4142

world peace and, 41

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 1078

laws, diversity of, 107

Laws of Imitation (Tarde), 158, 15960

Le Bon, Gustave, 166, 167

Lederer, Emil, 16667

leftists, 176. See also liberalism

criticism of leftism by, 8, 182n17

criticism of “The Family of Man” exhibition by, 183n18

diversity and, 2021

free speech and, 2122, 184n37, 185n39

of German revolution of 1928, 121

on mass culture, 179

populism and, 17879

Lego, 7778

Leibniz, Gottfried, 97

Leontyev, Constantine, 15051, 155

Lewis, David, 199n9

liberal capitalism, 22

liberalism, 27, 15152. See also leftists

culture and liberal rights, 12021

on diversity and uniformity, 125, 126

French, 115

modern society and, 122, 127

pluralism and, 203n58

Tocqueville and, 127, 156


of ancients and moderns, 116, 12526

individuality and, 11518

masses and, 157

Mill on, 144, 145, 153, 154

political, 126

Lieb, Fritz, 66, 193n11

The Limits of State Action (Humboldt), 1012, 105, 201n31

Linguet, Henri, 207n93

linguistics. See also language

ecolinguistics, 48

How Many Languages Do We Need? The Economics of Linguistic Diversity, 5152

old and current linguists, 4849

Locke, Alain, 169, 17172, 216n129

Lovejoy, Arthur O., 99, 101, 106, 119

The Great Chain of Being, 100, 120, 121

Maasai Progress Plan, 35, 188n24

Mably, Abbé de, 117

Macaulay, Lord, 147

Maffi, Luisa, 44

Mannheim, Karl, 123

Marano, Hara Estroff, 81


diversity and, 16263

individuality and mass, 1


games and, 7980

West, equality and, 5657

Marx, Karl, 17, 26, 56, 13132, 185n45, 208n11

Marxism, 26, 208n11

mass culture, 178, 179


Burckhardt on, 157

democracy and, 20, 128, 157

eclipse of diversity and rise of, 130, 157, 167

elites and, 178

fascism and, 131, 167

individuality endangered by uniformity and, 11516, 157

Lederer on, 167

liberty and, 157

Mayer on, 166, 167

power of, 166

socialists on, 167

uniformity of, 172

mass individual, 130

mass man, 164, 172

Mati Ke language, 51

Mayer, Jacob-Peter, 132, 208n11

on Burckhardt, 15556

on fascism, 1920, 131

on masses, 166, 167

Prophet of the Mass Age, 1920, 128, 12931, 184n34

on Tocqueville, 1920, 128, 12931, 15556, 166, 184n34

McCloskey, Deirdre, 5657

McMurtry, Larry, 91

Benjamin and, 6872, 194n24

on boredom and storytelling, 72

on decline of storytelling, 6971

Walter Benjamin at the Dairy Queen, 69, 70


decimalization, 10910

French Revolution, decimalization and, 10910

uniformity of, 10710

Medieval Children (Orme), 62

medieval society, childhood and, 61, 62, 65

Michaels, Walter Benn, 51

middle class childhood, 6566

military, uniformity in, 160

Mill, John Stuart

Autobiography, 149

commentary and criticism of, 14243, 14750

on diversity, 1617, 102, 127, 13233, 14351

on eccentricity, 14748

on eclipse of individual diversity, 1617, 127, 13233, 140, 142, 143, 14547, 14950, 15354

on European diversity, 14546

Herzen and, 152, 15354

Humboldt and, 16, 102, 143, 145, 146, 212n47

on individual development, 16, 146

on individual diversity, 1617, 102, 127, 13233, 140, 14250, 15354

on individuality, 1617, 102, 127, 13233, 140, 14248

on liberty, 144, 145, 153, 154

on modern commercial society, 14142

On Liberty, 16, 102, 139, 14244, 148, 14951, 153

politics and, 14445, 180

on threats to individuality, 1617, 127, 132, 140, 142, 143, 14547

Tocqueville and, 1617, 127, 13233, 13942, 146, 180

on uniformity, 14041, 143, 14547, 14950, 15354

on variety, 14350

Mizumura, Minae, 5257


Islamic fundamentalism and, 23

nervousness and, 9091

modern society

boredom and, 73

childhood, diversity and, 71

childhood and, 6162, 6566, 71

commercial, 135, 136, 14142, 159

conservatives and, 122

decline of storytelling in, 12, 6671

democratic, 136

diversity and, 71, 97, 100, 101, 177

eclipse of childhood and, 1314

eclipse of individual diversity and, 8990, 1037, 127, 157, 164, 175

liberalism and, 122, 127

Mill on commercial, 14142

organic solidarity and, 161

specialization in, 161

supporters of diversity in, 97, 100, 101, 1034, 11314, 175

Tocqueville on commercial, 135, 136

uniformity and, 98, 101, 10318, 14647, 15051, 15462, 178

World War I and, 68, 194n16

Montesquieu, 1067, 123, 207n93

Möser, Justus, 12325, 207n9293


diversity and, 49, 50

increase as self-evident, 5

multilingualism, 55

NADOHE. See National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education

Napoleon, Louis, 13031, 151, 152, 208n9, 219n11

Napoleon Bonaparte, 115, 116, 117, 157, 158

National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE), 181n1


diversity opposition by nationalist populists, 1819

language uniformity and, 55, 11012


fecundity of, 95

mathematization of, 98

plurality of worlds, 95, 199n9

quarrel of ancients and moderns over, 1045

uniformity and, 98, 123, 159

variety in, 9399, 104, 199n9

Nazism, 75, 120, 122, 131, 208n5

democracy and, 12829

occupation of France, 180, 219n12

Newell, William Wells, 7576

Newton, Isaac, 98, 201n27

19th-century thinkers. See also specific topics

on democratic individual, 132

diversity criticism of, 16, 18, 179

as diversity supporters, 99100, 106, 119, 121

on diversity under siege, 16, 101

on eclipse of individual diversity, 13233, 147, 154, 175

on individualism and individuality, 18, 210n26

on individuality, 18, 99, 102, 11519, 128, 156, 157

on uniformity, 99101, 105, 127, 133, 15051, 154, 15662, 179

Ohmae, Kenichi, 2425

On Liberty (Mill), 16, 102, 139, 144, 14951, 153

commentary on, 14243, 148

“On the Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns” (Constant), 116

On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 9394, 9899

Orme, Nicholas, 62, 63

Panksepp, Jaak, 86

Peter the Great, 34, 107, 187n18

Petroski, Henry, 77

Piketty, Thomas, 24

play, decline of unsupervised and unstructured, 1314, 15, 74, 7681, 84, 91, 183n27

attention deficient disorders and, 8586

obesity and, 85, 198n80

psychological impact, 86, 87

play and activities. See also games

adult directed or designed, 1314, 7475, 76, 8085

biological necessity of, 86

boredom and, 7374, 87, 88

computer, 76, 80, 84, 85, 87

culture and, 74

dangers of unsupervised, 183n27

democracy and, 15, 87

diversity, childhood and, 74, 76, 79, 82

experience and, 92

history and evolution of, 7481

Huizinga on, 7475

loss of traditional, 7581, 84, 85

outside, 8084, 86

parental anxieties about, 8285

playgrounds, 8284, 197n71

progressive education and, 183n27

reduction of free time, 81, 84, 85

self-directed, unstructured and unsupervised, 1314, 15, 74, 7681, 84, 91, 183n27

sports and, 74, 75

study of, 75

toys, 7678

transition from outside to inside, 8081, 86

pluralism, 218n152

cultural, 17173, 217n138

James on, 16971, 217n138

liberalism and, 203n58

US and, 169, 17172, 173

Plutarch, 63

political diversity

ambiguous politics of, 11925

diminishment of, 26


diversity and identity, 7

Mill and, 14445, 180

pessimism and action in, 180

Tocqueville and, 180, 219n11

Pomeranz, Kenneth, 56


eclipse of diversity and, 19

elites and, 178

leftists and, 17879

nationalist populists, 1819

pandering of, 179

Postman, Neil, 14, 65


agents of history and, 2425

clothing and, 3839

diversity and, 2324

working class and, 2526

Powell, Lewis, 23

Prophet of the Mass Age (Mayer), 1920, 128, 12931, 184n34

Psychology of Crowds (Le Bon), 166

Rand, Ayn, 17

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 23


systematizers of, 100101

variety of, 100101

Rolland, Romain, 180

Romans, 94

Romme, Gilbert, 109

Rosin, Hanna, 84

Ross, E. A., 119, 206n82

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 64, 1056

Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies, 2

Russo, Alecu, 187n20

Ryan, Alan, 14243

Salomon, Albert, 156

Sartor Resartus (Carlyle, T.), 3031

Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, 2122

Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 100101, 115, 205n69

Seuss, Dr., 92

Simmel, Georg, 8990

Simonson, Lee, 33

Smith, Adam, 159, 163

Smith, Robert Paul, 1314, 7374

socialists, on masses, 167

social uniformity, as danger to individual diversity, 1617, 19, 29, 13334, 176

society. See also modern society

childhood and medieval, 61, 62, 65

criticism of, 177

pre-industrial, 161

socioeconomics, language diversity and, 42

sociologists, 16566

on uniformity, 15863

solidarity, mechanical and organic, 161

Solomon, Susan, 83

Soviet communism, 17, 30

Soviet Union, 22


individuality and, 162, 163

in modern society, 161

The Spirit of Conquest and Usurpation and Their Relation to European Civilization (Constant), 11617

Spirit of the Laws (Montesquieu), 1067

sports, play and, 74, 75

de Staël, Madame, 115, 116, 117, 11819


The Limits of State Action, 1012

welfare, 2223

Stead, W. T., 88

Steiner, George, 48

Stephen, James Fitzjames, 148

Stephen, Leslie, 14849

Sternhell, Zeev, 12122

“The Storyteller” (Benjamin), 12, 6770, 72


boredom and, 6768, 72

experience and, 12, 6768

rural, 6970

storytelling, decline of

Benjamin and, 12, 6670

eclipse of unhurried life and, 71

McMurtry on, 6971

modern society and, 12, 6671

suicide, 164

Suicide (Durkheim), 164

Supreme Court, 23

Sutton-Smith, Brian, 79

Switzerland, 155, 156, 15758

Tarde, Gabriel, 158, 15960, 215n99

Tocqueville, Alexis de

The Ancien Régime and the Revolution, 13637, 210n26

Constant and, 132, 209n13

on democracy, 133, 13536, 14042, 210n25

Democracy in America, 133, 135, 136, 13841, 210n25, 211n29

diversity and, 1617, 19, 127, 130, 13238, 209n27

on eclipse of diversity, 1617, 19, 127, 130, 13233, 13538

on eclipse of individual diversity, 1617, 127, 13233, 13537

on equality and eclipse of individual diversity, 13536, 13738

fascism and, 20, 129

on France, 137

on individual diversity, 16, 17, 127, 130, 13233, 13537

on individualism and individuality, 18, 210n26

on individuality, 16, 17, 18, 20, 127, 130, 13233, 13537, 210n26

liberalism and, 127, 156

Mayer on, 1920, 128, 12931, 15556, 166, 184n34

Mayer’s Prophet of the Mass Age on, 1920, 128, 12931, 184n34

Mill and, 1617, 127, 13233, 13942, 146, 180

on modern commercial society, 135, 136

politics and, 180, 219n11

on threats to individuality, 18, 20, 127, 130, 132, 13537

on uniformity, 13338, 141, 210n20

on US, 13336

Tönnies, Ferdinand, 15859


eclipse of diversity and, 8788, 89

experiential openness and, 11

to school, 8485, 197n76

uniformity and, 8788

Trentmann, Frank, 38

Turkish dress, 35, 36

Turkle, Sherry, 86

Turner, Henry Ashby, Jr., 12829

Underground Man (Tarde), 215n99

Underhill, James W., 48, 49, 50

uniformitarianism, 120, 122


Americanization, 8890, 134, 16869, 17273, 175

biological homogenization and, 46, 59

Burckhardt on, 15658

conservatives on, 12225

Constant on, 11518, 12425, 127, 175

critics of, 11218, 127, 204n61

democracy and, 128, 13536, 179

diversity and, 107, 162

Enlightenment philosophers on, 99100, 106, 11218

equality and, 13536, 13738

of Europe, 16162

France and, 137, 162

French Revolution and, 11112, 116, 117, 203n57

globalization and, 16263

Herder on, 11215

Humboldt on, 104, 105

individuality endangered by, 11516, 13334, 157, 179

individuality increased by, 162

liberals on, 125, 126

of masses, 172

of measurement, 10710

in military, 160

Mill on, 14041, 143, 14547, 14950, 15354

modern society and, 98, 101, 10318, 14647, 15051, 15462, 178

Napoleonic rule and, 115, 116, 117

nature and, 98, 123, 159

19th-century thinkers on, 99101, 105, 127, 133, 15051, 154, 15662, 179

social, 1617, 19, 29, 13334, 176

sociologists on, 15863

Tocqueville on, 13338, 141, 210n20

transition to individuality, 160

travel and, 8788

of US, 8889, 13337, 16869, 17273

variety and, 175

uniformity of dress

class and, 37, 3839

as global, 2930

history, 3339, 187n20

individual diversity and, 29

individuality and, 179

resistance to Western, 36, 37

as undermining diversity, 30

United States (US)

boredom in, 88

decline of foreign language study in, 5758

diversity of, 168, 169, 171, 173

eclipse of individual diversity in, 89, 136

Europe and, 8889, 90

immigration, 168, 171, 173

measurement in, 1079

nervousness in, 9091

pluralism and, 169, 17172, 173

Tocqueville on, 13336

uniformity of, 8889, 13337, 16869, 17273

universities, 159

free speech and, 2122, 184n37, 185n39

humanities departments, 17677

universities, diversity and. See also diversity studies, in universities

conservatives and, 3, 176

cultural world and, 3

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 23

requirements, 176

University of California

Berkeley, 21, 184n37

books on diversity at, 182n7

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 23

variety. See also biodiversity; diversity

of faces, 9596, 98

Greek Stoics on, 94

Mill on, 14350

in nature, 9399, 104, 199n9

plurality of human behavior, 97

plurality of worlds, 95, 199n9

quarrel of ancients and moderns over, 1045, 201n27

of religion, 100101

Romans and, 94

uniformity and, 175

in writing, 9697

Variety: The Life of a Roman Concept (Fitzgerald, W.), 94

Vischer, Friedrich, 33

Voltaire, 97, 98, 123, 124

Wagler, Ira, 6

Walach, Elie, 180, 219n12

Walter Benjamin at the Dairy Queen (McMurtry), 69, 70

Washington, George, 108

wealthy, childhood of, 63

Weber, Shlomo, 5152

welfare state, 2223


clothing and, 3239, 187n20

equality, markets and, 5657

Where Did You Go? Out. What Did You Do? Nothing (Smith, R.), 14, 7374

Whitfield, Stephen J., 173

Wood, Peter, 2

working class, 2526, 3739

World War I, 12, 67, 68, 16768, 172, 194n16, 206n87

Wu, Tim, 92

Yiddish, 111

Young, Arthur, 108

Zamenhof, Ludovik, 41

Zeitlin, Steven, 79

Zelizer, Viviana, 6566

Zweig, Stefan, 71, 8788, 89