Chapter 20
Saturday morning we wake up and eat a fabulous continental breakfast. Who am I kidding? It tastes like a piece of cardboard with a side of rubbery eggs. Mom and Gran must feel the same way, based on the look on their faces.
“This shit’s horrible!” Gran exclaims as she stands. Oh shit. She’s going to give someone an earful.
I quietly slide down in my seat and Mom begins to laugh. “Get used to it, Cade. She’s never going to change, and you’ll thank her one day.”
“Or I’ll be like her one day.” Mom starts to laugh and before I know it, Gran comes back to the table with a fresh cup of coffee, a gift card to Cracker Barrel, and a discount on our next stay. I look at Mom and she smiles.
“Come on girls. Let’s get us a real breakfast! I need blueberry pancakes, stat.”
We quickly dispose of our food, then I check my dance bag for the third time, and the three of us make a short trip to Cracker Barrel. Thank goodness for a late arrival time.
I’ve never been to a Cracker Barrel before and when we walk into the lobby it looks like we stepped back in time. What is that awful stench? Soon I realize it’s a fire burning in the fireplace and my nose hates it because I begin to sneeze. Thankfully we are seated near a window and not the fireplace. I stare at the menu trying to decide what to eat. There are several healthy options, but blueberry pancakes do sound amazing.
“Go ahead Cade, order some. You know you want to, and carbs are good for energy,” Gran says as she nudges my shoulder.
“Maybe I should live a little, but I’ll take the sugar-free syrup and turkey bacon,” I state.
“Heck if you’re gonna do that, don’t bother. Get real syrup and bacon. Go big or go home,” she cheers. Where does she get this stuff?
Looking at Mom, she starts to laugh. “Hey, that’s your gran.”
“And your mother,” I remind her and we all quietly laugh while Gran acts as if we’ve lost our minds. I love it.
Taking a bite of those pancakes is like a little piece of heaven. It’s almost like my favorite croissant, but the syrup makes my mouth scream in delight.
Gran looks at me and I can already read her mind. “Go on and say it.”
She smiles before letting the words leave her mouth. “I told ya so,” she says as she stabs her fork in her pancakes and takes a bite while making a sound that should be illegal. I glance around and see a few eyes on us, but instead of hiding I smile sweetly. I love my crazy gran.
Once we finish eating, Gran walks us around the store. I’m amazed at all the old-timey toys, candy, clothes, and décor that would make a country lady go coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. Gran picks out some candy and pays for it then we walk outside and take a seat in the rocking chairs while we wait for Mom.
It’s peaceful out here with Gran, except for the sound of traffic coming off of the nearby interstate.
“Thanks, Gran,” I state.
“For what?”
“For being you.”
She pops a sucker in her mouth. “Well, who the hell did you think I’d be?” I shake my head because what do you say to that?
After an exhausting day of dancing, we accept our awards and head home. I text Barrick to let him know we’re on our way. I can’t wait to see him, and as exhausted as I am, I would love to spend the night dancing with him at The Loft or our spot. I don’t care which; I just want to be with him.
That damn Daisy has yet to deliver. When Cadence calls to let me know they are on their way home, I ask her to hand the phone to Ms. Mae. I let her know that Daisy has yet to deliver and ask if she’d like me to stay the night to keep an eye on her. She tells me not to worry, that having a calf is a natural thing and it will happen in due time.
After I check on Daisy one more time, I hurry home, shower, and get ready. I pull out a pair of jeans and a button up, slide on my boots, and grab my wallet and keys. Making my way downstairs I hear the door open and see my parents and sister walking in.
Jade lets out a whistle. “Where are you headed off to?” she questions.
“The Loft,” I state.
“Without Cadence?” she asks.
“No, I was going to stop by and see if she wanted to go too.”
Dad and Mom look at each other and I know what’s about to happen. “Bare, you sure that’s a good idea? It’s been a long weekend. I’m sure she’s exhausted,” Mom says.
“I’m going to go and see her, and check on Daisy. No worries. I promise my eyes won’t get the size of a house,” I say with a straight face.
Jade bursts out laughing, Mom gives her the evil eye, and Dad pulls out a chair. Damn. I take a seat as Mom and Jade leave us alone.
“Dad, don’t,” I say.
“Barrick, do you really think I’m going to have that talk with you? Hell, you’re a grown man. I wanted to talk to you about something else a minute. Son, you’ve proven yourself this year at Ms. Mae’s, but you need to decide if you want to continue going to community college. I want you to get a good education first and foremost, whether it’s here or elsewhere.” So it’s the other dreaded talk. Now that I have Cadence, I want to have bigger goals but I still don’t have everything figured out yet.
“Thanks Dad. I’m not sure what I want to do yet. I love working the farm and now that I’ve met Cadence, I’m just not sure if I want to go far away.”
“Son, you know she has her own choices to make. I heard about her acceptance to the Boston Conservatory.”
“Wait? What?”
“She didn’t tell you?”
“Your mom told me while we were at the competition. Cadence hasn’t decided yet but she hasn’t said no, either. Do you think she’ll stay local for you? It’s only been a few months that she hasn’t been causing trouble for Ms. Mae.”
“I don’t know. I don’t even know why she didn’t tell me. Dad, I told her I loved her and she said she loves me too. I’ve never met anyone like her. She used to drive me crazy and now I just can’t stand to be away from her. Why wouldn’t she tell me?”
“I don’t know, son, but part of being an adult is making hard decisions. Just make sure you make the right ones for you and you’ll have to support her when she makes the right decisions for her.”
“Well, I guess I have a lot to think about,” I say as I stand to leave.
“I’m always here for you when you’re ready to work it out.”
“Thanks Dad,” I say as I hug him goodbye and walk to my truck.
I call Cadence on my way over to hear about the competition and we are still on the phone when I pull down the drive. She is standing at the barn and when she sees me, she hangs up and runs toward my truck. It’s almost as if she’s in slow motion and can’t reach me fast enough.
I hurry out of the truck and jog toward her. As she meets me, she jumps into my arms and I never want to let her go.
“Miss me much?”
“More than you know,” she says as she starts to kiss me, but then pauses. “Why are you so dressed up?”
“I thought I’d take my girl out. You up for it?”
She glances down at herself. “Give me twenty minutes,” she says as she kisses me briefly and sprints to the house.
Shaking my head, I hop in my truck and put it in drive as I pull up beside her.
“Wanna ride?” I question.
She stops and takes a deep breath. “Why didn’t you stop me?” she asks, sliding in the front seat.
“You took off before I could say a word,” I say as I park in front of the house.
“I’ll be right back,” she says, kissing me quickly and hurrying inside.
Cutting off the ignition, I walk to the front door and knock before entering. “Ms. Mae?” I holler.
“In here, Barrick,” she calls from the laundry room. Walking in, she starts to talk but stops abruptly. “What made you put on the dog?” she asks with her hands on her hips. I look around confused. She gestures at me from head to toe. “This. Why are you dressed up?”
“I thought I’d take Cadence to The Loft but if she was too tired, I’d just visit. Besides, I wanted to check on Daisy too.”
She shakes her head as she folds a t-shirt from the dryer. “You’re not delivering a calf lookin’ like that. Oh, and speaking of dancin’…” she starts to say.
“No need. I heard enough already from Jade and my dad. I can’t believe you’d throw your favorite worker under the bus like that,” I smirk.
“Wipe that smirk off your face, young man. That’s my granddaughter’s ass you were checkin’ out. Don’t let me catch you doin’ it again. Ya hear me?”
I say the only thing I’ve been trained to say. “Yes, ma’am.”
At the sound of footsteps in the hallway, I turn around to find Cadence in a pair of skintight jeans with a top that gives me a slight view of her shoulders. She stands there and smiles with her makeup done perfectly. When she turns around, I see that her shirt leaves little to the imagination from the back, but thank goodness her hair is trailing down her back, covering up her perfect ivory skin.
“Goodnight Gran, I’ll be home by eleven,” Cadence says as we walk to the front door.
“Ya’ll be good now,” she hollers back.
“Yes, ma’am,” we say in unison as I place my hand on her lower back and guide her toward my truck. I take in every inch of her beauty before I walk around and we make our way to The Loft.
Barrick is quiet as he pulls into The Loft and I wonder if we’re both just tired from the long week. When he comes around and lets me out, he takes my hand in his and leads me inside.
We walk to the bar and he orders me an unsweet tea and a soda for himself. He hands me the tea and we stand around and talk about the competition and Daisy. He’s sure she’s going to deliver this week, but says we’re on God’s time. Something feels a little off but I decide not to push it. I just want to enjoy our night out.
As a couple’s dance breaks out he smiles, places my drink on the bar, and pulls me toward the dance floor. I don’t know what he’s thinking because I’ve never done this before.
He takes my hand in his, holding it mid-air while placing his other hand on the small of my back. Doing what’s natural, I place my other arm on his shoulder and feel as if I’m caught in a bad week on Dancing with the Stars.
“Cade, just follow my lead,” he says, and I give him a nod. Within moments we’re winding around the dance floor. After I’ve got the hang of it, he looks at me and asks if I’m ready. I have no clue what he’s talking about but tell him yes anyway. Before I know what’s going on, he’s spinning me around, pulling me back into position. I laugh like I haven’t in a long time and when the song ends, he pulls me in close, looks into my eyes and as his lips cover mine, I fall harder and harder for this delightful country boy.
Pulling apart as the music changes, I realize that the band’s on a break and it’s not classic country music; instead it’s the kind with a good beat that could be played on a pop station. I have to dance, and I think Gran might not be happy. Taking Barrick by the hand, I take my place on the dance floor and sway my hips to the beat of the music. He holds me tightly and moves right along with me. Thank goodness Jade taught him well.
When the song ends, he whispers in my ear. “I’m so glad Ms. Mae isn’t here.” Giggling uncontrollably, I turn to face him and place my hands on the side of his face and kiss him sweetly.
“I love you, Barrick Carpenter.”
“I love you more,” he says as he kisses me and everything feels right again. When the music changes, the dancer inside me feels a new beat. It’s screaming at me to make a move. I pause and Barrick notices. What is that? I hear clapping and a guitar. This isn’t my style but something about this song is calling to me.
“Maren Morris,” Barrick states.
“This is ‘My Church’ by Maren Morris,” he explains and then begins to sing. Hmm, watching a country boy sing a very girlish song is the most adorable thing. I take a moment to feel the beat and let myself go. Barrick takes me in his arms and we move as one. I can promise as soon as I get home tonight, I’m downloading this one so I’ll never forget this moment with him.
Never in my life did I expect Maren Morris to be the song to make Cadence find a love for country music. If anything, I expected a Luke Bryan or Thomas Rhett song because they kind of have a pop feel, but if this is what she likes, then she’s my girl. My girl.
We needed this time together. After the conversation with Dad, I’m afraid our time is limited. I was going to ask her about Boston when we were at the bar but I decided I just wanted to have fun instead. I didn’t want to ruin the evening.
When the band comes back to the stage, I check the time and realize she needs to get home. I lead her to the truck and before I can close my door, I see her downloading the song on her phone. It makes me smile and when she catches me looking at her, she giggles.
I slide up the center console and motion for her to slide over. Then I tell her to plug her phone into my adapter so we can listen to “My Church” on the way home.
We listen to it on repeat and as we arrive at the house, she waits for the final words to play before turning off the radio.
“Who’s Hank?” she questions. I try my best not to laugh because I know she’s serious, and that’s when I hear Ms. Mae, my mama, and Jade, in my head saying Bless her heart.
“We’ll save that lesson for another day. He’s kinda like one part of the holy trinity of country music.” She looks confused. “You know Cash, Waylon, and Hank.” She shakes her head and I laugh.
“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you all about them.”
“Can’t wait,” she says sarcastically as I help her out of the truck.
I give her a kiss and walk her to the front door. Then she gives me one more before going inside. As I stand on the porch, my head and heart are spinning. My head is telling me not to get too serious and my heart is saying too late; Cadence Lewis is my church.