Chapter 33


The next two weeks fly by and I’m still anxiously waiting for an acceptance letter. On Tuesday afternoon, I swing by the house to check the mail before going to the studio. There’s nothing in the mailbox and I can only assume that Gran has already gotten the mail. I quickly go to the house to ask, knowing I have to be at the studio within the hour.

“Gran!” I call as I walk in the house. “Anything…” I start to say as I see two monster envelopes on the table. One is from East Carolina University and the other is from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. My heart begins to beat rapidly.

“So, you gonna open them or what?” Gran asks as she walks in the room. I didn’t think one would arrive today, let alone two.

“I don’t know if I can. What if they don’t want me?” I ask her.

“Then they are dumb as rocks, and bigger and better things are on your way. But I’m guessing the bigger the envelope, the better,” she says wisely.

I take the envelope from UNCG, which is on top, and rip it open.

Ms. Lewis, Thank you for your application. You have been accepted for the Fall 2016 semester at the University…

I stop reading at that point and then take the other envelope and tear it open; I can’t believe what I see.

Ms. Lewis, we would like to congratulate you on your admission to East Carolina University.

Dropping the letters on the table, I look at Gran. “I told ya so,” she says as she gives me a great big hug.

I take a few minutes to process what has happened. I’ve been accepted to both schools. They are the two best in the state and Jade is going to one of them. We could be roommates but I’m drawing the line at matching comforters. I can’t wait to tell her.

I know I’ve got to get to the studio but when I see that Barrick’s truck is still at the barn, I sprint down and find him in the tool closet.

“I got in!” I exclaim, as he turns to face me with the biggest smile on his face. I jump into his arms as he spins me around.

“Which one?”

“Both ECU and UNCG!”

“I never doubted it for a moment,” he says as he looks me in the eyes and kisses me sweetly. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the studio?”

“I had to check the mailbox first,” I shrug.

“I’m so proud of you! How about we celebrate tonight? Me and you under the stars?”

“Sounds perfect! I’ll be finished at the studio around seven,” I state.

“Perfect. I’ll pick you up at eight after I clear it with Ms. Mae,” he winks.

“I love you, Barrick Carpenter,” I say as I leave my arms around his neck.

“I love you more than life itself,” he says as we stare into each other’s eyes and I swear I can see into his soul.

I can’t contain my excitement when I get to the studio and tell Jade about the acceptance letters. We jump up and down while Ms. Lyndsay congratulates me. She declares that we need to celebrate, so instead of flex we have freestyle hour. I’m truly blessed that I have a dance family that celebrates each other’s accomplishments. Before leaving, Ms. Lyndsay pulls me to the side and tells me how proud she is of me.

“Thank you. I’m excited I got in but what if I don’t get into the dance program at either one?” I ask with concern.

“We will worry about that in the future, but right now you have one foot in the door. You also have two options. Take a moment to think about where you see yourself. Is it UNCG or ECU? Where does Cadence Lewis feel at home? The choice is yours, but I have a feeling your heart already has an answer.” She’s right. I know exactly where I belong.


When Cadence pulls out of the driveway, I walk up to the house to ask Ms. Mae for permission to celebrate tonight since it’s a school night.

“Hey Ms. Mae,” I say as I sit on the front porch. “How about our girl?”

“I know! I’m so excited. Two schools in the same day. Which one do you think she’ll choose?”

“Honestly, I think she’ll go wherever she gets into the dance program. I’m not sure if she has time for a company to pick her up,” I state as I take a seat beside her.

“Good point. I just want that sweet fireball to be happy. She’s had to deal with so much shit. She deserves to be happy,” Ms. Mae says with so much heart.

“I agree,” I say as we sit there for a few more minutes. “I was wondering if it would be okay if I took her to celebrate tonight. I mean, it’s not often you get accepted to college, but two in the same day.”

“I don’t think Regina will mind as long as her homework is finished and she’s home by ten,” Ms. Mae states.

“Thanks. I’m going to finish up,” I say as I start to stand, but Ms. Mae takes my hand.

“What about you, Barrick? What are you going to do?”

“Well, I wasn’t going to say anything but I applied to ECU as well and I’m waiting to hear if I got in.”

“Barrick, are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Yes ma’am. I never wanted to leave Delight. But now that Cadence is in my life, I want to be a better man for her. My dad and I talked about the importance of my education and I am making the decision for me.”

“Barrick, I’m proud of you. You’ve got a good head on those shoulders. I won’t say anything to Cadence. I’ll let you tell her when you’re ready.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” She pats my hand, stands, and walks inside.

I sit there for a few minutes trying to come up with a plan for the celebration Cadence deserves. Then it hits me. I’ll have her party here. I knock on the door and ask Ms. Mae, and she loves the idea. She calls Regina at work to let her know and then tells me she will bake a cake.

“How are you going to decorate?” Ms. Mae questions.

“I have no idea,” I say, honestly.

“Poor boy. Let me help you. Why don’t we walk to the barn, make a plan, and then we can get started. Go ahead and text your friends. The more the merrier,” she says.

“I was hoping to keep it kinda small. I’m afraid if we tell too many, there will be a field party before we know it.”

“That’s it! A big bonfire! I’ve got that pile down by the compost that needs to be burned.”

“Are you serious? Maybe we should do this tomorrow night?”

“Nah. With it being a school night, I know all y’all will leave before it’s too late,” she says with a wink.

Ms. Mae takes old feedbags and decorates some of the old wooden tables with them, then adds a mason jar with a candle in it. I’m truly amazed at how nice it looks. We also arrange a table for food and drinks. Ms. Mae leaves to make the cake while I get the bonfire set up.

Once everything’s taken care of, I send Jade and Aaron a text. I ask them to tell a few others but not Cadence. Of course, Jade thinks she’s going to kill me, but if that’s the case I’ll die a happy man.

Ms. Mae walks back to the barn and we step back to take it all in. Something is missing. Seeing an old pallet, I know exactly what we need. She needs a sign of some kind. I go to the closet and grab a paintbrush and bucket of paint as Ms. Mae follows behind me to see what I’m doing.

“Oh! How could we have forgotten that?” she asks as she helps me decorate it. Once we finish, we stand and look. It’s not an artist’s work, but it’s as artistic as I can be. We move it to the entrance of the barn. Realizing it might be dark when she arrives, I move it directly inside the barn under the light. I can’t wait for Cadence to get home.

Looking at the time, I hurry home to let my parents know what is going on and invite them to celebrate as well. I quickly shower and get changed and we all drive back to Ms. Mae’s together.