THE CALL FROM HAYDEN came as a total shock. Brody had just stepped out of the shower, where he’d stood under the hot spray for a good half hour to get the kinks out of his muscles. He’d intended to grab a beer from the fridge and watch the highlight reel on ESPN, maybe give Becker a call to talk about Craig Wyatt, and then his cell phone began chirping out a tinny rendition of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 and Hayden’s throaty voice was on the other end.

Come over.

She’d only spoken those two words, then disconnected, leaving him both pleased and befuddled.

Obviously she’d finally changed her mind and taken him up on his offer to continue the fantasy she’d started two nights ago, but was it still just sex she craved? Or was she looking for something extra this time around?

Shit, he was getting ahead of himself here. Hayden was simply inviting him back into her bed for another wild romp, not offering to make a commitment.

He quickly put on a pair of jeans and pulled an old Warriors jersey over his head. Then he grabbed his car keys from the credenza in the hallway, shoved his wallet into his back pocket and left the house, breathing in the damp night air.

It was mid-May, which meant the nights were still cool and the chance of a thunderstorm or even a freak blizzard wasn’t all that far-fetched, but Brody loved this time of year, when spring and summer battled for domination over Chicago’s climate. He’d lived in this city almost eight years now, and he’d grown to appreciate and enjoy everything about it, even the indecisive seasons.

When he pulled up in front of Hayden’s hotel, a light drizzle of rain was sliding across the windshield. He hopped out of the SUV and entered the lobby just as a bolt of lightning filled the sky. Thunder roared ominously in the distance, growing louder and louder until the rain became a steady downpour.

Shaking droplets of water from his hair, he approached the check-in desk and asked the clerk behind it to ring Hayden’s suite. A moment later, the clerk walked him over to the elevator and inserted a key into the panel that would allow Brody access to the penthouse, then left him alone in the car.

The elevator soared upward, its doors opening into the suite, where Hayden was waiting for him.

“I have some ground rules,” she said in lieu of a greeting.

He grinned. “Hello to you, too.”

“Hello. I have some ground rules.”

He tossed his car keys on a glass table beside one of the couches and moved toward her.

Even in sweats, she looked amazing. He liked how she’d pulled her hair back in a messy ponytail, how a few haphazard strands framed her face, which was devoid of makeup. He especially liked how her thin tank top didn’t hide the fact that she wore no bra.

His mouth ran dry as he dragged his gaze across those gorgeous breasts, the outline of her dusky nipples visible through the white shirt.

Her fair cheeks grew flushed at his perusal. “Don’t ogle. It’s unbecoming.”

He grinned. “Ah, I was wondering where Miss Prim and Proper had gone. Hello, Professor, nice to see you again.”

“I am not prim and proper,” she protested.

“Not in bed anyway…”

“Ground rules,” she repeated firmly.

He released a sigh. “All right. Get it out of your system.”

She leaned against the arm of the couch, resting her hands on her thighs. “This is only going to be sex,” she began, her throaty voice wavering in a way that brought a smile to his lips. “Continuing the fantasy, or whatever it was you said. Agreed?”

“I’m not agreeing to anything yet. Is there more?”

“My father can’t know anything about it.” She paused, looking uncomfortable. “And I’d prefer if we weren’t seen in public together.”

His nostrils flared. “Ashamed of being linked to a hockey player?”

“Look, you already know the franchise is taking some heat, Brody. I don’t want to make things worse for my dad by giving the media more fuel for the fire they’re determined to start.”

He had to admit her words made sense. After seeing Craig Wyatt whispering with Sheila Houston at the arena today, Brody had no interest in stoking the fire. Best-case scenario, if he was spotted with Hayden, the press would sensationalize the relationship the way they were currently sensationalizing everything else associated with the Warriors. Worst-case scenario, a jerk reporter would insinuate that the team owner’s daughter knew of her father’s guilt and was either trying to shut Brody up because he was involved, or sleeping with him to find out what he knew.

He didn’t particularly like either of those scenarios.

Still, he wasn’t about to let Hayden get her way entirely. He had a few demands himself.

“If I agree to your rules, you have to agree to mine,” he said roughly, crossing his arms over his chest.

She swallowed. “Like what?”

“If you’re in my bed, that’s the only bed you’ll be in.” He set his jaw. “I won’t share you, especially not with the guy waiting for you in California.”

“Of course.”

“And you have to promise to keep an open mind.”

Interest flickered in her gaze. “Sexually?”

“Sure. But emotionally, too. All I’m saying is that if things between us get…deeper, you can’t run away from it.”

After a beat of silence, she nodded. “I can do that. And do you agree to keep whatever we do here to yourself?”

“I can do that,” he mimicked with a grin.

“Then what are you waiting for?” she asked. “Take off your clothes already.”


HAYDEN COULD barely contain her amusement as Brody pulled his jersey over his head and tossed it aside. He reminded her of a kid on Christmas morning. The eagerness practically radiated from his tall, powerful body, but when he pushed his jeans down his legs there was nothing comical about the situation anymore.

His cock sprang up against the material of his boxers, demanding attention and making Hayden’s mouth grow dry.

No matter how unsettling she found Brody’s terms, it was too late to reverse her decision. He wanted her to keep an open mind, fine. But she highly doubted things between them would get deeper, as he’d suggested. Their one-night stand may have turned into a fling, but she was confident it wouldn’t go further than that.

Besides, right now she didn’t want or need to think about the future, not when there were more important things to focus on. Such as Brody’s spectacular body and all the things she wanted to do to it.

An impish grin lifted the corner of her mouth as she remembered what he’d done to her body the night before at the bar. Her next move suddenly became very clear.

“The keeping-an-open-mind part,” she said mischievously. “It goes for you, too, right?”

Brody kicked aside his boxers and fixed her with an intrigued stare. “What do you have in mind?”

She didn’t answer. Crooking her finger at him, she gestured for him to follow her down the hallway. They entered the bedroom, where she turned her finger to the bed and said, “Get comfortable.”

Brody raised his brows. “Are you planning to join me?”


He lowered himself onto the bed and leaned against the mountain of pillows at the headboard.

Fighting a smile, Hayden swept her gaze over Brody’s long naked body sprawled before her.

“I’m feeling lonely,” he murmured. “Are you going to stand there all night and watch me?”


“What’ll it take to get you to come here?”

She chewed on the inside of her cheek, thoughtful. “I don’t know. You’d have to make it worth my while, give me a good reason to get into that bed with you.”

He chuckled and grasped his shaft with his hand. “This isn’t reason enough?”

She laughed. “God, you’re arrogant.” She stared at his erection, the way his fingers had curled around the base, and moisture gathered in her panties. There was something seriously enticing about watching this man touch himself.

“C’mere,” he cajoled. “You don’t really want to make me do this alone, do you?”

His gruff voice sent shivers through her, making her nipples poke against her tank top. “I don’t know,” she said again. “I’m getting pretty turned-on watching you right now…”

Still watching his hand, she strode toward the desk under the curtained window, pulled the chair out and lowered herself on it. “Tell me what you’d want me to do, if I was lying there with you.”

Something raw and powerful flashed in his smoky blue eyes. “I think you already know.”

“Humor me.”

A hint of a smile lifted one corner of his mouth. Without breaking eye contact, he moved his hand up his shaft. From where she sat she could see a bead of moisture at the tip. Her sex throbbed.

“Well, I’d definitely encourage you to bring your tongue into play,” he said, his voice lowering to a husky pitch.

He squeezed his erection.

Uncontrollable need raced through her body and settled between her legs.

“Some licking would have to be involved,” he continued, propping one hand behind his head while his other hand continued stroking. “Sucking, of course.”

“Of course,” she agreed, shocked by the pure lust resonating through her.

Brody shot her a wolfish look.

She gasped when he quickened his pace. No man had ever done that in front of her before, and the sexual heat pulsating through her body was so strong she could barely breathe. There was something so kinky, so dirty about the way he was lying there, stroking himself while she watched. And that she was still fully clothed only made the situation hotter. It gave her the upper hand, reminding her of a fantasy she hadn’t dared to think about in years. Scratch that—she’d thought about it only yesterday, when she’d seen Brody at the arena.

She licked her lips, debating whether or not to bring it up.

“What are you thinking about?”

She was certain her embarrassment was written all over her face. And yet the pang of embarrassment was accompanied by a jolt of excitement, because for the first time in her life she was thinking about making that particular fantasy come true.


He stopped stroking and she almost cried out in disappointment. “No, keep doing that,” she murmured, meeting his eyes again.

“Not until you tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I…you’ll probably think it’s silly.”

“Try me.”

She couldn’t believe she was considering confessing her deepest, darkest fantasy to a man she’d known less than a week when she’d never raised the subject around guys she’d dated for months. That in itself said a lot.

Try him.

She swallowed and got to her feet. Eyeing her expectantly, Brody let go of his shaft and leaned his head against both hands, waiting. “Well?” he prompted.

“Promise not to laugh?”

“I won’t laugh. Scout’s honor.” He held up his fingers in a sign that she was fairly certain did not belong to the Boy Scouts, but, hell, at least he’d promised.

She took a breath, held it, then released it at the same time she blurted out the words. “I’ve always wanted to tie a man to my bed.”

He laughed softly.

“Hey!” Heat seared her cheeks. “You promised.”

“I’m not laughing at the request,” he said quickly. “You just took me by surprise.”

Relief washed over her, dimming her humiliation. “You’re not freaked?”

“Nope. I’m too turned-on to be freaked.”

Her focus dropped to his groin, which confirmed his admission. He was thick and hard, a sight that caused every last drop of hesitation and embarrassment to drain from her body like water from a tub. That spot between her legs began to ache, pushing her to action.

“Keep your arms just like that,” she ordered, drifting toward the walk-in closet. She grabbed what she needed from the top drawer of the built-in dresser and sauntered over to the bed.

Brody looked at the sheer panty hose in her hands and he grinned. “No fuzzy pink handcuffs?”

“Sorry, I left them in California.”


Laughing, she looped the panty hose around his wrists, brushing her fingers over the calluses on his palm. His hands were so strong, fingers long and tapered. A thrill shot through her as she tied those sturdy hands to the headboard. That he let her do it, without moving, without complaining, only deepened the thrill.

She liked it, this feeling of control, something she’d never really felt in the bedroom before. She was all about control when it came to her life, her job, her goals. But sex? Not so much.

With Brody, she was discovering a part of herself she’d denied for a long time. That first night when she’d propositioned him, then letting him touch her in a public bar, now tying him up to her bed—how on earth had he managed to unleash this passionate side of her?

“So what now?” he said hoarsely. “How does this bondage fantasy of yours play out?”

“Well, the fantasy includes some payback actually.” She made sure his hands were secure, then straddled him, still fully clothed. “You tortured me last night, Brody.”

“You seemed to enjoy it,” he teased.

“But you enjoyed it, too, didn’t you? You loved having that control over me, driving me wild with your fingers and knowing I wasn’t going to fight it.” She arched one slim eyebrow. “It’s my turn.”

He tested the bindings. The headboard shook. “I could easily get out of this position, you know.”

“But you won’t.”

“You sound sure of that.”

She bent down and pressed a kiss to his jaw, then licked her way to his earlobe and bit it. He shuddered, his cock jutting against her pelvis. “You’re dying for it,” she mocked.

A crooked smile stretched across his mouth. “Do people out on the West Coast know how deliciously evil you are, Hayden?”

“They don’t have a clue,” she said with a self-deprecating sigh.

He threw his head back and laughed. The desire and awe dancing in his eyes sent a wave of confidence rushing through her. Brody made her feel that she could do anything she wanted, be anyone she wanted, confess to any naughty longing she wanted, and he wouldn’t judge her.

“Well, it’s your turn, as you said,” Brody told her. “Let’s see what you’ve got. I warn you, I don’t lose control easily.”

“We’ll see about that.”

She pressed both palms to his chest, relishing the hard feel of him, running her fingers through the light sprinkling of hair covering his golden skin. Dipping her head, she traced his collarbone with her tongue.

Brody chuckled. “You can do better than that.”

She narrowed her eyes. Was he really convinced he could stay in control? Arrogant man! She’d just have to show him, wouldn’t she?

Not rising to his bait, she bent down and covered one flat nipple with her mouth.

He drew in a breath.

She ran her tongue down his chest, scraping her nails along his skin. He tasted like heaven—salty, spicy, masculine—and the hair leading to his groin tickled her lips as she kissed her way south. Her mouth finally reached his erection, but she made no move to wrap her lips around it. Instead she gently flicked her tongue against his tip then blew a stream of air over the moisture she’d left there.

Brody jerked and let out a soft curse.

“Everything okay?” she asked politely, lifting her head just in time to see the arousal creasing his rugged features.

“Is that all you’ve got?” he groaned.

“On the contrary.” She licked her lips and sent him a heavy-lidded look. “I’m just getting started.”

Oh, boy, there was nothing more empowering than driving a man as manly as Brody Croft into sheer and total orgasmic oblivion. Flames of arousal and satisfaction licked through Hayden’s body as she circled the tip of Brody’s cock with her tongue, savoring the taste of him.

Curling her fingers around his shaft, she licked him again, then sucked him into her mouth, trying not to smile when he released a low moan of pleasure. God, why hadn’t she done this before? She wanted to berate herself for everything she’d been missing.

In the back of her mind a little voice suggested that perhaps she’d never admitted this fantasy because she hadn’t found the right man to admit it to, but she forced the voice and its unsettling implications out of her brain. No more thinking. She didn’t want to analyze anything about this.

She moved her mouth up and down his shaft, and when she reached one hand down to cup his balls, he shuddered and grew even harder. Her mind was spinning from the incredible feel of him against her lips.

Lightly stroking his rock-hard thigh, she kissed his sensitive underside, then pumped him with her hand while she took him deep in her mouth again.

“You’re evil,” he wheezed out.

She lifted her head. “What happened to the master of control?”

“He didn’t stand a chance.”

She laughed. With one final kiss to his tip, she moved up to straddle him. She could feel the heat of his naked body searing through her clothing, making her pants feel like a tight, hot nuisance. But she didn’t undress. Not yet.

Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his and deepened the kiss. He made a frustrated sound and yet again tugged at the bindings constricting his hands. He was right—one forceful tug and the knots would come apart—but he continued lying there at her mercy. His biceps flexed as he tested the knots again. He let out a soft curse.

“Damn it, Hayden, I need to touch you.”

“Touch? Nope, sorry.”

She lifted her tank top over her head and threw it aside, baring her breasts. “But I’ll let you taste.” Bending closer, she offered him a sampling, and drew in a breath when he captured one nipple in his mouth and began feasting. He sucked on the rigid bud, hard, biting it gently until she cried out with pleasure that teetered toward pain.

“More,” he rasped, pulling away and staring at her pleadingly.

She laughed. “Define more.”

His gaze lowered to her thighs, a clear message of what he desired, and her sex instantly throbbed in response. If she gave him what he wanted, what she wanted, then the domination game would be shot to hell…but did she really care at this point? Could she last one more second without having this man’s hands all over her?

The moisture between her legs provided the answer to that question—a big fat no.

As he inched down a little, so that his head was flat on the pillow, she quickly slipped out of her pants, tore off her panties and knelt over him.

His tongue darted out and flicked over her clit.

“Oh,” she moaned, nearly falling backward at the jolt of excitement that ran through her. She was closer than she’d thought. The rippling wave of pleasure swelling inside her confirmed that she was on the brink, her orgasm about to crash to the surface.

Her thighs trembled as she tried to move away from his probing tongue, but he wouldn’t let her.

“I want you to come in my mouth,” he murmured, the husky sound reverberating against her flesh.

She reached for the headboard, gripped his bound hands and twined her fingers with his. Her heart thumped, her knees shook, and the moment she leaned into his warm lips again, the second he suckled her clit, she exploded.

Her climax tore through her, fierce, reckless. She gasped, sucking in oxygen as shards of colorful light danced before her eyes and prickled her flushed skin. Still shaking, she sagged against the headboard, struggling to regain her sense of equilibrium while she fumbled with the knots on his hands.

“I need you inside me. Now,” she squeezed out, finally untying him.

With a grin, he rotated his wrists to get the blood flowing again, but made no move to flip her over and plunge into her as she’d requested. “It’s your show, remember?”

He curled his fingers around her waist and pushed her down so she was straddling him again. From the end table, he swiped a condom she hadn’t even noticed him bring into the bedroom and handed it to her. “Do with me what you please.”

Swallowing, she rolled the condom onto his erection and shifted her legs. She was wet and ready for him, more than ready, but she didn’t guide him inside her. Instead, she brushed her nipples over his chest, enjoying the way his eyes narrowed with pleasure.

She ground her pelvis against him, teased him by pushing against his tip and then edging away from it. Feeling bold and wanton, she leaned forward, let her breasts graze his mouth, and murmured, “Tell me what you want, Brody.”

His voice hoarse, he said, “You.”

“Me what?”

A wicked gleam flashed in his eyes. “What was it you said to me that first night? Oh, right. I want you to fuck me.”

Oh, my.

Without another word, she lowered herself onto him, taking him all the way in, and began to ride him. The pleasure cascading through her body was almost too much to bear. He felt so good inside, so right and perfect.

She increased her pace, moving over him faster, harder, his husky groans urging her on.

He lifted his lean hips and met her thrust for thrust. Then he grasped her ass and rolled her over, his powerful body covering hers as he drove into her. Yes. Her insides clenched, pleading with her for release.

“Will you come for me?” he murmured, slowing his pace.

She made an unintelligible sound.

He chuckled. “What was that?”

“Yes,” she choked out.

With a satisfied nod, he plunged into her, hard, rough, stealing the breath right of her lungs. He reached down and stroked the place where they joined, continuing to pump inside her until she finally exploded again.

She gave herself to the orgasm that raced through her body. In the heavenly haze she heard Brody’s deep groan, felt his fingers dig into her hips as he jerked inside her.

Struggling to steady her breathing, she ran her hands up and down his sweat-soaked back, enjoying the hard planes and defined muscles under her fingertips. “God, that was…” She trailed off.

He touched her chin, lightly dragging his thumbnail over her jaw. “That was what?”

“Incredible.” A laugh flew out. “And to think I was going to spend the evening watching a documentary on a guy who cut his own ear off.”