It must be unusual for a boy who is three months short of his seventeenth birthday to be nearly seduced and nearly murdered within the same twelve hours, yet this is what happened to Peter Dolamore one April day on the north coast of France.

He had spent the first fortnight of his Easter holidays in a visit to the Château de Lambrécie, east of Valeyrac, in the northern tip of the Médoc peninsula.

The claret which this château produces is not one of crus classés (though it commands a ready sale in the markets of Bordeaux) but the château is noted for other things than its wines. Its owner, Joseph Wellborn, a Francophile Englishman, was a millionaire, a fact which did not make him outstanding in an area full of the wealthy owners of world-famous vineyards; but he was also the possessor, by inheritance, of a famous collection of pictures. “Much more valuable,” he would say deprecatingly when showing them to his visitors, “than the château which houses them or the vineyards which surround the château.”

Peter could estimate their value from the precautions which Mr. Wellborn took to guard them. He had never been in a house which was bolted and barred so thoroughly at night; and looking from the window of his turret bedroom he had seen either Hervé or Michel-Ange, who took it in turn to act as night watchman, patrolling the grounds followed by the big Alsatian shepherd dog, Bruno.

All in all it had not been a happy visit and he had been glad to be able to confine it to four days, on the grounds that it had taken him five days by bicycle to reach the château from Dieppe and would take him as long to return. His host had been formidably polite about this, as about everything. He had known Peter’s mother, a de Clissac, and he appreciated the fact that Peter spoke impeccable French; which was not surprising, since he had lived the first eleven years of his life with his mother in the St. Germain-en-Laye suburb of Paris.

The chance which had produced the invitation to the château was the fact that Peter was a school friend of Lisa Shilling, Joseph’s niece, although this did not much improve the entente, since there were many matters on which Joseph did not see eye to eye with his elder sister.

“The B and S is scrumptious,” Peter wrote to his friend Stewart Ives. “But I spend most of my time hoping I’m not going to drop some fearful brick. I get out as much as I can. The country round here is fairly uninspiring, though it’s fun watching the boats battling their way up the Gironde and there’s miles and miles of forest behind the château; that part’s pretty gloomy, actually. The second day I was here I went for a walk in it and got lost and was late for dinner. Didn’t make me popular. All in all I’m glad I’m leaving on Monday. I told them it would take me five days to the Channel, but I think I can do it in four, which will give me a free day for ancestor hunting.”

There was no need to explain any of this. He and Stewart had known each other long enough to correspond in a sort of shorthand. He would understand that B and S stood for ‘browsing and sluicing’ and he knew about the de Clissac family.

In accordance with this ambitious programme, on the Thursday evening Peter had pedalled into Sassencourt-le- Mauconduit, between Etretat and Dieppe, leg-weary and saddle-sore, but content. Two of the intervening nights had been spent in friendly farms and one in a dry ditch, at no cost to his pocket, and he reckoned he could afford to pass the last two nights of his trip comfortably if not luxuriously. The Hôtel Commerce, a medium-sized establishment behind the market square, had seemed to be just the ticket. He had nearly fallen asleep over the dinner table, had creaked upstairs to the tiny room in the attic which had been the only accommodation available and had tumbled into bed and into the depths of untroubled sleep.

On opening his eyes his first idea was that he was in hospital. When he had last been there, following the removal of his appendix, he remembered being tidied up for the consultant’s morning rounds. Two strong nurses had seized the bedclothes and tucked him in so tightly that he had hardly been able to breathe, let alone move. On this occasion the only difference was that there was one girl doing the tucking. Owing to the narrowness of the room, the other side of his bed was jammed against the wall.

He tried to sit up, said, “Hey!” and then, in his best French, “Am I a sardine to be enclosed in a tin?” He had noticed the girl on the previous night serving in the dining-room and had heard her addressed as Claudette. She had a lively street-urchin face; but this, as he was able to observe as she bent over him, was the only boyish thing about her. He thought she was not much older than he was.

She said, “Little idler, do you realise that it is now ten o’clock and that I have been ordered to make your bed?”

He said, “Surely you would be able to do it more effectively if I was not in it?”

He had managed to wriggle his shoulders clear of the bed clothes. This was unwise. He had forgotten that he was sleeping, as he normally did, naked. Claudette inspected what she could now see with approval.

Although no girl had ever made such a direct approach to him before, he was not unaware of the impression he made. His widowed mother, being a Frenchwoman, had discussed the matter with her son. She had said, “Some English girls fall for the typical French male, with his black hair, his virile face and his air of maturity and attack. French girls, on the contrary, are often accablées by the young Anglo-Saxon who has, as you well have, mon petit, blond hair, a nez camus and a general look as though he had just been hatched from the egg. You will have to guard your virginity carefully.”

Peter had been ten at the time of this pronouncement and had not taken it too seriously. Afterwards it had acquired a certain solemnity as being one of the last occasions on which his mother had spoken to him. She had been in bed at the time, with the onset of the leukaemia that had killed her. She had died a month later.

On his recent journey through France, at the farms where he had lodged, he had had an opportunity to confirm what his mother had said. When entering a strange household he usually concealed his knowledge of French and he had been able to understand the unguarded comments which the female members of the family had made.

“If I let you out of your nest,” said Claudette, “you must naturally pay a forfeit. It will not be too disagreeable, I hope. One kiss. Are you willing to pay such a price?”

“If I must,” said Peter hoarsely.

She slipped one arm under his bare shoulders and brought her face down towards his. She said, “Has no one taught you how to kiss? Open your mouth, baby.” Her tongue had come out and was probing for his.

‘This is all very well,’ said his inner monitor, ‘but if I do get out of bed, she’ll be able to see only too plainly what my feelings about her are.’ And then again, ‘What does it matter? Why not give her what she wants?’

Someone was shouting from outside. It sounded like the manageress, a dragon of a woman. “Haven’t you finished up there?”

“Nearly,” said the girl, disengaging herself and hurrying across the room.

“Have I to come up and give you the back of my hand? There are a thousand things to do.”

Peter was, by this time, propped up on his elbows. This offered a clear view of him down to his navel. Claudette examined it with increased pleasure. She said, “Tonight? Yes? I sleep alone. My room is at the end of the passage.”

“Yes,” said Peter breathlessly.

“What are you doing up there?”

“Nothing, nothing. I am coming. Old cow.”

Peter extracted himself from the bed and dressed thoughtfully. By the time he got down the dining-room was shut. He breakfasted at a café in the Square and turned his attention to the Michelin Guide.


The fourteenth century church of St. Brieuc des Caves which stands in a somewhat isolated position on the eastern side of Sassencourt possesses a number of interesting features. Originally it served as a chapel to the de Clissaque family and stood within the boundaries of their domain. It contains many of their tombs, armorial tablets and funerary inscriptions. At the beginning of this century it was adopted as the parish church of Sassencourt and Pont d’Ancrette. There are larger and more imposing churches in the district, but this one continues to attract not only its own congregation, but numerous visitors, on account of its possession of a triptych, gift of an early de Clissaque, attributed to Niccolò Frumenti and known as the Triptyque Scholastique, on account of the fact that the centre panel only is the work of Frumenti, the side panels having been executed by two pupils, one of whom, Paulo Agostino, attained to an even greater repute than his master.


He had had enough of bicycling in the last four days and decided to walk to the church, which he found nearly a mile out, on the side road to Gerville. A flagged path led from the road to the west door, which was locked. He was not discouraged. He knew that a side-door would usually be left open on week days, the main door being reserved for use on Sundays. The southern side of the church was blocked by the presbytère, a much later building, almost as large as the church itself. He therefore tried the path which ran clockwise round the building and found an unlocked door at the end of the north transept.

The interior was dim and silent. The walls were thick and the windows were small and heavily crusted with old stained glass. There was no sign of the ‘numerous visitors’ mentioned in the guide book. Peter, who had had some experience of French churches, had armed himself with a torch.

He spent ten minutes admiring the Frumenti triptych. The centre piece was the Virgin and the Holy Child. On the left were three, rather stylised, Magi. On the right a group of very human shepherds gaping up into the sky, with wide-open mouths. He tore himself away from this to examine the de Clissaque inscriptions and memorials. He started on the left of the transept and worked his way towards the eastern bay behind the high altar. Most of the plaques commemorated male members of the de Clissaque family who had predeceased their wives. In one case he noted that the widow, femme obéissante et soumise, had evidently thought it wrong to survive her Lord and had followed him respectueusement within three months. Other ladies had taken a more robust view and he noted Catherine de Clissaque who had survived her husband by forty years, outliving eight children and thirteen grandchildren who were all entombed in the same vault. ‘Quite a girl,’ he thought, writing down the names of the children in a note book he had brought with him.

What he was looking for in particular was information about the later members of the family, whom he could link up with his known maternal grandfather and great-grandfather. Unfortunately there seemed to be a complete gap after the third quarter of the eighteenth century. This, he realised, was due to the fact that many members of the family would have perished in the Terror; others would have been driven abroad, to live for twenty-five years in penury, their estates confiscated and divided in such a way that it had been impossible to ask for restitution when the Bourbons had returned.

These transcriptions had taken time. It was after four o’clock and his torch was showing signs of weakening before he reached the corner of the south transept. What he saw there looked promising. To start with, it was comparatively modern, a cercueil mounted on a low pediment; and the first name he saw on it had the modern spelling, ‘de Clissac’ and the date of death he deciphered as MDCCCXXXIII.

“Eighteen thirty-three,” said Peter. “That’s more like it. If I could read the rest of it I’d be getting somewhere.”

The inscription ran right round the lid of the coffin. Unfortunately the box-like structure of a confessional had been erected close to its far side, but there was just room to squeeze between the back of the monument and the wall. To get in he had to shift a brass vase. He pulled it out and inserted his slim person behind the pediment. He hoped that his torch was not going on the blink altogether. He had squatted down to bring his eyes level with the lettering, when he heard two people coming.

At first he thought it was one man, whose shoes clattered on the floor of the south transept. Since the only entrance to this transept was a door at the end which led out to the presbytère, he assumed that it was the curé. This was confirmed by a glimpse of the black soutane as the man swept past. Then he heard the second footsteps, much quieter. Someone wearing rubbers on his shoes had come through the side-door and was approaching. There was a murmur of greeting and then, to Peter’s dismay, both men made for the confessional.

This was divided into three narrow compartments, the centre one for the priest, the outer ones for the penitents. He realised that, squatting where he was, he was going to be able to hear every word of the newcomer’s confession. This was intolerably embarrassing. He decided to extract himself and slip out of the church. Then he changed his mind.

He knew the set words the penitent would be expected to use at the start: ‘Mon Dieu, tu es bon. Je t’ai offensé. Pardonne-moi mes péchés’ and the soothing reply: ‘Que Dieu notre père vous montre sa miséricorde.’

But here came a very different opening. Before the man could speak the priest said in the sharp voice of one who seeks to be authoritative, but is secretly afraid, “Is everything arranged?”

“Down to the last detail,” said the newcomer. The French was fluent, but Peter knew, from accent and intonation, that he was a foreigner.

“I will unlock the door in the north transept after midnight, but when you leave you are to give it the appearance of having been forced.”

“Of course.”

The dialogue then moved on to money. It seemed that half of an agreed sum had already been handed to the priest. A dispute developed over when, and how, the second half was to be paid. Peter decided that he would wait no longer. He could guess that the object of the thief was the Frumenti triptych, which was the only thing of value in the church. The prospect of its theft did not trouble him. It would no doubt end up in a museum and be seen by even more people. What was upsetting him was the voice of the newcomer. It had a hard, callous undertone which chilled him. He had no desire to be caught eavesdropping by the owner of such a voice.

He unfolded himself, slipped his torch into his pocket and started to edge out. He had forgotten the brass vase.

His foot hit it and sent it, ringing and clattering, into the aisle.

Abandoning any attempt at secrecy, he took to his heels.

He skirted the high altar and the pulpit beyond it and fled for the door in the north transept which both he and the newcomer had used. If he could get through it safely he was sure that his speed across country would see him safe. His prayer was answered. Not only was the door unfastened, it was standing ajar. He kicked it open and crashed through, almost into the arms of the man who was standing outside.

It was still quite light. For a long second they stared at each other, then Peter turned and dodged back into the church. It was an instinct of self-preservation, but it was a mistake. He should have trusted to agility and stayed outside. As he ran back, down the north aisle and into one of the pews, he heard the voice of the first man. He had not troubled to pursue him. He had taken up his position at the west end of the church and now said, in the voice of one accustomed to obedience, “Lock the door, Mahmoud and come here.”

Peter realised exactly what they were going to do.

Both men had torches. They were going to move down the side aisles, examining the pews in turn.

He tried to think.

Unless the priest helped them, they could only take one of the aisles each. This left him a limited field of manoeuvre. As they advanced down the side aisles he could, by using the centre aisle, move ahead of them. What was going to happen when he reached the end was something he tried not to think about.

At that moment the priest reappeared. He came out of the confessional, turned to the right and moved, with evident caution, into the south transept. It was clear that he had no desire to play any part in the unpleasant finale. He was making for home.

By now Peter, moving on hands and knees down the centre aisle, had reached the altar rail. He thought, for a moment, of hiding in the pulpit, but his wits, which worked well in an emergency, told him that to cower in the pulpit would be stupid. They also showed him a possible chance of escape.

He could hear the priest, who was the only one of them wearing hard-soled shoes, creaking his way along the south transept. He had guessed, from his voice, that he was elderly and timid. By the time he reached the presbytery exit Peter was a few yards behind him and coming up fast. Fear lent force to his attack. He launched himself at the priest’s back, bringing him to his knees, hurdled his body, slipped through the half-open door and slammed it behind him.

The passage ahead of him made a turn to the right and then the back door of the presbytery was ahead of him. It had been left ajar. As Peter went through it into the hall he could hear the pounding of his pursuers on the flagstones of the passage. He slammed this door, too, and heard it shut behind him with a satisfactory click. He reckoned it would take the men a few seconds to get the key from the priest and open it. This was fortunate, because the front door was both locked and bolted. By the time he got it open the pursuit was surging into the hall.

A short path led to the road. Beyond the road was a hedge, which he burst through. Beyond the hedge an open field. Dusk was already deepening into night and he reckoned he was safe, but he crossed three fields diagonally before he stopped.

A beautiful silence.

He crouched in the ditch he had landed in, getting his breath back and allowing his heart to stop bumping. When he stood up and started to walk his legs felt oddly weak. The road which he had crossed led to Gerville. He would stick to the fields until he got there. Then he could work out a round about way back to Sassencourt. Better to arrive there after dark since one of the men could recognise him.

It was eight o’clock by the time he reached the hotel and he could hear the clatter of knives and forks and the sound of cheerful voices from the dining-room. Claudette, who must have been watching for his return, came out with a pile of plates. As soon as she saw him she dumped them, seized his arm and dragged him into a small room which was used for coats and hats. Her intentions were not amorous. She was a badly frightened girl.

She said, “You must go.”


“Quickly, quickly. I have packed up your things.”

She showed him his knapsack, which she had hung behind the door.

Peter, who was beginning to be infected by the girl’s terror, said, “Please explain. What have I done?”

“You have done nothing. It was the two men.”

Peter knew now what was coming and his heart began to bump.

“They came here, enquiring. They have been to the other two hotels as well. All the other people here are regular visitors, so they were interested in you. They will be back again, soon.”

“Who are these men? What are they doing here?”

“They are Iranians, it is thought. They have been around for a week or more. It is clear that they have some project in mind. Probably criminal.”

“But,” said Peter, conscious that his throat was dry and that he was beginning to squeak, “This is absurd. You mean that they are known criminals, murderers perhaps. Why are they not taken into custody?”

“It was my brother who told me about them. He is in the Police Judiciaire at Fécamp. He said that when he reported their presence to his own chief he was told to take no further action. It seems that the order came from the headquarters in Paris.”

“You mean that they are free to do what they like? That they could attack me – kill me perhaps – and no one would do anything about it?”

“If they killed you,” said the girl unhappily, “then I am sure that notice would be taken of it.”

“Which would be a lot of use to me.”

“It is because of his feelings in the matter – he does not like the interference of the politicians in police matters, you understand – that my brother is willing to help. He has a car in the courtyard. We have put your bicycle in the back. If you give me one hundred francs that should be sufficient for a room for two nights and one dinner. I will tell madame some story—”

“I shall have to think of somewhere to stay for the night.”

“No need. The night boat from Dieppe, my brother says, goes at ten o’clock. You will be in plenty of time if you leave now.”

“That seems the best plan, then,” said Peter. He was extremely relieved at the idea of getting away. He gave Claudette his last hundred franc note and the kiss that she seemed to expect. Then she hurried him by a back passage to the yard in which a Citroën tourer was parked.

The brother was a saturnine young-old man in the dark grey suit which seemed to be the uniform of the French detective branch. He gestured to Peter to sit beside him and they drove away. As they were passing through St. Valery he said, “I should advise you not to pay too much attention to what my sister says. She gets odd ideas into her head sometimes.”

“Yes, indeed,” said Peter. Silence fell again until they reached St. Veulette. Then the young policeman said, “You were wise to leave. They are not agreeable characters, those two. They are not Frenchmen, you understand. They are foreigners. From Iran.”

Peter hesitated before asking the next question, but curiosity was stronger than discretion. He said, “Is it true that they enjoy some sort of protection?”

This produced a very long silence. Then the young man said, “If I were the Commissaire, in charge of the Brigade Criminelle, maybe I could answer your question.” A pause, whilst they negotiated the narrow main street of St. Aubin. Then, “As it is, I can only offer a surmise. As you know, the Ayatollah Khomeni lived for a number of years in France. He had many friends. When he left France to eject the Shah, some of them went back with him. But others did not. They remained here.”

Nothing further was said until they were approaching Dieppe. Then Peter took his courage into both hands once more. He said, “As long as these two men do nothing criminal, you leave them alone. But if you knew about a crime they were planning, you’d stop them?”

“What sort of crime had you in mind?” There was no trace of friendship in the voice. It was French officialdom speaking.

“Well, burglary. Or theft.” He added a brief account of his adventure.

“So you know that they plan to steal something? And you know what that thing is?”

“Well,” said Peter, “I don’t exactly know. But I’ve every reason to think—”

“What you think does not interest me. Only what you know.”

“In that case,” said Peter, “I suppose—”

“Unless you have definite information, it is better to keep quiet.”

“If that’s the way you want it.”

“I am saying it is in your own interest, you understand. I see that your boat is already in. It is never crowded at this time of night.”

While Peter was wheeling his bicycle up the gangplank it was not the question of accommodation that was worrying him. It was the question of food. He had suddenly realised that he was furiously hungry. Only a breakfast of coffee and croissants stood between him and the dinner he had snoozed over more than twenty-four hours before. There was a cafeteria on board, but it was shut and deserted. He returned to the quay and found a bar open. The only available food was ham sandwiches. He bought three of them, returned on board and settled down at the back of the saloon, which filled up gradually as the hour of departure approached.

He was wondering what he was going to do when the boat reached Newhaven, which it was scheduled to do at one o’clock in the morning. His uncle’s rectory was at Dollingford Parva, five miles outside Chichester. Normally it was approached by train from London and onwards by bus. Neither form of transport would be available at one o’clock in the morning. And even if he did succeed in persuading someone to give him a lift he would hardly be welcome at the rectory at such an hour.

He had finished his sandwiches and the boat was moving, before the solution occurred to him. There must be a boat-train to take passengers up to London. Once he was there he could kill time by finding an all-night restaurant which would fill the gap left by the sandwiches and then he could take an early train to Checkington, where Stewart Ives lived with his aunt. There was no difficulty about arriving at that house at any hour of the day or night. Mrs. Pye was so engaged in local affairs and charitable works that she hardly noticed what went on inside her own home.

This seemed to Peter such an admirable solution that he fell asleep, waking when the boat reached Newhaven.