Inside the Youth Center, hearing the raging battle, Bulk and Skull were trying to find a place to hide when a big piece of the wall came down with a terrible crash.
“Ahhh!” they both screamed.
Bulk scooped up the pets and hurried for the exit. When the dust cleared, they slowed down enough to look back. Seeing a pink-clad arm sticking out from the pile of wreckage, they both recognized the uniform immediately.
“It’s one of the Power Rangers!” Bulk said. Afraid to get any closer, he leaned this way and that for a better look. “Is she unconscious?” he asked.
The Pink Ranger’s fingers wriggled, and her hand began to feel around the fallen cinder blocks.
“Nope,” Skull said. “She’s just stuck. Should we help her?”
Bulk nodded at the animals in his arms. “I can’t,” he said. “I’m holding our whole cast. You go help her.”
A frowning Skull asked, “Me? Why me?”
“Because . . . Ahhhhh!” Bulk said, his eyes growing wide.
“Ahhh?” Skull repeated. “What kind of reason is ‘ahhh’?”
Bulk pointed. A skeletal figure in a cape and hat was coming through the hole.
“Oh!” Skull said, nodding. Then he screamed “ahhhhh!” as well.
Before the two could run, the false Green Ranger also clambered in through the hole. “Where do you think you’re going?” he said.
Thinking he was talking to them, the terrified bullies froze. But zeroing in on the skeleton, the false Green Ranger slammed his helmeted head into its belly, making it break into pieces.
“G-g-guess he didn’t m-mean us,” Bulk stammered.
“G-g-g-g-good!” Skull said.
And they creeped toward the exit once more.
Tommy’s body reassembled, but before he could move, Bones fired another Dragon Dagger blast that zapped him back into pieces.
Outside, the other Rangers were still trapped by the scores of Skeleton Warriors. They hadn’t heard what Bones or the Green Ranger had said, but that didn’t stop them from seeing the Pink Ranger crash through the Youth Center wall. Concerned about their friends, they rallied.
“Pink and Green need our help, fast! Special weapons!” the Red Ranger commanded.
In turn, each raised their hands and called out their weapons’ names, grabbing them as they appeared.
A downward swing from the Black Ranger’s Power Axe sundered the skeleton circle. The Blue Ranger’s thrusting Power Lance pushed the warriors farther apart, while the Red Ranger and the Yellow Ranger used their Power Sword and Power Daggers to batter the Skeleton Warriors repeatedly until they retreated.
“They’ll be back,” the Red Ranger said. “The only way to stop them permanently is to destroy Bones.” He waved his arm toward the gaping hole in the Youth Center and cried, “This way!”