- Abbau 282, 283, 291, 383n63
- Abgrund 221
- aboulia 19, 20, 22
- Abu Ghraib prison 170
- accelerationism 293–6
- ‘activity culture’ 121
- admiration 30–1, 33, 34, 74, 189, 307, 308, 310
- adolescence 29, 230, 231, 233
- adoption 101, 318, 325
- Adorno, Theodor and Horkheimer, Max 5, 24, 81, 103, 119, 121
- Dialectic of Enlightenment 3, 330n4
- affinity 227, 228, 229–30, 234
- Agacinski, Sylviane 203–4
- aidōs (αιδώς) 58, 102, 136, 212, 222, 231
- algebra 109, 153, 154
- Ali, Muhammad 72
- Al-Qaeda 5, 35–6, 170, 340n1
- Alvesson, Mats and Spicer, André 330n4
- ‘American way of life’ 3, 167–9
- analogue 3, 6, 22–4, 25, 47, 48
- anamnesis 27, 44, 104, 109, 179, 214
- Anders, Günther 305–6
- Anderson, Chris 8, 40, 106, 301
- anelpiston 19
- Anthropocene 86–107, 308, 383n61
- and barbarians 22, 38, 44, 94
- and capitalism 38, 44, 94, 178, 250
- and disinhibition 112, 124, 127–8, 232, 239
- and disintegration 187, 367n57
- and dreams 92–4, 96, 97, 98, 99, 264
- and hubris 40, 49
- and madness 178, 260–2
- and neganthropy 28, 50
- and reason 40, 113–14, 186, 239–40
- anthropology 31, 46–9, 144, 158–61, 186, 289, 290
- Anthropos 102, 201, 260, 265
- Antigone complex 231
- anti-Semitism 282, 283, 288
- Anwesen 214
- Apple 6, 169, 331n17
- ‘Arab Spring’ 35, 82, 170
- archi-protention 83, 258–61, 279, 284–5
- aretē (αρετη) 58, 136, 178, 180–1, 223–4
- Aristotle 39, 60, 329
- Ars Industrialis 31, 42, 294, 346n65
- as if 88–9, 350n6
- Asclepius 155–8
- Assad, Bashar al- 170
- Atlan, Henri 28
- attachment/detachment, libidinal 33
- attention economy 24
- Aufklärung 24, 40, 81, 119
- Auroux, Sylvain 151, 315
- automatization 238, 239, 294–5
- ‘Aux bords de la folie’ 132, 189
- Azéma, Marc 90
- Badiou, Alain 279, 382n56
- Bailly, Jean-Christophe 34, 324
- barbarians 35–45
- and absence of epoch 5, 21, 26, 76
- and Anthropocene 22, 38, 44, 94
- and capitalism 38, 44, 138–9, 242, 247, 253, 273
- and chaos 36–7, 38, 40–3, 51
- and dreams 94, 95
- and law 41–2, 44–5
- list of 36–7, 41
- and madness 76, 81–2, 94, 114, 131
- and negentropy 40, 42, 43
- and non-inhuman beings 44, 54, 56, 271
- and pharmakon 42, 54
- and rationalization 103, 104
- Barthes, Roland 59, 60
- Baruya society 32, 340n44
- Bataille, Georges 11, 90, 223, 246
- Bauwens, Michel 295
- Beardsworth, Richard 203
- Beck, Ulrich 124
- becoming (devenir) 10, 19, 43, 161, 224, 250, 278, 300, 304
- being-for-death 66, 202
- being-for-life 288, 292, 312
- Benedict, Ruth 212
- Benjamin, Walter 32
- Benslama, Fethi 169, 229–30
- Bergala, Alain 89, 233
- Berlusconi, Silvio 5
- Bernays, Edward 326
- Bernheim, Gilles 176, 365n33
- Berns, Thomas 7, 25, 154, 236
- Besetzung 252, 253, 254
- Besorgen (busyness) 16–17, 115, 258, 259, 282, 283, 334n30
- Bey, Hakim 113
- Bezos, Jeff 343n26
- Bideau, Alain 59
- ‘big data’ 7, 110, 239
- Big Four 6, 7, 43
- Big Short film 367n61
- bin Laden, Osama 169, 170, 340n1
- Binswanger, Ludwig 136, 144, 148–9, 158–60, 196–7, 289
- biosphere 38, 52, 95, 98, 174, 259–61, 267, 280
- biotechnology 272–3, 274–5
- bipolarity 291, 292
- Black Legion 72
- Blair, Tony 170
- Blanchot, Maurice 15, 61, 62, 186
- ‘blank generation’ 19
- Boehm, Rudolf 63
- Boltanski, Luc and Chiapello, Éve 238
- bomb, atomic 305–6
- Bonneuil, Christophe and Fressoz, Jean-Baptiste 63, 93, 98, 99, 106, 125–9, 220, 352n40
- boulēsis (βούλησις) 104–5
- bourgeoisie 225–6, 228–9, 237, 239, 240–4, 292
- Brachet, Antoine 36
- Breivik, Anders Behring 173
- Brown, Norman O. 252
- Bush, George H. W. and George W. 169–70
- Cahuzac, Jérôme 182–3, 246, 366n46
- calculation
- and capitalism 119, 242, 250–1, 252
- and denial 251, 282
- and Derrida 283, 291
- and Heidegger 202, 281–3, 288, 290
- and meditation 281–3, 288
- and morals 119, 225, 241
- and promise 199, 369n11
- calendarity 11–12, 17
- Calvino, Italo 27, 307, 308, 339n35
- Canguilhem, Georges 352n31
- and drugs, health and healing 122, 156, 159, 191–2, 368n73
- ‘forms of life’ 13, 28, 39, 96, 196–7, 202, 226
- capitalism 77–9, 167–92, 247–58
- and absence of epoch 173, 187–8, 189–90, 255–6, 290
- and Anthropocene 38, 44, 94, 178, 250
- and Ars Industrialis 51, 78, 204–5
- and barbarians 38, 44, 138–9, 242, 247, 253, 273
- and calculation 119, 242, 250–1, 252
- and care 26, 181, 326–7
- and death drive 175, 248–52, 255–6, 259–60, 283, 293
- and demoralization 236, 240–4, 247–8, 256
- and denial 97, 262–3, 302
- and denoetization 242, 275, 296, 297
- and digitalization 234–5, 295
- and disinhibition 111, 122–3
- and dreams 94, 95–6, 137, 254–7, 287, 295–6
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 128, 242, 247
- and Europe 78–9, 204–5
- and exosomatization 94, 95–6, 178, 250–1, 302
- and France 41, 171–2, 179, 203, 237, 238, 370n19
- and Freud 239
- and libidinal economy 38, 204, 261–2
- and life drive 249, 293
- and loss of reason 38, 174, 175–7, 183, 330n4
- and madness 52, 111, 134, 290–3
- and Marx 202, 238, 241–4, 294, 327
- and morals/morality 171, 175–9, 182–3, 189–92, 234–6, 252, 261–2
- and negentropy 244, 250, 254
- and nihilism 38, 178, 229
- and religion 291–2, 326–7
- and retentions 47–8, 77, 180
- and social systems 44, 46–7, 51–2, 236
- and surpluses 252, 377n49
- and technology 250–1, 294–5, 386n38
- and transindividuation 23, 46–7, 202–3, 253
- and Weber 47, 119, 151, 327
- see also disinhibition; globalization
- capitalism, computational 51, 100, 178, 238, 275, 290, 301
- capitalism, consumer 22, 38, 204–5, 231–2
- capitalism, industrial 44, 77, 98, 114
- capitalism, psychotic 120–1, 138–9, 296–8
- Capra, Frank 24, 338n19
- cardinality 11, 17, 383n61
- care 21, 27
- and capitalism 26, 181, 326–7
- carelessness 94–6, 181, 261, 264, 319
- and Christianity 319, 323–4, 328
- and Foucault 323–4, 325–6, 327, 329
- and Heidegger 259, 329
- and pharmakon 224, 293
- systems of 319–21, 323–4, 325, 326–7, 329
- Carles, Philippe and Comolli, Jean-Louis, Free Jazz/Black Power 73, 347n9
- ‘Carlton trial’ 182–3
- Cartesianism 109, 111, 140, 152–4, 159, 239, 302
- cathexis 252–3
- Ceballos, Gerardo 43
- Chamfort, Nicolas de 286
- chaos 36–7, 38, 40–3, 51, 131, 174
- Char, René 305, 308
- Charlie Hebdo attack 73, 173
- Chevènement, Jean-Pierre 76
- Chirac, Jacques 5
- Chomsky, Noam 151, 302
- Christianity 47, 315–29
- and adoption 101, 318, 325
- and capitalism 302, 316, 322
- and care 319, 323–4, 328
- cultural 315, 316
- and dreams 93, 294, 302, 304
- and infinity 317, 322–3, 328
- and love 317–18, 328
- and morals 225, 226, 237
- and mortality/immortality 317, 322–3
- and pharmakon 226, 322, 326, 328–9
- Protestantism 121, 319, 322
- and trust 319–20, 322
- citizenship 76, 188, 195
- classical age 94, 106, 110, 111, 113–14, 116–18, 120, 147, 150–1, 225, 286–7
- Clausius, Rudolf 243
- Clément, Gilles 27
- climate change 10–11, 98, 172, 174
- Cogito 106, 142–3, 145, 150, 300
- cognitivism 97, 106, 301, 302
- cohesion 229, 230, 234, 235
- Colin, Jean-Pierre 74
- Colin, Nicolas 36, 168–9
- Collins, George 203
- colonialism 93, 121
- Coltrane, John 73
- Comte-Sponville, André 25, 338n25
- concretization 93, 150–1, 153, 194–5, 301
- Condorcet, Nicolas de 124, 178
- confinement 117–18, 119, 358n7
- see also prison experience
- consciousness, and temporality 22, 337n13, 337n14, 337n16
- conservative revolution 41, 204, 375n42
- consistences 57, 186, 210–11, 212, 227
- ‘consultancy industry’ 121
- consumerism 22, 24, 26, 38
- contempt 123
- conversion 299–300, 306–8, 310
- COP21 (UN conference on Climate Change, Paris 2015) 11, 66, 171–2
- Coriat, Benjamin 295
- Corinthians, First Epistle to 288
- Cornara, Hervé 79–80
- courage 223–4, 258–85, 312
- cowardice 22, 65–7, 258, 263, 265, 269, 291
- Crary, Jonathan 25, 287
- Crawley, Alfred Ernest 339n42
- credit 177–9, 270
- crime 122–3, 131
- cross, folly of 288–90
- Crozier, Michel, Huntington, Samuel P. and Watanuki, Joji 270
- culture 82–5, 124
- culture industry 3, 23, 47, 84, 271
- D., radicalized Muslim 71, 74, 212
- Dada 181
- Daedalus 127
- Daesh 35–6, 37, 170–1, 276
- Dalbéra, Jean-Pierre 74
- Dasein (there-being) 12, 16–18, 19, 91, 115, 149, 258–9, 281–2, 334n14
- data economy 7, 24, 41, 151, 153, 211, 234–5, 245, 271
- daydreams 86–9
- de Beauvoir, Simone 87, 100
- de Gaulle, Charles 237
- de Sablé, Marquise 286
- de Villepin, Dominique 170
- death drive 248–60, 284–5
- and capitalism 175, 248–52, 255–6, 259–60, 283, 293
- and Freud 54, 175, 244, 248, 254–5
- and young people 174, 285
- deceit 187–9
- default 17, 40, 58, 225–6, 304
- Deleuze, Gilles 15, 18, 60, 120, 131, 281
- delirium
- delusion 87, 110, 121
- dementia 91
- democracy 267–8, 269–71, 321
- demoralization
- and absence of epoch 10, 220–1, 246, 256, 262, 273
- and capitalism 236, 240–4, 247–8, 256
- and denial 175–6, 261, 262, 264, 266–7, 273, 283
- and denoetization 153, 163, 221, 256, 257
- and despair 172, 236
- and madness 66, 175–7
- and morale 175–7, 220, 221
- and remoralization 247, 256
- and transvaluation 245, 256, 257
- Demoule, Jean-Paul 48
- dénégation (denial) see denial
- denial 106–7, 220–36, 258–60, 262–5, 267–8, 280–1, 293–6, 305–6
- and calculation 251, 282
- and capitalism 97, 262–3, 302
- and courage 268, 305
- and denoetization 263, 283, 387n56
- and despair 173, 277
- and disavowal 273–6, 284
- and disinhibition 225
- and dreams 162, 264–5, 277–9
- and entropy 273, 275, 306, 381n42
- and exosomatization 194, 258, 302
- and Florian 22, 114
- and Freud 263, 273, 274–5, 276
- and Heidegger 17, 258–9, 281–2, 283–5, 335n31
- and morals/morality 220–36, 261–2
- and regression 265–7, 270
- and religion 227, 315
- and technology 67, 293–5
- see also disavowal
- denoetization 100, 266, 298–9
- and capitalism 242, 275, 296, 297
- and demoralization 153, 163, 221, 256, 257
- and denial 263, 283, 387n56
- and dreams 196, 198, 296, 311
- and nihilism 160, 221
- depressive illness 262–3
- Derrida, Jacques 280
- and calculation 283, 291
- Cogito 106, 142–3, 145–7, 150
- and différance 54, 161–2, 179, 291, 342n21
- and faith 319, 323
- and forgetting/memory 109, 261
- and Foucault 115, 118, 154
- ‘globalatinization’ 12, 316, 326
- and madness 40, 140–4, 145–7, 300
- ‘monstrosity’ 15, 54, 55, 63
- and Stiegler 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 74
- works
- ‘Cogito and the History of Madness’ 145–7
- Of Grammatology 54
- ‘My Sunday “Humanities”’ 161
- and writing 56, 290
- Descartes, René 108, 153, 302
- Deschamps, Eustache 90, 116, 130–1
- desire 14, 20, 33–4, 296, 318, 326
- ‘desolate time’ 12, 333n9
- despair 25–6, 172–5, 276–80, 291–2
- Desrosières, Alain 124
- deviance 111–12, 119
- Devil 225, 247, 307
- diabetes 95
- diesel engine 128
- différance 28, 93, 327
- and Derrida 54, 161–2, 179, 291, 342n21
- and Heidegger 16, 258, 283, 291, 308–9
- and law 179–80, 222
- and madness 145–7, 149
- and negentropy 162, 197, 259, 272, 281
- and reality 196, 252–3
- and Stiegler 52–4, 308–9
- difference, sexual 33, 274–5, 276
- differentiation, ethical 268
- ‘digital business’ 32
- ‘digital natives’ 12, 82, 183
- digital retentions 14, 18, 24, 25–6, 48, 95, 106, 180, 311
- digital studies 99, 195
- digitalization 12, 95–6
- and capitalism 234–5, 295
- digital disruption 37–8, 44–5, 341n10
- digital retentions 18, 24, 25–6, 48
- and Europe 44–5, 168
- and France 168–9, 203–4, 341n10
- and United States 6–7, 168–9
- see also technology
- dignity 256, 266–7
- Dijon killings 80, 349n33
- dikē (δίκη) 55, 58, 102, 221
- Diotima of Mantinea 89, 104
- disadjustment 91
- disavowal 258–60, 273–6, 284–5, 287, 296
- discipline 111–13
- diseconomy 112, 175–7, 248, 293
- disenchantment 81–2, 87, 88
- disindividuation 29–30, 39, 47, 75, 80, 189, 271
- disinhibition 52, 108–31, 177
- and Anthropocene 112, 124, 127–8, 232, 239
- and bourgeoisie 225, 239, 240–4
- and capitalism 111, 122–3
- and Foucault 110, 111–12, 153
- and Fressoz 126–9, 357n95
- and Gille 126, 127
- and globalization 81, 110, 111, 113
- and immunity 124, 130
- and madness 112, 134, 232, 238–40, 291
- and marketing 120, 177
- and modernity 111–13, 125–30, 134, 239, 264
- and morals/morality 108–31, 225
- and nihilism 220, 229, 232, 241
- and pharmakon 111–13, 122, 128
- and reflexivity 124, 125–30
- and risk 125–6, 129
- and Sloterdijk 81, 93, 111, 120–1, 122–3, 130–1, 220, 232, 238
- and will 106–7, 110–11, 112
- disintegration, moral 261–2, 291, 292
- disintegration, social 7, 39, 187, 221, 248
- disruption, anthropology of 46–9
- ‘dividual’ 53
- Dodds, Eric 212
- domination 100–1, 190, 241
- Dostaler, Gilles and Maris, Bernard 248–9, 250–2, 253–4, 255, 263
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 113, 120–3
- doubling/redoubling, epokhal 14–15, 42
- and absence of epoch 144, 149
- and capitalism 128, 242, 247
- and dreams 91, 92, 98, 99, 109, 144, 146–7
- and exosomatization 193, 194, 277–8, 301
- and individuation 32, 48, 98, 340n46
- and Sloterdijk 122, 238
- and technology 57, 238, 277–8
- doubt 152
- dragons 209, 225, 308–12
- dread, reign of 51–4
- dreams 86–107, 196–9, 286–312
- and Anthropocene 92–4, 96, 97, 98, 99, 264
- and anthropology 144, 158–60, 290
- and barbarians 94, 95
- and capitalism 94, 95–6, 137, 254–7, 287, 295–6
- and Cartesianism 152–4, 159
- and consistences 88, 89, 197
- and delirium 89–90, 104, 159
- and denial 162, 264–5, 277–9
- and denoetization 196, 198, 296, 311
- and Descartes 141, 150–2
- and desire 197, 298–9, 311–12
- and despair 287, 302–4
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 91, 92, 94, 98, 99, 109, 202, 277, 308, 311
- and exosomatization 92, 97–8, 161, 193–4, 233, 288
- and capitalism 94, 95–6
- and madness 136–7, 288
- and noesis 193–4, 196, 197, 223, 274–5, 289
- and non-inhuman beings 91, 197
- and realization of 91, 223
- and transhumanism 99, 100–1
- and extra-ordinary 86, 87–8, 89, 91
- and Florian/young people 149, 264–5, 266–7
- and Foucault 148–50, 288–90
- and Freud 152, 289
- and future time 103, 253–4, 287
- and hallucination 39–40, 42, 81, 93–4, 101, 135, 137, 199
- and hubris 144–5, 150–2, 201, 287
- hypothesis of the dream 140, 141, 148–9, 152
- and idealization 92, 230, 231, 232–4
- and innovation 91, 93, 94
- and madness 100, 102–4, 136–8, 140, 143–7, 286–8
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 144, 146–7
- and exosomatization 136–7, 288
- and Foucault 91, 136–8, 143–4
- and hypothesis 141, 148, 149
- and noesis 84, 287
- realization of 149, 159
- and marketing 198–9, 202
- and modernity 94, 106–7, 264
- and morals/morality 189, 232–4
- and Neganthropocene 104, 129, 150–2, 262, 298, 301, 302–4
- and neganthropy 100–4, 160–3, 308
- and noesis 90–1, 199–200, 274, 286–8, 296, 311
- and denoetization 196, 198, 296, 311
- and doubling/redoubling, epokhal 193, 194
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 193, 194
- and exosomatization 193–4, 196, 197, 223, 245, 274–5, 289
- and madness 84, 287
- realization of 195, 196, 201, 245, 278
- and non-inhuman beings 90–1, 92, 197, 199, 222
- and pharmakon 91, 152, 157, 194, 231, 287, 311
- and politics 162–3, 189, 193, 194–5, 198–9, 201–3
- and protentions 10, 86
- and reality 91, 102–4, 196–7, 292, 296, 296–7
- realization of 86–7, 91–2, 93, 103–4, 195–8, 199, 254, 289, 301–2
- de-realization of 151, 161, 296–7, 302
- and exosomatization 91, 101, 108, 223, 245, 281
- and madness 149, 159
- and noesis 195, 196, 201, 245, 278
- and retentions 105, 106, 153, 154, 197, 288
- and Stiegler 206–7, 210, 213–14
- and structuralism 140, 143, 144
- and toxicity 94–6, 231
- and transhumanism 94, 99, 100–1
- and transindividuation 93, 98, 99, 232
- and Valéry 90, 92–3, 196–7, 290
- and violence 146–7, 154, 163
- dreams, waking 89–92, 197, 199, 277
- drug abuse 167–8
- Dumézil, Georges 156
- Durn, Richard 4–5, 8, 22, 23
- ecology 279, 382n56
- economy, contributory 18, 24, 42, 52, 78, 195, 204, 295
- economy, industrial 168, 198, 245
- economy, libidinal 13–14, 175, 178, 318, 326
- and capitalism 38, 204, 261–2
- and death drive 255, 256
- and différance 54, 224
- diseconomy 249, 275
- and Freud 175, 184, 229, 255, 276
- and noesis 197–8, 256–7, 274, 275, 276
- education 177–9, 186
- eidos (εϊδος) 55
- Eigentlichkeit 104, 290
- Ellul, Jacques 13
- elpis (έλπίς) 11, 13, 21, 81, 83, 104, 219
- emergency, state of 262–5, 299
- employment 174, 246, 332n1
- ‘end of the book’ 61–2
- ‘end of theory’ 7, 8, 40, 301
- Engels, Friedrich 91, 239, 241–4, 274
- Enlightenment 3, 105, 239, 296
- Entropocene 186, 196, 210, 211, 278
- entropocentrism 160–3
- entropology 160, 161, 186, 260, 263, 290, 310
- entropy 50, 244, 260
- epistēmē 151, 152, 155, 182, 224, 324
- epoch, absence of 10–18, 20, 61
- and barbarians 5, 21, 26, 76
- and capitalism 173, 187–8, 189–90, 290
- and demoralization 10, 220–1, 246, 256, 262, 273
- and despair 25, 29, 175, 303
- and doubling/redoubling 144, 149
- and dreams 94–5, 149, 202, 277, 308, 311
- and Florian 29, 57, 188
- and hubris 19–20, 21
- and madness 39, 57, 94, 137, 144, 298
- and nihilism 38–9, 181, 213, 303
- and pharmakon 219, 284, 291
- and protentions and retentions 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22–4, 25, 219, 283
- epochs see Anthropocene; Entropocene; Neganthropocene
- epokhē (έποχή) 12–17, 20, 40–3, 57–9, 93, 144, 197
- Erasmus, Desiderius 104, 287, 288
- Ereignis 288, 304
- Eros 54, 81, 251, 255
- Esposito, Roberto 53, 104, 276
- Esquirol, Jean-Étienne Dominique 119
- ethics committees 235, 248
- ethos (ήθος) 184, 222–3, 268, 269
- Europe 24, 25, 44–5, 51, 168, 270
- European Commission 168, 171
- European Union 171
- evolution 43, 48–9, 98, 273, 275
- excess 1–5, 139, 181–2, 249, 304
- exemplarity 183–4, 246–7, 376n28
- existentialism 131, 160, 304
- existential analytic 10, 16, 258, 261, 265, 290
- exosomatization 108–10, 222–3
- and biotechnology 273, 274–5
- and capitalism 94, 95–6, 178, 250–1, 302
- and denial 194, 258, 302
- and dreams 92, 97–8, 161, 193–4, 233, 288
- and capitalism 94, 95–6
- and madness 136–7, 288
- and noesis 193–4, 196, 197, 223, 245, 274–5, 289
- and non-inhuman beings 91, 197
- realization of 91, 101, 108, 223, 245, 281
- and transhumanism 99, 100–1
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 193, 194, 277–8, 301
- and exteriorization 100, 288
- and grammatization 109, 240
- and Hegel 240, 388n62
- and hominization 54, 100, 101, 178
- and hubris 201, 251–2, 287
- and law 194, 222–3
- and madness 39, 134
- and monotheism 226, 247
- and neganthropy 50, 228, 299
- and negentropy 254, 281, 299, 310
- and noesis 39, 193–4, 196, 197, 223, 245, 274–5, 289
- and non-inhuman beings 39, 90–1, 92, 197, 222, 273, 275
- and organogenesis 39, 43, 97–8, 100, 101–2, 127–8, 185, 221, 310
- and pharmakon 50, 194, 247, 254–5, 288, 293, 300, 301–3
- and politics 193–4, 271
- expectation 17, 19, 20, 82–5, 86
- exteriorization 50, 53, 108–9, 122
- extermination 10–11
- extinction 43, 97
- extra-ordinary
- extremism 297
- extropianism 275, 299, 381n42
- Ey, Henry 191
- Facebook 6, 169
- fairy tales 139
- faith 304, 319–20, 322, 323
- see also Christianity; religion
- Family, The 36, 82
- Fay, Sophie 37
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC), US 3, 6–7
- Fellini, Federico 90
- Ferry, Jules 217, 325
- Fessard, Louise 71
- Few, Bobby 72
- financial crisis 174
- finitization 301, 302
- Flanagan, Vester Lee 167
- Fleury, Cythia 271
- Florian 9, 12, 22, 172–3, 285
- and absence of epoch 29, 57, 188
- and denial 22, 114
- and dreams 149, 264–5
- and future life 10, 19, 172–3, 264–5
- and nihilism 10, 38
- and parrhēsia 29, 63, 114
- see also young people
- Foessel, Michaël, ‘La folie ordinaire du pouvoir’ 132, 133–4, 136, 137–8, 139
- ‘Fordist-Keynesian compromise’ 41
- forgetting 109, 241, 261, 280–1, 284
- Foucault, Michel 60, 148–63, 268–9, 299–300
- and care 323–4, 325–6, 327, 329
- and Christianity 324, 325–6
- ‘courage of truth’ 155–6, 188, 265, 268–9, 305
- and Derrida 115, 118, 154
- and disinhibition 110, 111–12, 153
- and dreams 148–50, 159, 288–90
- and ‘great confinement’ 110, 116–17, 140, 141, 239–40, 286
- and hubris 104–5, 114, 115, 116
- and madness 40, 58, 90, 134, 140–3, 155, 286–7
- and parrhēsia 29, 104–5, 155–6, 265
- and pharmakon 40, 157, 280
- and psychiatry 160, 293
- works
- Birth of the Clinic 122, 280
- Courage of Truth 155–6, 268–9
- ‘Dream and Existence’ 186, 289
- Government of Self and Others 155
- History of Madness 66, 89, 112–18, 144, 146, 147, 155
- ‘My Body, This Paper, This Fire’ 137, 148
- Order of Things 151, 361n12
- France 25
- and capitalism 41, 171–2, 179, 203, 237, 238, 370n19
- and digitalization 168–9, 203–4, 341n10
- and extremism 171, 174, 229–30
- and politics 168–72, 198–9, 202–5
- and psychiatry/mental illness 30, 132, 133, 171, 293, 358n7
- and suicide 30, 71, 171
- France Télévisions 266–7
- Francis, Pope 294
- freedom 63–4, 178–9, 289
- ‘French theory’ 284
- Fressoz, Jean-Baptiste and Bonneiul, Christophe 63, 93, 98, 99, 106, 125–9, 220, 352n40
- Freud, Sigmund 33
- and capitalism 239
- and death drive 54, 175, 244, 248, 254–5
- and denial 263, 273, 274–5, 276
- and dreams 152, 289
- and psychoanalysis 229, 276
- and religion 226, 255, 318, 328
- and sex 232–3, 274–5
- works
- friendship 20, 34, 104–5, 210, 254
- Frodon, Jean-Michel 217
- Frontier, Alain 212
- Fukushima 171, 262, 332n2, 364n15
- future (avenir) 172–5
- Gallois report 168
- Galton, Francis 43, 371n32
- Gattaz, Yvon 238
- Gauchet, Marcel 293
- Gaudin, Thierry 62
- Generation Y see Strauss-Kahn generation
- Genette, Gérard 60
- Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas 43, 244, 262
- Geschichtlich 14, 17, 112, 127, 136, 137, 145, 281, 283
- Gestell 12, 13, 62–3, 283, 288, 308, 315
- Giddens, Anthony 124
- Gille, Bertrand 13, 37, 46, 126, 127, 277
- givenness 60–1
- Glaspie, April 169, 363n11
- ‘globalatinization’ 12, 316, 326
- globalization 121, 236, 249, 283
- God 304, 322–5, 326
- Godard, Jean-Luc 191, 202
- Godelier, Maurice 32, 310, 340n44
- Google 6, 32–3, 361n14
- governmentality, algorithmic 6–7, 78, 82, 119, 121, 234, 236
- Gracián, Baltasar 286
- grammatization 240
- Granel, Gérard 58
- Great Exhibition, London 120, 122
- Greek crisis 35, 171, 270
- Greeks, Ancient 21, 83, 179–80, 208, 211, 212, 321
- Greenspan, Alan 189, 367n61
- Guaino, Henri 176, 365n33
- Guantanamo prison 170
- Guattari, Félix 15, 18, 53, 131
- guilt 225–7
- Gulf Wars 66, 170, 363n11
- hallucination 82
- Harman, Graham 187
- Hauchard, Maxime 173
- Hawking, Stephen 367n57
- Hayek, Friedrich 113
- health 95–6, 122, 368n73
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 15, 61, 122, 194, 299
- Heidegger, Martin 15, 187, 303, 333n9
- Abbau 282, 283, 291, 383n63
- anti-Semitism 282, 283, 288
- and archi-protention 16, 104, 131, 202, 287–8
- being-for-death 66, 202
- being-for-life 288, 292, 312
- Besorgen 16–17, 115, 258, 259, 282, 283, 334n30
- and calculation 202, 281–3, 288, 290
- and care 259, 329
- and Dasein 12, 16–18, 19, 91, 115, 149, 258–9, 281–2, 334n14
- and denial 17, 258–9, 281–2, 283–5, 335n31
- and différance 16, 258, 283, 291, 308–9
- Eigentlichkeit 104, 290
- Ereignis 288, 304
- existentialism 304
- Gestell 12, 13, 62–3, 283, 288
- Nazism 282, 283
- and noesis 221, 288, 298
- and retentions 16, 17, 75–6, 281, 283, 291
- tools 13, 334n16
- works
- Heraclea, stone of 34, 340n51
- Heraclitus 19, 195
- Herder, Johann Gottfried 101
- hermeneia (interpretation) 214, 222–3
- hermeneutics 222–3
- Hermes 102, 222–3, 228
- Herrenschmidt, Clarisse 151
- Hersant group 5
- historiality (Geschichtlich) 14, 17, 112, 127, 137, 145
- history 57, 143–5
- Hitler, Adolf 103
- Hochmann, Jacques 133
- Hölderlin, Friedrich 333n9
- Hollande, François 78, 82, 133–4, 170, 174, 179, 188, 205, 246
- hominization 54, 100, 101, 114, 178
- hope 175, 178, 195, 285, 312
- Hopi Indians, Mexico 311
- Hôpital Général, Paris 116
- Horikoshi, Jiro 92, 158–9
- Horkheimer, Max see Adorno, Theodor and Horkheimer, Max
- Houellebecq, Michel 246
- Howard, Noah 72
- hubris (ϋβρις) 11, 52–4, 201–3, 296
- and absence of epoch 19–20, 21
- and Anthropocene 40, 49
- and dreams 144–5, 150–2, 201, 287
- and excess 131, 142, 143, 145, 287
- and exosomatization 201, 251–2, 287
- and Foucault 104–5, 114, 115, 116
- and Greeks 104–5, 115, 116, 127
- and individuation 105, 201
- and Kant 151, 361n10
- and madness 20, 39–40, 82–3, 102–3, 113–15, 142, 144–5, 221, 290
- and neganthropy 82–3, 127, 150–2
- and noesis 287, 299, 310
- and Stiegler 211, 219
- Hui, Yuk 17
- humankind 10–11, 18, 39
- see also non-inhuman beings
- Hunyadi, Mark 232, 235, 247–8, 272
- Husserl, Edmund 12, 55–6, 60, 94, 154, 255
- Huzar, Eugène 125
- hyper-control, societies of 18, 190, 229, 236
- hypokeimenon 260, 373n13
- I 5, 20, 30, 34, 80, 84
- Icarus 127, 128
- idealization 30–1, 229–30, 231–2, 249–50
- identification 40
- identity 71–85, 212–13, 218, 230
- idiolect 32, 340n47
- idiotexts 309
- Illich, Ivan 102
- imagination 5, 47, 159, 216
- immunity 124, 130
- impossibility 162, 308
- improbability 96, 125, 162, 202, 303, 308
- Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA) 6, 331n18
- individualism 49–50, 248
- individuals, psychic 16, 19, 32, 37–8
- and despair 25, 29
- and idealization 231, 232, 234
- and individuation 31, 32, 33, 49, 51, 52, 84, 98, 235
- and neganthropy 43, 45, 50
- and noesis 100, 231, 309
- and retentions 14, 25, 43, 75
- individuation 5, 16, 23, 48–9
- disindividuation 29–30, 39, 47, 75, 80, 189, 271
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 32, 48, 98, 340n46
- and hubris 53, 105, 201, 299, 310
- and identity 218, 230
- and psychic individuals 31, 32, 33, 49, 51, 52, 84, 98, 235
- and radicalization 32, 33, 230
- and Simondon 15, 31, 49, 53, 61, 75, 258, 270
- and social systems 7, 16, 29–30, 98, 334n26
- see also transindividuation
- individuation, collective 30–1, 32, 76, 105, 230, 248
- industrial economy 168, 198, 245
- industrial policy 24, 332n24
- industrial society 78, 126–7
- industrial technology 126, 250–1
- infantilization 230, 232, 233, 265, 277–8, 279
- infinity 326–9
- innovation
- Institut Choiseul 36, 341n6
- insurance 113, 124–5, 130
- intelligence, artificial 33, 101
- intergenerational relations 174, 318–19, 325
- interiorization 48, 53, 61
- internation 31, 44, 46
- interpassivity 182, 366n45
- investment 252–5
- IPCC fifth report 169, 172
- Iraq 35, 170, 363n11
- Islam 71–2, 316
- Islamic State see Daesh
- Isou, Isidore 237
- Jacquemain, Pierre 312
- Jakobson, Roman 60
- James, Epistle of 319
- January 11 2015 139
- Jaurés, Jean 161–2
- jazz music 73–4
- Jean-Luc, fellow prisoner 63
- Jesuits 121, 315
- Jesus 318
- jihad 80, 173
- Joly, Eva 267
- Jospin, Lionel 5, 203
- Jouzel, Jean 169
- Judaism 316, 318, 319, 328–9
- Jugnon, Alain 315
- Juppé, Alain 40, 183, 367n50
- justice (dikē) 55, 58, 231, 319
- Kant, Immanuel 24, 179, 181
- Kaplan, Frédéric 24
- Kerviel, Jérôme 267
- Keynes, John Maynard 248, 252, 254–7, 292, 378n71
- Kierkegaard, Søren 183
- King, Martin Luther 199
- knowledge 16–17, 195–6, 198, 243, 320
- Krugman, Paul 167
- Kruse, Margot 286
- Ku Klux Klan 72
- La Cinq television network 5
- La Condamine, Charles Marie de 129
- La Fontaine, Jean de, ‘Milkmaid and the Pot of Milk’ 86–9
- La Rochefoucauld, François de 286
- Labarrière, Pierre-Jean 62
- laïcization 250
- Lang, Jack 77–8
- language 32–3, 56–7, 207–8, 209–11
- see also grammatization; writing
- Laroxyl 205–7, 218
- Lassègue, Jean 301
- Lauxerois, Jean 210
- law 46–67, 128–9, 202, 220, 271, 273, 284, 328
- lawlessness 41–2
- Le Bon, Gustave 270
- Le Jeu de la mort programme 266
- Le Lay, Laurent-Eric 216
- Le Pen, Jean-Marie 5
- Le Pen, Marine 189, 205, 267
- Lee, Spike 73
- Legendre, Pierre 90, 293
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 108–9, 150, 301
- Lenin, Vladimir 60, 294, 386n38
- Léotard, François 5
- L’Épine, Guillaume J. de 129
- Leroi-Gourhan, André 46–50, 53, 62, 161
- ‘Les barbares attaquent’ programme 25
- Leverrier, Ignatius 35
- Lévi-Strauss, Claude 160–1, 186, 260, 263, 290, 310, 387n54
- libertarianism 37–8, 41, 44, 86, 130
- libido sciendi 237–57
- Libya 170
- Lienemann, Marie-Noëlle 266
- lies 188, 199, 262–3, 265–7, 277–8
- life 27–8
- art of life 231, 234, 299
- being-for-life 288, 292, 312
- everyday life 114, 262
- ‘forms of life’ 14, 195, 221, 247
- future life 260, 261, 299–300, 312
- life drive 175, 249, 251–2, 255, 293
- life-knowledge 83, 179, 194, 200, 224, 227–31
- lifestyle 231–2, 234–6, 237–8, 249, 295
- and noesis 156, 227–8
- reason for living 4–6, 8, 29–30, 38, 53–4, 89, 102–4
- rules of 232–4, 244
- linguistics 59–60, 207
- locality 306–8, 309
- logos 106, 116, 146, 180, 222, 292
- London bombings (July 2005) 29
- Lordon, Frédéric 232, 234, 381n38
- love 89, 317–18, 328
- Loyola, Ignatius 121
- Lubitz, Andreas 8, 80–1, 173
- Lyotard, Jean-François 62, 181, 334n24
- madness 46–67, 100–4, 132–47
- and absence of epoch 39, 57, 94, 137, 144, 298
- and Anthropocene 178, 260–2
- and barbarians 76, 81–2, 94, 114, 131
- and capitalism 134, 290–3
- and classical age 94, 110, 111, 113–14, 116–18, 120, 147, 150–1, 225, 286–7
- and default 58, 181–2, 290–1
- and delirium 84, 87, 103, 133, 135, 136, 139
- and demoralization 66, 175–7
- and Derrida 40, 140–4, 145–7, 300
- and différance 145–7, 149
- and disinhibition 112, 134, 232, 238–40, 291
- and dreams 100, 102–4, 136–8, 140, 143–7, 286–8
- and exosomatization 39, 134, 136–7, 288
- and extra-ordinary 66, 114, 132–47
- and Foucault 40, 58, 90, 116–18, 134, 140–3, 155, 286–7
- and hubris 20, 39–40, 82–3, 102–3, 113–15, 142, 144–5, 221, 290
- and infinity 142, 145
- and mental health/illness 91, 116–17, 132–3, 191–2
- and noesis 39–40, 84, 287, 297
- ordinary 66, 113, 125, 131, 132–4, 150, 152, 298
- and Pascal 113, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138
- and pharmakon 40, 174, 293
- and psychiatry 89, 117, 119, 132–3
- and reason 100, 116–18, 145–7, 286–7, 300
- and transindividuation 134–5, 225
- see also delirium
- Malabou, Catherine 257
- Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) 71–3, 212
- Mali 170
- Mallarmé, Stéphane 55, 56, 60, 213
- Mann, Thomas 191, 318, 368n73
- Manning, Bradley/Chelsea 103, 353n50
- Marcenac, Jean 59
- Marcuse, Herbert 248–9, 252, 254
- Marion, Jean-Luc 60–1
- Maris, Bernard 175, 252, 256
- marketing 235, 250–1
- Marx, Karl 60, 61, 91, 239, 274
- Massoud, Ahmad Shah 340n1
- materialism 238, 245
- mathematics 93, 153
- mathesis universalis 94, 105, 106, 109, 111, 150, 153
- Mauss, Marcel 31
- May 1968, France 237, 238, 249
- Meadows report 174
- meditation 148–50, 281–3, 288
- mēkhanē 42, 92, 157, 290
- melancholy 21–2, 84, 219, 221
- meletē (μελέτη) 184, 214, 215, 218
- memory 47–8, 50, 109, 216, 262–3
- mental illness 116–17
- Merah, Mohamed 176, 365n32
- metaphysics 97, 108, 124, 158, 202, 287, 301–2
- metastabilization 16, 37, 52, 53, 291, 334n25
- Michaud, Philippe-Alain 311
- Michel and the dragon 209, 311
- Microsoft 4
- Middle East 169–70
- Milgram experiment 266–7, 379n13
- milieu, infidelity of 192, 369n75
- Minkowski, Eugène 306–7
- miracles 302–4, 305, 308
- Mitsubishi Zero 93
- Mitterrand, François 5, 198–9
- Miyazaki, Hayao 92, 158, 290
- mobile phones 7, 169, 211, 371n42
- modern age 106, 110, 114, 120–2, 123–5, 133, 135, 150–2, 154, 289
- modernity 40, 108–31, 225–6
- and disinhibition 111–13, 125–30, 134, 239, 264
- and dreams 94, 106–7, 264
- and globalization 110, 111, 114
- and Sloterdijk 106, 110–11, 120–2, 124
- Möglichkeit 298, 311, 387n57
- money 110, 130–1, 151, 249, 255
- monotheism 47, 276, 303–4, 316
- ‘monstrosity’ 176, 190, 291
- Montaigne, Michel de 87, 104, 118–19, 307
- morale 10, 182, 225, 292
- morals/morality
- and calculation 119, 225, 241
- and capitalism 171, 175–9, 182–3, 189–92, 234–6, 240–1, 252, 261–2
- and denial 220–36, 261–2
- and disinhibition 108–31, 225
- and dreams 189, 232–4
- and modernity 108–31, 225
- and negentropy 262, 288
- and non-inhuman beings 177, 178, 191, 263
- and politics 179–82, 188–9
- and religion 225, 231
- remoralization 247, 256
- and social systems 236, 248
- and transindividuation 134–5, 225
- and virtue 184, 228
- More, Max (formerly Max O’Connor) 381n42
- Morin, Edgar 28
- Morozov, Evgeny 37
- mortality/immortality 115, 156, 157–8, 159, 261
- Moscovici, Pierre 203–4
- Moses (in the Bible) 318
- Muhammad, Elijah 72
- Mundie, Craig 3–4, 6
- Muret detention centre 63, 346n59
- ‘myself-an-other’ 32, 57, 208
- Naji, Abu Bakr 35–6, 51
- Nancy, Jean-Luc 315, 321
- nanotechnology 95
- Nanterre massacre 47, 80
- narcissism, primordial 23, 25, 80
- Nation of Islam 72
- National Front 5, 79, 171, 267
- nature 27–8, 129
- Nazism 171, 282, 283
- necessity 58, 145–6
- Neganthropocene
- and barbarians 39, 42
- and disinhibition 129, 257
- and dreams 104, 129, 150–2, 262, 298, 301, 302–4
- and miracles 298, 302–4
- and radicalization 22, 292
- Neganthropos 27, 28, 40, 102, 163, 260, 269, 304
- neganthropy 27–30, 49–50, 223–4
- and culture 28, 30, 82
- and dreams 100–4, 160–3, 308
- and entropocentrism/entropy 160–3, 186, 303
- and exosomatization 50, 228, 299
- and extra-ordinary 27, 28, 29, 30
- and hallucination 42, 101
- and hubris 82–3, 127, 150–2
- and noesis 40, 75
- and non-inhuman beings 28, 39, 44, 304
- and pharmakon 42, 304
- and psychic individuals 43, 45, 50
- and reason for living 53–4, 102–4
- and Schrödinger 27–30, 43
- negentropy 27–8, 307–8
- and barbarians 40, 42, 43
- and capitalism 244, 250, 254
- and différence 162, 197, 259, 272, 281
- and exosomatization 254, 281, 299, 310
- and morals/morality 262, 288
- Nemmouche, Mehdi 80
- neurotechnology 220, 273, 293
- Nietzsche, Friedrich 60, 61, 157, 191–2
- nightmares see dreams
- nihilism 180–1, 302–4, 305
- and absence of epoch 38–9, 181, 213, 303
- active 39, 63, 65, 245
- and capitalism 38, 178, 229
- and denoetization 160, 221
- and disinhibition 220, 229, 232, 241
- and Florian 10, 38
- and Nietzsche 15, 39, 62–3, 75, 229, 342n18
- and radicalization 21, 38, 220–1
- nihilism, automatic 7
- noesis 227–8, 256–7
- and dreams 90–1, 199–200, 274, 286–8, 296, 311
- and denoetization 196, 198, 296, 311
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 193, 194
- and exosomatization 193–4, 196, 197, 223, 245, 274–5, 289
- and madness 84, 287
- realization of 195, 196, 201, 245, 278
- and exosomatization 39, 193–4, 196, 197, 223, 227, 274–5, 289
- and Heidegger 221, 288, 298
- and hubris 287, 299, 310
- and knowledge 196, 210–11, 224, 228
- and libidinal economy 197–8, 256–7, 274, 275, 276
- and life 156, 227–8
- and madness 39–40, 84, 287, 297
- and neganthropy 40, 75
- and non-inhuman beings 39, 177, 178, 185, 199, 222
- and pharmakon 39, 227, 293
- and psychic individuals 100, 231, 309
- renoetization 298–9, 311
- and transindividuation 48, 195
- see also denoetization
- nonconformism 237–57
- non-inhuman beings
- and barbarians 44, 54, 56, 271
- and dreams 90–1, 92, 197, 199, 222
- and exosomatization 39, 90–1, 92, 197, 222, 273, 275
- and morals 177, 178, 191, 263
- and neganthropy 28, 39, 44, 304
- and noesis 39, 177, 178, 185, 199, 222
- and technology 44, 54, 273
- normativity 191, 192, 369n75
- obsolescence 101, 305–6, 321
- Öffentlichkeit 51
- oikonomia 224, 373n16
- optimism 65–7
- organogenesis see exosomatization
- Ostrom, Elinor 295
- Padis, Marc-Olivier 132
- Palin, Sarah 278, 347n68
- Palo Alto, Silicon Valley 167–8
- Pandora 21, 54, 83, 145, 274, 287
- panic 261, 267, 278, 285, 287
- Parada, Carlos 173
- Parc Astérix 319, 390n2
- parent-child relationship 87–8
- parrhēsia (παρρησία) 75, 103, 104–5, 267–9
- Pascal, Blaise 87, 312, 317
- pathogenesis 190–2
- Peillon, Vincent 177–8, 183, 186
- Peltier, Marie 76
- Perrault, Charles, ‘The Fairies’ 199, 200–1, 312
- pessimism 65–7
- Pezziardi, Pierre 37
- pharmacology 192, 269–71, 294–5, 324, 326
- pharmakon 75, 202
- and absence of epoch 219, 284, 291
- and barbarians 42, 54
- and care 224, 293
- and Christianity 226, 322, 326, 328–9
- and disinhibition 111–13, 122, 128
- and dreams 91, 152, 157, 194, 231, 287, 311
- and exosomatization 50, 194, 247, 254–5, 288, 293, 300, 301–3
- and Foucault 40, 157, 280
- and madness 40, 174, 293
- and neganthropy 42, 304
- and noesis 39, 227, 293
- and Plato 269–70, 348n15
- and retentions 17, 24, 54, 112, 139, 223, 269, 287
- and Socrates 157, 269
- and Stiegler 207–9, 218–19
- and toxicity 187, 231, 269–70
- phenomenological reduction 55–6, 57
- philia (φιλία) 39, 52–4, 104, 210
- philistinism 28, 339n37
- philotēs (φιλόης) 104, 210
- Pindar 157, 196–7, 290
- piracy 113, 121, 130
- Pisani-Ferry report 168
- Plato 60, 75, 143, 287, 324–5
- pleasure principle 254
- Poem for Malcolm record (Archie Shepp) 72
- political economy 57, 76, 77–9, 177, 180, 204, 224
- politics 180–1
- and dreams 162–3, 189, 193, 194–5, 198–9, 201–3
- and exosomatization 193–4, 271
- and France 168–72, 198–9, 202–5
- and law 194, 195, 202, 293
- and marketing 139, 202–3
- and morals/morality 179–82, 188–9
- Port-Royal, 151, 361n11
- Portugal 110
- postcapitalism 296
- postmodernity 114, 296
- poststructuralism 143, 161
- power 264, 265–7, 305, 325, 381n38
- Prigogine, Ilya 28
- printing 77, 105, 109, 110, 153
- prison experience 46–67, 73, 74
- privatization 51
- probability 111, 123–5, 126, 250
- programme industries 47, 48
- progress 94, 123, 126
- proletarianization 50, 229, 235, 242–4, 297
- Prometheus 58, 102, 158, 211, 222, 258, 269, 276
- promises 82, 198–9, 296, 369n11
- Protagoras 222, 269–70, 271
- protention 7, 125, 280–1
- archi-protention 66, 104, 279, 284
- automatic 8, 20, 25, 232, 271, 332n26
- collective
- and absence of epoch 10, 11–12, 15–17
- and dreams 10, 86
- and exosomatization 222, 228, 275, 279
- and morals 262, 292
- and radicalization 20, 21, 23, 25, 29–30
- psychic 29, 83, 332n26
- Protestantism 121, 319, 322
- Proust, Marcel 217
- psychiatry
- psychoanalysis 117, 229, 276
- psychology 160
- Queuille, Henri 194
- Quilès, Paul 266
- racism 72, 168, 347n8
- radicalization 19–34, 88
- and barbarians 37, 41–2
- de-radicalization 292
- and individuation 32, 33, 230
- and innovation 43, 44, 52, 91
- and Neganthropocene 22, 292
- and nihilism 21, 38, 220–1
- and protention 20, 21, 23, 25, 29–30
- and social systems 26, 29–30, 31, 221
- terrorist 44, 343n27
- Rancière, Jacques 270, 297
- ratio 118–19, 184–5
- rationalization 8, 111, 119
- reading 206–7, 208, 212–17, 308
- reality
- realization of dreams 86–7, 91–2, 103–4, 195–8, 301–2
- de-realization of 151, 161, 296–7, 302
- and exosomatization 91, 101, 108, 223, 245, 281
- and madness 149, 159
- and noesis 195, 196, 201, 245, 278
- reason 119, 222, 245
- and Anthropocene 40, 113–14, 186, 239–40
- and hope 189, 224, 367n62
- and Kant 39, 176, 211, 357n95
- and madness 100, 145–7, 286–7, 300
- reason, economy of 184–7
- reason, loss of 3–4, 38, 174, 175–7, 183, 330n4
- and reason for living 5–6, 8
- and sleep of reason 89–92, 365n33
- see also madness
- reason for living 4–6, 8, 29–30, 38, 53–4, 89, 102–4, 224
- Rebsamen, François 79
- Reclus, Élisée 94
- reduction, phenomenological 55–6
- reflexivity 124–6
- reform 40–1, 49
- Reformation 110, 112, 121
- refugee crisis 171
- regression 265–7, 270, 271
- religion
- and denial 227, 315
- and Freud 226, 255, 318, 328
- and infinity 300, 302, 317, 322–3, 328
- and Kant 320, 328
- and morals/morality 191, 225, 226, 231, 237
- and social systems 83–4, 319–21, 326–7, 329
- and Weber 12, 322, 324, 327
- see also Christianity; Islam
- remoralization 247, 256
- Renaissance 47, 77
- Renoir, Jean, La Grande Illusion 34
- repression 157, 175, 274, 377n33
- Resnais, Alain 262
- retention 215–17
- and absence of epoch 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22–4, 25, 219, 283
- and Heidegger 16, 17, 75–6, 281, 283, 291
- and Husserl 7, 215, 332n25
- and interiorization 20, 22, 23–4, 43
- and memory 17, 22, 215–16
- and psychic individuals 14, 25, 43, 75
- retention, analogue 24, 48
- retention, digital see retentions, tertiary
- retention, primary 22–3, 25–6, 105, 215–16, 337n15
- retention, secondary 337n15, 337n16
- and absence of epoch 16, 17
- and barbarians 43, 44
- and disindividuation 30, 75
- and radicalization 20, 22–3, 25–6, 30
- and Stiegler 215–16
- retention, tertiary 53, 337n15
- and absence of epoch 14, 17, 22–4, 25
- and capitalism 47–8, 77, 180
- and Descartes 153, 154, 287
- digital 14, 18, 24, 25–6, 48, 95, 106, 180, 311
- and disinhibition 106, 111–13
- and dreams 105, 106, 153, 154, 197, 288
- and exosomatization 54, 182, 223, 258
- and Heidegger 18, 75–6, 258–9, 281, 283
- and madness 137, 138, 139
- and noesis 197, 227, 311
- and pharmakon 17, 24, 54, 112, 139, 223, 269, 287
- and social systems 14, 47–8
- and Stiegler 59, 215–16, 308
- reticular society 6, 7, 81
- risk 123–5, 126, 129, 225
- Robert, Denis 267, 379n19
- Rocard, Michel 183
- Romans 321
- Roof, Dylann 80
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Social Contract 321
- Rouvroy, Antoinette 7, 25, 154, 236
- Royal, Ségolène 77–8, 348n25
- Saddam Hussein 170, 340n1
- Saint Julian the Hospitaller 299
- Saint Michael/Saint-Michel 311, 345n33
- Saint-Michel prison, Toulouse 54
- Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack (June 2015) 27, 79, 80
- Salhi, Yassin 26–7, 79–80, 84
- Sarkozy, Nicolas 77, 133–4, 170, 174, 177, 265, 315–16
- Sarron, Sébastien 8, 80–1
- Sartre, Jean-Paul 59
- Saussure, Ferdinand de 59–60, 209
- scapegoats 199, 211, 226, 247, 267, 268, 276
- Schaeffer, Pierre 18
- schematism 24, 182
- Schrödinger, Erwin 27–30, 43
- Schumpeter, Joseph 123
- Sébastien, Patrick 4, 331n6
- Séguéla, Jacques 198, 369n10
- selection criteria 44, 216, 220, 272–3, 275, 337m16
- self-an-other 32, 57, 89, 208
- Sen, Amartya 78, 295
- Seneca 157, 288
- September 11th 2001 3–4, 47, 76, 169, 170
- serpents 308–12
- sexual objects 31, 33, 233–4
- Seydoux, Jérôme 5
- Shannon, Claude 28
- shibboleth 290
- shock doctrine 37, 51
- significance 207–8, 209, 214
- silence 57, 98, 207
- Silicon Valley 167–8, 171, 273
- Sillitoe, Alan, Saturday Night and Sunday Morning 64
- Simon, Herbert A. 302
- Simondon, Gilbert 13, 28, 75, 281, 290
- sin 226, 292, 300, 388n63
- Sittlichkeit 223–4, 234–6, 292
- Sloterdijk, Peter
- and disinhibition 81, 93, 111, 120–1, 122–3, 130–1, 220, 232, 238
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 122, 238
- and modernity 106, 110–11, 120–2, 124
- philia 210, 371n40
- In the World Interior of Capital 81, 110–11, 112–13, 120, 124–5, 130–1
- Smith, Adam, Theory of Moral Sentiments 177
- Snowden, Edward 82, 171, 267
- social systems
- and capitalism 44, 46–7, 51–2, 236
- and disadjustment 13, 32, 38, 39, 99
- and individuation 16, 98, 334n26
- and disindividuation 7, 29–30
- and innovation 37–8, 94
- and morals/morality 236, 248
- and radicalization 26, 29–30, 31, 221
- and religion 83–4, 319–21, 326–7, 329
- and retention 14, 47–8
- and technical systems 13, 14, 37–8, 49, 101–2, 126, 128, 235
- Socrates 104–5, 142–3, 155–8, 180, 208, 216
- Sofitel affair 78, 205
- Spain 110
- Spinoza, Baruch 159, 234, 235
- splitting 262–5, 276
- Srnicek, Nick and Williams, Alex 294–6
- stability 242, 268
- Stiegler, Barbara and Julien 64
- Stiegler, Bernard 54–65, 205–11
- and Derrida 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 74
- and différance 52–4, 308–9
- and dreams 206–7, 210, 213
- and hubris 211, 219
- language and linguistics 207, 209–11
- and mental illness 205–7, 218–19
- and pharmakon 207–9, 218–19
- prison experience 206–7, 210, 213–17, 308–10
- and retentions 59, 215–16, 308
- and Saussure 59–60, 209
- works
- Acting Out 297
- Automatic Society 25, 220, 290, 301
- Disbelief and Discredit 24, 322
- La Télécratie contre la démocratie 77
- Lost Spirit of Capitalism 249
- Mémoires du futur exhibition 64
- Pharmacologie du Front national 79, 190, 205
- Re-Enchantment of the World 77, 204
- States of Shock 245
- Symbolic Misery 24
- Taking Care of Youth and the Generations 19, 110, 277
- Technics and Time 91, 282
- ‘To Love, to Love Me, to Love Us’ 30, 216
- Uncontrollable Societies of Disaffected Individuals 29
- What Makes Life Worth Living 88
- and writing 56–7, 205–7, 208, 213–17, 308, 309–10
- Stiegler, Caroline 24, 204, 310–11
- Stoicism 12, 58, 136
- storytelling 21, 139, 296
- Strauss-Kahn, Dominique 78, 173, 175–7, 183, 189–90, 205, 246, 348n26
- Strauss-Kahn Generation 167–92
- structuralism 140, 143, 144, 146
- stupidity 245, 269
- sublimity 30–1, 181–2, 254, 257, 326
- submission 19–34, 44
- suffering 98, 133, 174, 176, 218–19
- suicide 29–30, 175, 206, 251–4
- super-ego 33, 135, 189, 229
- Supiot, Alain 293
- surprehension 214, 372n51
- Swain, Gladys 133, 293, 299
- symbolism 311
- synchronization 12, 22–3, 46–8, 53, 242, 337n16
- ‘synthesis of recognition’ 227
- Syria 35, 170
- Tabligh, ‘brothers’ of 71
- Taddeï, Frédéric 77
- Tea Party, US 278
- technical systems 13–15, 51–2, 277
- technology
- automatization 238, 239, 294–5
- biotechnology 272–3, 274–5
- and capitalism 250–1, 294–5, 386n38
- childbirth technology 272, 274
- and denial 67, 293–5
- and disadjustment 13, 32, 38, 39, 99
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 57, 238, 277–8
- industrial technology 126, 250–1
- nanotechnology 95
- neurotechnology 220, 273, 293
- and non-inhuman beings 44, 54, 273
- technical evolution 48, 273, 274–5
- transformational technologies 95–6, 101, 129
- see also digitalization
- technoscientific research 250–1
- tekhnē (τέχνη) 105, 286–8
- teleologism 11–13, 333n11
- Télérama website 78, 205
- television 5, 25, 216, 266–7
- Temara slums 4
- terrorism 79–81
- see also extremism; radicalization
- TF1 5
- Thalys train attack (August 2015) 76, 348n20
- Thanatos 53–4, 81, 251
- theoria 212–13
- there-being 12, 277, 284, 285
- see also Dasein (there-being)
- thermodynamics 260–2
- Todorov, Tzvetan 60
- totalitarianism 100–2, 112, 140, 143, 144
- tragedy 113–15, 117
- transdividuation 46, 53, 75, 98, 135, 253
- transduction 48–9, 50, 98, 157–8, 159, 201, 209
- transformational technologies 95–6, 101, 129
- transgenerationality 174, 230, 231–2, 233
- transhumanism 220, 306
- transindividuation 33
- and capitalism 23, 46–7, 202–3, 253
- and dreams 93, 98, 99, 232
- and epokhal doubling/redoubling 99, 109, 121–2, 168, 192, 199, 221, 240, 253, 292
- and hubris 53, 299, 310
- and morals/morality 134–5, 225
- and noesis 48, 195
- and Simondon 53, 61, 145
- and transdividuation 46, 53, 75, 98, 135, 253
- transitional objects 39, 87, 232–4
- transvaluation 225–7, 241, 244–6, 293–4, 304
- travel 27
- Trump, Donald 278, 382n52
- trust 126, 138, 175, 319–20, 322
- truth 103–4, 118, 140–1, 156, 185, 270
- Turing, Alan 301
- Uexküll, Jakob von 274
- uncoolness 237–8
- understanding 238–40
- United Nations 11, 66, 98
- United States 24, 121, 124, 167–8
- ‘universal folly’ 286–8
- Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail 58, 60, 207
- Upper Palaeolithic 54, 84, 90
- vaccination/inoculation 126, 129, 357n95
- vacuums 41, 99–100, 180, 272–3, 276
- Valéry, Paul 44, 204, 255, 266, 343n29
- Valls, Manuel 79, 176, 205
- vanity 21, 181, 189, 226
- veridiction 64–5, 106, 188, 220, 240
- Vermeren, Patrice 64
- violence 146–7, 154, 163, 174
- virtue (aretē) 57, 58, 178, 180–1, 223–4
- Voltaire 89
- ‘wall of time’ 51–4
- Warburg, Aby 197, 311
- we (nous) 30, 33, 211, 319
- Weber, Max
- whistleblowers 267
- Whitehead, Alfred North 196–7
- Wiener, Norbert 28
- will 8, 13, 118, 146–7, 178–9, 198, 234
- Wind Rises/Kaze Tachinu film (Miyazaki) 92
- Winnicott, Donald 33, 87, 88, 89
- Wirklichkeit 91, 195
- World Wide Web 6, 168, 203
- writing 155