

Deyan Sudjic


Tightrope Walking with the “Circus of the Perpetually Jet-Lagged”

Janet Abrams

Lubetkin Speaks

Berthold Lubetkin

Building Design, 1982

(Mis)Reading Between the Lines

Peter Eisenman

Blueprint, 1985

My Tea with Andrée

Andrée Putman

Blueprint, 1985

Miami Vice Versa 1: Of Vice and Vixen

Bernardo Fort-Brescia and Laurinda Spear / Arquitectonica

Blueprint, 1986

Miami Vice Versa 2: Town Kriers

Andrés Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk / Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co.

Blueprint, 1986

Now We Are Eighty

Philip Johnson

Blueprint, 1987

Delirious Visions

Rem Koolhaas

Blueprint, 1988

Reyner Banham: A Past Master

Blueprint, 1988

Call That a Fish, Frank?

Frank Gehry

Blueprint, 1988

When the Sky Falls In

Coop Himmelb(l)au

Blueprint, 1988–89

A Tale of the Riverbank

Sir Christopher Wren

The Independent, 1989

Britischer Architekt

James Stirling and Michael Wilford

The Independent, 1989

Phyllis’s Choice

Phyllis Lambert

Blueprint, 1990

The World According to Mickey

Michael Eisner

Blueprint, 1991

“This Must Be Progress”—The Master of Modernism on God, Graphics, and Other

Paul Rand

I.D. Magazine, 1993

Woman and Her Symbols

April Greiman

it’snotwhatyouthinkitis / cen’estpascequevouscroyez arc en rêve centre d’architecture, 1994

Gesamtkunstwerk: Coming Home to Rome

Michael Graves

Michael Graves: Designer Monographs 3, 1994

Richard Saul Wurman Gets What He Deserves

I.D. Magazine, 1994

Muriel Cooper’s Visible Wisdom

I.D. Magazine, 1994

A Man for All Media

Bob Stein

I.D. Magazine, 1995

When We Were Very Young

Philip Johnson

Blueprint, 1996

Best of All Possible Worlds

David Rockwell

I.D. Magazine, 1996

Information Overlord

Michael Bloomberg

Rethinking Design 4: Medium, 1997

The Choreography of Site-Specific Media

Lisa Strausfeld

Profile: Pentagram Design, 2004

Julie Snow: The Rugged and the Refined

Julie Snow Architects, 2005


Ben Fry

Else/Where: Mapping—New Cartographies of Networks and Territories, 2006


