Abdul Ghani
A-ché Sonam
A-ché Tendzin
agriculture, collective agriculture, “Eight Character Directive on Agriculture,” inappropriate projects, problems with winter wheat, strict control of grain, taxes,
air pollution
air-raid drills
Aku Kélsang
Alo Bu-zhang
Ama A-tra
Ama Sonam Drölma
Ama Trinlé
Ama Yangchen
Amdo Puntsok Tashi
Amdo Yéshé
A-nen. See Kyi-shong Jo-la A-nen
animals: health effects of winter wheat, hunted by PLA, quotas for dead flies, mice, and sparrows, vicious treatment of farm animals by PLA,
A-po Tra-lo
A-shang Chokdrup
Banak-shöl Changdong-tsang house
Banak-shöl neighborhood, “class enemies” forced to swap houses, compulsory organization into cooperatives, division into class categories during “Socialist Transformation” campaign, and popular uprisings, searches and street parades, and tunneldigging during Sino–Soviet war, worker quotas. See also neighborhood committees
Banak-shöl production cooperative, Tubten Khétsun refused release from
Ba-pa Changdzö
Ba-pa Késang (Drapchi prison official)
Ba-pa Késang Yang-ga (Chinese army officer)
bathing habits of Tibetans
bear gall
Beijing Nationalities College
“big trader” category
big-character posters
Biru county uprising
blessing pills
bombs, and Cultural Revolution factional fighting
books, confiscation of. See also sacred objects and images
boron mines
bread sellers
brick making
British Government of India
brothers of Tubten Khétsun. See Jampa Tsultrim; Jampel Puntsok; Nga-nam; Yéshé Khédrup
Buddhism: destruction of holy places, destruction of religious objects, Gen Rinpoché’s approach to prison life, monks as “class enemies” (see “class enemies”); religious items found in house searches, and struggle meetings, suppression of religious ceremonies. See also Dalai Lama; monasteries; Panchen Lama; sacred objects and images
Buddhist Association
canal building, canal leak near petroleum storage depot
“capital investor” category
carpentry, Xichao Dachang timber yard. See also logging
cart accident at Téring prison
caterpillar fungus
cattle dung, used as fuel
Chamdo Liberation Committee
Chamdo Pakpa
Chamdo prefecture, power station and cement factory
Chamdo town
Chamdowa Lha-gyel
Chang Tsala Karpo prison, starvation at
Changchup Lo-dro (father)
Chang-ngöpa Dorjé Ngödrup
Chen Yi
Chenpahao Island
Chief of the Poor
childhood of Tubten Khétsun
children and youth: and death of Mao Zedong, executions at mandatory public rallies, health effects of stale tsampa, underground groups involving young people. See also education; Red Guards
“Children’s Day,”
Chimé (of Banak-shöl Shonka Tsenkhang)
Chimé (officer of bodyguard regiment)
Chimé Dorjé
China: border war with India (1962), changes following death of Mao Zedong, Chinese astrology, destruction of household objects during Cultural Revolution, famine of 1961 Japanese occupation of, language, Lin Biao coup attempt, Nationalists, and Panchen Lama, Sino–Soviet war (1969), Tianjin earthquake, timber shipped off to. See also Communist rule in Tibet; Cultural Revolution; People’s Liberation Army; specific leaders
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
Chinese United Front
Chö-nga Tenpa
Chubsang Tulku
civilian labor: agriculture (see agriculture); Banak-shöl production cooperative, brick making, canal building, and canal leak near petroleum storage depot, carpentry, changes following death of Mao Zedong, “class enemy” status as hindrance to finding work, collecting firewood, compulsory organization into cooperatives, employment of former monks, and evening study sessions, inappropriate projects, and Kongpo region construction site, odd jobs, sorting scriptures and statues at Potala palace, stone quarrying, at Tölung Power Station construction camp, tool making, Tubten Khétsun refused release from Banak-shöl cooperative, turf cutting, unpaid work for neighborhood committee, wages for, worker quotas for neighborhood committees, at Xichao Dachang timber yard
civilian life under Chinese rule, air-raid drills, and Cultural Revolution, digging tunnels during Sino–Soviet war, division into class categories during “Socialist Transformation” campaign, economic life and commercial activity, and education, evening meetings of subcommittees, and famine, fixed wage policy, health effects of stale tsampa, high taxes, loudspeakers installed in houses, mismatch between incomes and purchasing power, possessions confiscated, possessions sold to the Chinese government, in Powo Yiwong region, practice of encouraging struggle against former masters, teachers, lamas, and parents, prohibition of Tibetan clothes, quotas for dead flies, mice, and sparrows, ration system, residence papers, rights of ex-prisoners, rural life, scarcity of everyday necessities, secondary livelihood activities banned, Tubten Khétsun’s release from prison, See also “class enemies”; executions; humiliation parades; searches of homes; struggles and interrogations
“class enemies” (government officials, nobility, and monastic officials), x, xv; and canal leak near petroleum storage depot, changes following death of Mao Zedong, compulsory organization into Banak-shöl production cooperative, and conditions at civilian labor camps, confiscation of possessions, and death of Mao Zedong, and destruction of monasteries, and difficulties in finding work, and factional fighting during Cultural Revolution, and fate of sister Yangdröl’s household, and fixed wage policy, forced to swap houses, and Lin Biao coup attempt, and loudspeakers installed in houses, and mandatory public execution
“class enemies” (continued) rallies, and medical identity cards, and New Year disaster (1968), and Panchen Lama, persecution of, and popular uprisings, and “Three Rejections and Two Reductions” campaign, and tunnel-digging during Sino–Soviet war
clay, collecting
clothing: confiscation of citizens’ possessions, distribution of useless items portrayed as “redistributing to the masses,” high price of shoes, lice-infested clothes at Drapchi prison, prohibition of Tibetan clothes, and public humiliation, of Red Guards, sorting costumes, Yaktér cloth
cold weather
Collected Works of Mao Zedong
collective agriculture
commercial activity under Communist rule
Committee for the Overthrow of Local Emperors
Communist rule in Tibet, administrative system, ban on visible manifestations of Tibetan culture, (see also Cultural Revolution; monasteries; sacred objects and images); border war with India (1962), cadres withdrawn, changes following death of Mao Zedong, Chinese conventions on following impossible orders, confiscation of citizens’ possessions, construction projects exclusively benefiting the Chinese, “Democratic Reform” campaign (see “Democratic Reform” campaign); destruction of natural environment, education denied to children of ostracized families, “Fifty Days of Fierce Struggle” campaign, “Four Cleanups” campaign, “Four Unities” rubric, “Great Winter Training Session,” initial attempts to win over the population, internal disputes, “Maximize production, minimize expenditure, build the nation by thrift” campaign, occupation in summer of 1950, “One Smash and Three Antis” campaign (1970), “Oppose Lin Biao and Confucius” campaign, overview of history, ix–xiii; popular uprisings, (see also March 10th uprising); practice of fostering mutual suspicion, reasons for invasion, “Reexamination” campaign (1960), rival factions during Cultural Revolution, “Seventeen-Point Agreement on Peaceful Liberation,” and Sino–Soviet war (1969), “Six Excellences” campaign, “Socialist Transformation” campaign, strict control of grain, strict control of weapons and firearms, suppression of New Year celebration (1968), suppression of religious ceremonies, “Three Big Educations” campaign, “Three Rejections and Two Reductions” campaign, Tibetan people’s loyalty to exile government underestimated, “Twenty-Six Points” policy. See also “class enemies”; civilian labor; civilian life under Chinese rule; Cultural Revolution; executions; humiliation parades; March 10th uprising (1959); People’s Liberation Army; prison labor; prison life; propaganda; re-education study sessions; struggles and interrogations
cooking fuel. See fuel
coup d’état, Lin Biao attempt
cow, mistreatment by PLA
CPPCC. See Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
crime rate
Cultural Palace
Cultural Relics Preservation Office
Cultural Revolution, xii; civil war destruction of household objects, destruction of sacred objects and images, fate of “progressive” members of the Chinese United Front, massacre of June 7th (1968), onset of, persecution of “class enemies,” possessions dumped in the river during, prohibition of Tibetan clothes, rival factions, searches and street parades struggle sessions, success of opportunistic people during, women’s hair cut. See also Gyenlok; Nyamdrel; Red Guards
daily life. See civilian labor; civilian life under Chinese rule; prison labor; prison life
Dalai Lama (13th incarnation)
Dalai Lama (14th incarnation) booklets copied by Tubten Khétsun, and Chinese takeover (1950), defamation campaign, escape from Tibet (1959), examination ceremonies, and exile government delegation, and inauguration of the Chinese National People’s Congress (1954), and March 10th uprising (1959), and Panchen Lama (10th incarnation), policy of avoiding extremes, and Tubten Khétsun, tutor (see Kyapjé Trijang Dorjé-chang); visit to India (1956)
deer antler
Dége printing house
“Democratic Reform” campaign (1959) and class categories, confiscation of citizens’ possessions, confiscation of sacred images, distribution of useless items portrayed as “redistributing to the masses,” obliteration of monasteries and noble estates, and rural life, and Tubten Khétsun’s sister Yangdröl, and Woba-ling Kha-ché Muslim community
Démön Rikdzin
Deng Xiaoping
disease. See health; medical care
Do-dé valley
Dompo Tubten Gyeltsen
Dönden (cook)
Dondrup (former servant at Shöl-shar)
Dongkar, canal leak near
Dorjé Po-trang (residence of the Panchen Lama)
Dra Yéshé Tokmé
Drang-go valley
Drapchi prison, backgrounds of prisoners, brick-making at, changes in treatment of prisoners, collecting corpse from People’s Hospital, cruelty of guards, deaths from falling while cutting firewood, deaths from overeating, deaths from starvation, described, and destruction of wilderness and holy places, difficulties in transferring to Trongnying prison farm, execution rally, and famine, food confiscated, food sharing, hardships of collecting firewood, help from elder sister, kindness of guards, lack of nearby relatives as contributing factor in death, living conditions, lizard tea, release from, sleeping between corpses, struggle meetings at, support from relatives, theft of belongings by prison officials
Drépung monastery destruction of buildings monks at Téring prison
Drikung area, destruction of sacred grove, monastery at Drikung Tsa. See also Trongnying prison farm
Dromtö agricultural area
Dulwa Khensur Tubten Tséring
dust storms
Dzasak Tanak Tétongpa Ché Jikmé
edible oil. See oil, edible
education: after Chinese takeover, after death of Mao Zedong, children of ostracized families denied entrance to middle school, Mao on, at Nyarongshak school, pre-Communist education system. See also reeducation study sessions
eggs, as cure for muscle injury
“Eight Character Directive on Agriculture,”
“Eight-one” new town
elder brothers. See Jampa Tsultrim; Yéshé Khédrup
elder sisters: care for younger siblings, as nuns, support for Tubten Khétsun at Trong-nying prison farm, support for Tubten Khétsun in Drapchi prison, support for Tubten Khétsun while bricks aren’t selling, Tubten Khétsun’s fears for during Cultural Revolution, withholding bad news from prisoners. See also Losang Chönyi; Tendzin Dékyong; Yangchen Drölkar
electricity shortages
Épa Yöndak
escape attempts
executions: execution rally at Drapchi prison, mass executions at mandatory public rallies, and “One Smash and Three Antis” campaign
exile community
exile government. See also Dalai Lama (14th incarnation)
explosions, for preventing hail
families: divided over class category designations, education denied to children of ostracized families, struggle against relatives encouraged. See also relatives, support from
family of Tubten Khétsun, brothers (see Jampa Tsultrim; Jampel Puntsok; Nga-nam; Yéshé Khédrup); father (see Changchup Lo-dro); help from former servants and tenants, mother (see Pema Drölkar); property confiscated, “reactionary” status of, reunited after death of Mao Zedong, “ruling class” status of, sisters (see elder sisters; Losang Chödzom; Losang Chönyi; Tendzin Dékyong; Tendzin Drölkar; Yangchen Drölkar); support for family members in prison, and Tubten Khétsun’s difficulties in finding work, and Tubten Khétsun’s release from prison, uncle (see Tubten Changchup). See also relatives, support from
famine: in China (1961), and civilian life, deaths from over-eating, deaths from starvation, at Drapchi prison, and hardships in rural areas, lack of nearby relatives as contributing factor in death
Fan Ming
farmers: compulsory labor on construction projects in addition to farm work, at Drapchi prison, inappropriate projects, and PLA, rural life before Chinese invasion, rural life under Chinese rule, secondary livelihood activities banned, taxes
Farmers and Pastoralists Command
“fat Tenchö,”
father of Tubten Khétsun
fertilizer, inappropriate application of
“Fifty Days of Fierce Struggle” campaign
fire: started by PLA machine guns, started by PLA to destroy turf
firearms, strict control of
firewood collecting
flies, quotas for
food: and access to imported goods, and civilian life, and conditions at canal-building camp, and fainting spells, and hardships in rural areas, health effects of stale tsampa, lizard tea, and New Year (1968), pea flour gruel poem and prison life, ration system, strict control of grain. See also famine; oil, edible; tea
“Four Cleanups” campaign
“Four Olds,” burning of preserved bodies of lamas, suppression of New Year celebration (1968)
Four Rivers and Six Ranges” Volunteer Army in Defense of Religion
“Four Unities,”
fuel, 245; cattle dung used as, firewood collecting, PLA destruction of turf cut for fuel. See also firewood collecting
Gadhi (Muslim businessman)
Ganden monastery, destruction of, and exile government delegation
Ganden Po-trang government
Gégyé-pa Tendzin Dorjé
Gen Chöpel
Gen Rinpoché (Gen Lamrim)
Géndun Dondrup
Géshé Dorjé Wenbar
Géshé Yéshé Gyatso
“Great Revolutionary Alliance.” See Nyamdrel
“Great Winter Training Session
greeting scarf
“Guest House
Gyantsé Tsongkhang family
Gya-shok number. See also Ngachen power station construction site
Gyatso Tashi household
Gyawu Lingka prison. See Tibet Military District Headquarters
Gyeltsen Tashi
Gyenlok (“Red Rebel Faction”), and “class enemy” study sessions, and June 7th massacre, and New Year (1968) and Sino–Soviet war
Gyu-mé monastery
hail, pointless prevention measures
hair, cut off during Cultural Revolution
“hat,” and political rights. See also “class enemies”
health: and conditions at canal-building camp, and conditions at Trongnying prison farm, health effects of loudspeakers installed in houses, health effects of stale tsampa, health effects of winter wheat, stomach disease at Traldé Lingka prison. See also famine; hygiene; injuries; medical care
hen’s eggs as cure for muscle injury
horse trader
house searches. See searches of homes
household of Tubten Khétsun. See family of Tubten Khétsun
Hu Yaobang
Hua Guofeng
Hui Muslims
humiliation parades and New Year (1968) and onset of Cultural Revolution
hygiene: bathing habits of Tibetans and conditions at canal-building camp poor hygiene blamed for more than its share of deaths and “Six Excellences,”
India, border war with China (1962)
informers. See spies and informers
injuries: and brick-making and canal leak near petroleum storage depot, and firewood collecting, and kindness of guards and river crossings, and stone-cutting tools
interrogations. See struggles and interrogations
Islam. See Muslims
Jampa Lung-rik
Jampa Sonam
Jampa Tendar
Jampa Tendzin
Jampa Tsultrim (eldest brother; Jam-tsul) and March 10th uprising (1959) release from prison and start of Chinese hostilities (1959) trip to monastic communities (1955)
Jampa Wangmo
Jampa Yönten
Jampel Khétsun (mother’s stepbrother)
Jampel Puntsok (younger brother; Jam-pun) and death of Mao Zedong and New Year (1968) and quotas for dead flies, mice, and sparrows, visits to Nga-chen power station construction site
Japanese occupation of China
Jé Rinpoché (Jé Tsongka-pa) reliquary of
Jéma Chun-go village
Jokpo hermitage
June 7th massacre (1968)
Ka-ché Gonam Marma
Ka-lön Surkhang
karma: and approaches to adversity, and destruction of monasteries
Kashmir, Muslims from
Kashö Chögyel Nyima
Késang (cabinet secretary)
Késang (of Panam Ayarwa family)
Késang Chöpel
Késang Déchen
Késang Dramdul
Késang Po-trang palace
Késang Rabgyé
Késang Tséring
Khacharas (Nepalese)
Khampa Tséten Tashi
Khamsum Silnön palace
Khardo hermitage
Khardo Tulku Ten-nor (Khardo Rinpoché)
Khémé Dzasak
Khenchung Késang Ngawang
Khenchung Losang Tendzin
Khenchung Sonam Gyatso
Khenchung Tara-wa Do-ngak Tarchin
Khenchung Tubten Tenpa
Khendrung Bumtang Tubten Chöpel
Khendrung Tubten Changchup. See Tubten Changchup
Khendrung Tubten Tendar
Khyung-ram Rikdzin Namgyel
Kongpo Lu-nang valley
Kongpo Nyingtri
Kongpo prison
Kongpo region: construction projects scaled back during Cultural Revolution, deforestation, monks sent to do road construction, and Panchen Lama, Tubten Khétsun recruited for construction work in
Kundé-ling Gur-teng Kunsang
Kung Ping
Kung-ru Shindram Tulku
Kunsang Rikdzin
Kyapjé Rinpoché (Trijang Rinpoché; tutor to the Dalai Lama)
Kyi-chu river
Kyiré Risur Ama Yangchen
Kyi-shong Jo-la A-nen
Kyi-tö house
labor. See civilian labor; prison labor
la-ma fuel
lamp fuel
Lam-rim [gradual path] teaching
landslide at Nga-chen power station construction site
Latok Surkhar Ngawang Puntsok
Lawa Géshé Jampa Chöpel
Lei Feng
Lha-ding Khen-chen Ngawang Drakpa
Lha-gyel. See Chamdowa Lha-gyel
Lhasa, 2(photo); changes in Chinese assault on (1959) and death of Mao Zedong, division of citizens into class categories and June 7th massacre (1968) and March 10th uprising (1959) Muslim communities, Nepalese community, People’s Street, refugees, and tunnel-digging during Sino–Soviet war, youth executed. See also Banak-shöl neighborhood; civilian life under Chinese rule; neighborhood committees; specific palaces and temples
Lhasa cement factory
Lhasa East Wind boot and hat factory
Lhasa People’s Hospital
Lhundrup Peljor
lice infestations
Lin Biao coup attempt
Li-tang A-druk Gönpo Tashi
Liu Pu-chun
Liu Shaoqi and Cultural Revolution
lizard tea
Lochö Doyontsang (sister-in-law)
Loga (of Drikung Mangshung)
logging in Kongpo region majority of timber shipped off to China, timber allowance of cadres withdrawn from Tibet, and Trong-nying prison farm
Losang Chöden
Losang Chödzom (younger sister)
Losang Chöjor (Peljor)
Losang Chönyi (eldest sister) at Drapchi prison and New Year (1968), at Nga-chen power station construction site “ruling class” status of Tubten Khétsun’s difficulties in telling about mother’s death visit to Tubten Khétsun at Trong-nying prison farm. See also elder sisters
Losang Dékyong (younger sister)
Losang Jikmé
Losang Mönlam
Losang Norbu
Losang Pelden
Losang Tenpa
Losang Tséring
Losang Yéshé
Lo-tsa Tubten Seng-gé
loudspeakers installed in houses
Lulu (Gyenlok leader in neighborhood committee)
Ma Guocheng
Mak-chi Khenchung Lodro Késang
Mao Zedong: and Cultural Revolution death of on education on Lei Feng and Lin Biao coup attempt monk’s comment on death of national day of mourning and Sino–Soviet war and Stalin
March 10th uprising (1959) aftermath of and Tashi-lhunpo Labrang and Woba-ling Kha-ché Muslim community
marriage: monks and nuns forced to marry by lottery
marsh, destruction of
“Maximize production, minimize expenditure, build the nation by thrift” campaign
medical care: black hen’s eggs as cure for muscle injury blessing pills lack of medical care in Téring prison and lack of residence papers medical identity cards medicinal plants sold to Chinese in rural areas traditional Chinese medicine at Drapchi prison. See also health
Medro Gongkar county. See Trong-nying prison farm
Medro Pu-chu river
Méru Nyingba monastery
mice, quotas for
“middle trader” category
Mindro Ngawang Puntsok
Min-gyur Dorjé
monasteries: bodies of lamas burned destruction of reliquaries and buildings destruction of sacred objects and images disbanded employment of former monks; monks and nuns forced to marry by lottery monks as “class enemies” (see “class enemies”); monks at Drapchi prison rebellion of struggles and interrogations. See also specific monasteries
Mön-ling Dzasa
mother of Tubten Khétsun. See Pema Drölkar
Muslims and Kongpo prison and Téring prison Woba-ling Kha-ché agitation
Namling Chökyi
Nangtsé-shak prison
Nationalities Cultural Palace
neighborhood committees and class category designations evening meetings and Red Guards and rights of ex-prisoners unpaid work for worker quotas. See also Banak-shöl neighborhood
neighbors, kindness of
Nepalese community
nephew of Tubten Khétsun. See Tendzin Jikmé
New Year disaster (1968)
Nga-chen power station construction site canal building at, and Chinese propaganda and “Fifty Days of Fierce Struggle” campaign injuries landslide at living conditions, token system visits with relatives
Nga-nam (younger brother), denied entrance to middle school recruited to work in Kongpo region and Tubten Khétsun’s release from prison work at power station and cement factory in Chamdo prefecture
Ngawang Chöpel
Ngawang Khédrup
Ngawang Khyenrab
Ngawang Norbu. See Nga-nam (younger brother)
Ngawang Puntsok
Ngawang Tséring
Ngo-drup Tsokny
Norbu Dorjé
Norbu Lingka barracks prison
Norbu Lingka summer palace Chinese assault on (1959) and March 10th uprising (1959)
Nyamdrel (“Great Revolutionary Alliance”) and “class enemy” study sessions, and June 7th massacre, and New Year (1968)
Nyang-chu river
Nyang-tren valley
Nyarong-shak school
Nyemdo Jampa Tendzin
Nyémo county uprising and mass executions
oil, edible and civilian life and oil lamps and rural life and Woba-ling Kha-ché Muslim community
oil lamps
Old Man’s Tale (Khémé Dzasak)
“Om” (code word for Chinese leaders)
Om-Khang shed
ön Gyelsé Tulku Ngawang Losang
“One Smash and Three Antis” campaign (1970)
“Oppose Lin Biao and Confucius” campaign
Pabongka Ri-trö
Palden (sister’s husband)
Palden Drölma Khétsun (wife)
Panchen Chöki Gyeltsen. See Panchen Lama (10th incarnation)
Panchen Chöki Nyima. See Panchen Lama (9th incarnation)
Panchen Lama (9th incarnation)
Panchen Lama (10th incarnation) and Chinese invasion and Dalai Lama denunciation and struggle against (1964) and 70,000 Character Petition
Panchen Rinpoché. See Panchen Lama (10th incarnation)
“Panchen’s bodyguard,”
Pa-ri-ku farmers
Parkor Kha-ché Muslims
PCART. See Preparatory Committee for the Tibet Autonomous Region
pea flour gruel, poem about
Pelbar county uprising
Peljor (Langdün family)
Peljor (Losang Chöjor)
Pema Dorjé
Pema Drölkar (mother) death of and March 10th uprising (1959) release from Tsémön-ling Reeducation Center due to illness telling sister about death of Tubten Khétsun’s last sight of
Pema Norbu
Peng Dehuai
people’s communes
“People’s Hospital” at Pomsur-nang
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) destruction of turf cut for fuel evidence for long preparation before outbreak of hostilities guerrilla attacks on and June 7th massacre (1968), military actions after March 10th uprising (1959) “Three Great Disciplines and Eight Responsibilities” code vicious treatment of farm animals wild animals wiped out by, wildfire started by machine gun fire
People’s Street
“petty trader” category
pills. See blessing pills
PLA. See People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
political rights of ex-prisoners
Pönchen Shakya Sangpo
“poor citizen” category
Poor Laborers Collective
Potala palace broken statues missing statue incident sorting scriptures at and tunnel-digging during Sino–Soviet war
Powo Tarchin
Powo Tramo
Powo Tségyé
Powo Yiwong region
Preparatory Committee for the Tibet Autonomous Region (PCART) administrative system and Panchen Lama
prison labor: agricultural labor; brick making burning corpses cart accident at Téring prison Chinese conventions on following impossible orders collecting clay for building, collecting corpse from People’s Hospital collecting firewood deaths from falling while cutting firewood dismantling barricades at Drapchi prison and “Fifty Days of Fierce Struggle” campaign landslide at Nga-chen power station construction site at Nga-chen power station construction site odd jobs Reform Through Labor Prison (see Drapchi prison); sewage removal sorting valuables transporting rubble at Trong-nying prison farm
prison life: changes in treatment of prisoners cold weather cruelty of guards death from cart accident deaths from falling deaths from landslide deaths from overeating deaths from starvation execution rally and famine and “Fifty Days of Fierce Struggle” campaign food confiscated food sharing and “Great Winter Training Session,” ; injuries kindness of guards lack of nearby relatives as contributing factor in death living conditions at Drapchi prison living conditions at Nga-chen power station construction site living conditions at Téring prison living conditions at Trong-nying prison farm Norbu Lingka barracks prison reeducation study sessions searches of possessions sentencing of prisoners and Sino–Indian border war sleeping between corpses struggle meetings at Drapchi prison struggle meetings at Téring prison struggle meetings at Tibet Military District Headquarters,
prison life (continued) struggle meetings at Trongnying prison farm support from relatives theft of belongings by prison officials token system. See also Drapchi prison; health; Nga-chen power station construction site; prison labor; Téring prison; Trong-nying prison farm
prisoners, assaults on: firewood collecting incident punishment for talking and river crossings shoulder pole incident . See also struggles and interrogations
prisoners, political rights after release
“progressives,” fate of “progressive” members of the Chinese United Front
propaganda: on benefits of large construction projects and death of Mao Zedong distribution of useless items portrayed as “redistributing to the masses,” on education system on exile government and factional fighting during Cultural Revolution against Kyapjé Trijang Dorjé- chang (tutor to the Dalai Lama) on March 10th uprising and Panchen Lama and Red Guard factions revolutionary songs scorpions and skeletons used in and “Three Rejections and Two Reductions” campaign . See also reeducation study sessions
Public [Affairs] Bureau
public humiliation. See humiliation parades; struggles and interrogations
Pu-khang Gen Lamrim (Gen Rinpoché)
Puntsok Wangdü
Puntsok Wangyal
Purbu Drölma
Quotations of Mao Zedong
Raka-drak hermitage
Ramo-ché temple
ration system
Ra-tsak Dakini
Red Guards clothing of humiliation parades and neighborhood committees and New Year (1968) rival factions (see also Gyenlok; Nyamdrel); spread around the country, and struggle meetings
“Red Rebel Faction.” See Gyenlok (”Red Rebel Faction”)
reeducation study sessions: at canal-building camp and Cultural Revolution and death of Mao Zedong at Drapchi prison and factional fighting during Cultural Revolution, and “Four Cleanups” campaign and Kongpo region construction site at Tibet Military District Headquarters at Tölung Power Station construction camp at Trong-nying prison farm at Tsédrung Lingka and Woba-ling Kha-ché Muslim community
“Reexamination” campaign (1960)
Reform Through Labor. See also civilian labor; prison labor
Reform Through Labor Prison. SeeDrapchi prison
relatives, support from and difficulties of using gifts economically and Drapchi prison importance of tea lack of nearby relatives as contributing factor in death and Nga-chen power station construction site and Téring prison and Trong-nying prison farm
“religious worker” category
reliquaries looting from reliquaries distinguished from ideological destruction of sacred objects
Ren Rong
residence papers
resistance army . See also Volunteer Defense Army
Reteng Jowo
Reteng Rinpoché, father of
Rikdzin Dorjé
Rimshi Mentöpa
Rimshi Mu-jawa
Rimshi Sa-lungpa
Rinpung county, conditions in
Risur Ama Yangchen. See Kyiré Risur Ama Yagnchen
rivers, difficulty crossing
“ruling class” category. See also “class enemies”
“ruling class deputy” category
“ruling class offspring” category
rural life under Chinese rule, See also farmers
Russia. See Soviet Union
sacred objects and images: confiscation of destruction distinguished from looting of reliquaries destruction during Cultural Revolution left with Khacharas missing statue incident and Panchen Lama and public humiliation parades sorting scriptures and statues at Potala palace
Samdrup Po-trang
schools: after Chinese takeover Nyarong-shak school and quotas for dead flies, mice, and sparrows Séshim primary school Social School
scorpions, and propaganda
searches of homes: and death of Mao Zedong and New Year (1968) and “One Smash and Three Antis” campaign and onset of Cultural Revolution sacred objects left with Khacharas
sectional offices
sentencing of prisoners
Séra Chöding hermitage
Séra monastery
Séshim primary school
“Seventeen-Point Agreement on Peaceful Liberation,”
70,000 Character Petition
Sha-tra family apartment
Shédrak Acarya
sheep fleece, death from eating
Shéling Tsewang Namgyel
Shérab Menbar
Shika-tsé faction
Shika-tsé monastic community
Shika-tsé prefecture, conditions in
Shödrung Lhundrup Peljor
Shödrung Tséwang Dramdul
Shöl neighborhood committee
Shöl prison
Shölkhang Épa Yöndak
Shölkhang Jédrung Tubten Nyima
Shölkhang-sé Sonam Targyé
Shöl-pa Ta-tongwa
shoulder pole incident
Shuktri Lingka
Sichuan–Tibet highway
“single ornament of the world” (Buddhist canon)
Sino–Indian war (1962)
Sino–Soviet war (1969)
sisters of Tubten Khétsun. See elder sisters; Losang Chödzom; Losang Chönyi; Tendzin Dékyong; Tendzin Drölkar; Yangchen Drölkar
“Six Excellences” campaign
skeletons, and propaganda
“small trader” category
social classes: and Chinese propaganda and “Democratic Reform” campaign and difficulties in selling bricks division into class categories during “Socialist Transformation” campaign and education and fixed wage policy and “Three Rejections and Two Reductions” campaign. See also “class enemies”
Social School
“Socialist Transformation” campaign: class categories compulsory organization into cooperatives
Sonam Peljor
Sonam Rabten
Sonam Targyé
songs, propaganda
Songtsen Gampo, King
Southwest Nationalities College
Soviet Union: monasteries destroyed in and Panchen Lama Sino–Soviet war (1969)
sparrows, quotas for
spies and informers false accusations against Tubten Khétsun innocent people mistaken for at Norbu Lingka barracks prison and Public Affairs Bureau at Tibet Military District Headquarters Tubten Khétsun pressured to inform on uncle. See also struggles and interrogations
“spirit monsters,”
Stalin, Joseph
stone quarrying
stories, as “food for the mind,”
struggles and interrogations at canal-building camp and class categories confessions courageous statements of prisoners and Cultural Revolution and death of Mao Zedong at Drapchi prison executions at mandatory public rallies and failure to meet work targets false accusations against Tubten Khétsun and Géndrup Dondrup’s escape plans “Great Winter Training Session” following war with India and Kyapjé Trijang Dorjé- chang (tutor to the Dalai Lama) and monastic communities and Muslim prisoner, and New Year (1968) and payment of impossibly high taxes and popular uprisings practice of encouraging struggle against former masters, teachers, lamas, and parents practice of encouraging struggle against relatives and asso ciates practice of fostering mutual suspicion and prisoners not told on what charge they were arrested, and “reactionary religious worship,” and rural life and the “Six Excellences” campaign at Téring prison and “Three Rejections and Two Reductions” campaign at Tibet Military District Headquarters at Trong-nying prison farm . See also executions; humiliation parades; prisoners, assaults on; searches of homes
study sessions. See reeducation study sessions
Sumdo Lekdrup Chödar
summer palace. See Norbu Lingka summer palace
Taklha Puntsok Tashi
Tang Guansan
Tangkya monastery
Tangpé Puntsok Namgyel
Tangpé Tséring
TAR Cultural Relics Office. See also Cultural Relics Preservation Office
TAR Health Bureau
Tara Khangsar house
Tara Sonam Tséring
Tashi (Drapchi prison official)
Tashi Dorjé
Tashi Topgyel
Tashi Tséring
Tashi-lhunpo monastic community
Tawu valley
tea: and arrival at Trong-nying prison farm and conditions at canalbuilding camp and difficulties of procuring edible oil for butter tea at Drapchi prison and kind neighbors, lizard tea at Téring prison and Tubten Khétsun’s release from prison and visits from relatives to prisoners and workers’ departure for Kongpo region
Tendzin Dékyong (elder sister), See also elder sisters
Tendzin Drölkar (younger sister; Tendröl)
Tendzin Gyeltsen Khédrup (nephew)
Tendzin Jikmé (nephew)
Tendzin Losang Khédrup (niece)
Téring prison blessing pill incident cart accident collecting clay for building described Drépung monks at Gen Rinpoché’s teachings kindness of guards living conditions, meetings with relatives and mother’s death Muslim prisoner at sentencing of prisoners shoulder pole incident
Téring Ten-nor
terraces, construction of
Tétong Khenchung Losang Namgyel
thorn bushes. See also firewood collecting
“Three Big Educations” campaign
“three feudal lords.” See “class enemies”
“Three Great Disciplines and Eight Responsibilities” code of PLA
“Three Rejections and Two Reductions” campaign
Tibet Chinese influence on Tibetan towns destruction of wilderness and holy places exile community exile government overview of modern history preservation of cultural heritage after death of Mao Zedong salt deposits. See also Communist rule in Tibet; Dalai Lama (14th incarnation); Tibetan government under Chinese rule
Tibet Academy of Social Science
Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR)
Tibet Daily newspaper
Tibet Military District Headquarters and Nyamdrel faction
Tibet Work Committee
Tibetan government under Chinese rule: and March 10th uprising (1959) and start of Chinese hostilities (1959) and Tibetan resistance
Tibetan resistance Nyémo county uprising Volunteer Defense Army
Tibetan Women’s Association
Tien Bao
timber. See firewood collecting; logging
Tölung Power Station construction camp
tool making
torture. See executions; humiliation parades; struggles and interrogations
Traldé Lingka prison
Trinlé Gyelpo
Tripartite Revolutionary Committee
Tromsi-khang neighborhood committee
Trong-nying prison farm agricultural labor cold weather described difficulties in transferring equipment difficulties in transferring to and failure to meet work targets and “Great Winter Training Session,” living conditions logging political education study sessions problems with yaksand Sino–Indian border war struggle meetings at Tubten Khétsun’s release from
tsampa. See food Tsamtrul Rinpoché
Tsang province
Tsawa ösér Labrang Dondrup Tséring
Tsédrung Gyaltsen Tashi
Tsédrung Lingka prison
Tsédrung Ngawang Tashi
Tsédrung Tendzin Trinlé
Tsémön-ling Reeducation Center
Tséring Dondrup
Tséring Lha-mo
Tséring Wangdü
Tséten Tashi
Tsewang Palmo Khédrup (sister-in-law)
Tsewang Sangmo
Tsipön Shu-küpa Jamyang Khédrup
Tsipön Tsogowa Dondrup Tséring
Tsona Tsongkhang family
Tsöndru Neljor
Tsukla-khang temple destruction of sacred objects and images and exile government delegation and June 7th massacre occupation by Gyenlok faction
Tsultrim Chöpel
Tubten Changchup (uncle) and Dalai Lama death of as government official imprisoned at Tibet Military District Headquarters and March 10th uprising (1959) and start of Chinese hostilities (1959) Tubten Khétsun’s interrogations over activities of visit to India (1956)
Tubten Géché
Tubten Gyeltsen
Tubten Khétsun. See also family of Tubten Khétsun; and following headings
Tubten Khétsun: childhood and youth: childhood education at Nyarong-shak school examinations for palace secretariat as incense bearer to the Dalai Lama and March 10th uprising (1959) pilgrimage to India (1956) and start of Chinese hostilities (1959) trip to monastic communities (1955) as member of “ruling class” category and New Year disaster (1968) recruited for agricultural cooperative recruited to work at Tölung Power Station construction camp recruited to work in Kongpo region recruited to work on canal below Nga-chen power station refused permission to work as teacher regrets for lack of education return from Kongpo region “ruling class” status of as sacristan at Potala palace sorting scriptures and statues at Potala palace spared from participating in destruction of monasteries and Tibet Academy of Social Science trip to Dégé printing house visit to sister Yangdöl (1974). See also struggles and interrogations
Tubten Khétsun: prison experiences: Drapchi prison Nga-chen power station construction site Norbu Lingka barracks prison Téring prison Tibet Military District Headquarters Traldé Lingka prison Trong-nying prison farm Tsédrung Lingka prison. See also prison labor; prison life; struggles and interrogations; specific prisons
Tubten Lodro
Tubten Nyima
tunnels, and Sino–Soviet war
turf cut for fuel, destruction by PLA
“Twenty-Six Points” policy
Ü province
uncle of Tubten Khétsun. See Tubten Changchup
United Front Bureau. See also Public [Affairs] Bureau
United States
Urga, temple of
“vagrant” category
“village of three wicked households,”
Volunteer Defense Army
Wang Qimei
Wangchuk Gyelpo
Wangdü (Langdün family)
Wangdü (Séra monk)
weapons, strict control of
Wen-ch’eng Konjo
wife of Tubten Khétsun. See Palden Drölma Khétsun
wilderness, destruction of
willow trees
winter wheat
Woba-ling Kha-ché Muslims
Women’s Association. See Tibetan Women’s Association
Wongshing Tri-mön house
“worker” category
Xichao Dachang timber yard
Yakdé Démön Rikdzin
Yakdé Khang-shung
Yaktér cloth
Yangchen Drölkar (elder sister; Yangdröl) father-in-law (see Yakdé Démön Rikdzin); hardships of status as “ruling class deputy,”. See also elder sisters
Yang-ling Dorjé
Yéshé Drölma
Yéshé Khédrup (elder brother) and Drépung monks and false reports of Tubten Khétsun’s death in landslide letter from reunited with at school
Yéshé Tenpa
Yin Fatang
Yönten Puntsok
Yönten Tarchin
younger brother. See Nga-nam
younger sisters. See Losang Chödzom; Losang Dékyong; Tendzin Drölkar
Zeng Yongya
Zhang Guohua
Zhang Jinwu
Zhou Enlai
Zhou Renshan
Zhu De