
Alternative Sabbat Celebrations

by Estelle Daniels

The eight sabbat celebrations all have their traditions. The Yule log is burned on the Winter Solstice to symbolize the warmth of nature in a cold and dead part of the year. Eggs are painted on Ostara to celebrate nature’s rebirth.

That is to say, the sabbats are based upon an agrarian model, and nature worship is inherent in the dance of the seasons. But the modern world is ironically, for the most part, an indoor world.

This is the impetus for creating a series of alternative sabbat celebrations that have to do with being outdoors and working with the seasons. The following suggestions are based upon a four-season year. Some localities have years with just three, or even two seasons, and growing and planting occurs at different times. Adapt your outdoor sabbat celebrations to the individual climate of your locality.


Samhain is the season of the root harvest, and also of the hunting season. For this sabbat, consider taking up hunting—you can use a camera if you’d rather not carry an actual gun. Just getting out into the woods in the fall and observing how nature is getting ready to bed down for the winter can give you a good Samhain feeling. Once you are outdoors, watch the sights and listen to the sounds. This is the time that birds migrate. Make a point of learning which birds go and which stay. Afterwards, make up a thick stew with veggies (and meat, if you eat it). This is a good and warming way to celebrate winter root crops.


Yule is the dark time of the year. Sitting vigil on the longest night with a Yule fire is one way to celebrate this sabbat. Fire is a sacred thing, and necessary for life. But modern society has tamed fire, so it’s no longer the big deal it once was. A good alternative Yule celebration involves getting up before dawn after the longest night of the year, and gathering at a place with a good eastern view to green the sun as it comes up. Some ancient societies felt that this sun greeting was crucial to ensure its constant return. Alternatively, go ice skating, skiing, or sledding outdoors on this day and enjoy what the season has to offer. Then come in and drink warm cider, celebrating the fruits of an earlier season and appreciating the comforts of central heating.


Imbolc is the traditional time for working on the tools necessary for the coming year. Clean out your chests and closets, and sift through your Book of Shadows and other tools. Review and reorganize your magical stuff. Imbolc is also usually the coldest time of the year in northern climes. Go outside and watch the stillness of the world now. If the sun is out, it will be strong enough to melt ice and snow even if the temperature is below freezing. How does the old snow look compared to when it was new? If you get one of those rare warm days, a winter thaw, go outside and enjoy the sun and warmth. Feel the sun growing stronger, the days longer, and realize that spring and summer aren’t far behind. Cook a meal using dried ingredients. In the past, this is the time people ate from their stores and reserves.


Ostara is the Spring Equinox. If you can feel the spring’s arrival, go outside and see how things are changing. Are the buds swelling on the trees? Are there flowers poking out of the snow? Watch the animals, are they more active after the winter. Are they mating? Building nests? Are fish running in your area? Watch the birds migrating back from the south, closing the cycle of the year.


Beltane is when spring has arrived. The plants and trees are now in flower, so it’s a perfect time to go out. Look at the new plants and at how the old plants are putting on new growth. Check what survived and what did not over the winter. Have a picnic outside if it’s warm enough. Go to a farmers’ market and get some first fruit: asparagus, strawberries—whatever grows first in your area. Eating foods in season in your locality is one way to keep your body in tune with nature. Make yourself a spring salad or tonic. Has fishing season started? Try going fishing. You can cook up what you catch, or just catch and release.


Midsummer is when the crops are in and fruit is more abundant. The first hay is usually ready. An outdoor picnic and walk is always fun. A trip to the swimming hole is fun too. On the longest day of the year, put a stick in the ground and see how short the shadow is at noon. Examine the sun. It is most closely overhead at noon on Midsummer in the Northern Hemisphere. You can stay up for the shortest night, having a party or just enjoying the warm weather. Go berry picking at a pick-your-own place. Eat some as you pick, and try to store some for the coming winter.


Lammas is the first harvest and the height of summer. Crops are becoming ripe at the hottest time of the year. Camping is always fun now. Swimming cools your body naturally. This is the time for picnics and game. Ancient peoples celebrated these times with games and contests, which tested the people in preparation for coming hard months.


Mabon is the main harvest. Go apple picking. Visit the farmers’ market and see the bounty available in your area. Make a meal with only fresh foods harvested in your area. Give thanks for the bounty that is all around. Go outside and see how life is adapting and storing up resources for the winter to come. This is the main canning and preserving season. Try putting up something from your local food market.
