
Unusual Forms
of Divination

by Patricia Telesco

Alectromancy: observance of roosters eating grain

Axinomancy: scrutiny of a stone balanced on a red-hot axe

Cromniomancy: examination of growth in specially planted onions

Felidomancy: divination by watching cat behavior and actions

Futomani: Shinto tradition of divining from shoulder blade bone of a sacred deer

Gelomany: interpretation of hysterical laughter

Hippomancy: divination by watching the gait of horses during ceremonial processions

Ichthyomancy: examinations of fish

Kin: Hittite form of divination, which is similar to contemporary Ouija boards; having a board, fields, and symbols with a moving object as a medium

Libanomancy: Babylonian divination by smoke from cedar shavings or specially prepared incense

Margaritomancy: inspecting actions of a charmed pearl in a covered pot

Md-Mo: Tibetan divination by white and black arrows

Myomancy: omens interpreted by sounds and actions of suddenly appearing mice

Oenomancy: forecasts by color, appearance, and taste of a wine

Omphalomancy: contemplation of one’s navel

Phren-ba: Tibetan divination by rosary (mala) of 108 beads. Number of beads from random grasp fixes answer.

Podomancy: divination by foot soles

Sciomancy: prognostication by the size, shape, and changing appearance of shadows

Sycomancy: observations of drying fig leaves

Tyromancy: divination by cheese coagulation

Zoomancy: omens due to appearances of legendary beasts
