
The Orishas of SanterÍa

by Marguerite Elsbeth

Orishas are the African deities of Santeria, a rich and vibrate nature religion based on stones, seashells, water, and herbs. The Yoruba slaves who brought the religion from Africa identified the orishas with the Catholic saints in order to preserve the tradition. Therefore, practicing santeros, or priests, recognize the saints as having the same supernatural powers as the orishas for healing and spellcasting.

As the practitioners of Santeria believe in one creative force, called Oloddumare, the orishas are worshiped as spirit guardians who offer divine guidance and protection to reverent followers, rather than as gods. Every individual in the Santeria religion has a personal orisha to help him or her along the path of life.

Eleggua (St. Anthony) is a trickster, tending to create confusion wherever he goes. Because he knows all things, he demands his due before all other deities. Eleggua brings us into balance and wholeness.

Orunmila (St. Francis of Assisi) is “one who lives both in heaven and earth.” Divination is his gift to humankind. Because he knows our ultimate fate, he helps us to improve our destiny.

Obatala (Our Lady of Mercy) is a male deity, embodying female aspects also. He is known for peace, purity, and the white robes in which he dresses. Obatala helps us to control our thoughts.

Chango (St. Barbara) is the patron of power. He wears a red coat covered with cowrie shells and is fond of women, food, dancing, thunder, lightning—all things hot and fiery. He can help us to attain passion in our relationships.

Oggun (St. Peter) is a warrior god, and the patron of all metals. Although he creates as much chaos here on Earth, he also helps us gain employment and protects us against violent crime.

Ochosi (St. Norbert) is the divine hunter. He resides in the woods, sometimes “eating and living” with Oggun. Ochosi protects and assists hunters. He also has curative powers, and can help with relocation, as well as courtroom trials.

Aganyu (St. Christopher) is the volcano god, and the father of Chango through his union with Yemmu. One can only receive Aganyu’s helpful control over harmful influences through Chango’s intercession.

Babalu-Aye (St. Lazarus) is the patron of healing, and one of the most respected and well-loved orishas. He carries a bag filled with corn, and he helps those in financial distress achieve prosperity.

Yemaya (Our Lady of Regla) is an ocean goddess and a patroness of fertility. This much-revered orisha is very beautiful. She brings young girls to womanhood and is associated with the moon.

Oshun (Our Lady of Charity) is a river goddess, the Venus-Aphrodite of the Santeria religion. She is the patroness of love, marriage, money, joy, and abundance.

Oya (Our Lady of Candelaria/St. Teresa) is the goddess of the winds and the cemeteries. Because she is a warrior, her behavior is very aggressive. She offers her followers protection against death.


Santeria: The Religion by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler.
