Activating Your
Psychic Awareness
by Karen Follett
Psychic ability has a long history. Much of this history is engulfed in mysticism and secrecy. Palmists, mediums, crystal gazer, and those who read divinatory tools have been involved in this history since its origins. Still, while psychic ability is a part of society, it is often viewed, unfortunately, as separate from the mainstream, and this dictates a “those who can” versus “those who cannot” mentality, regarding accessing the knowledge that exists beyond our tangible world.
The Truth About Psychic Ability
While the concept of the “extraordinary” and “unique” ability regarding the psychic realm is a fabulous marketing strategy, it is inaccurate to think that only a “special few” people have the ability to perceive psychic information. The ability to see, hear, feel, and know the psychic realm is extraordinary, unique, and special.
But this ability is no more extraordinary that the ability of every living creature on this planet to perceive the world around us.
Psychic ability, which is also known as precognition, clairvoyance, and intuition, was given to our ancient ancestors by the divine creator. The ancient’s wisdom regarding the perception of the oneness that exists between themselves, their universe, and the divine opened their psychic awareness. The ancient’s day-to-day incorporation of spiritual beliefs into mundane existence furthered their psychic skills and perceptions.
Since that time, eons of “evolution” have brought us into the “civilized” world of today. Our encapsulated existence in cities, suburbs, and housing tracts has caused us to separate ourselves from nature. The grind of work, social and personal responsibilities, and daily modern living all too often tend to leave us with little time to attune to the universe and its creators. As a result of this “evolution,” we have become more accustomed to using our analytical skills and less accustomed to tuning in to our psychic skills.
Regardless of this conditioning, psychic ability remains a part of our genetic code. While some people seem to be more naturally plugged into the psychic circuit, it is important to know that the wiring is present in all of us. It just may need reconnecting.
Rewriting Yourself
for the Psychic Realm
The fact that you possess a (perhaps latent) psychic ability is the first step in developing your psychic potential. The next stop is to ask the universe to help you reconnect your psychic circuits.
Since we exist in a tangible, visual world, it is helpful to state to the universe an action that will initiate your “psychic circuitry.” This action could be the visualization of flipping on a switch or turning a dial. Or it could be an actual physical act such as anointing or touching your third eye.
The creation of such a switch connects the physical world and our basic selves to the spiritual world and our higher selves. The “switch” also helps in turning off or toning down the psychic circuit when you are in situations of psychic overload. Two tools that are essential to aid in your reconnection to the universal “oneness” of our ancestors are guided imagery and meditation.
Guided imagery is communicating to the universe. By imagining a mind’s eye scene with focused intent, you communicate your desire to the universe. Utilize guided imagery to state your intent and create the environment that will be conducive to the second tool of meditation.
While guided imagery is communicating to the universe; meditation is listening to the universe. Relax your body and open your quiet mind. “Listen” to the universe and the message that are being sent. Open the “message centers” of seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing.
Psychic communication can come in a variety of forms. You may see images of symbols. You may hear words or sounds; you may feel emotional or physical sensations. Or you may have a “gut” feeling that just informs you of something.
Particularly in the early stage of reconnection, some of this communication may seem confusing or insignificant. Don’t worry about interpretations at this point, just accept the perceptions as they are given. As mentioned before, the guided imagery and meditation act to reunite you to the universal oneness.
Once you feel comfortable with your reestablished relationship with the universe, you will be able to ask for and receive symbolic interpretations of this information. You will also notice that you can set your psychic circuit to the “comfortably on” mode, and receive perceptions without constant use of formal guided imagery and meditation.
Psychic Journaling
Please note that I intentionally used the words of “constant” and “formal” in the previous statement. Regardless of how tuned in you become to your psychic ability, there will be times when guided imagery and meditation are priceless.
The next step in the psychic reconnection process is to begin a “psychic development journal.” Your initial use of the journal will be to document any perceptions that you received during the meditation session. To begin your journal, keep your “psychic circuit” connected and record what you visualized, heard, felt, and suddenly knew. Again, don’t analyze, but ask the universe if there are any interpretations that it would like to send to you at that time.
After you have completed your journal entry, thank the universe for your reconnection and close your psychic circuit. As tedious as it may sound, writing in your journal will prove to be an invaluable tool, regardless of how adept you become in your psychic development. The act of writing tends to occupy the analytical brain and leave the perceptive brain open to receiving messages.
In the end, your journal will provide tangible proof of your progress in psychic development. You will also be able to refine your perceptive abilities by documenting perceptions and outcomes.
Reality, both tangible and psychic, is a matter of personal perception. The psychic messages sent from the universe are pure. We are human. As humans we have the innate ability to take a pure perception and alter the interpretation to meet our own perceptions of reality (or desired reality). By documenting perceptions and sensations noticed with your senses, you will be able to discern a true psychic interpretation.
Keep in mind that psychic hits and misses are just a part of life. I once read that even the psychic cream of the crop experiences only about 80 percent accuracy. More often than not, this 80 percent reflects the most important element of the universal reconnection process. Meaning, that since psychic perceptions reflect a static situation in a universe that is ever flowing and changing, there is no absolute accuracy in perception. Any action or inaction can set the flow to alter outcome.
Psychic ability is an ever-changing gift from an ever-changing universe. The assimilation of this concept is the last step in psychic development. Reconnecting your “oneness” to the universe and the acceptance of their psychic gifts will ensure that you will flow as she flows, you will grow as she grows, and you will respect her laws of karma and balance in the use of her gifts.