
Absolute Sound (magazine), 193

Accenture stock price, 63

accident avoidance. See safety

Adamson Act (1916), 171

advertising, online, 64–72, 136

“impression” display, 64

individual surveillance data, 64–68

response models, 68, 70

affinity group, 67

Affordable Care Act (2010), 214n8

agent: definition of, 83–84

synthetic intellect as, 91–92. See also moral agency

agriculture. See farmworkers Agrobot, 143

AI. See artificial intelligence air pollution, 168

“AI theater,” 36–37

Allen, Paul, 114

Amazon, 16, 31, 96–106, 142

average revenue-per-employee of, 139

competitive advantage of, 102

initial idea for, 96

naming of, 96, 103

pricing practices of, 97–105

replacement of physical stores by, 16, 48, 97, 139

shipping practices of, 100, 101

synthetic intellects and, 103–5, 134–35

valuation of, 102, 103

Amazon Cloud, 43, 92

Amazon Prime, 101

Amazon River, 103

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 114

American Automobile Association, 196

American Bar Association, 145

America’s Cup (yacht race), 115

analog recordings, 193

anthropomorphism, 11, 24, 36–37, 87

antilock brakes (ABS), 204–5

antitrust litigation, 88

Apple computers, 28, 101

Apple iPhone, 198

Apple stock price, 62–63

apprenticeship, 156

Armageddon (fictional robot), 201

artificial intelligence (AI), 3–13, 19–31, 194–208

advanced technologies and, 29–30, 38–45, 132–33, 191–92

anthropomorphic bias and, 11, 24, 36–37, 87

coining of term, x–xii, 19

contractual and property rights to, 91

early research approach to, 20–24

human intelligence compared with, artificial intelligence (AI) 3

IBM conference (1956) on, 19–20, 30

as machine learning (see machine learning); popular conception of, 11–12

projected applications of, 13–14, 46, 47, 141–52, 207–8

recognition process of, 39, 55

speed of, 36, 52–53, 103–4

sub-fields of, 152

trends in, 35–48

Turing Test implication and, 197–98. See also autonomous systems

forged laborers

synthetic intellects

assassins, robots as, 40

assets ownership, 175–87

average annual income from, 176

average household net worth and, 174

distribution of, 176–77

incentives for, 14–15, 16, 177–78, 183–84

living off of, 171

PBI (public benefit index), 14, 15, 180

savings program, 169

Social Security benefits vs., 182–84

by synthetic intellects, 90–91, 199–202

trusts and, 117, 200

ATMs (automatic tellers), 132, 151

attorneys. See lawyers

autonomous systems, 5–14, 20, 131–58

catastrophe potential of, 7–8, 207–8

common conceptions of, 135–36

corporate investments in, 177

economic costs of, 10–11, 186, 200

human growing dependency on, 206

legal regulation of, 13

sensors and, 41–43, 44

social costs of, 7, 126–27. See also artificial intelligence

forged laborers

synthetic intellects

specific applications

autonomous vehicles, 44–45, 194–97

benefits of, 195–97

ethical issues and, 9–10, 74

labor market effects of, 136–37

liability protection for, 91

long-haul trucking advantages of, 141–42

moral agency and, 81, 205–6

safety and, 44–45, 89, 142

autopilot, 151

Bain & Company, 118

banks, 153–54, 167, 174

human teller replacement, 132, 151. See also investment banking

Bell, Alexander Graham, 192

Bell Labs, 144

Bezos, Jeff, 95–98, 102, 103, 112–14, 118

big data. See machine learning

bitcoins, 202

BLS. See Bureau of Labor Statistics

Blue Origin, 114

Blue River Technologies, 144

bond market, 175, 177, 178

book industry, 97, 98

physical bookstores vs. online sales, 16, 48. See also Amazon

BP oil spill (2010), liability case, 80, 82–83, 84, 87

brain function, 23–24, 36

Brewster, Jason, 147

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 138–39, 141, 142, 152, 170

business cycles, 137

California, 113, 118, 143

cameras, 39, 46

cap and trade, 168

capital, 10–11, 12, 58

CAPTCHAs (brain twisters), 73

carbon dioxide, 158, 168

Carlyle Group, 118

cars: annual operating costs, 196

antilock brakes function, 204–5

first introduction of, 194

self-driving (see autonomous vehicles)

sticker price components, 100

CDs (compact discs), 46, 193

cell phones, 46

prepaid card prices, 55. See also smartphones

Census Bureau, 172, 174, 179

Centers for Disease Control, 169

chess-playing computers, 19, 21

separate tournaments for humans, 74

Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 63

China, 176

Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010), 90

civic responsibility, 58, 114

class, 109, 115, 116, 118, 119–21, 173. See also wealth

Clever Robots for Crops (program), 143

climate change, 131, 158

coffee fetching, 145

cognitive systems. See machine learning college degree, 121, 125

Columbia University, 51, 95

commercial pilots, 151

common sense, 6, 20

communications system, 44–45, 126–27

commuters, 195, 197

comparison shopping, 54

pre- and post-Internet, 100. See also prices

compassion, 82

competition restriction, 98

competitive advantage, 102, 103, 106, 181–82, 186, 187

different views of, 161–65

Computational Statistics, 152

computer programming, 8, 19–26

conventional approach to, 20–21, 22

feral processes and, 202–3

human intelligence simulation and, 19–20, 197–99

of moral code, 81

neural networking and (see machine learning)

to play “imitation game,” 197–98

for stock market trading, 52, 53–54, 74, 90, 95, 97, 98, 106

symbolic systems approach to, 21–22, 24, 29

“toy” problems and, 21

computers, 3, 13, 38, 41–42

advanced technology and, 103

“can only do what programmed to do” meme, 20, 30, 52

comparative-priced models, 100–101

cookies placed on hard drive of, 65–69

fast-paced rate of improvement of, 25–27, 28–30, 38, 45, 51

legal profession uses of, 146

power of, 38–39

search capability of, 30

“thinking” aspect of, 197–98. See also Internet; specific applications

computer viruses, 202–3

conscience. See moral agency

conservatives, 162, 163, 187

consumer behavior: Amazon pricing

policies and, 99–101, 103–4

automated tracking/analysis of, 55, 64–75, 90, 92, 96–105, 178

as class signifier, 109, 117

comparison shopping and, 54, 100

purchasing power and, 115

targeted website ads based on, 64–75

wealth and, 57, 109, 110–11, 112, 114, 117–18, 165–66

contracts, 90, 97, 202

synthetic intellect rights to, 91, 199–201

voiding of, 88

cookies (computer hard drive notations), 65–69

cooking, 6, 39, 47

Cornell University, 24

corporations: employees as agents of, 82–83

family-owned vs. broad ownership of, 177–82

high PBI index of, 15, 181

legal personhood of, 90, 215n9

as liability insulation, 91

moral agency of, 80, 87

punishment of, 87–88

synthetic intellect parallel, 90, 199–200

tax benefits for, 14, 177, 180–81

coupons, 105

CPM (cost per thousand), 71

credit cards, 89, 96

crime, 80, 82–88

crop picking, 39, 141

CROPS (Clever Robots for Crops program), 143

crowdsourcing, 136

C3PO (milquetoast humanoid), 40

customers. See consumer behavior

cyberspace, 37

cyclical unemployment, 136–37, 219n5

dark factory, 200

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 95

Dartmouth College, 215n9

data, 7, 36, 45, 48, 51, 67

commercial importance of, 96–97, 98, 103

sharing of, 28

speed of analysis of, 53, 68, 103–4

unnormalized, 53–54

Data Mining, 152

debt, 156, 176

Deepwater Horizon. See BP oil spill

deliveries. See shipping

depth perception, 42–43

D. E. Shaw and Company, 53, 95, 96, 97

DIDO (distributed input, distributed output), 127

digital recording, 193

Dijkstra, Edgar, 3

dishwashing, 145

Disneyland VIP tour option, 165

doctors. See medical care

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 8–9, 61–63

driverless cars. See autonomous vehicles

drones, 43, 44

duty-based normative ethics, 82

“Easterlin Paradox,” 225n31

economic system, 7, 10–15

absolute vs. reactive needs and, 186

asset-based, 14–15, 175–87

autonomous vehicles’ effects on, 195, 196

class and, 115, 116, 118

competitive advantage and, 102, 103, 106, 161–65, 181, 186, 187

expansion of, 15, 165

incentives and, 176, 177

inequality and, 12–15, 117–18, 165–66, 174–76

inflation rate, 173, 175

innovation and, 158, 161–64, 186–87

Silicon Valley disruption of, 16

synthetic intellect takeover of, 201–2. See also financial system

labor market


economies of scale, 100

Edison, Thomas, 41, 192

Education Equity, Inc., 157

education system, 45, 153–58

failure in job preparation of, 157–58

learning vs. training and, 153, 157

replacement of teachers by synthetic intellects and, 151

work sequence and, 13, 153

Edwards, Stephen A., 114

Egypt, ancient, 115–16

elderly people, 168–69

electrical engineering, 41–42

electricity, 41, 46, 47

electromagnetic radiation, 41

electronic domain, 40, 41–45, 46, 62, 203

human competition with, 73–75

stock transactions moved to, 52

surveillance by, 9, 64–75. See also computers

Ellison, Larry, 115

emissions trading (cap and trade), 168

empathy, 81, 82

employees. See labor market; workplace

Energy Star program, 178

entrepreneurship, 44, 95–96, 200, 223–24n15

environmental protection, 168, 195

Environmental Protection Agency, 168, 178

equal opportunity, 170

estate planning, 146–47, 175

ethics, 9–10, 74–75, 79, 81–82, 87. See also moral agency

European Union, 143

Experience Music Project Museum (Seattle), 114

expertise, 22–23, 29

expert systems (computer programs), 23

Facebook, 48

face-recognition capability, 40

Fairchild Semiconductor, 223–24n15

FairDocument, 146–47

Fair Labor Standards Act (1917), 171

fairness, 74–75, 102, 162–63

families. See households

farmworkers: forged laborer replacement of, 39, 133–34, 143–44

historical average income of, 164, 222n3

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 45

federal government. See government

specific departments and agencies

Federal Housing Administration (FHA),

insurance program, 223n10

Federal Reserve Board, 171–72, 174

financial system, 45, 51–53, 57–58, 102

government programs, 168–69, 178

reinvestment vs. spending and, 117. See also assets ownership; stock markets

fines, 88, 90

firefighters, 44, 46

First Amendment, 90

Fitch Ratings, 178

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, “The Rich Boy,” 109

“Flash Crash of 2010” (stock market plunge), 8–9, 61–63

Forbes magazine, 109, 113

forged laborers (robots), 3, 5, 35–48

advanced technologies and, 38–48

anthropomorphic bias and, 11, 24, 36–37, 87

capabilities of, 6, 38–48, 84–86, 90, 143

corporate investments in, 177

criminal acts and, 40, 85–86, 90

flexible systems of, 46–48

future uses of, 47–48

as independent agents, 91–92

labor market effects from, 10–12, 13, 134, 143–45

legal responsibility for actions of, 84–85

moral discretion and, 81

need for controls for, 203–4

paired with synthetic intellects, 6, 135

potential ownership of other robots by, 200

primitive precursors to, 39

sensor network for, 42–43, 44

slave status parallel with, 86

401K plans, 182

free market. See market forces

free speech protection, 90

Fremer, Michael, 193

Friedman, Milton, 101, 157

“The Role of Government in Education,” 157

fundamental analysis investing, 62

fundamentalists, 163

futures contract, 97

Gates, Bill, 118

GDP, 168, 176, 196

growth rate, 176

genetically modified organisms, 203

Gini, Corrado, 179

“Variabilità e mutabilità,”179

Gini coefficient, 179–80

global warming, 131, 158

Goldman Sachs, 170

Google, 48, 67, 144

government, 4, 16, 57, 58

consumer information and, 178

corporate ownership and, 14

economic incentives and, 177

job mortgage loans proposal and, 153–54, 157

public assets ownership and, 180

social welfare and, 167–70, 171, 173, 182, 183–84

government bonds, 178

GPS (Global Positioning System), 6, 22, 46, 141, 142

grocery stores, 99, 145

happiness, 164

healthcare. See medical care

heat map, 71

hedge funds, 57

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, 213–14n9

Hendrix, Gary, 27, 28

Hendrix, Jimi, 114

heuristics, 22–23

HFT (high-frequency trading), 52, 53–57, 61–63, 79, 91, 106, 213–14n9

critique of, 55–57, 75, 106

as online retailing pricing model, 97–98

sharp market drop and, 8–9, 61–63

highway driving, 141–42

safety and, 44–45, 142, 178

Hilton, Paris, 171

Hines, Douglas, 144–45

homeownership, 167–68, 174

mortgage terms, 13, 14, 164, 176

hours of work, 171–72

households: average annual investment income, 176

average net worth, 174, 176

median income, 126, 171, 172

number of working adults, 172–73

retirement effects, 174

self-driving car effects, 196

house painting, 39, 43–44

housework, 6, 39, 145

Housing and Urban Development Department, 167

housing market, 136–37, 167–68, 223n10

human agency: moral choices, 80–92

synthetic intellect encroachment on, 72–75, 205–8

human intelligence: aesthetic production and, 208

brain function and, 23–24, 36

computer simulation of, 19–20, 197–99

goals and, 87–88

nature of, x–xi, 3, 4

synthetic intellects vs., 36, 52, 54, 57, 73–75, 106, 200, 208–9

Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 113

Hwang, Tim, 148

IBM: artificial intelligence development, 19–20, 30

Watson computer program, 31, 36, 150, 198–99, 206

“imitation game” (Turing Test), 197–98

income: farmworker historical average, 164, 222n3

median average household, 126, 171, 172. See also assets ownership


income inequality, 3, 12, 164–87

Gini coefficient measurement of, 179–80

redistribution approaches to, 169–70, 174, 176–87. See also wealth

Industrial Perception, Inc., 144

Industrial Revolution, 12, 15

inflation rate, 173, 175

information technology, 42, 48, 53, 54, 99–103

fast-paced advances in, 12, 25–26, 45, 46

professions using, 145–51

Ingram Book Group, 96, 97, 98

innovation, 158, 186–87

different reactions to, 161–64

Institutional Shareholder Services, 78

Intel, 26

intelligence: shift in meaning of, 198. See also artificial intelligence

human intelligence

synthetic intellects Internet, 28, 29, 41–42, 64, 65, 148

commercial uses of, 95, 96, 148

free flow of information, 99. See also websites

internships, 156

investment banking, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 95, 170

investments. See assets ownership

stock markets

IP addresses, 28

iPhone, 46, 198

IRAs (individual retirement accounts), 169

Jain, Kapil, 213n7

Jennings, Ken, 30, 150

Jeopardy! (TV quiz show), 30, 36, 150, 198–99

job mortgage loans proposal, 13–15, 153–57

jobs. See labor market

John, George, 70, 72

Johnson, Lyndon B., 167

Kaiser Permanente, 214n8

Kennedy, John F., ix

Keynes, John Maynard, “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren,” 186

kitchen equipment, multipurpose, 46–47

Kiva Systems, 135

Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers, 95

knowledge engineers, 23

Komisar, Randy, 218n15

Labor Department, 157

labor market, 119–27

advanced technology and, 191

alternatives to paid work and, 185–86

autonomous systems as threat to, 10–12, 20, 126–27, 131–58

average salary and, 116

competition for jobs and, 121–25

conventional economics and, 12

education-work sequence and, 13, 153, 157–58

excess workers and, 158

exclusions from, 170–71

federal measures and, 170, 171–72

historical comparisons and, 115–16, 164, 222n3

job skills and (see skills)

letters of intent to hire and, 14, 154, 155

predictions about, 138–39, 140

reasons for working and, 184–85

salaries and, 116, 120, 145

tectonic shifts in, 133–35

turnover (2013) in, 137

workday standardization and, 171

work incentives and, 184–85

working adult statistics and, 172–74, 176. See also income inequality


laissez-faire, 216n6

language. See words, shifting meanings of

language recognition, 27–28

Lanier, Jaron, 7

law enforcement. See crime; legal system

law school, 145, 148–49

Law School Admissions Council, 145

lawyers, 145–49, 151

learning. See education system; machine learning

legal system, 10, 98, 99, 195

liability and, 83–86, 91

moral agency and, 80, 87

objectives of, 88

personhood and, 72–75, 199–200, 215n9

research tools, 147. See also lawyers

leisure time, 174

letters of intent, 14, 154, 155

liability, 83, 91

apportionment of, 84, 85–86

liberals, 162–63

licenses, 89

Lidar (3D radar), 141

life expectancy, 169

lifeguards, robotic, 46

line standing, 74

living standards, disparity in, 165–66

loans. See mortgages

locality constraints, 40, 41–48

long-haul trucking, 141–42

Lopez, Elvia, 143

Los Angeles Times, 143

LPs (vinyl records), 193

luxury items, 117–18, 165–66

machine learning (neural networking), 3, 4–5, 24–25, 29–31, 147

advances in, 38–39, 152

data analysis speed and, 53, 68, 103–4

ethical codes and, 82, 87

example of, 29

symbolic systems vs., 24, 29

unlimited potential for, 30, 141

machines: robots as enhanced, 37–38

thought capability of, 3, 197–98, 207

Machine Vision, 152

MapReduce, 51

Marconi, Guglielmo, 41

market forces, 4, 13, 14, 55–56, 63, 103, 156

marketing, 64–75

Marx, Karl, 10–11

McCarthy, John, x, 19, 35

medical care, 11, 35, 149–51, 169, 170

billing system, 100, 101

forged laborers and, 5, 6, 36

medical equipment, 89

Medicare/Medicaid, 169

megapixels, 65

memory (computer), 26–29, 31, 45

Microsoft, 114

middle class, 115, 118, 173

military, 40, 116

Minsky, Marvin, 35

MIT, 24–25, 35, 38

MIT Technology Review, 196

ML. See machine learning

mobile robotics, 152

monopolies, 98, 102

Montgomery Securities, 115

Moody’s rating, 117, 178

Moore, Gordon, 26

moral agency, 13, 79–92, 105–6, 199–200, 205–6

characterization of, 79–80

Morgan Stanley, 52–53

mortgages, terms of, 13–15, 153–57, 164, 176

MR (mobile robotics), 152

municipal bonds, 177

music, changing meanings of, 192–94, 198

Nakamoto, Satoshi, 202

Nastor, Emmie, 119, 120–26, 157–58, 173

national debt, 176

National Guard, 46

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 178

national parks, 180

natural disasters, 8

neural networking. See machine learning

neurons, 23, 27, 29

programmable, 24

New York Times, 170

Occupy Wall Street, 170

oil spill (2010). See BP oil spill

online sales, 7, 90, 136, 177–78, 181–82

advertising and, 64–76, 132

employment effects of, 139–40, 142

product reviews and, 55, 143. See also Amazon, 96

Oracle, 114–15

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health) rules, 37

Own Your Own Home program, 168

Oxford University, 152

Pandora, 16

paralegals, 148

part-time work, 185

pattern recognition, 25, 55

payroll taxes, 14, 154

PBI. See public benefit index

Pearson, Harry, 193

pension funds, 12, 14

Perlman, Steve, 127

personal public transit. See autonomous vehicles

personhood, 90, 215n9

corporations vs. synthetic intellects, 199–200

persuasion, 70, 136

pharaoh (ancient Egypt), 115–16

philanthropy, 58, 113, 118–19

phonograph, invention of, 192

pictures: AI recognition of, 39

website links to, 65

pixels, 65, 66

pollution reduction, 168, 195

poverty, 3, 12, 15

preceptrons (programmatic neurons), 24

prepaid cell phone cards, 55

prices: advertising space bids, 69, 70, 71

Amazon practices, 97–105

automation effects on, 73, 132

comparison of, 14, 54, 100–101

public-interest systems and, 56

stock fluctuations (see stock markets)

Princeton University, 113

productivity, 12, 132, 136

professions, 11, 145–46, 157

professors, 11, 151

profits, 55, 72, 103

progressives, 163–65

prostitutes, 40, 144–45

protein folding research, 58

psychopaths, 79–80

public benefit index (PBI), 14, 15, 180–81, 182

public interest, 56, 163–65, 169, 178

public service, 58, 114, 184, 185

public transit. See autonomous vehicles

PUMA (programmable universal manipulator for assembly), 35

punishment, 86, 87–88, 90–91

pyramids (Egypt), 115–16

quality of life, 167–69, 173, 174

quantum physics, 213–14n9

queues, 74

QuickTime, 127

racial discrimination, 89, 168, 222n10

radio, 16, 41–42

signals adjustment, 127

spectrum allocation, 45

waves transmission, 41

recession (2009), 113, 117–18, 120

recordings, 192

remote control, 12, 43

repetitive tasks, 6, 39

resource allocation, 73–75

retail sales: Amazon as marketplace for, 99, 101–2

comparison shoppers and, 54, 100

job market predictions and, 138–39, 140

job skills and, 142–43

luxury items and, 117–18, 165–66

physical stores and, 7, 16, 48, 97, 139 (see also Walmart)

revenue per employee, 139

shipping and, 100, 101, 141. See also consumer behavior

online sales; prices

retirement, 12, 14, 117, 170, 174

income generation for, 169, 174–75, 177, 182–84

line between pre- and post-, 184. See also Social Security

rights, of human vs. artificial person, 199–200

risk, 8, 55, 55–56, 137

government rating of, 178

Robot, Robot, and Hwang (law firm),147–48

robotic arm, 6, 35

robots. See forged laborers

Rochester, Nathaniel, 19

Rockefeller, John D., 200

Rocket Fuel, 64–65, 67–71, 136

founding/current worth of, 72

Rolling Stone (magazine), 170

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 170

Rosenblatt, Frank, 24

Rothschild, Nathan Mayer, 58

R202 (mechanical factotum), 40

Rutter, Brad, 150

SAAS (software-as-a-service), 43

safety: autonomous vehicles, 89, 142, 195

commercial pilots, 151

highway, 44–45, 142, 178

traffic, 195

workplace, 37–38, 44–45

salaries, 116, 120, 145, 172

salespeople, 139

S&P 500 E-mini, 62

San Francisco State University, 121, 158

sanitation, 169

savings. See assets ownership Scheinman, Victor, 35

schools. See education system

Schrodinger’s cat, 213n9

science, ix, 114

science fiction, ix–x, xii

Seattle, 114

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 8, 61–62, 63

segregation, 168, 222n10

self-driving vehicles. See autonomous vehicles

self stocking, 40

sensors, 194, 205

applications of, 4, 5

network of, 42–43, 44

recognition by, 39

sex workers and toys, 144–45

Shaw, Dave (King Quant), 51–53, 58, 95, 96, 97, 103

shipping, 39

costs of, 100, 101

delivery and, 141–42, 177

“free,” 101

warehouse stacking and, 144

ShotSpotter system, 43

Silicon Valley startups, x–xi, 64–65, 95–96, 127, 144, 223–24n15

disruption of industries by, 16

personal wealth from, 109

restricted stock vesting by, 184

Simon, Paul, 112

simulated intelligence. See synthetic intellects

“siren servers,” 7

Siri (Apple iPhone app), 198

skills, 119–26, 163

obsolescence of, 132, 134, 136–38, 142–43, 152, 153, 158

training to acquire, 13, 14, 132–33, 153–57

Slave Codes, 86

slave self-purchase, 201

smartphones, 105, 115–16

fast-paced innovation and, 26–27, 28, 31, 46, 198

social behavior, 9, 10, 37, 42, 48

fairness and, 74–75

synthetic intellects as threats to, 72–75, 91–92, 199–200

wealth and, 109–10, 114–15. See also moral agency

social class. See class

Social Security, 14, 169, 173–75

private investing vs., 182–85

social status, 117

software-as-a-service (SAAS), 43

solar power, 44

song identification, 39

sound recognition, 39, 42–43

Sousa, John Phillip, 208

“The Menace of Mechanical Music,” 192–93

space exploration, ix, 114, 116, 207

sports, 114–15, 161–63

Sputnik, ix

SRI International, 27

Standard & Poor’s, 178

standard of living, 165–66

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab, x–xi, 27, 35, 38, 51, 52–53, 72, 85

Stanford Legal Informatics course, 148–49

Star Trek (TV series), x, 16

stockholders, 14–15, 58, 174–78

family members vs. diverse base of, 177, 178, 181–82

restricted vesting and, 184. See also assets ownership

stock markets: “buy low, sell high” maxim, 53, 54

computer-programmed trading decisions, 52, 53–58, 61–63, 74, 90, 91, 95, 97, 98, 106

fundamental analysis approach to, 62

putative purpose of, 58

sharp drop (2010) in, 8–9, 61–63

strawberry pickers, 143

structural programming, 20–21

structural unemployment, 137

student loans, job mortgage loans vs., 156

Super Bowl, 161–62, 186

Supreme Court, U.S., 90, 215n9

surgery, 6, 35

surveillance, 9, 64–75, 91

swarm robotics, 44

Symantec, 27

symbolic systems, 21–22, 25, 29

predefinition of symbols, 24

synthesizer (music), 194

synthetic intellects, 5–11, 20, 197–209

Amazon building of, 103–6, 134–35

as artificial people, 90, 198

assets ownership and, 90–91, 199–200

capabilities of, 5, 6, 70, 134, 141, 146–48, 151, 199–201

competitive advantage of, 106, 161–62, 186, 187

corporation parallels with, 90, 91, 199–200

crime capability of, 87–89

danger potential of, 7–11, 40, 72–75, 199–208

IBM’s Watson as, 26, 30, 31, 36, 150, 198

individuality of, 88

legal personhood of, 90–91, 199–200

machine learning programs and, 87

moral agency of, 80–92, 105–6, 199–200, 205–6

realism of, 197

remote control of, 12

taxes, 170, 175, 177, 180–81

incentives, 14, 15, 154, 167, 183

taxi services, 16

technological revolution, 29–30. See also specific applications

television, 41–42

thinking: machine capability for, 3, 197–99

shifted meaning of, 198

3D radar (Lidar), 141

Thurlow, Edward, 87

Ticketmaster, 73–74

Torrance, Mark, 64, 67, 70–71, 72

Tracking Angle (music magazine), 193

traffic-control systems, 45

training. See skills; vocational training

transportation. See autonomous vehicles

Transportation Department, 44–45

Trebek, Alex, 36

truck deliveries, 141–42

TrueCompanion, 144–45

trusts, 117, 200

Turing, Alan, 197–98, 199

“Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” 197, 198

Turing Test, 197–98

2001: A Space Odyssey (film), x

Uber, 16

unemployment, 3, 12, 13, 120, 136–37, 169–74

BLS definition of, 170

cyclical, 136–37, 219n5

factors in, 142, 172–73

as personal choice, 170–71, 177, 185

public interest and, 164

rise in (1995–2012), 172

structural, 137

two categories of, 170–71

University of Michigan, 99

University of Pennsylvania, 99

USA Cycling, bailout of, 115

vaccines, 169

VCR (TV recording device), 46

videos, AI recognition of, 39

viewthrough attribution, 70

vinyl records, 193

virtual law office, 148

viruses, computer, 202–3

vocational training: employer collaboration with, 13, 14, 153–54

general education vs., 153–57

volunteer work. See public service

V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle communications protocol), 45

Waddell & Reed, 61–62

wages. See income; salaries

Wall Street, 51–53, 57–58, 95

Walmart, 139–40, 142–43

average revenue per employee, 139, 177

employee numbers, 116

warehouses, 101–2, 134–35

box unloading, 39

chaotic storage tracking, 135, 144

Waterloo, battle of (1815), 58

water quality, 168

Watson (IBM AI computer program), 26, 31, 36, 39, 150, 198

Watson Research Lab (IBM), 19

wealth, 3, 12, 109–19, 127, 132

from assets ownership, 14–15, 174–76

benefits of, 165–66

civic responsibility and, 58

disparities in, 164–65, 169–70, 176, 180–87

distribution of, 186

factors in creating, 12

fairer distribution of, 86–87

Forbes ranking of, 109, 113

HFT program transfer of, 57, 91

lifestyle embodiments of, 57, 109, 110–11, 112, 114

luxury item sales and, 117–18, 165–66

philanthropy and, 58, 113, 118–19

power from, 114–15

reinvestment vs. spending of, 117

super-wealthy and, 11, 111–13, 116–19, 118–19, 164–65

synthetic intellects’ accumulation of, 91–92

top 1 percent holders of, 11, 111–13

worker median salary and, 116

websites: advertising sale of space on, 64–72

electronic surveillance of visits to, 9, 64–75

individually targeted ads, 64–75

user identifier, 65, 66

WebTV, 127

weeding, 144

Weisel, Thom, 115

welfare recipients, 170

Wellington, Duke of, 58

Wellpoint, 150

wide-area high-bandwidth wireless communication, 126–27

wildfire extinguishers, 44, 119, 122–23, 124

wireless communications, 45

words, shifted meanings of, 191–92, 198, 203

workforce. See labor market

working poor, 119–21

working women, 172

work-life balance, 171

workplace, 48

robot danger potential, 37–38

WPA (Works Progress Administration), 170

Yahoo, 67

Yeats, William Butler, 48

Zandi, Mark, 117

Zuckerberg, Mark, 223n15