author’s note

Though this book is a work of fiction, The Accidental Alchemist is based on fascinating historical facts that were too good not to run with in fiction.

Dorian’s “father,” Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, was a French stage magician who lived from 1805 to 1871. He’s considered the father of modern magic, for donning formal attire and moving magic from the streets into theaters. The biographical information in the book is true—including the facts that Robert-Houdin was a clockmaker who stumbled across magic by accident, and that he was asked by the French government to avert a crisis in Algeria. He helped convince Algerian rebels called the Marabouts that his “magic” was more powerful than that of local Marabout elders, therefore impressing the Algerian mullah leaders and helping the French cause. Fiction takes over where Dorian enters his life; his autobiography does not include anything about bringing a stone gargoyle to life.

French architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc (1814–1879) was a contemporary of Robert-Houdin. Viollet-le-Duc is famous for restoring Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, not only repairing it but also bringing new life to the cathedral. It was he who added the gallery of gargoyles—technically “grotesques” or “chimeras” because they don’t serve as functional water spouts.

I took the liberty of making the two men friends and having Viollet-le-Duc give a prototype stone gargoyle to Robert-Houdin as a gift. As far as history has recorded, no such exchange took place.

Nicolas Flamel was a fourteenth-century bookseller and scrivener in Paris. He and his wife Perenelle donated large sums of money to charity, which Nicolas claimed was gold he had acquired through alchemy. The two lived exceptionally long lives for their time, and when their graves were exhumed years later, no bodies were found.

Many early scientists were alchemists who practiced their craft in secret. Isaac Newton was one such scientist who carried out alchemical experiments secretly, and it’s speculated that a nervous breakdown Newton suffered may have been caused by mercury poisoning.


The Accidental Alchemist is very much my “cancer book.” The month after my thirty-sixth birthday, I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. The Elixir of Life was a powerful idea during that time, as was life transformation in general. For National Novel Writing Month during the year of my cancer treatments, I wrote a draft that became The Accidental Alchemist.

I’ve always loved all things mysterious, and have been fascinated by gargoyles from an early age. I run the Gargoyle Girl blog of mysterious photography ( and had toyed with the idea of writing a gargoyle as a minor character in a book or a short story. When I began jotting down notes about Dorian, he refused to stay in the shadows.

The cooking thread of the book emerged because my husband and I had recently moved from a tiny apartment to a house with a large kitchen and a little bit of land in the backyard. A passionate gardener, my husband planted an organic vegetable garden. I took cooking classes, wanting to take advantage of the biggest kitchen I’d ever had, as well as the herbs and vegetables we were growing. I didn’t expect it, but I fell in love with cooking.

After my cancer diagnosis made me take charge of my health, I taught myself to cook vegan meals from scratch that were just as good as—and often better than—anything I’d eaten before. Through a combination of more classes and experimentation, I discovered tricks that transformed foods into decadent savories without using bacon. Once I’d done that, I knew I was ready to write a book involving cooking.

I hope you enjoy the transformations in The Accidental Alchemist. Recipes, like life, aren’t set in stone, so definitely try out your own variations on the recipes I’ve included here. Since this book takes place during the winter, the foods in this book are seasonal winter foods. Next time around, it’ll be springtime …

In the meantime, you can find more information, including how to get in touch with me, at I love hearing from readers.