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Neues Palais

Am Neuen Palais @ 605, 606, 695 # Apr–Oct: 10am–6pm Wed–Mon; Nov–Mar: 10am–5pm Wed–Mon spsg.de

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t The entrance to the Neues Palais is through the gate on the western façade

The stunning New Palace was designed to be an impressive display of Prussia’s glory and power after its victory in the Seven Years’ War.

This imposing Baroque palace, on the main avenue in Park Sanssouci, was built at the request of Frederick the Great. The initial plans were prepared in 1750 by Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff. However, construction only began in 1763, after the Seven Years’ War, to a design by Johann Gottfried Büring, Jean Laurent Le Geay and Carl von Gontard. The result was a vast two-storey building, decorated with hundreds of sculptures and more than 200 richly adorned rooms, which together make up one of Germany’s most beautiful palaces.

Beyond The Centre Neues Palais

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t Neues Palais, built after the Seven Years’ War

Did You Know?

The palace was rarely used as a royal residence, but instead hosted guests for celebrations.

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Baroque Nights

For a few evenings in the summer, the Ba roque era is brought back to life during the annual Potsdam Palace Nights. Brilliant lights trans form Park Sans souci into a magical world of music, theatre and history.